California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Thursday announced the expansion of his stay at home order to the entire state in a bid to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus.
He said the state needs to “broaden the order to all Californians” and acknowledged it would mean inconvenience and hardship.
“If we change this moment, we can truly change the surge,” he said in a news conference streamed live on Twitter.
“Home isolation is not my preferred choice,” Newsom said, “but it’s a necessary one” as California officials work to accommodate urgent needs.
“This is not a permanent state,” Newsom said, adding that people “can still walk their dogs,” get groceries and pickup takeout food with proper precautions.
He said that among other steps the state has ordered additional ventilators, is talking with the University of California on use of dormitories, and has negotiated for hospital space in Northern and Southern California that will increase the state’s capacity by 750 beds.
This order has just put many thousands of people out of work. Most service industry workers and all others who cannot work from home across the state will now lose their jobs/source of income as did all those here in the Bay Area on Tuesday. I am not saying that this is not necessary. However, the Governor now needs to immediately put increased/enhanced unemployment benefits in place that replaces the wages lost by all of these people that can no longer work at their jobs.
Not necessarily true. If we model our response off of those who have successfully aptly dealt with this virus, it shouldn’t cost everyone their jobs.
For example, I ordered pizza delivery yesterday. Met with the delivery guy outside the building, and he was wearing a face mask and gloves.
There is also legislation rolling out that makes it illegal for employers to fire employees for anything related to the virus. Overall a no-win scenario, but let’s try to weather it the best we can.
Lots of companies that are closed for the next several week, will continue to pay their employees. I work for Macy’s at SunValley Mall, we closed Monday night and will stay closed to at least April 7th. Most weeks I’m scheduled for 28 to 35 hours. I was just informed that those of us that are full time (28 or more hours a week) will be paid for 28 hours during this time. I have other income and can meet my basic expenses on that, I also have savings, but it certainly helps. In fact I commend the way Macy’s has handled this whole virus thing, from a very reassuring message from the CEO to continue to paying us.
Small business owners not only lose income, a lot of them are not on payrolls. Zero income while they have to pay rent, insurance, etc…
It is ridiculous. We will be offered loan!? Great.
If any small business can follow “ social distance”, they should be allowed to stay open. Going to crowded grocery stores is more dangerous than visiting a small business.
It is commendable that Macy’s is doing this. Most medium and small businesses do not have the resources to be able to do this even if they would like to.
Newsome is a POS.
Please explain.
Barbosa –
It means Piece Of $h!t
Self explanatory.
@pyrhuss this is what Trump said:
The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, is doing everything within its semi-considerable power (it used to be greater!) to inflame the CoronaVirus situation, far beyond what the facts would warrant. Surgeon General, “The risk is low to the average American.”
4:20 AM – Mar 9, 2020
Our great POS governor is fanning the panic flames too by saying half the people in California will get the virus.
Trump is saying it could now last until July and he is saying to not gather in groups larger than 10. This is a complete 180 from what he was saying earlier. He made a grave mistake that has now negatively impacted this country. He has only responded now that the economy is in the pits and he is getting pressured to finally act. I will give him credit that he is finally doing what needs to be done.
However, Half of Californian’s getting the COVID-19 is absolutely possible. Germany has given a higher percentage as have other countries. Our testing and response in the US has been so poor that we really have no clue what the true impact is. We absolutely need to shelter in place in order to keep our health system afloat. If it gets worse the hospitals will be flooded and people will die from preventable things because we have to give priority to those that are worse off.
Newsom has decided to take the Democrat’s penchant for political theater and drama to heart, and make it the afterburner propelling him directly to higher office.
“…not gather in groups larger than 10. ” Is 10 some magical number that imparts immunity or something? Sounds arbitrary and silly.
Of all the hateful things Democrats have to say about him, I seriously don’t think you can blame Coronavirus, or the nation’s response to it, on Donald Trump.
People aren’t listening! I had to leave the house today out of need and traffic seemed normal, a nearby park was almost full with cars and I found many people, some with children, walking down the middle of the street without a care in the world.
People can be outside but they should stay 10 feet away from people NOT in their house.
Kids should not be allowed to play at parks and anytime you leave the house have disposable gloves on and wipes to clean up before you enter your house.
I’m depressed.
please don’t be depressed. Call this toll free mental health hotline: (855) 845-7415. They can help you…
your friend,
This isn’t forever. There’s light at the end of the tunnel. Sneaky, but accurate and unconventional means of collecting data means that we can now see where recovery is happening and normal activities are resuming. We have to get through what’s happening now and reduce exposure, but it’s all temporary.
