Home » Senator Glazer To Hold Virtual Town Hall Meeting On Distance Learning And How Parents Can Help

Senator Glazer To Hold Virtual Town Hall Meeting On Distance Learning And How Parents Can Help


Senator Steve Glazer will hold a Virtual Town Hall on distance learning and what parents can do to help their children while schools are shut down by the Coronavirus/COVID-19 stay-at-home orders.

Working from home while trying to help your children keep up with their studies can be challenging, if not impossible. Even though most schools are now providing guidance to families, many parents with young children have told me they are struggling to keep their children engaged in these stressful times.

Senator Glazer’s guest will be Denise Pope, an author and lecturer at the Stanford Graduate School of Education. Pope is an expert on engaging students in their school work and has written extensively on academic stress and its consequences for students’ mental and physical health. She will share her list of tips that parents can use to make distance learning fun and productive.


You can listen to this event live on Senator Glazer’s website at https://sd07.senate.ca.gov/ beginning at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, April 14.

They have a limited number of listen-only telephone lines available at 844-291-5489. The access code is 8983204 #.

A recording will also be available after the program.

You may submit questions whether or not you intend to participate.


Recordings of Senator Glazer’s first ten Coronavirus Town Halls are on his website.

The topics are:

  • Unemployment and medical leave benefits (April 8)
  • Grocery/Pharmacy Shopping, home delivery and store curbside pick-up (April 2)
  • Small Business Relief (March 31)
  • Pet Safety (March 24)
  • Coping With Stress from the Pandemic (March 22)
  • The Unfolding Health Crisis, With Sen. Richard Pan, M.D. (March 19)
  • Food and Grocery Supply Chain and Product Shortages (March 17)
  • School Shutdowns (March 16)
  • Hospital Capacity and Preparedness (March 15)
  • The Nature of the Virus and the Public Health Response (March 10).


Bill Cutting April 14, 2020 - 11:39 AM - 11:39 AM

Cope from staying home? Lol pet safety? What a strong voter base he panders to. Only thing people really need is to get back to work hurry up and round up all the sick people and keep them away from everybody do your job and don’t try to find a way to spend more money on your yachts and luxury suites

Rob April 14, 2020 - 12:14 PM - 12:14 PM

OMG – thoughts and prayers to you.

American Citizen April 14, 2020 - 2:11 PM - 2:11 PM

Glazer needs to shut up. Stop pandering to the voters. He voted for illegal gun laws and to flood our streets with criminal illegal aliens. He is a criminal himself.

DVC Student April 14, 2020 - 2:17 PM - 2:17 PM

While I don’t have kids yet (I have strong Swimmers tho) I would never take advice from a politician on how to raise my child.

They are dishonest, misleading, divisive, have ulterior motives & enrich themselves…. regardless of Party.

Anonymous April 14, 2020 - 8:52 PM - 8:52 PM

You should be careful about making statements about “strong swimmers”:and not having children. People can put two and two together and even if their conclusion is incorrect, it will always be associated with you.

DVC Student April 15, 2020 - 3:57 PM - 3:57 PM

That went right over my head. Can you elaborate with specifics without dragging me?

Mongoose April 14, 2020 - 4:04 PM - 4:04 PM

Finally crawled out from under his desk did he ?

Gittyup April 14, 2020 - 9:45 PM - 9:45 PM


Oh, please April 14, 2020 - 7:43 PM - 7:43 PM

Maybe he can tell our lazy teachers to get off their butts and hold virtual classes. Or maybe they should not get paid for just sitting at home.

Really? April 14, 2020 - 9:14 PM - 9:14 PM

Very few of the teachers I know are actually providing instruction. Kids are getting assignments that the parents have to figure out and teach themselves while oftentimes also holding down a full time job from home. As an educator, I’m ashamed of my colleagues. They need to step up and start actually teaching kids virtually not just passing the buck. (Yes there are some rock star teachers out there, but many have totally dropped the ball here.)

Cautiously Informed April 15, 2020 - 8:18 AM - 8:18 AM

Pet safety? Coping with stress? Is he the same Steve Glazer that promised if elected he would take on BART and straighten them out? and take on special interest buying and bribing of politicians? Those were just more lies from another inept feckless California politician.

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