Home » UPDATE: Gov. Newsom: Students Will Not Return To School Campuses This Year

UPDATE: Gov. Newsom: Students Will Not Return To School Campuses This Year


California Gov. Newsom just announced students will not return to campuses this school year.

Students will continue with “distant learning.”

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I have to wonder how much the students who will now have their Proms, Graduations, Senior parties on and on and on, will thank Gruesom Newsom when they are old enough to vote. He is one of the “Pelosi” pack. Save Lives, ruin the USA (economy) BUT Fund Planned Parenthood. Last time I heard the babies killed their were once considered “Lives” also?! It is a win win for him. High death rate he will say how many more it could have been. Low death rate, it was all thanks to him. PHT

People are dying and you are comlaining about no graduation ceremonies? How about you admit you hate the Democrats no matter what they do? SMH.


We are well aware. This year was TAKEN FROM US. Let us be sad. We lost our favorite months and final moments due to someone who ate a bat. Let us be sad boomer

What will happen to all MDUSD high school student seniors? Graduation was suppose to happen May. Any updates on that?

I’m curious as well. We’ve already spent money on his Class Ring and have it already. Bought his cap and gown etc. If they don’t have a graduation, I wonder if we get reimburse for that? No sense having a 2020 Class Ring if they can’y graduate. Sounds petty in the scheme of things, but just disappointed for the Seniors who have worked so hard.

That’s so sad. I guess they still graduate with their class and ceremonies and celebrations will be figured out forthwith.

You’ll receive a diploma in the mail. The one from a university is more important anyway.

The release I saw stated that high school students on track for graduation will still graduate. There should be more information coming out soon.

Seems to me that we are becoming increasingly reactionary to news bytes, not giving responsible agencies to get their information out in response to announcements. On the other hand, the state could really do a better job of coordinating communication. Rather than top down public announcements, communicate with the school districts and then let the districts communicate with the parents before any public announcements are made.

Sure glad I no longer have a kid in school.

Naysayers in 3, 2, 1, cue…

Haha happy april fool’s day.

This situation is all playing towards the worst tendencies of authoritarians like Newsom, and worse, unelected bureaucrats like the county health supervisors. Once you give them an inch, they take a mile.

So you’re complaining that schools are closed and we have to SIP, for everyone’s safety? What would you prefer? Thousands of deaths?

@Mitch…. perhaps you’d like to be living in FLORIDA where that idiot Ron DeSantis (GOP) is Governor and 25% of the population is over the age of 60 and he kept the state OPEN until finally invoking a Stay at Home order yesterday?

Get real.

April Fools?? Gawd I hope so!!! This is ridiculous.

AGREED. But as long as you have the kool-aid drinkers (concord ygnacio) you will have to deal with being controlled and hysteria. Contra Costa has less than 1.5% of the population tested positive and three deaths. BUT the Spike is coming?! we shall see. If you have a prom or graduation, you might have Thousands of deaths. Apparently no one recovers. riiiiiight

Aren’t the important things health and then the learning and the cherished memories from high school? I graduated from high school in 1966. I didn’t have a class ring, nor did my children. We saw high school as four years on the way to the rest of our lives. In an earlier post, a student asked about the diploma. I looked online to make sure I remembered correctly that employers normally do not ask about a high school diploma or GED. The important piece is that the student learn at least the basics as a foundation for later learning and for life. If you did your work, you graduate. How many people wear a high school ring once they turn 19? My generation didn’t, nor did my kids.My son did need the tux for fraternity parties and award ceremonies so be glad you purchased that.

Of course it’s very important that EVERYONE be healthy and safe. Your choice to not have a ring. I did in “86” and my son wanted one. My daughter did not. I’m not freaking out that my child won’t be walking down the aisle like I did, but disappointed for him. Just was asking a question.

All these people are mad at this and turn it into a political debate, condolences to the family’s who lost loved ones due this Virus, all you self centered people wouldn’t understand that , or maybe you just don’t like spending extra time with your kids, I know it’s going to be rough for those who have never helped their kids with school work, at the end of the day there is nothing we can do about this besides follow the rules to help make sure no more innocent people get affected by this virus. Stay Inside and relax!

Oh I am reasonably sure people can care about the sick and dying and still maintain concern over the damage to their children’s mental health and education that prolonged isolation and school closures cause.

So lets get this straight.

Yesterday, 12 hours ago, the superintendent said we may not go back to school this year, and now Newscum says we are not. Who do we believe? Who gets to make the decision? I would think the Superintendent is in charge of the schools

This is an absolute crime to our children! The educational damage that is being done to them by forcing these children to do distant learning with less than adequate equipment, ill prepared teachers, and making it all OPTIONAL for the students to complete is going to kill their education for this year.

Then lets talk about the social impact. Zoom does not replace face to face interactions between kids.

Can someone in this government make a decision and stick to it! We have not even completed the original timeline for returning to school … and now someone who has authority (and does he ..or is it the superintendent ) makes an ARBITRARY decision … I am glad that Newscum has the money to hire tutors that go to his house daily to teach his kids because you can be sure as crap that he is NOT providing the education to his children.

“going to kill their education for this year” What were they doing for the last 7 and half months? Wasted a Year? If you can’t teach your children what they would have learned in the last 2 months of school, in the many months before next year, then they are screwed anyway.

