Home » U.S. Attorney’s Office Seeks Reports Of Coronavirus-Related Fraud

U.S. Attorney’s Office Seeks Reports Of Coronavirus-Related Fraud


The office of U.S. Attorney David L. Anderson of the Northern District of California in San Francisco is urging the public to report suspected fraud schemes related to the COVID-19 coronavirus.

Reports can be made by calling the National Center for Disaster Fraud hotline at (866) 720-5721 or by sending an e-mail to disaster@leo.gov.

U.S. Attorneys have been directed to make investigation and prosecution of coronavirus fraud a priority.

Reports and complaints made to the center will be entered into a centralized system accessible by all U.S. Attorneys and the federal Department of Justice, officials said, and allow investigation and prosecution of fraud attempts.


“Unfortunately there are fraudsters out there who will try to use this public health emergency to scam the public and profit on the pandemic,” Anderson said in a statement. “As communities throughout Northern California take steps to limit the spread of COVID-19, we are working closely with our law enforcement partners to guard against fraud and bring swift justice to those who try to ply their scams in our district.”

The office said examples of schemes include fake COVID-19 cures; Malicious websites and apps that appear to share Coronavirus-related information; fraudulent donation appeals; and medical providers using patient information obtained for COVID-19 testing to fraudulently bill for other tests and procedures.

Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen last week directed each U.S. Attorney to appoint a coronavirus fraud coordinator to serve as legal counsel for the federal judicial district on coronavirus issues, direct prosecution of related crimes, and conduct outreach and awareness activities.

To learn more about Department of Justice resources and information, visit www.justice.gov/coronavirus.


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you mean the danger level reported in the media,that kind of fraud?Yes report it…

“Shelter in place” is another exaggeration used by the media and the Governor. “Shelter in place” should be used for toxic plumes shot in the air at the refineries, or when there is an active shooter. They went over the top. The term “Shutdown” would be better. All the media wants is ratings and it’s a shame on them.

So is blind faith.

We are still in the data gathering mode. Hopefully soon the CDC will have enough to get our healthcare system moving. Glad we waited on testing kits because we don’t need 48% false Negative tests. Fraud is being perpetrated by many. Wouldn’t it make more sense to “Shelter in place” the most vulnerable? We are not being told Something. And those Scumbag Congressmen that sold their stocks after their confidential briefing should be put in JAIL!

you have to be a sick individual to pick on people and scam them in this tough time.

Some medical providers are in on it too? They would never do such a thing! They wouldn’t steal from insurance companies! (Sarcasm)

Schmee seeks toilet paper

Schmee I have an unopened 12 pack of double rolls,extra soft from_______ store,should we say…$75 ??do I hear $80…?

Schmee, I can beat james’ offer… $2.00, but…. S&H apply!

wink wink…

Aunt Barbara, the Asian women you speak of might be from a communist country where everything is divvied up, so they will grab what they can while they can. Living in a free society is new to them.
If they are not from a communist country, then I have no explanation.

I am very pleased to see Costco and hopefully other stores are not allowing returns on the hoarders who cleaned out the shelves, no matter what their gender or origin is.

Good riddance, let em eat all of that stuff. Idiots

A fitting punishment would be to throw the scammers in a very tightly packed cell all together



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