Home » Contra Costa Sheriff’s Office Cites Church For Violating Health Officer Order

Contra Costa Sheriff’s Office Cites Church For Violating Health Officer Order


At about 12:32 p.m. on Sunday, April 12, 2020, the Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff received an anonymous complaint of an unlawful assembly at the All Nations Church of God in Christ at 1225 York Street in North Richmond. 

A Deputy responded to the location and saw approximately 40 people inside the church. None of them were wearing a face mask and they did not practice social distancing, according to the Sheriff’s Office.

The Deputy first spoke to the deacon and asked to speak to the pastor who was in front of the parishioners. The pastor was uncooperative and refused to talk to the Deputy, the Sheriff’s Office said.

On April 13, 2020, a Deputy responded to the church and issued a misdemeanor citation for violation of the Health Officer order.


The Sheriff’s Office later filed a case with the Contra Costa District Attorney’s Office for prosecution. 

“Our focus has been on education of the Health Officer Order and in the vast majority of cases we ask for voluntary compliance and that solves the problem,” said Contra Costa Sheriff David Livingston. “This was different. The pastor refused to cooperate and put the lives of dozens of parishioners at risk.” 

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Churches will mobilize their congregations if it will help them re-open. So why not encourage some common sense protocols. For example:

1. Train ushers to take temperatures at the door using no-contact thermometers. Also consider testing and studying the virus and antibodies at church sites.

2. Let families to sit together in pews if they occupy the same residence. The six foot rule could still be in place for individuals.

3. Many churches are sewing cotton face masks to donate to hospitals and the needy. Face masks could be issued at the door to worshippers if they can’t afford to buy them or if they simply can’t find them.

Faith, prayers, adaptabiliy and creativity can be powerful forces.

Why is it that you can go to Costco, safeway and a plethora other places but we can’t go the church! It’s wrong. I get all the social distancing but seems like they’re being very selective and taking our right to worship away. Crap.

You should be recalled for violating your oath to defend the 1st Amendment. This will go to the higher courts. This lawsuit will cost the county a lot of money. Be smart and withdrawal, Livingston.

Don’t be ridiculous. The government can stop people from congregating due to a pandemic. Under normal circumstances, it would also be illegal to tell the public to stay home and to close businesses. These aren’t normal circumstances. Healthcare workers are risking their lives to care for people who have this terrible virus. We don’t need another 40 people to end up in the hospital, taking up valuable and scarce resources because they wanted to ignore public health orders. They are also putting countless others at risk, including the first responders and healthcare workers who could end up taking care of them. Pray from home. Join a Zoom prayer group. Don’t put your own and public health at risk.

@Ari The first responders and healthcare workers have all the PPE, including all the masks. What is everybody else supposed to do? Looks like the only thing they can do is get together and pray, Oh, but they’re not allowed to do even that! It amazes me the people here who think the entire world is on the computer. Many can’t afford computers, or internet service, and many others just don’t want it, especially video groups. Maybe you’re in love with the medium, but that doesn’t mean every body else is.

Sorry Ari there is no provision for that in the constitution. Nobody has told you to stay home with any authority. You have been asked and urged strongly to distance yourself. The sheriff chose to enforce an unlawful order, that makes the county subject to federal lawsuits. Period.

Ignore social distancing, come to church and meet God sooner.

What Cracker said. Gittyup is clueless.

In United States constitutional law, police power is the capacity of the states to regulate behavior and enforce order within their territory for the betterment of the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of their inhabitants.[1] Police power is defined in each jurisdiction by the legislative body, which determines the public purposes that need to be served by legislation.[2] Under the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, the powers not delegated to the Federal Government are reserved to the states or to the people. This implies that the Federal Government does not possess all possible powers, because most of these are reserved to the State governments, and others are reserved to the people.

I’ve been out of the house since this whole thing first started twice to go to the Post Office and twice to go grocery shopping. Maybe you all need to get the clues because you appear to be completely unaware that for some, church is their social support group. It provides for their mental and spiritual health as well as providing physical health benefits. I don’t attend church, but I can understand the critical importance it plays in the lives of others. You appear to be the selfish, self-centered ones who would deny them that consolation and fail to see their point of view. If you are so concerned about your own well-being and the well being of your loved ones to the exclusion of everyone else, JUST STAY HOME! It’s that simple.

