The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Do you think it should be mandatory for people to wear some type of mask or face covering when they’re out in public until the shelter-at-home order is over?
Talk about it.
Sure, if there was proper masks available. Not just “wrap a bandana” over your face. Right now, masks are so hard to get that it would be near impossible to enforce this.
And what would they do to enforce it here in CA, they don’t enforce most laws anyways….
It should be optional. It would be impossible to enforce, and the experts can’t agree on whether it helps, or it’s a false sense of security. The only way to avoid this is stay home.
If they’re going to say it’s mandatory, they better be handing them out to everyone.
Won’t hurt, might help. Not a problem if you are not vain and need to show everyone how wonderful you look. Even to the point of possibly getting/giving the virus.
Darned good idea, but shouldn’t be mandatory, should be common sense…
Why should it be common sense for a non-sick individual to wear a mask? Cause you live in fear?
Will you ever get in a car again? Cause an accident can kill you.
How bout cross the street? Cause someone on their cell phone may miss the stop sign/red light.
How bout fly in a plane, cause those can crash.
How bout stay in your house during a wind storm when the wind could knock over a tree into your house?
The point is, there are so MANY things out there that can kill, hurt and maim you. I for one will not wear a mask unless I am sick. I will not have my children wear one either. I do not want to live in fear. I know what is out there after spending years in WMD/CBERN and trust me when I say, this virus is not the only thing out there.
I want to ENJOY life. I want the people around me to enjoy life.
Hey Parent,
I don’t think it should be mandatory either but… do you think it spread so fast in NY by people coughing on each other? No. They didn’t know they had the virus. Voluntarily wear a mask maybe for the sake of others health. That’s what helps make a society work. It doesn’t hurt to care a little.
No, it shouldn’t be mandatory.
For one, it’s almost impossible to find a store selling them.
For two, even if I could find a store selling them, I would have to go out without a mask in order to buy one.
For three, many people are unemployed right now and have to watch their nickles and dimes.
For four, a lot of people don’t know the proper way to wear a mask or the proper way to dispose of it.
As far as homemade masks go, there are some folks who don’t have a clue on how to make one, and even if they can make one, they are clueless on what material to use, and they will still have to go to the store without a mask to purchase the material.
Another thing, I can’t count the number of times I have seen someone wearing a mask take it off with their dirty, contaminated hands.
It should be Mandatory that we no longer shake hands upon greeting people.
I grew up in a generation where if you did not shake hands, you were rude. This ‘pandemic’ will pass. We should not quit being civil with people over it.
It’s not the pandemic that is making me not want to shake hands.
Shaking hands has long been a major pathway to transmitting diseases.
Not everyone has the same immune system even though they might look healthy on the outside
If mandatory, I will be wearing a scuba mask
Had to go to a pharmacy yesterday. They would not let anyone in without a mask.
Perhaps but knowledge of care and handling of masks is greatly lacking. Have observed people I parked near put on gloves and mask they took out of a sealed plastic bag.
They proceed to do their shopping. upon getting back to their vehicle they take off their mask and gloves putting them back in the plastic bag an stowing the bag in their glove box or center console. Presumably until their next outing.
Being close to 70 am careful an cautious at work, our maintenance shop is about a dozen during day shift and we’re not wearing masks. Group meetings are thing of the past and they are stressing distancing.
It’s too bad this was not mandatory earlier all it because mask dose not help Now they are saying it best to wear mask when you are out in the public Only issue i see is there not many mask available.
I EVEN bought a mask in February just to be ready whether or not the mask helps just for my own safety. I spent $80 on the Envo mask it is a reusable mask with filter and it good for virus and bacteria I like the comfort dose not fog up my glasses and it got the gel to make it easier on your skin.
Thanks for the web tip for the n95. I just got some. Much needed for my Homedepot job.
No. Too many tide pod eating ice water challenge types who will be out there trying to enforce this.
Mind your own business and your own health.
Sort of like vaccines. Yes for the good of all wear a mask.
Bad comparison. More like transgender restrooms.
How many tranasgenders are in the United States, now how many restrooms had to be changed in order to accommodate them???