Okay, let’s do a little math. The governor claims that computer modeling suggests that 25.6 Million Californians will be infected by the coronavirus in the next 8 weeks. Using the published estimate that 1% of those will die as a result, that means 250,000 of our fellow citizens will die in the next 2-3 months. To paraphrase Joe Biden, “Come on, Man!” I fully support taking this threat seriously. But, what is gained by scaring the crap out of 34 Million Californians. I truly hope the governor and his modeler are wrong, for any number of reasons.
Models are made by the World health Organization fyi.
Please watch this:
The models gave Hillary a 90%+ chance of winning in 2016.
Models are based on assumptions. If the assumptions are faulty the models come apart.
Hope the models for this pandemic is faulty.
Wouldn’t it be cheaper and just as effective to issue every citizen an N95 mask, and enforce their use.
Where do you get 56 million n95 masks? And sent out and distributed right away? And enforce it??
Taiwan aaid they would donate 100k masks to the USA every week because we cannot make them fast enough
Kaiser in WC needs them ASAP and it’s hasn’t reached the worst yet.
Follow Italy, they are a few days ahead of us and we are on the same trajectory. We do not have massive testing available and we need that first and foremost.
While money is important, right now we have to keep the infection rate low and keep people alive.
This is bad. No one here has ever been though this. Read as much as you can from trusted sources ONLY. Wear gloves everytime you touch something that anyone who is not your family, has touched
Stay home! Do not go to a friends house please….::only food and medicine.
I do not want anyone to die from this
Why would only Californians get them? Why not the rest of the country?
This governor is going off a worst case model if nothing is done. He is going to be very wrong. It is great to be prepared, but he is fear mongering, and we are not going to turn into Italy. Italy is a different case with special circumstances and as of this morning has 41,000 cases, and yesterday they (I don’t know who unfortunately) predicted that the case count could be at its peak next week. I hope so, and if they follow China it could be true. Of the millions of people in China living in crowded conditions, only 81,000 people got it and so far over 71,000 have completely recovered. They only have 6500 active cases right now, and yesterday they announced that in the last 24 hours there were no new cases. If China can stop this virus, why is the governor assuming it will be out of control here and 25 million people in our state would get it. None of these officials or media sources are putting this is perspective. It is really unfortunate that they are only pushing the panic. Yesterday the government announced that they have 2 drugs that can treat this virus. I have been reading the studies on these drugs out of China, Australia, and France for the last few weeks. They work in many cases. China is even using chloroquine as there standard method of treatment, and it has shown that if you take it early, it can even prevent the disease. Why doesn’t anyone report this really positive news?
China is successful because it’s an authoritarian government that didn’t take it serious at first (sound familiar)
Then when they realized they couldn’t lie about, they clamped down like an authoritarian government could.
Massive testing (which we need NOW) and if anyone had a fever they were sent to fever clinics and isolated from everyone right away.
They have massive camps of sick men, sick women and sick children. All separated and isolated.
Now it has worked but do you think people here would accept that? Look at these people here now, they hardly respect what’s going on.
And newsome is doing what a leader does. Keeping everyone informed and being honest about the possibility of what’s coming.
It’s not his fault how people react but it always better then lying and putting his head in the sand.
Look we need massive amounts of testing right now and massive amounts of medical equipment right now.
If people stay home and stay vigilant we will be ok. It’s the people who don’t care that are the problem
Yogurt, we stay home until ramped-up production of N95s teaches 56 million and they send them out with the checks for a thousand bucks.
I think people are already getting tired of this lockdown. I’ve noticed a few more people out today than earlier in the week.
I’ll bet this weekend people will be out even more.
Americans just aren’t the kind of people to sit inside and stare at the walls.
I know the lockdown hasn’t changed my routines.
There aren’t enough National Guard to guard everyone.
I think you need to read the order word by word, front to back. It allows folks to go outside, as long as they are close only to those in their household and that they maintain the 6-foot social distance from others. Ignorance is a significant problem, starting in the WH and working its way down to those who don’t bother to understand what needs to be done. Study a little microbiology, maybe take an online course in virology and increase your knowledge.
Why take an online science course when we have know-it-alls with TDS to enlighten us right here.
Here’s a fun fact: The Center for Disease Control posted a job listing for a Public Health Advisor in the Quarantine Program in all major U.S. cities in November of 2019, at least a month before the novel coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak.
The job listing is for positions in Dallas, El Paso, Houston, Seattle, Anchorage, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Miami, Atlanta, Honolulu, Chicago, Boston, Detroit, Minneapolis, Newark, New York, Philadelphia, and San Juan.
The job description reads, “Serves as a project representative for a program responsible for preventing the importation and spread of communicable diseases.”
What’s the announcement number? I’d like to check it out.
Unless they’ve taken it down, you can go to the US government jobs website, type in quarantine, and it will pop right up.
no secret here, I don’t care for newscum… but I think he did right on this one…
I find your name calling offensive.
This is setting handsome Governor Gavin Newsum up to run along side Joe Biden in the upcoming election.