How are people still not understanding what is going on? Facepalm

Lawsuit. I would really appreciate our sheriff not engaging in conduct that will end up in easily won civil rights lawsuits. Our county money is gonna get real tight soon. No need to cause millions to be paid out, all they have to do is follow the constitution and bill of rights. Come on guys it’s not that hard plus you took an oath.

Unfortunately businesses are in partnership with the state, so yes they have the ability to shut you down. It’s called fascism. I would never open a business in California.

They might lose that lawsuit. 108RS

They may win that lawsuit.. see how that works?

The pastor did not put anyone at risk. The people who voluntarily drove to the church and did not practice social distance or wear a mask put their own lives at risk. People can be at fault for their own decisions.

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Yeah. I believe the customers are, if they aren’t wearing their masks or performing their “social distance”. On the same token, I guess the pastor (or business) could have mandated all patrons wear masks/gloves/whatever or refuse entry. But ultimately I feel people make their own decisions so they are responsible for themselves and not the business owner.

T-Rex, I agree with you. People have the right to put their own lives at risk. People engage in risky behavior all the time that may result in injury or death. The issue here is slightly different. Those parishioners may become infected, show no signs of infection and then go spread the disease to others who may become symptomatic and die.

In California, we have the right to consume alcohol. We do not, however, have the right to consume excessive amounts of alcohol and drive a car. Similarly, we have the right to free speech but we do not have the right to yell “fire” in a crowded theater. The supreme court has routinely placed limits on our constitutional rights, balancing the rights of the individual with the rights of others.

The problem is their poor decisions impact all of us. Let’s say one person there is sick and gets the rest sick. Those people then go out to grocery stores and are touching things. This gets other people sick. Their stupid decisions impact all of us. Do what most of us are doing, and worship through a video streaming service.

Wow actually the pastor AND those dumb people who decided to go all into that church put more then themselves at risk!!! Because you KNOW They will be going shopping and other places too, and they will be putting THOSE innocent people at risk and those people are are probably out shopping for just essential stuff. They didn’t choose to go to church with a bunch of people they like those dumb asses. They can pray and watch services on the tv or computer or by themselves with their family SAFELY. 🤷🏻‍♀️They are no better than anyone else

This probably won’t be ending well for the pastor.

I would like to see them enforce such violations during RAMADAN!

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I believe the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca was canceled this year.

The Pastor knew Prayer is urgent at this crucial time and he was willing to take the risk and help people in need, regardless, Charges will be dropped or more lawsuits for Newsom the Catholic Rebel and the State of California.

What kind of logic is that? Clearly it is against the law what the Pastor did. He will not be able to do that again. He was leading his flock into danger obviously. No our Governor Gavin Newsom is not a Catholic rebel and he will not have a lawsuit or will the state. Dear Auntie Barbara, you are mistaken and have it in for our Governor who is brilliant and has made very wise decisions concerning the Pandemic. You should be very thankful he is looking after our best interests.

Children die when parents refuse biomedical service and call in priests to “pray it away.” Prayer may be urgent in your fictional religion, but please stay at home to do it so your prayers don’t kill others.

Pray from home. God does not care if you do it from home, church, or mars. It’s all about your relationship with him. If you believe in other things or are spiritual please pray or council with them from home

@Popcorn You must have missed it, but Newsom has called himself “a Catholic rebel,” so that is pretty much how he sees himself. Clearly it isn’t “against the law” to gather and pray. In fact, it is a right guaranteed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights of the United States of America. You might want to read them sometime.

The pastor actually had a signed permission slip…it’s called the constitution.

Religious kooks are gonna do what religious kooks do. That’s always been going on and there’s not a lot you can do about it. Whether it’s the Jonestown Massacre, the Heaven’s Gate mass suicide, or the current Easter Coronavirus Infection Parties, leaders have always lead their flocks to a better place. It’s kind of the main selling point of religion: Life can be challenging, but boy oh boy are things going to be awesome when you’re dead, and we’ll help you get there. …oh…and we need money…

@Aunt Barabara. If he really cared about his flock, he would hold church on line. I think it was more about passing the contribution basket.
@popcorn, Newsome is far from brilliant, his leadership is one of the reasons California is taxed so heavily and property crime and pooping on the streets (SF) is at an all time high. He does what he wants, the last I checked California voters passed the death penalty and he repealed it, now that’s not very democratic.


“Clearly it is against the law what the Pastor did.”

