Home » The Water Cooler – What Major Stores Won’t Survive The Coronavirus?

The Water Cooler – What Major Stores Won’t Survive The Coronavirus?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


Think about all the major chain stores/restaurants in Contra Costa County, and tell us which ones you don’t think will survive the toll the coronavirus has taken on their business.

Talk about it.

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Really taking a flyer on that one, eh?

Just my prediction….Sears, Penneys, Macys will go to mail order within this year. Kohls is marginal at best to do the same. Sears will attempt to sell its share of Sun Valley Mall if they done so already. Really sad as so many people rely on that income. But its reality, again, just my best guess…

Covid-19 is opportunity for last century companies with numerous brick n mortar locations to shutter many of those locations. Virus is both a wake up call, a kick in the pants and the excuse executives have been looking for to trim.

CA has long been anti business and do believe that hubris and aberrant behavior is about to bear very bitter fruit.

I am hoping they all do.

Most of the major chains will be fine, given the Federal financial stimulus deal. Big chains also might have insurance to help cushion the financial losses they’ve been having. After the shelter-in-place ends, people will flock to brick-and-mortar stores. After being cooped up and ordering things through the mail for so long, people will want the experience of going out to do their shopping.

The greatest closures will be in the small businesses, boutiques, small restaurants. Food trucks will do okay, because of their lower operating costs.

@Natalie – I assume Macy’s is a major chain. They chose to furlough 140,000 workers. That made me wonder if they are getting any Federal financial stimulus money. If they did, it’s not going to the workers other than perhaps indirectly as I believe Macy’s is still paying for health plans for the full time workers.

Wouldnt be at all surprised to see Sun Valley go by year’s end.

Sun Valley has been a cesspool since the early eighties.


WC resident, Macy’s paid us for 2 weeks, and they are keeping us on their health plan. The also just today paid us our vacation money.

Despite all the negative comments here about Sun Valley mall, I think it will survive, don’t know for sure. However, the mall is always pretty full of people, and especially at Christmas time, it is packed, don’t of course know how much people actually spend. I moved to Benicia in 1998, from the Peninsula and would shop at Sun Valley or Broadway Plaza. I lived in Concord for a short time in 2008 and actually worked at Macy’s at Broadway Plaza, so didn’t go to SunValley Mall. Moved to the Peninsula in 2009 and then back over here in 2014. The mall has definitely changed from 1998, lot’s of stores I’m not familiar with, so I guess we will see. I do think when things open up, people will be fed up with sitting at home and shopping on the internet, and will be dying to get out and shop. Several items are not conducive to buy on the internet, shoes one of them, and no matter how much store try on their website to show the right color and also describe the fabric, it is not the same as seeing and feeling it in person.

The shorter list will be of who can survive.

Amazon, Walmart, Target, Costco….Thats it America, those are the survivors.

Close ’em all. Sun Valley mall shoud be remade into a homeless shelter.

The increase in expenses for the restaurant business in CA make the margins not worth the risk. 1.5 months without revenue will be the end for many.

Well, it’s already a cesspool. What’s the worst that could happen?

Most of the small teeny bopper stores will close. That sector survives on heavy turnover. Currently they are saddled with all their summer merchandise and online shopping, except large retailers, is slower. I would watch stores like urban outfitters, forever 21, Claire’s, etc to not make it to 2021. Sad but we cannot afford to bail out the whole country… We really will look like Venezuela with inflation at levels we’ve never seen… but then again they said the same thing about WWII and the 50’s were spectacular. Guess the future is up for grabs… just ask Nancy she hasthe answers for everything

Somewhat hoping this is the end of Hobby Lobby.

You’re a hater.

This is such a dismal topic. I understand it’s reality, but we really need to do more praying and less thinking catastrophically.


I TOTALLY agree. My wife likes to go there, but she has to use her own money.

Why would you hope for any business particularly Hobby Lobby to fail?

Never been in one but how are they hurting you?

Anti -Christian and probably anti Semite. We don’t need haters like you in the world. Thanks for reminding me to go order some stuff from their website and I’ll shop there as soon as they open. We need some crafting and sewing materials now, but will wait.

Come on, Lo. Don’t be a coward. Why the bent on Hobby Lobby?

