Home » Seven Bay Area Jurisdictions Extend Stay-At-Home Order Until May 3

Seven Bay Area Jurisdictions Extend Stay-At-Home Order Until May 3


Health officers in several Bay Area counties and cities on Tuesday extended a stay-at-home order through May 3 to try to limit the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus in the region.

The previous order, issued earlier this month, was set to expire on April 7. The new order will go into effect at 11:59 p.m. Tuesday and covers six counties — Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo and Santa Clara — as well as the city of Berkeley.

The county health officers said the order is a complement to the indefinite stay-at-home statewide order issued by Gov. Gavin Newsom on March 19.


There have been 7,414 cases and 149 deaths reported from COVID-19 as of Tuesday morning.

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Governor Gabbing Nuisance was on the air again at noon, babbling on and on with a message that could have been delivered in a minute or two. The slicked hair adulterer just can’t stop talking when there’s a camera nearby. Brevity, Gov: look it up and pay heed to its definition.

You bored bro?

John, I noticed Gov. Cuomo yesterday doing the same thing.

Not bored. Exasperated with all politicians pontificating and posturing for dollars and votes. As Governor Lepetomane (Mel Brooks) said in Blazing Saddles, “Gentleman, we’ve got to protect our phony baloney jobs.”
Cuomo certainly does go on, doesn’t he? I do sense he feels for those suffering, though.

I wonder how many murderers and rapists he will able to release by then??


The most appropriate movie line for this mess is from The Ghostbusters:

“Lenny, if we’re right, you will have saved the lives of millions of registered voters”

Every single governor with a press conference is running for president in 2024.

Scientists use a “control” group often in testing as a check against their results. For those debating if shelter in place works there is now a control country. Sweden has decided the individual is to be responsible. Hmm, how will that work?
May want to keep an eye on Sweden’s Covid-19 numbers,

You might also want to watch Belarus. The president played ice hockey and declared “It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees!”. It will be interesting to see how this works out.

Need … more … alcohol …

As far as I can tell the stores are not running out of alcohol, or at least my favorite, a nice California Chardonnay.

@Hanne Jeppesen: Thank you for replying to the correct post.

😉 yes. The reply option is always under the Original Poster. Or OP for short. I admit it has happened to me a few times. Things go awry occasionally.

It was mentioned on an NPR show this past weekend, that during the 1918 pandemic, there were parts of the country that had shelter-in-place restrictions for up to 100 days.

The original estimation of a 3 week shelter in place (ending on April 7th) for Covid-19 was way too optimistic, and may have resulted in people not taking the virus and the shutdown order as seriously as they should have.

Natalie, Heaven forbid the most powerful man in the world being optimistic. And you stated that it may have resulted in people not taking this seriously; however, you failed to state that it also MAY NOT have resulted in that. Typical of you. Typical and pathetic.

I replied to the right post, because the reply button was right under the post I wanted to reply to. Now when I wanted to reply to your post the reply button is under Natalie’s comment. Again I think it is a problem with the website, could be my computer, cut don’t think so.

It’s the website?

Yeah, that’s the ticket!

Claycord’s reply thing is confusing. When you click reply it pops up a box immediately under the parent comment. When you click [Submit] the comment will get added to the bottom of the list of replies to the parent comment.

Someone complained about people that are replying at the bottom of an article rather than to specific comments within the article. Many people reply at the bottom as otherwise their comment gets buried in the middle of the page. Other’s looking at the page will not realize that the comment in the middle is the most recent comment on the overall topic.

WC Resident, Wordpress is kind of convoluted, but that’s a pretty good description of the reply process. It’s still way better than before we got the reply feature. I do miss the edit feature, though. It annoys me to leave uncorrected typos.

I just post comments. It’s not that big of deal. Replying correctly is nice, but if you make a mistake – so what. Uncorrected typos are annoying, but this is a blog, not an entrance exam to Stanford. Some people edit their comments, and others just post.

Social media is one of the few things in life we don’t have to take seriously. Lighten up and relax about the posting process. We all post the way we post, and that’s okay.

I am seeing an ever-increasing number of people out and about, driving, walking and shopping.

Stores are getting restocked after the silly panic buying.

Street work to replace water mains is resuming this week.

