The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: The United States currently funds about 15% of the World Health Organization’s budget. Do you think we should continue the funding, or should the money go to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)?
Talk about it.
Absolutely Not.
Total Corruption and when did We the People Vote them in?
Not a chance of more WHO funding. On top of that every country should erase their debt to China for the fourth virus they have unleashed on the world.
The WHO guy threatened us with more body bags. The guy is not only corrupt but dumb.
Not anymore.
We absolutely should not be funding the corrupt WHO!
Who is on first.
No WHO was out on first. Tried to steal but was caught by the pitcher Trump. Well lets hope anyway.
Of course we don’t need the WHO, I mean once we are through this wave we really don’t need international collaboration to monitor any future waves of the virus. We can just wait until it hits the US again and we can do another great job.
And look what Trump tweeted on Februrary 24, 2020
“The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”
We would we fund an organization that is “working very hard and very smart”?
…. and look what Nancy Pelosi DID on February 24: Nancy visited SF Chinatown and encouraged people to visit, eat and shop in the area. “That’s what we’re trying to do today is to say everything is fine here.” Pelosi said. “Come because precautions have been taken. The city is on top of the situation.”
I give you the doubt that what you post is true. And if she would have said this after Trump reacted appropriately to the Navarro memos, I would agree with that this would have been highly inappropriate.
But of course Trump never saw the Navarro memos because he was too busy watching Fox and Friends, they probably had some BS segment on “the war on Christmas” or something about “bathrooms in North Carolina” or some other highly important topic so he could not be bothered reading the memos of his senior economic adviser.
You don’t have to give me the benefit of the doubt about Pelosi, all you have to do is look it up. And while you’re at it look up Bill DeBlasio telling New Yorkers – on March 5 – “I’m on the subway to say to people, nothing to fear go about your lives…”. And look up Biden calling Trump’s closing off flights from China “hysterical xenophobia”. The old saying – hindsight is 20-20 definitely applies here. It’s easy to sit back and say should-a, -would-a, could-a and criticize without offering any better solutions. None of these fools could done any better. We’d prob be 10x worse.
@ SF oh
I agree that the Pelosi statement and the DeBlasio statement are stupid. Assuming the would have said the same if they had all the information which Trump had I agree I’m glad we don’t have either President Pelosi or President DeBlasio leading the effort.
However let’s keep factual. Trump never shut down flights from China. He limited entry of foreigners from China but he did not stop entry for US citizens or returning residents from China. I actually agree that this was “xenopobic” unless you can show that the virus cared about the passport of the travelers.
Furthermore, I agree that hindsight makes for perfect vision but you may recall that Trump when asked about how he would rate is response was 10 out of 10 which leaves no room to improve even with hindsight.
I’m not quite sure what you mean about stopping the flights from China was xenophobic. Yes, US Citizens and Permanent Residents were allowed to return to the US. Are you saying US Citizens/Permanent Residents should not have been allowed to return home? Or are you, somehow, assuming that the US Citizens that were able to leave were not of Asian descent ? In fairness I should add, that I have first-hand knowledge of the situation for Citizens & Permanent Residents leaving China during that time. The virus had not yet spread world-wide. Getting a flight out was not easy, and ALL passengers went through extensive health screening before those flights took off. Nobody was allowed to board a flight because the “virus cared about the passport of the traveler”. As the virus spread, flights around the world were cancelled by all governments and countries. Again, hindsight is 20-20. It’s easy to criticize without knowing the full story or offering better solutions at the time.
@ SF oh
We are really getting quite bit off topi about WHO funding here, so if you want to continue maybe you should take the discussion to Politics thread.
But your response is all over the place, so let me just address a few points below:
“stopping the flights from China”
there was never any government order to stop flights from or to China, there were travel restrictions for mainly foreigners and there was a severe travel warning by the State Department. Eventually the airlines stopped flying because of economic reasons.
“I’m not sure what you mean by xenophobic”
I mean fear of foreigners
“Are you saying US Citizens/Permanent Residents should not have been allowed to return home?”
This is what Trump tweetet in 2014 about Ebola
“The U.S. cannot allow EBOLA infected people back. People that go to far away places to help out are great-but must suffer the consequences!”