@Ilovepopcorn, I don’t appreciate that you blindly follow what the media says as they lead sheep like you to the slaughter. If someone calling the POS governor newscum instead of Newsom (even though you probably call President Trump names) you need to toughen up buttercup, and I hope you don’t melt snowflake.
Changing names of people to insult them is immature. If you want to sound like a dummy keep it up.
Popcorn – I find your ongoing insults of anyone with whom you disagree to be offensive.
Deal with it., hypocrite.
@4th generation CCC have you ever made fun of or called Trump names? If you have not then I am sorry for calling the Governor a name, but if you have ever, even once, made fun of or called Trump a name then do not be a hypocrite and suck it up.
“I find your name calling offensive.”
That’s your right. Enjoy.
I’m adding a ventilator to my house. It’s the only way to stay safe.
Where does one get a ventilator?? Thx
It a great well thought out plan.
Next we need to close California’s borders.
Yeah, like build a wall, or something.
The likely 2028 presidential candidate has spoken.
There had better be some very detailed explaining tomorrow, with an emphasis on mitigating uncertainty of those living paycheck to paycheck. Guess we’ll find out just how important small businesses and their workers are to this state.
I’m glad we have a leader that is doing something
With most people staying at home, now would be a good time to pave the roads and repair infrastructure.
Agreed. Only as long as the traditional chat groups standing next to the guys actually doing the work stay 6 feet apart.
BFF Out!
Stay at home. Look at what’s going on. Why would anyone make this stuff up. DONT go to stores unless you absolutely have to. I am the store manager of a hardware store in our area. People keep coming in like we are are all on vacation. It’s not vacation. They need to stay at home. Things can wait. Your tomatoes will grow after. Your bark can be put down later. Your birds will find other food. PLEASE stay at home. This is not for fun. It hurts my business but its better this way. I had a sign up in my store saying essential items only, meaning only things you need. How hard is that ? A customer had to blow up at my cashier. I’m risking my health to be serving the community with essentials and instead I’m mixing paint for people doing projects while their off work. Things may get worse before they get better.
Mayor can you help get the word out that people going about business as usual and shopping for non-essentials is putting everyone at risk.
Wow! We sure do need to follow this and stay home. We can go for walks at least. I am blessed to have a lovely place to live. I might figure out how to help others during this pandemic.
That sounds like my Uncle. He’s sitting in his boat at the dock, drinking beer & fishing. He calls it “sheltering in place” & claims the government is “forcing” him to do it.
The Wu Han virus is a Democrat wet dream. Unlimited government control and Trump’s booming economy down in flames. Everyone is dependent on government. All eyes gaze towards Sacramento for answers and security. Exciting times for progressive socialists.
‘State wide ‘temporary’ gun and amo purchase ban is next. I don’t think Gavin and the Dems can control themselves. Never let a crisis go to waste.
If Trump were a competent Commander-in-Chief, none of this would have happened. He hinged his entire presidency on the economy which is going down in flames. Those who live by the sword die by the sword.
@95521 because Hilary or anyone could stop a virus? SMDH.
Spot on @JRocks. Certainly here in CA things will never be the same. This will be an opportunity for the pols to tighten their hold on the people of CA. The longer they perpetuate this “crisis” the tighter hold they will get on all of us and it will spread to other states. Every day is a higher escalation of the crisis – which is what is needed to keep us scared and controlled. This is a surreal happening for America…
@94521 ~
So, let my get what you are you saying,…that the Coronavirus, which is affecting the WHOLE WORLD, is NOT the cause for the economy situation? As I see it, things were fine before the Coronavirus and Thump didn’t cause it,…but Trump and the Government are taking measures to keep the U.S. safe and alive. We all have to deal with this, but it will pass, and pray, we will recover for the most part.
Like it or not, it was the right thing to do. You can use NYC as example of waiting too long – or Italy.
Gamestop employees NATIONWIDE need your help!
Gamestop Corporate has approved UNSAFE if not DANGEROUS work conditions and blatant negligence of the severity of CORVID-19
Perhaps GameStop should lay off employees like other companies have done.
I’m amazed at the perception people have that these corporations have warehouses full of cash to continue paying their bills when there is no revenue being generated.
Good. I know a restaurant bar owner in Stockton who just refuses to distance herself or her patrons. Younger people are now having complications. My 30 year old cousin is in a hospital in Georgia with breathing problems, fever, she coughed so hard she broke a rib. Yet, they still won’t test her because she is young and healthy. They sent her home with an inhaler.
And what would change if they tested her? They would send her home for quarantine? Basically, the lockdown treats EVERYBODY as though they have the virus. Seems like the safest way to handle it.
What does testing accomplish? Nothing, really. It’s not like they have protocols for drug therapy that they employ immediately to treat it. You get sent home just like.anybody else with respiratory symptoms.
