Home » DAILY UPDATE: 212 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus In Contra Costa County – 25 More Than Yesterday

DAILY UPDATE: 212 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus In Contra Costa County – 25 More Than Yesterday


Contra Costa is now reporting 212 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the county, which is 25 more than yesterday.

The county has also confirmed there have been three coronavirus-related deaths in Contra Costa.

The health department does not release any further details, including the cities of those infected, the number of people currently hospitalized, the number of people who have recovered, or the number of people who have been tested.


UPDATE: The county just updated the number to 222.

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Gavin just let 14 murderers out of jail! I can not imagine what the victims families are feeling right now.

he 19 felons given commutations by Newsom include:

50-year-old Rodney McNeal convicted of stabbing his pregnant wife to death
75-year-old Suzanne Johnson convicted of assaulting a child to death
35-year-old Kristopher Blehm convicted for aiding in a murder
64-year-old Joann Parks convicted of killing her three children
67-year-old Rosemary Dyer convicted of murdering her husband
40-year-old Jason Bryant convicted for witnessing murder during a robbery
56-year-old Steven Bradley convicted of murdering a gas station worker
64-year-old Richard Flowers convicted of murdering a woman
61-year-old Samuel Eldredge convicted of shooting a person to death
49-year-old Ramon Rodriguez convicted of murdering a person for pay
56-year-old James Harris convicted of kidnapping and murdering two people
48-year-old Robert Glass convicted of murdering a burglary victim
45-year-old David Jassy convicted of murdering a man he was fighting with
68-year-old Shyrl Lamar convicted of witnessing the murder of two people
Tri Thai, an immigrant, convicted of assault, dissuading a witness, and burglary
Monsuru Tijani, an immigrant, convicted of issuing fake financial statements
Shannon Thomas-Bland convicted of drug crimes
Gabriel Garcia convicted of drug crimes
Brenda Ibanez convicted of robbery and using a fake ID to buy a vehicle

Hey Newsome! You can add whatever future victims are murdered by these animals on your list of dead during the coronavirus scare.
Yes, a great leader at work!

Thanks for the post Bob! It’s important to see the slime Newscum is releasing back onto our streets! Governments #1 job is the safety of its citizens. I would say he is clearly failing!

Of course, his supporters will find some reason to support how wrong you are, even with the obvious slapping them in the face! Such is California!

Sign from Above,

#1 job of Government is to ensure the Civil Liberties of the people are not infringed.

Again, to be fair, all of these upstanding citizens told the Governor “I didn’t do it” so who are we to judge?


I’m thinking you are being sarcastic (takes one to know one). At least I hope you are! However, given this is California, we never know!

Only in California would we be worried that people believe governments PRIMARY responsibility is the protection of civil liberties. Yes, in a sane environment, civil liberties are important. But they are in no way the PRIMARY responsibility of government. Without safety, nothing else matters!

Sign from Above,

Obvious sarcasm on the Gov.

Disagree 100% on the safety issue. Civil liberties protect us from government overreach and power. Read the Bill of Rights.

@ZZ: If you are going to attack him, please at least spell his name rigt: “Newsom”.

Gavin, you seem to present like such a good family man. So please be one.
I don’t have professional security service promoting safety. My police force is getting sick, offering less safety, and i can’t even get a gun to protect my family. Prison reform is not working. Please Stop releasing criminals, the good people are suffering.

@ 1791

I didn’t say what your individual rights are! I said what government’s primary responsibilities are. There is a huge difference there! Believe me, I’ve read both the U.S. Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution many times and I’m very well aware of what both documents mean! While protecting civil liberties is VERY important, Government is in place for the protection of it’s people. The Bill of Rights ensures they do not overstep their authority!

Maybe you should try reading the preamble to the U.S. constitution. Kind of spells it out for you.

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, ESTABLISH JUSTICE, INSURE DOMESTIC TRANQUILITY (Tranquility for the Framers meant the absence of riots, rebellions, and similar symptoms of social disorder), PROVIDE FOR THE COMMON DEFENSE, PROMOTE GENERAL WELFARE, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Sign from Above,

Took you a spell to look all that up, huh?