“Or are you, somehow, assuming that the US Citizens that were able to leave were not of Asian descent?”
I don’t understand your question, are you implying that based on descent some US Citizens would be foreigners?
“ALL passengers went through extensive health screening before those flights took off”
How well did that work out?
“The virus had not yet spread world-wide.”
That must be a typo? Clearly by the end of January the virus had spread world-wide, there were detected cases all over the world including the US.
“offering better solutions at the time”
How about the majority of voters that rejected Trump in the 2016 election? It was already clear that he would incapable of leading the country in a crisis and the last three years have shown this over and over again. Now be aware I never was a Hilary fan, but even she or for that matter any of the other Republican candidates would have given the US a better chance to handle the COVID-19 crisis.
You must have been captain of your dodge ball team in elementary school. You certainly know how to dodge questions. Ebola?? 2016?? Oh and thanks so much for the unnecessary definition of “xenophobic” – another great dodge. Seriously though, we simply have differing opinions. A nice thing about this blog is that all points of view can be expressed.
Absolutely stop and end funding to the UN too!
Dump WHO and send the UN an eviction notice.
Utterly useless.
We’re all part of the same world; of course we should continue supporting the WHO. We’re all in this together.
But look at Tedros the war criminal. The whole thing is racketeering.
Stop supporting criminals.
No look at how much money we already saved by eliminating the National Security Council’s global-health unit as well as eliminating Dr Linda Quick an American disease expert, who was a medical epidemiologist embedded in China’s disease control agency. Quick left amid a bitter U.S. trade dispute with China when she learned her federally funded post, officially known as resident adviser to the U.S. Field Epidemiology Training Program in China, would be discontinued as of September 2019.
China doesn’t think so
Nothing to WHO or the UN.
Both should be funded.
Dump both the UN and WHO – useless apologists for American’s enemies
A very sad bunch of responses but not unexpected. What’s the UN ever done for me? That’s what people think while they are throwing another log on the fire despite the pollution.
It’s not about what have they done for me. It’s about how “ we “ the USA tax payers primarily fund this anti America agency. Have you ever spent time on their website? Read about what they would like to see ( control ) for the world. Have you ever listened to any of their conferences? If not, you should. If yes, and you agree, you are no doubt a globalist and that’s scary to “ me “.
They have committed crimes all over the world, and yet our media has ignored it. UN troops raping young women is news worthy, yet it didn’t make the “ news”; not MSM and the like. They funded the weapons for Muslim extremist and knew they had those weapons hidden in churches and school’s, and these weapons were to be used against Israel.
The UN is suppose to be “ peace keeping “ and not take sides in any way. Obviously this is no longer a part of their mission, and the corruption is completely out of control, AND THEIR FUTURE goals for our world are quite scary. So it’s not about what they have done for “ me “ or any of us, it’s what they are doing that will hurt all of us.
They are no longer needed, and we should not be funding the enemy.
i think they should start funding more donut shops. people need more donuts.
plus theyre calorie free. eat all you want.
If it will give Trump an excuse for his slow response, why not?
This is why the general public should not be making these decisions.
Look at the history of the WHO. Were mistakes made?…..Absolutely. But this head of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom owned it. No laying the blame on others.
It’s a thankless job.
We need to work together. The US can’t do it on our own. We can point fingers later. Right now we need to get a handle on this virus!
The U.S. is doing it all on their own right now. No one is helping the U.S. & the U.S. went on its’ own by closing the borders to everyone when everyone thought that was absurd, racist, & xenophobic. Now everyone is following the U.S.’ lead.
We’re doing it on our own.
Yes, of course the U.S. should continue funding WHO. However, we might want (as in SHOULD) to delay ‘transferring’ any more funds to that organization until they become honest and transparent about their gross (criminal?) mismanagement of the Xi Corona Virus pandemic.
I suspect that our Intelligence agencies probably already know the answer, but it would be nice to get those officials speaking on the record just in case they need to appear before the World Court.
I agree, it’s all about common sense.
Certainly not at the level we have in the past.
