Contra Costa is now reporting 249 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the county, which is 37 more than yesterday.
The county has also confirmed there have been three coronavirus-related deaths in Contra Costa.
As of yesterday, the county confirmed to the Board of Supervisors that 23 people were hospitalized, with 11 in the ICU. They do not provide that information on a daily basis.
The health department does not release any further details, including the cities of those infected, the number of people currently hospitalized, the number of people who have recovered, or the number of people who have been tested.
Math check: 27 more cases than yesterday’s 222, not 37 more.
Newsom has done too little too late. He was caught flat footed on this one!
Revisionist history. Not the case at all. California was the first state & the Bay Area was the first region to implement shelter in place now stay at home orders. Was on top of it compared to the nation as a whole. Even New York took a cue from us.
I like the man like gum on my shoe, but his actions are why we’re about 1/10th of New York’s caseload right now.
@WC, youre totally lost. Newsome has been out in front of this the entire time. His Stay at Home policy started back on March 16th.
Perhaps you’d like to take a good hard look at Republican Governor Ron DeSantis of FLORIDA, who just yesterday enacted a Stay at Home policy in a state where 25% of the people are over the age of 60.
This clown should be arrested and charged with Criminal negligence!
So of the 37 cases 23 are hospitalized and 11 are in ICU or of the 249 cases?
OK, 27 more than yesterday. Yesterday it was 222 after the update.
Of those 249, how many have recovered?
As has been stated from the outset, most people will recover after suffering mild symptoms …
I apologize if this shows up twice. Not sure if first one actually sent.
How many of 249 cases are recovering and will be ok?
The lack of details is excruciating, but thank you mayor for at least passing on the numbers.
I agree…the lack of details is absolutely excruciating. The only thing I heard…and I don’t know if it is true or not…The Covid 19 patients are treated at the county hospital or Kaiser? It does not make sense to me, but with lack of information, we are left guessing. Anyway…I am praying for all of us. We have to get past this as quickly as possible.
To I am I said: The patients are being hospitalized at the hospital they presented to. I am sure every hospital has atleast one patient.
If you’re interested in the model used by the White House yesterday including State by State models you can find it here:
It’s from the University of Washington, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
Thank you very much.
you’re welcome TDL obviously these are just models based on current best data, but as we ride along they will be able to check the models and adjust it.
It’s interesting to compare for example CA with FL and see what the early intervention by Newsom did compared to the very late intervention by DeSantis.
Yup, that’s the modeling from Dr, Chris Murray at UW.
He’s currently forecasting only 84,000 deaths, and that is assuming full-mitigation. As we know, that isn’t happening. We still have 25% of our population not under any Stay at Home orders.
Thank you very much.
Why you are only reporting new cases? Why you’re not reporting the people that are recovering?
Two things:
1) Recovery takes two weeks, so very few have hit that mark.
2) Knowing the number who have recovered is less useful than knowing how many new cases, and how many new deaths.
Those latter two tell us whether things are getting better or worse, knowing how many have gotten well may make YOU feel better, but in terms of managing the health care system it is useless information. Knowing how many beds are left and how many new cases are hitting is what they are tracking most closely.
Finally, so you have SOMETHING as reference: the state updates this website daily… it includes counts CURRENT hospitalizations for known and suspected COVID-19 cases (as well as lots of other useful information)… this is what really matters, how many people are in need of care at this point in time, and is that number growing.
The site is misleading in numbers. Is it really saying that we have >8100 confirmed cases, but only ~1900 are in the hospital and we have an ADDITIONAL ~3200 suspected cases that are in the hospital? Seems to me that suspected would not be counted in any numbers yet, and if they are, we should be counting not just the hospitalized, but ALL suspected cases.
I like the website as it gives ACTUAL data and numbers. It should also tell us how many are active cases and how many are recovered. We can see that data on how sites.
Thank you for the site reference, much appreciated!
Before all of this began, Rhino viruses and Corona viruses were listed on webmd as the two viruses which cause colds. I also have a book from 2007 which lists Corona virus.
The majority (All) of people die of something, the only difference is……now they are blaming the Corona virus.