What law? Chapter and verse, please. Local, state and federal legislatures make laws, after a period of debate and revision. Please tell me what law the Pastor broke.

Your fundamental misunderstanding of how this country works tells us how eager you are to be ruled and subjugated.

@popcorn – Anyone who thinks Gavin is brilliant is nothing more than a dope.

@old fart
how right you are. post of the day right there.

Start here: It’s a ton of reading; make yourself a pot of coffee.
All enforceable law(s); like it or not. HOWEVER… The DA will never prosecute or will she???? (Depends on her personal gain///my opinion)

1) California Health and Safety Code § 120295, et seq.
2) California Health and Safety Code § 101040, et seq.
3) California Health and Safety Code § 120175, et seq.
4) California Government Code § 26602, et seq.
5) California Government Code § 41601, et seq
6) California Health and Safety Code § 101029,et seq.

7) The actual order:

A muni code is not a law.


I’ve read the order and carry a printed copy of it with me. Tell me, which of your citations speak to the constitutionality of the order?


That’s not what you asked, constitutionality won’t be decided until the process moves along the system

You better make that pot decaf…. You’ve a lot of reading to do… And I don’t want you to feel anxious.

In the end I do agree with you on this one, but who are we???

This country is most likely going to have a revolution and a good number of people striking to overthrow our overbearing government.
Shut the country down stupid stupid stupid.
Civil unrest is right around the corner and there aren’t enough law enforcement or military to stop it.
I cannot believe how many people just bow down and let the government run over them and the Constitution.
The downfall of the USA is on its way…

This is the revolution. Do not call for civil unrest.

The sheriffs office will have to answer this question, what gave them the authority to deny these people their constitutional rights. The sheriffs office is in deep you know what?
They took an oath to uphold the constitution. They violated that oath!

“Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God”. -Paul of Tarsus in Romans 13:1

Oh snap. I thought the few of things I’m an authority on were because I passed the test and got the certificate. Now I know my authority comes from God. I’m going to approach work differently now. My coworkers may not like the change.

What about cops violating the Fourth amendment, unlawful seizure. I understand gyms being closed to the members, but not letting the owner workout in his own gym by himself. This does not exposed anyone. Cops need to look at the spirit of the order and not strict enforcement. The Church violated the spirit.

David Livingston, This is a no win situation. Please urge your DA to not proceed. This could potentially drag out for years and end up at SCOTUS. In this instance discretion is certainly the better part of valor.

Our DA does not need any urging to not prosecute cases. That’s pretty much what she is all about.



Pain is coming 😉

Pain is coming 😉

Pain is coming 😉

Pain is coming 😉

Enter the P.O.S. lawyer john burris. This is obviously a civil rights violation.

Naw, the Pastor needs a good attorney.

The sheriff’s office will be fine. When an outbreak happens among the people attending, The pastor should be sued and the people denied treatment for their own stupidity.
Personal responsibility ? Right?
Maybe the pastor can pay for any treatment needed for anybody that contracts the disease as a result of attending his temporarily suspended activities .
Why should any of my tax dollars go to treatment for people committing actions known to be hazardous?

Why should my tax dollars go to paying lawsuits because our sheriff couldn’t follow his oath to uphold the constitution?

The lawsuit against the Sheriff will wont even make to trial. It’ll be tossed out.
The sheriff is enforcing a legal order.
Why would you answer a question with a question?
Where is your logical rebuttal?

“The sheriff is enforcing a legal order.”

According to who? What judicial body has examined the order and determined it Constitutional?

And they wonder why Covid 19 is hitting certain segments of the population harder than others…Hmmmm??? Are more segments more susceptible or are they just not listening?????
What ever happened to personal accountability???

Do you mean democrat strongholds? What are you implying?

I would be more direct, but the mayor has a history of not posting me when I’m direct. Hopefully you are smart enough to read between the lines. It’s pretty black and white.

No. He means certain parts of the population who should be left alone in order to demonstrate natural selection in action, regardless of their political convictions.
That’s what Sweden has been doing. The only problem with their approach is that pretty soon it will be called called racist. Unsurprisingly, the vast majority of deaths in Sweden are among Somali, Iraqi and other immigrants. Who not only share a certain faith but also loathe warnings about hygiene and social distancing from people who know better (e. g. the government).