Would you rather have your kids receive less education than normal or have them attend class face to face and become infected with a deadly virus. Use your brain. Nobody wants to do this BUT ITS FOR OUR OWN SAFETY. Think before you comment unnecessarily.

So does this mean seniors won’t be walking across the stage this year? Lots of us seniors are worried about not being about to walk the stage. Me being the only one out of all my siblings possibly not even getting that opportunity to even walk to stage to see my parents screaming for me and getting the proud look like the rest of my siblings have. I’m gonna be completely honest us seniors understand that it’s not good for our health but I can be completely honest that none of the seniors care if he get the virus, we just wanna graduate. I just have the one question for you guys because no one seems to be answering it, are the senior going to be able to walk the stage this year or not?

I’m sure they will plan something, even if it is later in the summer or on Zoom. Your parents are very proud of you. Walking across the stage is no biggie, people are screaming so loud and continuously for their kid you cant’ hear your own child’s name being announced. And don’t get me started on those horns.

Given this states history with high school diplomas, they’ve got no problem handing them out. Remember CA’s high school exit exam debacle ? ? ? Was reported it was not unusual to have state wide failure rate well over 90,000 students.

Do believe in typical fashion, progressive liberal super majority of state legislature passed bills abolishing exit exams and retroactively issuing diplomas.

Only thing more embarrassing to liberals running this state is the high school dropout rate.

You keep hammering this point about dropouts but never seem to get it right. The graduation rate in California in recent years has never been higher. In addition, graduation requirements have never been more stringent. A hundred years ago, when my grandparents were born, the graduation rate was roughly 5 to 20 percent. None of my grandparents graduated from high school (although one did earn a GED when he was in his 40s). By the time my parents were in high school (both of whom graduated), the rate had increased to 40 to 50 percent. By the time I graduated, the rate was at 55-60 percent.

2017 Dropout Count was 45,052 students.
2018 Dropout Count was 48,453 students.

Yup got so much better. An 2018 evidently is last year actual numbers were released.

Historically CA hid fair amount of their dropouts in state prisons as kids learned their skill set from the street and became predacious upon society.

But that became embarrassing to liberals, so in 2011 they passed AB-109. Your wonderful democrat controlled state legislature decided prison overcrowding shouldn’t be their problem. So they shoved overcrowding problem down onto CA’s 58 counties.

That caused jail overcrowding, forcing counties to kick out misdemeanor criminals long before their sentences were served. As time progressed problem got worse so rather than risk embarrassment, liberals got Prop 47 on the ballot then spent $10,306,082 to con voters into passing it.

That statement is just bizarre at the least. The only correlation is in your mind.

Where is this posted? I can’t find it on the governor’s website

It isn’t. SFGate says Newscum is recommending it. KRON is reporting that he said it. Two very different statements. Wish CLAYCORD and other agencies would only report ONE truth from a verifiable source.

Just another example of ‘news’ agencies reporting misleading and at least one of them, false information.

If the greatest generation looked at what they had to sacrifice for WW ll the same way I see a lot of people talking here….we would have lost the war for sure. Seriously people…follow the science. even P45 finally figured it out!

It’s distance learning,

MDUSD still states that school closures only extend until May 1st. There is nothing on the Governor’s website or the CA govt. website indicating further school closures *at this point in time*

That’s what I noticed also. I don’t want to panic over nothing.

I sold my class ring and bought my kid an X-Box for Christmas. How many times did he play with it? Maybe 10 times. It sits there collecting dust. You never wear the class ring after high school.

Breaking News Story: Committee vote 5-0; Barbie’s name officially changed to Debbie…



The problem isn’t with the reporting of various news agencies. The issue is poor reading comprehension by people who aren’t able to read at a level above 5th grade reading comprehension.

The California Superintendent of Schools (Tony Thurmond) advised schools to remain closed through June. That statement was issued in a Press Release on March 31st on the California Department of Education website.


Yes. I am going to be upset that my senior year was taken away from me. I am going to be upset that graduation, prom, and other activities are taken away. Let us be sad. Stop saying that this is the least of our worries. You wouldn’t know since you’re not in our shoes. This was supposed to be a fun rest of the year. Maybe if everyone STAYED INSIDE it wouldn’t have come to this. If you’re going out for nonessential needs shame on you. I am going to be upset that senior year was stolen from us. And I want it back. And if this is just overkill then that’s upsetting.

Stop telling us to think about those who are dying. We are well aware and are beyond ANGRY that we have to lose our favorite year and final moments because someone ate an infected bat ….

If you’d like people to empathize with your plight, you might want to act beyond your years and refrain from leading your comment with the insult du jour.

Those “certain boomers” think you’re acting your age.

Oh Rollo,

Hs is fitting in right nicely here at Claycord…….

Sorry about your graduation, I know it sucks. But welcome to the real world. You might have more luck finding a job if you can modify your attitude a little.

Am serious here, …
I give these URLs to every new electrician that comes to work in my department, every new manager an engineer and especially every new parent. When we’re born no one hands out an instruction book for life.

Please take the time to watch these,

grow up loser

Will we have to repeat the year if so wtf that’s not fair



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