A lot of construction jobs are restarting.

Business if picking up.

Please refer to the NEW restrictions. Most all construction is being shut down. Boy, sure glad I won’t get Covid from the poor guys trying to put on a new roof- Way over 6 feet away. Or maybe Covid from the Painters on the outside trying to get by. AND also SIX FEET away.
FYI- I was at the Contra Costa Med center in MTZ today, Triage tents set up and a lot of very bored people waiting ….waiting. since Contra Costa is A Hot bed with 3 death in 3 weeks

Does anyone know if Carmageddon is still set to occur in San Francisco this July?


I posted that comment before the New draconian restrictions where announced.

The damage to the economy is yet to be seen. I think it will be bad.

I believe this pandemic is a farce with people panicking and politicians ignoring the Constitution and Americans as well as spreading doom and gloom.

3 dead in 3 weeks? How many abortions will be performed in a day at the local planned parenthood murder asylum? I believe that abortions are premeditated murder. That’s a lot worse than a bug.


White House officials are projecting between 100,000 and 200,000 Americans will die from COVID-19 during the coming months — even with strict social distancing.

Relaxing those restrictions would send the toll much higher.

Cowellian, Could you perhaps explain how it works. All I know sometime the reply button is right under the comment I want to reply to sometime it is 2-3 comments down. On my computer there is not a reply button under each comment. Is it my computer then? As I have written before, there are times when I do reply right under the comments, but it shows up 2 comments down. If there is no reply button under each comment what am I suppose to do? Please explain, I like to learn and I’m getting tired of all these snarky comments treating my like an imbecile. Someone said something about clicking on the line next to the comment, but when I do that I get no results. If the Geek squad was open I would see if they could help me.

WC Resident Thank you. I didn’t think it was just me. I’m not a computer genius, but I know enough to click on the reply button, wherever it is.

No one is asking the most important question. How many lives do we have lose before we destroy the economy? Is it 10,000? 1,000? 3?

Once that question is answered we can put this government forced shut down into context.

Is the juice worth the squeeze? So far I don’t think it comes close.

Nationwide, we are passed the 3,000 mark so far. The numbers would have been worse if we didn’t have the shutdown precautions. The economy isn’t destroyed. This economy and the nation survived the 1918 pandemic, the great depression, 2 World Wars, and will survive this.

Businesses are going online, shipping product, doing door-to-door delivery, offering curbside pickup and making other adjustments.

Even if there wasn’t a shutdown order, people would still be leery about going out to spend money and congregate. The information about the virus is out there. Unless the government forced people to risk their lives, enough people wouldn’t want to act as if the virus didn’t exist. We’d still have the anxiety of the virus, and a sense of fear everytime someone coughed in public.

This should subside this summer, because it is believed that the virus can’t thrive in warmer temperatures just like other respiratory viruses.

That is all well and good and on paper it sounds reasonable. However, it becomes a different story when you or yours get it or die from it.

Yes, let’s say we can do it for 3 people; All you need to do is send forth one of your parents and two other relatives for sacrifice, and we’ll get that economy started right back up for you. 🙄

Who makes these decisions? Oh yea. People that HAVE jobs. It will be a long time before we recover from this. The Dems always say they are for the little man. Well, the little man just got smaller. Way to go. But I guess I can look on the bright side. There will be some great deals on restaurant/bar equipment.

Are you saying this is the Democrats’ fault, even though Trump is President and just issued a social distancing order until April 30? This is not a political issue; cornoavirus attcks both blue and red.

I know that everyone can get the virus. But don’t you think they are being a little over the top? I probably should of not mentioned a party but we all know who runs this state. I just don’t like the fact that people that won’t loose their job telling people that they can’t work. This county has very little cases but they shut us down. It’s going to take a long time to recover. Now golf courses and tennis courts? What’s next?

Just got emergency alert extending stay at home order on my I phone. In Spanish .

nice that you can read spanish, or you may have gone outside…

So Contra Costa County is lumped into cities like SF that are densely packed? We do not have the same demographics as SF or San Jose, so why are we following the rules of the SF Public Health? We do not have the stacked apartment buildings, the houses crunched on top of each other, or the multiple packed streets. I have 15 feet on either side of my house before it touches my neighbors house. In some areas, it is more! Some less,

yes, people are going out more now. Most people (me included) do not have a months worth of milk or food stocked in our homes.