BTW, If you are vaccinated and “protected”, WHY are you concerned about others?
You’re going to have to explain that one.
It’s a virus and most people get vaccines to protect themselves. Substitute mask for vaccine.
Now thr anti-vaccers know what it’s like if a majority choose not to vaccinate.
Nugget Markets and Food4Less in the Sacramento area are requiring masks to enter their stores beginning Monday.
No. Studies have shown that masks don’t protect you from contaminants, though they might hamper spreading, if you are infected. Studies have also shown that a wet mask can make things worse.
I got an email from John Muir Health the other day. They recommend wearing a mask in places where it’s hard to keep a 6 ft. distance, but not when out for a walk or inside your home.
What studies are you talking about? Even a coroner wears a mask for self protection when performing an autopsy.
For those who say they won’t wear a mask because it doesn’t really protect the wearer, wouldn’t you rather be part of the solution than part of the problem? The more careful we are about not spreading it, the quicker we’ll be able to get on with our normal lives as much as possible, so protecting others from ourselves if we were to become contagious without knowing it is a win/win too
You asked for studies. Here are three:
No..those that want to protect themselves and others will wear them. If someone chooses not to do so, then natural selection will kick in, but they were forewarned.
No, a lot of people don’t know how to wear them. I saw so many people with their mask riding under their nose rather than covering it. Completely defeats the purpose of covering your airways. In that case, just keeping your mouth shut would serve the same purpose.
CHANGE your GLOVES after each person you interact with.
Fast food drive-thru clerks are not changing their gloves after each customer when they take the credit card & hand it back. So every customer’s germs are on that 1 pair of gloves all day long.
Then they grab our food with those same gloves.
Probably cheaper and safer to learn to cook at home. Man! When I was a student, sure couldn’t afford fast food.
they wear them to protect themselves, not you. “PPE” ???
Long as they don’t touch their face or such and take them off properly, they can wear 1 pair all shift, but not wise…
Funny you should mention changing your gloves. I read an article that 30% of the medical profession doesn’t know how to change their gloves properly to avoid contamination. Nice. So I googled how to change your gloves. Let’s just say it’s not pulling your gloves off over your hand or pulling one finger at a time. It was eye opening, and wearing gloves is ineffectual if you’re not changing your gloves and removing them properly.
Of course they’re not going to change gloves each time. That would be 50-100 changes per shift. Please.
Your choices are rolling the dice or never leaving the house. Nice options.
Kentucky Derby, I don’t know what article you read, but in nursing school they teach all about cross contamination and how to properly remove gloves and dispose of them.
The gloves were clearly being used to protect the wearer. Food handlers have really strict rules about changing gloves after handling money and bank and credit cards. Could be they’re all out. I don’t know where to find any. No stranger’s handling my food any more than I can help it.
Dawg – I believe medical professionals are properly taught how to remove gloves. I also know that in any profession, not everyone follows protocol. And some people are in the wrong profession.
My elderly mom was an RN – Director of Nurses, and she said she had to remind her employees how to remove gloves properly. I asked if she still remembered, and I decided to google it instead. I needed to learn myself.
First of all, use of PPE’s (personal protective equipment) without proper training can place you at more risk than not using them at all. Second, I have yet to find a mask or pair of gloves available for purchase at CVS…tried again this morning without success. Third, using them gives people a false sense of safety…people were getting way too close to me in Safeway this morning probably thinking they were safe. Fourth, if medical staff are having a difficult time finding enough equipment, we shouldn’t be making that situation worse.
No. There are a lot of people out there that don’t know how to wear a mask or gloves without cross contaminating. Do not touch the outside of your mask. That is where the germs are on the mask. Once you touch it and then let’s say scratch your forehead, text on your phone, and continue shopping you have just contaminated everything you touched!
Real example: A lady wanted salami cut thin and wanted to check a piece. She pulled her mask down with her hand took the piece of salami and ate it. She contaminated the glove on her hand, the salami, and ate the contaminated piece of salami. Better off if she didn’t have a mask and used hand sanitizer before touching the salami.