Are we talking Corona virus which 90% of us all most likely have antibodies…..Doesn’t mean You’re sick, or are we talking about COVID-19 which is a bioweapon?
I choose bioweapon.
It is a new strain of the corona virus hence the full name Novel Coronavirus 19. The 19 designates the novel strain #. It is not a bio-weapon. Comments like that create undue panic. This is no time for alternative facts.
Corona means the virus has crown (corona) shaped spikes. This is the new corona virus. Different from those that have been around. It has already been shown that it is a natural, not manufactured, virus.
@Anon – Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses. Most of them cause nothing to happen. We don’t get sick. Some coronaviruses cause common colds though not all colds are caused by coronaviruses. Two coronaviruses have appeared that are lethal to humans. The first is SARS which has caused epidemics in 2002–2003, 2012–2013, and now 2019-2020.
The other lethal coronavirus is called MERS which kills 35% of the people who catch it. Fortunately, it’s not very infectious and so only has caused small outbreaks which quickly get suppressed by heath workers.
The SARS coronavirus that’s causing the current pandemic is more lethal than previous variants of SARS but is not as lethal as MERS. Unfortunately, it’s very infectious and easily gets from person to person.
Despite over a decade effort, no vaccine or treatment for the diseases caused by coronaviruses have been developed. I’m not sure why there have been reports of possibly creating a vaccine in 18 months when we have been unable to do so for the other variants of SARS.
Please be careful with heresay, anecdotes, observations, and such if you are not a medical professional. It doesn’t help anyone for you to say you found Corona virus in some book several years ago.
@Anon, youre operating from a very poor knowledge base.
This is a NOVEL coronavirus.
Meaning that it is a NEW virus!
It is a genetic relative of SARS-CoV-2, which was commonly known as SARS.
@ Anon
There were four know human coronaviruses and some are the ones that cause common cold. SARS-CoV-2 is a new coronavirus not the ones that cause the common cold. It is most likely that all coronaviruses originate in bats but some have been able to infect huamans as well. SARS-CoV the one that caused SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) in 2002-2004 probably jumped from bats to civets and then to humans. The virus that caused MERS (middle eastern respiratory syndrome) jumped from bats to camels and then to humans, The current one is thought to have jumped from bats to pangolins and from there to humans.
I know someone on nursing staff at John Muir Walnut Creek who said 3 days ago they currently had 20 COVID-19 patients admitted.
Ok. So how many people live in the county? And how many people this time of the year have the flu? These numbers don’t look too bad to me!
Good numbers means people are sheltering in place and reducing the risk of spreading the infection…we gots at least until D-Day to see this pandemic flattening/cliff diving.
People, Stay Home as much as possible.
California currently has 774 ICU patients and has had more than 1800 hospitalizations.
The number of ICU patients has quadrupled in the last six days.
The number of hospitalizations have tripled in that time.
Modeling indicates that the first phase of hospital capacity could be exceeded in the middle of MAY. Eventually, the State may need roughly 27,000 more ICU beds.
I just hope that our healthcare workers have the protective equipment that they so desperately need!
It’s now a toss-up between who the Dumbest Governor in the Nation is… between Republican Ron DeSantis of FLORIDA and now Republican Brian Kemp of GEORGIA… who was totally unaware that people without symptoms can spread coronavirus.
The illness “is now transmitting before people see signs… Those individuals could have been infecting people before they ever felt (symptoms), Kemp said at a press conference.
“We didn’t know that until the last 24 hours”
I wish people who have a cough or breathing hard through their nose would stay home and have someone else buy their grocery’s and drop off in front of their home or have them delivered. Every time I go to Safeway there is at least one idiot there doing it. Safeway really needs to have people just walking around looking for people coughing or breathing hard and kick them out of the store.
This guy wearing a bandanna and gloves walks up next to me and just stares at items breathing heavily through his nose and does not even grab anything and then when I go to walk away he does too so I go down the next aisle instead of letting this jackass follow me trying to breath down my neck. OK OK I am slightly exaggerating as I kept 6 feet away from him but with all this paranoia that’s how it felt lol. One of these times i’m gonna just bash my cart into them and break their knees that will teach them to stay home!