I would vote for the Swedish approach with both hands had I not known my compatriots all too well.
I know that instead of behaving like true believers and taking on the chin whatever their preferred deity has arranged for them (including an untimely death from coronavirus), at the first sign of sniffles these people run to the hospital. Where they can infect health workers, who may bring it home to their families and spread it to other innocent people, and so on and so forth.
And that is not the price I’m prepared to pay for letting Darwinism run its due course.

If you aren’t in the healthcare industry to help sick people, you need to find another occupation.

All 40 of the clowns there should have been cited as well. Looking forward to watching the prosecution of the case.

I’m looking forward to seeing if there is a spike in Covid-19 cases in the North Richmond area soon.

If the Wuhan Flu pandemic has taught us one thing it’s that police officers across the US are willing to violate our constitutional rights to protect their pensions. People will remember that when police are ordered to come for the guns.

Not all of them. Michigan sheriff will NOT follow the unconstitutional orders of the governor. Put out a statement to that effect. Let’s see if he looses his pension. US justice department is going to have a field day. Bill Barr already issued his warning on overreach.

COVID 19 or coronavirus

Ozzie, Wuhan Flu is synonymous with COVID-19. Anonymous is just making sure we don’t forget where it originated. By the way, neither Wuhan Flu nor COVID-19 are synonymous with coronavirus, but you knew that, didn’t you?

You don’t need to be a legal expert to understand “shall not be infringed “ federal lawsuits being filed as you type

Since you apparently think you are a legal expert, please show us where the phrase “shall not be infringed” appears in the First Amendment.

This is one of my favorites:

“Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

Seems like someone on Claycord is ignorant in this regard.

Look at the news in Israel, the Ultra-Orthodox Jews are congregating and the virus is spreading. BTW, I am Jewish, so forget any racist comments.


Well now, I just learned something. I did not know Jewish was a race???

Happy Friday Sir!

What does Jewish have to do with race? I can convert to Judaism. Can I convert to Hispanic, Asian, or Caucasian?

If you can convert to a female now, how far away can that possibly be?

@Chicken Little

Fair point. Which leads me to wonder – data is being compiled on how the virus affects men vs women. What about the other 37 genders?

@Rollo… Yes you can become hispanic, asian, black or white. If Michael jackson could why cant you?

Your comments are duly noted. I should have said ” don’t bother making any statements about me being anti-semitic”.

If these churches, etc are violating the order and willing to risk death, let them.
Let Darwin sort it out! You cannot fix stupid.

That’s all well and good till they each take ten other innocent people with them, and so on, and so forth.

FYI, I only like when they take themselves out.

Where have our freedoms gone?

We have relinquished them to the government under the guise of a health care emergency.

The virus is real and it’s bad. People need to take appropriate precautions.

We have let the government take control of so many aspects of our lives that America will never be the same.

Few here in CA will complain. They love the idea that the government is omnipotent.

It isn’t, of course.

Totalitarianism is a horrible way to have to live and more deadly than any virus.

I’m guessing the coffers were running dry. Pass the donation plate pastor, fill it up before the cops get here.

Socialism at work.
California is run by socialists.
God will judge the unrighteous

Not sure who you think is the righteous but my money is on the socialists.

mtzman, Che Guevara would have appreciated your endorsement.

RT, I’m not the one doing the judging …

If it was all about money, there are plenty of ways the money could have been collected other than in person. Also, I read (but cannot verify) that the offering plate was NOT passed around.

Go ahead and yell “fire!” in a movie theater. Vocally say you’re going to kill a bunch of people.
“BuT wE cAn BeCaUsE oF tHe FiRsT aMeNdMeNt!!!”
See what happens.

What if there’s a fire?

Movie theaters are privately owned. You’re not allowed to yell anything, “water”, “fire”, “earth”, “air”, etc.

If I’m watching “Prognosis Negative”, “Rochelle Rochelle”, “Sack Lunch”, “Chunnel”, “Blimp”, or “CheckMate”, I don’t care if the theatre is on fire, you’d better not interrupt my viewing pleasure or you’ll owe me a new ticket PLUS concessions.

This is sad. Pastors who care about their congregation are livestreaming their services. It was hard during Holy Week, especially Easter – but it was done responsibly. This pastor is a narcissist. He’s not serving the Lord. He’s serving himself. Sadly, narcissism at the pulpit happens. He’s not any different than the pastor in Kentucky. The church members that showed up should’ve known better. Stay home, and quit being selfish and irresponsible.