I’d be happy if two of our neighbors would actually follow the shelter in place order. They both have people over, nobody wears masks, and nobody observes social distancing. One neighbor likes to make a fire in the evenings, even though we were asked not to, and even though there are immunocompromised people in the neighborhood. It’s beyond irritating. I don’t think masks need to be made mandatory but it’s smart to wear them say, in the grocery store.
Make your own. Must have something at home to make one with. Add a coffee filter too and use rubber bands. Go to DVD website they tell you how. Something is better than nothing.
Answer: YES
If it’s mandatory, as described here, can I wear a three hole balaclava mask?
I’d really like some Darth Vader PPE!
I don’t like wearing a mask, but it’s a lot easier than wearing a submarine EAB during casualties or drills back on the Ustafish, a practice referred to as “sucking rubber.”
Hey Cowell…
Speaking of USS Ustafish… I’ve been binge watching “Silent Service” from 1957… Not sure how realistic, but really enjoying it. Here’s link if ya’ wanna take a look:
ps: at the end of each episode, there is a quick interview with someone on the boat during the patrol talked about. Sad that some episodes there is no one to interview….
I apologize for the threadjacking, but on this date in 1963, USS Thresher went on Eternal Patrol with 129 souls aboard.
If I remember correctly Eternal Patrol means the Navy never decommissioned her, having been lost at sea?
That is correct, Atticus. USS Thresher was on sea trials, and during a deep dive, a blown seawater fitting caused flooding. They almost made it to the surface twice, but the weight from the flooding dragged the boat below its crush depth.
No. There are a lot of people out there that don’t know how to wear a mask or gloves without cross contaminating. Do not touch the outside of your mask. That is where the germs are on the mask. Once you touch it and then let’s say scratch your forehead, text on your phone, and continue shopping you have just contaminated everything you touched!
Real example: A lady wanted salami cut thin and wanted to check a piece. She pulled her mask down with her hand took the piece of salami and ate it. She contaminated the glove on her hand, touched the salami, and ate the contaminated piece of salami. Better off if she didn’t have a mask and used hand sanitizer before touching the salami.
The next son-of-a-gun that says “studies have shown”…
Don’t forget who caused this mess. Wear a mask.
As others have mentioned, there would be many problems with making it mandatory, but if you would like to wear one if you only could access one, there are so many multitudes of tutorials on making DIY masks from remarkably easy, to elaborate, and even fashionable, so you probably can have a mask if you’d like. I think the best one I’ve seen so far is the one made with a pair of scissors, a sock, and a paper towel. I think it’s the best because 1) it’s one of the easier ones, and 2) it’s the best use for a collection of matchless socks I’ve ever seen. But if all you can come up with is a paper towel and two rubber bands you’re in business.
My opinion is, No, it should not be mandatory. I make the decision to wear a mask or not. It is my choice. This is government over reach. Each day they are coming up with more ways to control us, telling us what to do. Our civil rights are being violated !!! They are ignoring our constitution. And people seem to be okay with giving up their civil rights , for the alleged “better good”. It’s not okay !!! The constitution is not null and void just because there is a pandemic. The governor of South Dakota did not shut down her state. She said she was not going to follow the herd mentality, because it did’t add up,and strip people of their civil rights because it is unconstitutional ! She urged people to follow the distancing guide lines and wash their hands, just like we do every year for the flu. God bless her !!! And is this a pandemic, the definition of pandemic is: “occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population” The US has approx 330 million people ( counted) nationwide, today we hit approx 467,000 cases of the virus nationwide, not statewide, nationwide. Do the math. We have had ebola, sars, h1n1, swine, zika , just to name a few, and we didn’t do this. . There is something behind this and it’s not good.
The contributor self-described as parent is scary. I hope s/he isn’t. Why would parent put the very dangerous state of a pandemic in quotations?!? There were no seatbelts or child car seats when I was a kid. The fact that I survived it is not a good reason to scoff at safety advancements or to shake hands because it is considered polite in normal times. Boris Johnson shook hands, too.