I just read the order on the CChealth website. Some areas of our lives are becoming more restricted while others are becoming more lax. No more construction, but realtors are now considered essential business.

Yeah, lets see how we all survive this … SIP did not seem to work in Italy … or on the cruise ships … maybe it will work in our homes.

We have to follow the same rules as more dense parts of the Bay Area, because people from other counties travel to our county for work, and other reasons. There are people from our county who are “essential workers” who travel back and forth between here and elsewhere. The virus doesn’t stay in county borders.

Different parts of the county have different population densities. We do have stacked apartment complexes in Concord and in Walnut Creek. We have downtown areas that get get a lot of people in them during normal circumstances.

You don’t need a month’s of milk. You can go shopping. The health order tells us we can buy food and other essentials. It’s also good for our mental health to run these errands.

Real estate consultations and transactions are normally one-on-one interactions, so they are very low risk.

The problem in Italy was that they didn’t take the advice to SIP seriously.

Dear CCC.

Please quit sending multiple messages. I already got your alert. You sent alert three times already. One on my email, text message and the Emergency Alert on my phone.

But they wouldn’t have your email unless you signed up for that.

Why does Berkeley need their own stay-at-home order? The city is under the jurisdiction of Alameda County.

Because berkeley is called Bezerkeley

Because dey iz spechele

Because Berkeley has their own health department and is separate from the rest of Alameda County, just like Pittsburg and Richmond have their own housing departments are separate from Constra Costa County’s.

“… realtors are now considered essential business.”

Realtors are consistent campaign contributors to city and county politicians, no sales commissions means fewer or no campaign contributions, is just that simple.

There’s a reason they pay campaign contributions . . . .
they expect to be, taken care of.

I want my money back.

If I can’t walk in my local park, I want the city or county to pay me back the tax dollars I spent for that park.

Sounds only fair to me.

Since when to county employees get away with curtailing the freedoms of the people?

Someone a lot more powerful needs to do that and there’s no one in this state that powerful.

I called, they told me your check is in the mail…..

Dear Cellophane: Just pretend there are monsters outside waiting to kill you and make you very sick. You could be one of the terrible monsters spreading the virus. This is not a hoax but a terrible reality. You better thank your lucky stars that we have proper restrictions in place. You better thank California that we are not like New York. Listen to your President, your governor and your mayor! Stay home. Americans cannot return to normal until we flatten this curve. I feel sorry for people who are in denial and that is not the river. WAKE UP and be safe.

The culture seems to be critical and with endless constant complaining. How about being very thankful for all the good in your lives. I love my life, even if I am doing the shelter in place mandate. California is doing a lot for families and their kids and people who are struggling in this state. Hey looks like this is not a hoax! 1.5 million may die as a result of this virus. I think we are in the best state for flattening the curve. Dr. Schwartzberg (expert on infectious disease) knows about wearing a mask. It keeps your hands away from your face. It gives people a false sense of security too! We have to be at least six feet apart. We need them for the doctors, nurses and respiratory therapists. Your safety is my top priority and should be yours too. WE have to be in this together, and stop making this a political thing. Please. This is real. STAY HOME. Wash your hands. Six Feet Apart. WE need more protection for the professionals. Hope these large corporations will get to work. WE will get through this together. Now I bet I will be criticized for expressing my thoughts and views. You watch. The haters can hardly contain themselves.

Ilovepopcorn, You are so right. What’s more I get the feeling a lot of people that are complaining are baby boomer’s and the generations after that. They are ones always complaining about the younger generation, how spoiled they are, how they don’t have a spine etc.

Let’s take a page from history and look what the greatest generation accomplished, did they complain about rationing, or having to go to war, I’m sure some did, but those of them alive today, will realize this is nothing compared to the WWII and the depression. Yet they survived and came back from the war, got married, had children, went to work and bought houses. Put things in perspective it will help your outlook. Having a positive attitude always beats negativity.

Where do you get your numbers of 1.5million people may die? Just curious … cause, our Dr Fauci is saying up to 1-200K in the US. If we look at the average death rate of 1.4% of SARS2, and multiple that by the plants population of 7.8 Billion, it is more than 1.5 Million. So can you provide your source?