@Paladin its ecause Lo is a anti-christian liberal who doesn’t like wholesome businesses.

just saw Hobby Lob… decided to close all stores for now…

It is hard to say how this will all fall out.
I would suggest Sunvalley reimagine itself into a mixed use development with less retail and more housing. Perfect site for mixed use with apartments, condos and townhomes with limited retail, restaurants and entertainment. Use Santana Row as a perfect example.
BTW: not all retailers are eligible for the federal stimulus money. Plus retail has been evolving the last 10 years and fall out will continue. The mall as we’ve seen in recently is outdated.


The major one’s will be fine, it’s the small businesses we need to worry about!! Diggers Diner is about to go under for GOOD because of this.. Local bars may have to change ownership if owners can’t pay the bills over the next few months and then who knows if the bars will remain bars. Small salons like Glamour Cuts, hopefully the owner is able to side hustle cutting hair but that was her income. Always booked all day everyday. Who knows if what’s her name who owns Loards in downtown will be able to keep up without business. I think downtown will get hit the hardest, lots of small businesses.

I love Diggers Diner! The food is delicious and service is so friendly. They have take out and delivery thru Door Dash right now. Lets all support this business, it would be a loss to all of us if it were to go under.

Isn’t Diggers offering curbside pickup? People need to support our local eateries through these tough times. Eating hot food doesn’t transmit the virus. But handle wrappers and bags with care.

I hope every business can survive this, though there are a few I don’t care for. Hobby Lobby is targeted a lot of the time for there Christian values. Sad to see others so threaten by this. Business is business, you don’t like what they stand for go somewhere else.

That is rather sad. A salesman and a clergyman man are really not that different. Teach tolerance.

Why? Let me guess…..is it because the owners have Christian values? If that’s the case, all I can say is that people fear what they don’t understand, so consider trying to understand Christianity first.

Business is business leave your religious beliefs at home and don’t impose them on your workers or others. Chic filet can fail too.

I wasn’t imposing anything on anyone. Just sayin’ that people can be haters without realizing why and to learn more about it before taking such strong stances.

I understand Andersen’s Bakery in Sunvalley will not reopen when the mall reopens. I don’t know about the company as a whole. Not a major company, of course.

Anderson’s bakery is right next to Starbucks. They don’t have the variety as Starbucks does. I went there a couple of times when Starbucks had too long a line, for me to get coffee on my 15 minute break. I had a couple of pastries and they were okay, but now I’m on a diet and don’t eat pastries.

It’s funny to read the thoughts of all the uber consumers out there, as though Nature intended humans to gather at the boutique to try on dresses or at the sports bar to overeat, drink to excess, and have near strokes because a group of game players you want to win a contest might not do it. I’d say humans have definitely lost their focus on what’s important. Imagine paying somebody millions of dollars to throw a ball, while the people who teach our children barely get by and often spend their own money to buy needed supplies. I believe this pandemic was heaven sent, but am becoming convinced we won’t change our ways. We’re like bacteria in the vat of grape juice, converting all that sugar into more bacteria and alcohol. which eventually kills us off. For most of the human species, that’s a good thing, for I’m thoroughly disgusted by our behavior. We don’t deserve to survive.

“We don’t deserve to survive.”

Speak for yourself, Doomer.

You’re bogarting again….pass it!

If you were to ask a million people right now who the most important people are right now you can bet neither an actor, musician or sports figure would made the list. Farmers, truckers and store clerks would top it. After this passes those mentioned will be forgotten for the most part. Sad to see how our nation has lost its priorities.

I think that what John P. is saying is that people should be responsible for their own health to a large degree.

Overconsuming is not good.

And to anonymous – mankind doesn’t “deserve” anything. You gotta work (intelligently) for what you get.

Guess you don’t like to have fun? It is possible to have fun and still know what is important in life, family, friends, good health etc.

I do agree that teachers should be paid more. Although they do get good benefits.

Hoping that Olive Garden and Golden Corral close down!

I have been to both Hobby Lobby and Chic Fil-A and cant ever remember a time they imposed their beliefs on me. That statement makes no sense. As for the workers they too can find employment elsewhere if they don’t like how the business is run, but every time I been to Hobby Lobby and Chic-Fil-A the employees overall are much friendly than other places of business I been to. Apparently something some people cant understand.

I don’t want to sound mean, but I don’t know how any restaurant can stay open in this environment with no diners. It’s crazy, just awful.

Does anyone know if Sun Valley is owned outright, or do they have to pay rent? And how much is their extent if so? Must be a pretty penny.

They will all make it. Once this is over everything will return to normal. Though maybe we all will have gained some lbs I know I have!



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