Oh, now I get it. When I first stumbled upon this thread I had not heard any of the background. Now I have and understand the responses. As I see it, Mr. Trump was trying to cover up his obvious failures by blaming them on the WHO (and others who were available). Then our local Trump lovers joined in to blame the guilty parties and what better way to do it than demanding their funds be cut. And the responses in this thread are pretty much following straight along Trump’s demands. I guess it’s easier than thinking. Sad.
The WHO has failed the world in so many ways during this pandemic.
If you were following the outbreak in China, NOVEMBER of 2019, you would know that the head of WHO did absolutely nothing. He kept his mouth shut. China said NOTHING until December 31.
So what good is WHO?
Yes, we absolutely should keep funding WHO.
When WHO stated we had a pandemic he had the CDC website state in bold print on the first page – “This is not a Pandemic”. Trump walked it back the next day when he came out and said this was a pandemic.
Trump has to much say over what our important Goverment websites can and cannot say. NASA had a very comprehensive chart on how much the sea was rising each year. Now it is gone.
Trump keeps trying to suppress the truth.
Yes. WHO if memory serves was the the first one to label this a pandemic. CDC didn’t. US didn’t. China didn’t.
So while no organization is perfect, and for some reason there’s a weird narrative here placing blame on them, when blame in this case is a diversion deflecting our own failing on the matter. Our government and military intelligence knew about this last year. WHO declared it a pandemic by the second week of March…. I believe the 11th. Our government didn’t take it seriously until after that– March 16th.
In my opinion CDC should have labeled it a pandemic *before* WHO, but around that time, the CDC was having trouble articulating their stance and approving and administering a test. By then, most countries were already well ahead of us in testing.
WHO is getting blamed in the last week, when they really weren’t on the radar before then. Was *anyone* talking about the WHO a week ago?
Let’s get our own act together and try to get the situation under control before was start talking about defunding a health organization during a World crisis. Of all things to concentrate on now, is this our primary focus at the moment? Me, I think we should be concentrating on saving lives and defeating this virus.
TRUMP IN 2020 !
Certainly not at the rate we have been, if at all. What sorry head of such an organization makes threats like that? That’s another “We’re all in this together but you’re going to be paying for most of it” shills.
NO – U.S. is handling this Global Pandemic on its’ own without any help from other countries.
U.S. doctors have developed tests with rapid results. U.S. companies have developed ventilators. U.S. closed its borders to everyone against the advice of the WHO.
U.S. is doing it all on its own. WHO made itself obsolete when they inserted politics into health.
DVC Student – you are restoring my faith in the college student population. Well said.
I agree!
The leadership of the WHO needs to be gutted or the organization should be defunded.
If Trump had not withdrawn funding for the embedded CDC expert in China (In September), the US most likely would have known about this virus earlier. Of course he wouldn’t have listened because they were scientists.
Trump’s isolationism and protectionism is not good for America in today’s age, and will only serve to make America the greatest country he has ever known… just like his university, casinos, and his steaks. Very unfortunate that most of his supporters are too blinded to see that he is indeed wearing no clothes.
w.h.o can go shove a who ha in their ass! we dont need them!
Stop funding other countries. We are not the wallet of the world. Take care of home first and foremost. I side with Trump on this one.
All funding should be evaluated constantly to see if we get the bang for the buck we think we should.
But that’s not the issue. The issue is Trump has found another scapegoat to blame for his incompetence. Blowing that dog whistle for all it’s worth too.
Atticus right as usual. All these haters never paid any attention to the WHO until Trumpies started blaming them. In fact they do a a great job around the world, especially coordinating responses from different countries. And now we see what Trumps’s lack of coordination has reaped. USA has most COVID-19 deaths in the world. I guess it’s not really a mild flu is it Donald? The Republican strategy of cut everything is now paying off isn’t it. Check out your smog this summer and the water quality too. That’s what these idiots are doing.
The CDC SHOULD HAVE the funding instead of that worthless organization called WHO and include the UN assembly/members while we are at it. The UN is just a means for a lot of the foreign reps to come to NYC to fund the high-end (no pun intended!) sex trafficking.
A couple of decades ago, there was a revealing news article citing the call-girl activity.