CDC says that between 0.001 and 0.007% died from H1N1 world wide in 2009, that is a minimum of 7 million.
SARS only took the lives of under a 1000, so that is not a good comparison.

To be clear, I am not a hater. I just want data. I want hard numbers that are not fake, are from a reputable source. So, here I am asking you for where you got your data.

@ Hanne,
I am not a baby boomer, but I am generation x. So I will confirm your feeling about me! Not spoiled, have worked for everything I have and feel blessed that I am where I am today.

The greatest generation should be today’s. It should be our children’s future! We should not be living in the past, but instead should be striving for bigger and better things. At least, I pray my children do better than I have.

It’s about freedoms.

There are now 188 thousand infected people in US. I think at this point even non-believers should believe its real. I was personally skeptical but I think its going to get a lot worse in April. I would guess at least 500K+ people are going to be infected in next few weeks and thousands die.

If you have time and would like to learn more about coronavirus and how it kills people please go to youtube and search for this title below(not sure if linking is allowed here?). I think its very important that people understand how this works and take it seriously.

youtube search title:
“HOW COVID-19 KILLS–I’m a Surgeon–And Why We Can’t Save You”

Parent, My daughter is gen x having been born in 1980. Both her and her husband are doing well, raising a family, working hard, owns a house. They are political liberal, but live very conservative, family oriented, work hard, financially responsible, don’t drink at all, and eat healthy. They will be doing fine, thanks to my ex having enough money to send her to college and graduate school. I think a lot of people that complain about the younger generation are not necessarily in touch with that generation. Or they have children that are doing fine, but thinks no one else is. I agree we should not live in the past, but past history reminds of what and who became before us and hopefully we will learn from it.

That is .0569% of the population. Actually lower if you counted the illegals.

This situation has some people panicking . I’ve seen two people screaming at each other. Other folks go into the “You’re not the boss of me.” mode. Fact is emergency quarantines are nothing new. We are all in this together and civility is the very best way to go. I think the bureaucrats are doing the best they can.

Hats off to delivery people, grocery store folks ,and all the medical people.

The only people I’m not impressed with are those who misuse the Oxford comma.

Agreed, but I think you might have misused a comma here… “store folks ,and all .” 🙂

Ha, Ha, Ha, instant karma!

Totally agree civility is the best way to go, we have to have a little faith in the people we elected, or some elected. Not a Trump fan, would never vote for him, and of course he has no experience dealing with this kind of crisis, but he has advisors and it sounds like he is listening to them, so I give him credit for that.

What is the Oxford comma??

The Oxford comma is what separates us from the heathens.

a comma used after the penultimate item in a list of three or more items, before ‘and’ or ‘or’ (e.g. an Italian painter, sculptor, and architect

I have no idea what an Oxford comma is. I think I used to know , but I forgot . It does sound cool. I just threw it in because it makes me look smarter then I am. I can’t even remember the difference between then and than.

Commas save lives!

I like cooking my family and my pets.


I like cooking, my family, and my pets.

The comma after family is an Oxford comma.

…comma, comma, comma, comma, comma chameleon…

Just saying- I am obeying the SIP.. But when I look at Facebook, numerous people are posting current pictures of gatherings in their home. I thought we had to avoid this. WTF? Totally irresponsible people, that think they are above the rules!!!

You cant fix stupid people!

Social Media continues to show me just how misinformed, uneducated, and dumb this Country is.


By Alix Martichoux
Monday, March 30, 2020 9:44PM
SAN FRANCISCO — A new model from a University of Washington medical research group predicts when the impact of the novel coronavirus pandemic will reach its climax in each state.

In California, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) estimates that day will come around April 25.

RELATED: Newsom calls for all healthcare workers to help during COVID-19 pandemic

The model suggests the state will see 100 deaths related to COVID-19 every day starting on April 25, before the death rate slowly starts to decline at the beginning of May.

The model also projects the number of hospital beds, intensive care beds and ventilators that will be needed to treat the novel coronavirus. IHME predicts that at “peak resource use,” currently projected for April 26, California hospitals will need 10,468 beds, 1,564 ICU beds and 1,252 ventilators. If those projections turn out to be correct, California will not have any shortage of hospital beds. Gov. Gavin Newsom has called on California companies to make new and refurbish old ventilators to keep up with projected demand.