Darwin – it wasn’t about passing the basket. Churches have online contributions, and it’s easier to give online because there are more methods of payment. Churches need money to meet their operation expenses.

It’s sad that they’re suing, but I think the Sherriff is sending a strong message. Abide by the shelter in place orders, or there are consequences.

Pray from home and read you Bible. Get together with church members anyway possible except in person. If you have a relationship with God, you’ll understand. Prayers…

Yes this is right. Thank you for your intelligent and insightful remarks concerning this problem that so many people need to understand. They want it their way in their own reality. The reality is we have a dangerous pandemic that is worldwide folks. People right now are dying and suffering as we are here on this planet at this moment. What more do people need to believe. SIX FEET APART OR SIX FEET UNDER.
They will loose their case against the authorities because the law is clearly in place. You cannot endanger people by having a crowded business or church open. Duh

The airlines are filled with hundreds of people flying every minute all over the place but you can’t have 40 people in a church?

Everyone on any flight should have to prove that their flight is essential.

Good to see a church pastor along with his congregants having the courage, conviction and principles to stand their ground and celebrate “EASTER” instead of acquiescing to the political BS due to a fake pandemic simply used to instill fear in an unsuspecting and naive populace. I’d love to give each and every one of those church members a handshake and big hug. That is my kind of Church! Way to go! Regarding Jeff’s statement, if only a REAL pathogen could embrace the parliamentary members of that illegal country we all would be spared of their evil!

All right, I’ll take the bait. Seems to be my life’s calling…

“Easter” in quotes? Why? I celebrate Easter, and I’ve witnessed countless others do the same. It’s an actual thing.

“Fake Pandemic”?!?! Well, it could be a hoax. But it sure is an elaborate one. They’ve even staged fake illnesses of friends of mine in different parts of the country. Very thorough. I’m convinced. But then, I’ve always been easily duped.

I have my own criticisms of Israel, they are common ones, but I certainly don’t wish that all their lawmakers are stricken by a pathogen. I am not often at a loss for words, but I honestly have no idea what to say to that.

@ Old Fart: I put Easter in quotes because it is one of the two most important days in Christianity which is my faith. Regarding the little country stolen from the Palestinians under the “little known” and “purposely not taught”
due to a “purposely suppressed secret” known as The Transfer Agreement, I recommend you do a little research on your own. The author of the book: The Transfer Agreement” is s Jewish man named Edwin Black and he has been vilified even by his own parents for “telling the truth.” However, trust me, you better get it before Amazon scrubs it as they have all other books along with any authors writing hard facts and truths about the Holocaust, WWI, WII and the country/state stolen in 1948 and, as a subsequence, now called Israel. Also look up another book that has too been scrubbed called: Erasing The USS Liberty, a true story also not known about Israel’s attack in the year 1967 of our Naval ship the USS LIBERTY, killing 34 of its shipmates and subsequently dripping napalm on all those trying to rescue the injured and dying. The attack lasted over two hours and has been covered up by both the US and Israeli Gov’s. This little country even more so today causes mayhem and wars using our young U.S. men and women as fodder controlling our foreign-policy for their own benefits. Now you know why I endorse the use of a pathogen on these parliamentary pariahs who now control both U.S. HOUSES, too! I hope you do some research outside the mainstream. COVID19 is simply just another lie to deceive the masses as “they” implement new draconian measures and laws under the guise of “protecting us.” Next will be compulsory vaccinations and the herd will fall in line and right over the cliff. Don’t believe me? Google: The Realist Report with Dr. Lorraine Day and listen to the 1 hour podcast. Dr. Lorraine Day is now 83 years old and in the 80s and 90 was the leading AIDS researcher as a doctor in America. She is world renowned for her scientific research and expertise. Take care!

Is God everywhere or only where the collection plate is?

“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” – Matthew 6:6


I sure hope there are no deaths from that congregation. However, if there are, Mr. Burris and the other lawyers may not always pursue the civil rights angle. Perhaps they go after the church and staff for negligence; or the Sheriff for not adequately communicating the risk. Absurd isn’t it?

While many people view group congregation as a risk, there are others who smell money.

To Bobfished and others:
One of our daughters has flown 30+ years as a flight attendant. Their major airline has drastically cut flights down, and yet her huge liners are frequently flying with maybe 3 up in First and 20 in Cabin. Passengers’ names are checked against the manifest, and passengers are told “Sit wherever you like, and please maintain social distancing.”