‘I shook hands with everybody,’ says Boris Johnson weeks …www.youtube.com › watch
Mar 27, 2020 – Boris Johnson said he was shaking hands with coronavirus patients just weeks before he tested positive for Covid-19. The prime minister …
I used the quotations on the word ‘pandemic’ because I am not convinced it really is one. The numbers being presented to us do not match any of the predictions. Media has proven the results supplied by our governor and president wrong several times. Many members of the community are questioning why a DUI who kills themselves tests positive SARS2 is listed as a fatality of SARS2. Or why an individual who has died from cardiac and is tests positive for SARS2 after death is listed as a SARS2 fatality. If the hospitals were being overrun, why are we furloughing doctors and nurses?
So yes, I put quotations around the word because though it is a proven dangerous bug, I am not convinced it is a pandemic.
A PANDEMIC is an epidemic that’s spread over multiple countries or continents. Are there COVID-19 cases in the US? In Canada? In Mexico? In …
Situation update worldwide, as of 11 April 2020www.ecdc.europa.eu › geographical-distribution-2019-ncov-cases
Distribution of cases of COVID-19 by continent (according to the applied case definition and testing strategies in the affected countries). Cases reported in …
NO! For one I can’t breathe, Also all these mask wearers who are concern about their health and others. WHY DO I SEE USED GLOVES AMD MASKS STREWN ON THE GROUND FLOOR OF A GROCERY STORE PARKING LOT?
There are bad folks that do bad things and one is to discard their gloves and masks 🎭 as litter! Very nasty dangerous habit. Too bad they cannot be caught! I wish my one and only N95 did not wear out. Those are the best masks. I like masks because they keep my hands off my face. Everyone should wear one while out in public. The US has surpassed all nations as the highest count of the virus. Scary!
Yes I think that it should be mandatory, to wear a mask, or mouth and nose covering in public! Since the State suggestion to do so, I have been doing it, and always wash for at least 20seconds, before touching your face!
One more thing, I got the monthly email from Mona’s Burgers, and it may be of interest to some! Mona’s only does Delivery, or Pick-up at the Oak Grove Rd. and Treat Location, but calls to any of the locations will be forwarded the above location! Here’s the Email:
Need toilet paper? Want some damn good burgers? Look no further, come to Mona’s.
We are committed to help out community. We will start selling items that are hard to find in grocery stores. Literally, we are giving this items at cost, this is a pay back for your support to our business. We will start with few items and add more products later by customers suggestions.
Mona’s market list:
Toilet paper 2ply $1.00 per roll
Kitchen paper towel $1.00 per roll
Gloves powder free $8.00 per box of 100
Spring bottle water $0.50 per bottle
Buy $100 value Giftcard for $75
Beer & wine bottles are 50% OFF
Items available with any purchase.
items will be available while supplies last.
Limit of 2 per item.
Box of Gloves 1 box per purchase.
In good health,
Mona’s Burgers & Shakes
Though I have N95s on hand after the 2018 fires those are supposed to be overkill not to mention your face will start sweating in them. Given what people are making I just keep in my jacket pocket one of the cheap masks they sell at the dollar stores I think 6 to a package. Then if some place requires it I can put it on.
Yes, I think masks should be part of the return to normal sequence process- we should all wear them in public, then see if virus transfers spike – if not, work towards not wearing them at all. Folks, we need to get back to normal!
I do not believe it should be mandatory; however if you feel that these masks, help you with anxiety go for it, but honestly they may help a little if any; besides there is a shortage of masks anyways so how are you going to enforce something that does not exist ?
No. I will make my own choices.
Check the center for disease control site. Tells you how to make one etc. So many people here do not want to wear one. No wonder contra Costa county has so many cases. The
This is a different situation and personal freedoms that can cause others harm need to be considered as a danger. So yes I think it would be the right thing to do. In some states they can fine you for not following the mandatory rules! Like a thousand dollar fine when not practicing six feet social distance! Six feet apart or six feet under! It is so tiresome when people instantly feel violated when they can’t have their way! This is new normal that requires all of us to flatten this curve. Especially since there is no vaccine. Yes I think we could use structure for safety!
Here’s some Masks that you can make:
Thanks for the web tip for the n95. I just got some. Much needed for my Homedepot job.
What about all the people who have recovered from the virus already? Should they also be forced to wear one?