The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Did you leave the house this weekend? If so, where did you go, and was it crowded where you went?
Talk about it.
Walked on the canal trail which reminds me that they shut the flow of water off and there are mosquito breeding pools all over the place. I should call the canal people and tell them to do something about it. Who wants to bet if anything will get done?
Yes, please docile. This is “essential” as it cold get out of hand and increase the West Nile virus.
I emailed them on a form that they claim will be answered promptly. No answer today and I will call tomorrow.
Thank you for reaching out to the Contra Costa Water District. This week, we are in the process of finishing up our annual Loop Canal cleaning. We plan to start refilling next week, so you can expect to see water in the canal the following week of April 6.
No, I rarely leave the house on the weekends because of traffic and crowds, so I spend my weekends getting household chores done. I’m retired, so I have all the time in the world to go out.
One thing I noticed in my neighborhood is more children outside playing. I am led to believe it’s the fault of Dr. Fauci and his cohorts for telling the public that young people seem to be unaffected, which in turn leads the parents to believe their children won’t get the virus. The same goes for young adults as we saw in Florida where they were partying on the beach. Now today in the news they are reporting children and young adults are coming down with the virus.
Yup, had to go to work. Told us we are essential, told them I’m taking two weeks off
Yes, got in line at grocery store before 6am to do my shopping then went on a walk later with my hubby. Enjoyed working in our yards and not going anywhere. This is pretty much our usual routine on the weekends anyway.
Yes, do my daily walk around 5:30AM in the hood. Will see one or two others out, but keep a distance…
No. I went to the garage (apple juice) and checked the mail on Saturday. The air is cleaner.
I did not, and I usually go out every weekend. I don’t mind staying at home, but I do miss seeing friends, eating out, and going to the movies.
With a few modifications, I did my normal routine.
Shopping and errand running pretty much as usual.
I really enjoyed the lack of traffic and the unusual kindness of others. Refreshing.
Took some time to go to a favorite spot with nice views and fresh air. It was a little crowded but everyone kept their distance.
I refuse to be pushed into a panic by the media and self-centered politicians.
No need to panic, and going to a park and similar is fine, especially if everyone keep their distance. However, I think the threat of the virus is real, and you don’t have to listen to the media or politicians, just listen scientist and experts
Instead of doing my regular shopping, I went out and looked at a bunch of empty shelves. It was so much fun, I’ll probably do it again soon.
Have not been out since a week ago today. I realized the other day I wasn’t washing after opening the mailbox or handling mail. Going shopping tomorrow, will wear mask, and gloves to remind me not to unconsciously touch my face. I’m very high risk and live alone. Mail delivery irregular.
Sounds like you’re doing everything right.
Am hunkered down, keeping pellet stove filled, prepping the garden a bit. Stay safe and raise the drawbridge.
Have not left my property since midnight 3.14 to make sure I had not picked up anything that would compromise the health of my toddler grandchild when I can finally see her again. Ironically, my brother who is having his 7th chemo treatment today called to make sure that I am OK in SIP. He knows that I’m on BART 4-5 times a week to go to the theater, lectures, museums, etc. and was worried that I was going stir-crazy. He said that he knows that I’m the sister who always has books stashed everywhere in case of an emergency, but he knows I’m not used to staying home.
I took my young sons on bike rides and walks to get the wiggles out, but that was about it. There were a lot of people on the trails Saturday, not so much Sunday.
I went to Safeway around 11:00 this morning to grab a few things. It wasn’t very crowded and the shelves were decently stocked, all things considered. Still no TP, but I’m fine for a while.
Most people seemed to be following the social distancing guidelines, while still being friendly from a distance. Hopefully, the feeding frenzy is starting to slow down a little.
This quarantine is going to end very soon. After the 15day period that was required by the president. People will be told to go back to work.
The reason for this is because the effects of not going back to work are by far worse than the flu!
If this gets you sick it’ll make a case of the flu seem like a walk on a beautiful warm beach during a lovely sunset.