RELATED: Coronavirus Safety: Expert explains recommendations for wearing masks

The situation is much more dire in New York, predicts IHME. The model suggest New York state will reach its peak death rate in just 10 days, hitting nearly 800 deaths per day starting April 10. According to the research group, New York will far surpass its hospital bed and ICU bed capacity.

Yes, the IHME modeling is from Dr. Chris Murray at University of Washington. Under full-mitigation, he has forecasted the amount of deaths from Covid-19 at 84,000.

Unfortunately, there is no full-mitigation.
States like Florida and their Republican Governor (DeSantis) still don’t have a “Stay at Home” order.


Wasn’t there supposed to be thousands of dead people in the streets this week? Hospitals were going to be over run, right? Where are all of the dead people? Not saying this isnt real, I am just one of the few who actually remembers what was said by our leaders and experts three weeks ago.

A better question is who in the hell put a government doctor in charge of our daily lives? Who ever is OK with giving that much power to a bureaucrat is insane. I am not saying that virus isn’t t real.

Once again I will ask the question that none of the rational, science loving, secularist can seem to answer. How many deaths does it take to give government complete control of our daily lives and in the process wreak havoc on our lively hoods. Give me a number. Maybe there is a scientific model you can use., an expert to consult? The virus is real just want to make that clear.

It’s pretty simple.

Do you want to fight a 41 day Persian Gulf War or a decade long Vietnam War?

Be thankful that you have a Governor in California that has a brain and who figured things out pretty quickly, enacting a “Stay at Home” order back on March 16th.

Gov. Ron DeSantis in FLORIDA has done no such thing.
Florida is going to become a mess, especially with their older population. The criminal negligence is astounding. It really is!

I’m wondering if we’ve already reached critical mass on this and an epic recession/depression along with hundreds of thousands if not millions of deaths are now all but inevitable in our country no matter what steps we take next. I’m still gonna pay my bills though, just in case. 😬

Atticus Thraxx – Paying my bills as well since I can.

People be smart listen to Newsom. He is trying to save lives. Stay in place means just that. If you don’t like it to bad. If you are careless you can kill other people. Think of others.

More people have died in auto and motorcycle accidents in Contra Costa County over than the last 3 weeks than from the virus. It could get worse or it could get better, but to date it’s a lot of hype in this County.

Dear Parent: I am researching that total of over a million folks could die. It was the worst case scenario as I recall! If I can’t find it I will retract that info!
In fact let’s do that now. From now on I will record my sources. Do not want to spread panic or fake news. Thank you for the heads up.

I have a feeling that the election in 2024 is going to have more Democratic governors jockeying for position than now in 2020. Newscum positioned himself front and center almost immediately under the guise of wanting to take care of California. He only wants to take care of himself. Beware. Maybe he can have Pelosi run (in a wheelchair) as his vp candidate.

Mr. Newsom claims to have no interest in the Presidency; however his ego will likely win that battle. Caitlyn Jenner would be a perfect running mate.

A novel idea for 2020: Given the crisis, how about all candidates run a bare bones campaign. Let’s have a social distanced election. All that money typically spent on advertising, fundraisers, and travel could be much better used to assist America’s recovery. I know, there is a better chance of Trump and Nancy singing Kumbaya together…….

Given your political narrative, I guess you’d rather live in FLORIDA where they still have no “Stay at Home” order under Trump’s good buddy Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Do a search for the “Stay the Fu*k at Home” song (old guy on piano) and enjoy as I did. 🙂

FACTS: 776 Californian’s are in ICU right now.

That’s a 16% increase from yesterday and a QUADRUPLING in the last 6 days.

Gov. Newsome has been able to order 101 million N95 masks.
34 million have been distributed.

I applaud the purchasing power of the 5th largest economy in the world.

The last thing you want to do is be a State having to compete and “outbid” FEMA for personal protection equipment and ventilators. Just ask Gov. Cuomo in NY.

I also applaud our research Universities that are creating nasal swabs for our Labs via 3-D printing technology, as well as other entrepreneurs like Musk and Sir Richard Branson that have helped out with ventilators.



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