The pastor instigated his congregation to defy a sensible statewide directive given to ALL of us as we try to protect ourselves and others from Covid-19.. His attention-grabbing displayed so-called religion and The Christ in a selfish, reprehensible way which represents the antithesis of Christianity. And their actions should not be twisted to have absolutely ANYTHING do with the 1st Amendment.

Well said.

Still violating the stay at home order.


What is “selfish” is not to think about the importance of worship to people of faith. Obviously, they were willing to give their lives to engage in it. Were that you cared about anything that much.

The saddest thing is how easily people give up their rights in the name of the public good. Are they going to do the same thing when the November election is postponed indefinitely, or you aren’t allowed to leave your house for any reason? Yup, probably. They’ll just keep rationalizing it to themselves and calling anybody who disagrees an idiot.

Some of the very same people who have been comparing Trump to Hitler are now snitching out their neighbors for having friends and family over. Let that sink in for a few.

They’ll ask for the mail-in ballots so they can keep the states blue.

@Sam. I agree with you. Our DA let the killers at the Orinda AirBnb go. Refused to prosecute, but they are gonna prosecute this church??? Get real!


While our DA Becton is a soft on crime socialist and refuses to prosecute many criminals, in the case of Orinda none of the witnesses would cooperate, there just wasn’t enough evidence……yet.


It sounds like the sheriff department gave them a chance to cooperate, but the pastor was being obstinate. He was offered a warning, but he opted for the ticket by not cooperating.

Churches across the nation are holding services in parking lots, or holding them in fields were people can stand the appropriate distance apart. Easter was celebrated across the country, but most churches did it in a responsible way.

The All Nations Church of God in Christ in Sacramento holds their services online, which in an option the Richmond branch could have followed.

Use common sense folks and please if you can leave out the politics. That pastor cannot break the law. He cannot say we are above the law for any reason as he is endangering lives.
This is a worldwide pandemic and it is the new normal here and everywhere until they develop a vaccine or at least give us tests so we know who has the virus or not. Personally, I am very careful not to expose myself or relatives to this crazy virus. I will be soooo happy when we turn the corner. Until then this sucks but we have to deal with the facts. The fact is we have this invisible monster to stay away from. If you do not believe this and are not careful I feel very sorry for you. This is serious and not to be played with. My humble opinion.

Governor Phil Murphy of New Jersey, regarding his coronavirus executive orders, “I wasn’t thinking of Bill of Rights when issuing pandemic orders”.

Ya know perhaps there was a reason our founding fathers wrote the First Amendment to the United States Constitution first.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble …”

This could make an interesting Supreme Court case.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

This country was founded by so-called religious nuts who had been persecuted for their beliefs. Freedom of Religion is in our DNA as a Country. That’s why there is no asterisk in the 1st Amendment that says that the free exercise of religion may be prohibited by the Sheriff, County Health Officer, or even the Governor. The Bill of Rights doesn’t give anyone any rights. Instead, it prohibits the government, at all levels, from infringing on the rights of its citizens.

Truth-be-told, meeting in a group like that is probably a very bad idea, but it cannot be illegal. We already imported the virus from China, there is no reason to import their religious intolerance as well.

Also the First Amendment

Congress shall make no law … prohibiting … the right of the people peaceably to assemble …”

Very well stated Cowellian. Some people seem to believe that orders or laws that run counter to constitutional restraints are somehow valid. I can’t find any evidence that the founding fathers forgot to add an asterisk followed by “If there’s a virus all of this goes out with the bath water.”

Most legitimate churches have figured out an alternative to risking COVID-19, some kind of online, zoom, YouTube. There ARE ways. God bless everyone.

You’re correct. This isn’t an attack on religious freedom. It’s a directive for the sake of public health not to meet. Church families truly care about each other, and the community. God bless everyone.

Case law says you actually CAN yell fire in a crowded theater..for the record

Prove it.

Seperation of Church ans State. The state does not have jurisdiction over the church.

Reopen Contra Costa County.

There’s going to be hell to pay when this is over. From the top down to the counties and cities and down to the individual Little Eichmanns as well.

There was so much faux outrage about a constitutional crisis a few months ago, the tyrants and hand wringers are completely unable to recognize an actual one.



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