I have been off work since Monday the 16th, and should be through the 7th of April, I work at Macy’s. Anyway retail jobs don’t give you a lot of extra time off. We are closed Christmas Day and Easter Sunday, no 2 day week-end, unless you are lucky or use vacation time, of which you get 2 weeks a year if you are full time. So this will be longest I have had off in the years I worked for them, most was 8 days, so now I have all this time on my hands and the days flow together, as far as I remember I went to the Grocery Outlet on Saturday and the CVS, could have been Friday, not sure. I was pleased to see Grocery Outlet had plenty of berries, milk, cream, cheese and salad stuff as well as meat. A neighbor told me Safeway was out of milk, so if someone cannot find milk try Grocery Outlet. As far as I can tell none of the stores are running short of wine, which is a good thing, although I’m dieting I’m not about to give up my 1 or 2 glasses of chardonnay. As for paper towels and toilet paper, I usually get that at the 99 cent store only on Willow Pass, they sell 12 mega rolls for 3.99 and paper towels 6 for the same price. I don’t like to go there often as the store often is crowded, so when I go I buy 2 of mega toilet paper, and 1 of paper towels, and I had just gone there a week before the panic buying set in. Perhaps I can sell rolls of toilet paper for $10.00 each!! Ha, ha.
I went to TJ’s, No toilet paper but otherwise well stocked. Clerk met you at the door with hand sanitizer and a wipe for the cart. I was pleased and impressed.
Had to go to Target for an elderly friend, I was 7th in line when it opened. No wipes for the cart, limited supply of TP, no Kleenex.
Went to Safeway for her granola bars, not many people. No TP, a few boxes of Kleenex. Dropped the stuff off and went home. Trying to take a walk every day. Reading a lot of books.
Drove to and from Albuquerque to clean out my Daughters dorm and move her back home for the remainder of the year. Traffic very light and only saw one state trooper the entire time.
Nope. I only got as far as the sidewalk. I’m getting tons done though.. rebuilt a fence, changed the oil in the truck, pruned trees, mowed and weeded, cooked many meals, baked my own bread (a first!!), sorted tools, arranged the garage, did laundry, and helped the GF with an art project.
@ Exit 12A ~ AWESOME!
Yes, over the weekend, just to Safeway for a few items and Saturday/Sunday to help a friend, pick-up/drop-off. Her car needed some work. No crowds.
I normally don’t go out much on the weekends anyway so I pretty much stayed in.
I did go grab a sandwich at Genova Deli on Treat on Saturday. Went in a little after noon. Normally it’s pretty crowded there at that time of day but this weekend, I was the only customer there. They did seem to be making orders for people who might have called in or ordered online.
A great deli, owned by a really nice family. I sure hope all the local business’s can get through this tough time. Meanwhile we have the filibuster in Washington…….
In response to Dawg’s post, where are the facts or the source?
Not this weekend but had to go out twice today. Traffic was okay and nobody was crowded or crowding.
I have not been out for 10 days, and was just thinking last night that I’d better take Brünhilda for a spin so that her battery doesn’t go dead. We’ll miss fresh eggs pretty soon, but am grateful to have neighbors and friends offering to share and/or to go shopping for me.
If all else fails, I usually threaten myself with “Okay, it you’re so bored, you can always clean out a closet or do the ironing!” Ahhhhgggggg!
We are fortunate to have a great many indoor-based interests, many Facebook buddies all over the world, and a yard which always loves attention. For instance, last night the raccoons knocked the basin off of the birdbath pedestal…. but it did fall right side up, so now the rain might fill it up just fine.
And….. AND …. on Saturday, we became GREAT grandparents for the very first time; so the pictures, Marco Polo’s, Messenger, and FB “traffic” is wonderful!
Take care, everyone!
Yeah for your new Great Grand Baby!!
Congratulations, Antler!
Oh my. What fantastic news, Antler. Many CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
Antler, congrats on the great grandbaby.
Yes. Had to get a few things at Safeway. I use the mask and gloves. I should wipe down the stuff I buy too. Next time. I also went to ACE in Alamo to buy five new plants. I can’t figure out why I am so busy . I live in Rossmoor which is wonderful. Have loads of Facebook friends. TV cleaning and laundry. I am a single person but have so many things to do. Got to start painting at home. My studio was in the art class and is closed up as all other things are. The fitness center, pools, golf are off limits now. Walking is an option.
Went to Trader Joe’s, they are doing a GREAT job, limiting the number of people, passing out sanitizer as you are allowed in. You can only buy 2 of anything; about 10 of us in line, all 6feet apart, very calm. Just needed a few things, they had some empty areas, but I bought everything I needed, out in about 15 minutes. Kudos to TJ’s!
Went to Martinez waterfront on Sunday and was amazed to see that they were holding a Farmers Market, packed with people, shoulder to shoulder, as if there were no restrictions. What’s going on here?
Worked on Saturday. Made my job much easier having less traffic! Helped myself to some sunshine in the backyard after work while reading a book. Hung out at home and did some chores. Went to Briones with my S/O and 2 kids for hike on Sunday. The parking lot was packed, but whenever we’d meet people while on trail, everyone was practicing distancing. It was great weather and a beautiful day!