Good to hear you’ve read all of those important documents. Maybe you should post everything in all caps, looks so much more convincing.

You keep looking for the SCOTUS to justify what you believe. Keep looking for govrnment to protect you and keep you safe.

Chew on this…everyone is born equal and must reamian equal under the law. Equallity is not Amerca’s national goal. If it were, the government would have to deprive the people of their Liberty. American values-Liberty, In God We Trust, E Pluribus Unum. I’ll say it one more time, our goverments first job is to protect there values.

Spin that all you want and you will. Stay safe!


Ahhh California Liberalism! What a pleasant dream! Even when the facts are thrown in your face, you find a way to stick your head in the sand.

The point of the whole conversation was that Newsom is putting the safety of his constituents in danger by releasing convicted killers and other hardened criminals onto our streets. This has NOTHING (caps for your benefit) to do with civil liberties, as the only civil liberties being impeded on are those of the honest law-abiding citizens. But you did well trying to muddy up the topic with your civil liberties approach. If you can’t argue the topic, argue something unrelated in hopes of pulling the conversation away from topics that do not fit your agenda. Typical Liberal approach in California.

No, U.S. Government is not perfect by any means, and I don’t believe our current President will win any awards for being top in his field. However, there is not a country out there that can hold a candle to it. If you believe otherwise, you should probably live there. If you want to believe that our government is a big conspiracy out to get you, be my guest! Done here.

Sign from Above,

There’s no sense in beating a dead horse, it’s already dead.

Newsom isn’t just infringing on our civil rights. He is violating our human rights which is much worse.

His rigt name is Gavin “Any Twosome” Newsom.

Reality says…
Something to smile at…thank you

That Siberian!

Do wonder how many of CoCo cases are from homeless population. Has been reported CA is home to half of the country’s street homeless population.

Homeless don’t generally travel abroad or take ocean cruises … and typically don’t hang with those that do. I’m guessing they are a minor part of the afflicted.

It’s too bad that our democratic leaders can’t lead. It’d be nice if they’d man up.

I seriously doubt if any of this is going to get Gabbin Nuisance a second term in office.

Wish we knew if there was a cluster somewhere in the county or is spread fall over

It doesn’t matter. We are past the point of containment and have moved to a mitigation stage. It’s is all over the county.

Funny how the Contra Costa County Health Department can give exact details of what was found in restaurants that caused them to be shut down such as number of dead and live and where they were found in the facility. Yet they can not tell us where in Contra Costa County cases of COVID19 were found.
This is absurd.

Is it not absurd. It is a policy, which do not serve the citizens
and people at all. “Seek and hide”. Do we are part of this movie?

Their exact addresses are confidential, by HIPAA. The neighborhoods where they live would not be helpful either, as that info is too vague. It is all over the county; you don’t need to know exact information.

ygnacio – nobody is asking for the exact address. However, some general demographics would okay with HIPAA and allow the public to understand the situation much better.

For example, the state of Florida is providing nice HIPPA compliant data via daily reports. The report for 3/31/2020 is at https://floridadisaster.org/globalassets/covid19/dailies/covid-19-data—daily-report-2020-03-31-1742.pdf Compare that to Contra Costa county which only provides the current total confirmed cases and total deaths. They are not even bothering to release the data via a feed that people could then use for historical data.

Funny how Contra Costa Health Dept. can’t release locations of Corona Virus infestations and yet, they have the ability to pinpoint where roaches and rats were found in restaurants closed by them, and to release the name and address of the business.

We are not asking for names, just locations to protect ourselves and our families.

What exactly do you plan on doing with the information? There’s already the shutdown order. Do you have another house to go be quarentined at?

Just looking for safety and accountability.

Like mentioned above, I am really troubled by the amount of information that is being withheld. Why on earth can officials not release information like how many people have been tested? Is it because we would be appalled that there the percentage of people being tested is microscopic to the need?

If Los Angeles County can publish comprehensive data, so can Contra Costa. My guess is they are fearful that the public will recognize certain trends. And it’s possible that those trends could have some sort of “non-liberal” connotation, if you catch my drift.



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