Enter martial law.
With people stuck at home, the leaf blowing idiots needs to STOP!. it is not a healthy thing to be doing, blowing all the cr*p around and gas in the air, when people are or could be suffering from respiratory issues.
I had five leaf blowers in my neighborhood today in Walnut Creek, one for 3 hours doing many houses at once. Wake up Cindy Silva and her Council minions and stop the madness that most other cities have banned already.
People who cannot see this as a real problem are overly medicated or out of touch with reality.
What about those jet chem-trails too, and don’t forget about the black helicopter squad and the Shadow People.
SOMEBODY is overly medicated or out of touch with reality, but she seems to be projecting it onto others.
To Yoghurt and Ilovepopcorn, I like your posts, and agree with them, the name calling is not only offensive it is also juvenile, and adds nothing to the conversation. I guess those posting these comments cannot express themselves in a more eloquent manner.
Sounds like that’s more of your problem. Maybe you should get over it instead of trying to sound like a fancy pants who thinks your better than others because your “eloquent” manner. Not everyone talks like you, grow up , adapt or shut your trap!
Name calling is childish … agreed. Eloquence, that leaves you and a lot of other people when they are scared.
What I find offensive though is the reign of terror that some of our leaders are trying to rule by right now. 56% of Californians will get it he said … I will ask again, where is the science behind that number? Prove it with a recognized authority stating these facts with hard science to support it. Or show how this matches other historical events such as SARS, MERS or even influenza. With my limited knowledge, this does not seem to match up to some of these other events.
As I shared with you in another post, I will leave my house for essentials. My ‘essentials’ may not be yours. There is also no rule/law/obligation that says we cannot go out of our house. In fact, they said go take a walk in the park if you want, just practice social distancing. Personally, I cannot be cooped up in my house all day, every day, I would go crazy.
Dear hehaseesaw, take it easy on Hanne. English is their second language.
S, I know English is Hanne Jeppesen’s second language but she’s very nimble with it! hehaseesaw probably took umbrage to her comment because it hit so close to home.
hehaseesaw: Please take your own advice. Good grief. Enough already.
To $ I appreciate that you are being political correct, and I know from the way I spell my name it is hard to tell if I’m male or female. I’m female and in this country I pronounce my name Hanna.
Thank you Silva. Most people that come here are reasonable and respectful, a few think they make it better point by being juvenile and name calling. I have a feeling most of us that read Claycord do not take them seriously.
Popcorn agree with you, enough already.
Here’s a tip – when you want to respond to a comment that is already a reply to an original comment, you need to hit the “REPLY” icon that is immediately below the ORIGINAL comment.
Rollo Tomasi, I just hit the “REPLY” icon that is immediately below Ilovepopcorn’s ORIGINAL comment. Should I expect this comment to end up under the right post? I know there’s a good chance it will, but it isn’t a real sure sure bet. It is sort of a lame reason to go after someone.
Get over what? Because I agreed with a couple of posters and their comments
I don’t think I’m better than others, perhaps I was just brought up with better manners, something you obviously have no idea about. I’m over seventy I’m as grown up as I’m going to get. And I’m very well adapted, I happen to like people who can express themselves well, without resorting to name calling, something else you seem not to be able to do.. As for shutting up, not likely we do have freedom of speech. I wasn’t talking about my eloquent manners I was referring to how other express themselves. Since I referred to 2 other comments, that had a problem with a couple of juvenile stupid comments, I’m not the only one who comes here and feels that way.
So go ahead and insult us, if it makes you feel better, I really can’t take it that serious.
You were very nice to that person who was very rude. Thank you for your very good manners. We should all be a lot more respectful of each other instead of using political slants and hate to make a point. I am sick of that. Please at this time let us all be kind to each other and we can get through this much easier. I have not been that nice to the haters so from now on I will try to raise the bar. Good grief we are having a life and death crisis here.
“Good grief we are having a life and death crisis here.”
Coronavirus can be lethal to a small percentage of the population, as can many other diseases, afflictions and conditions. Even peanuts. Pretending it is a death sentence for anyone who contracts it is irresponsible and contributes to the anxiety of the uninformed.
Silva I think you and I are in the same boat when it comes to reply, sometimes the reply button is not there, I guess because someone already replied, which is why I go to the closets reply button and then put in the name I’m replying to. That should take care of it, if someone is really looking for a reply to their post I assume they will scroll down to they find it.
Yeah there’s a loophole in construction u can still work as long as it’s a housing job site. Not only was there about 80-100 guys onsite before the shutdown now there’s about 150 onsite . You can’t really social distance in construction. Me personally don’t want to be here I got a newborn at home but no ones going to speak up because guess who’s getting fired after the shutdown is over. Shut us downnn please
Rollo Tomasi Life and death crisis or not, it never hurts to be nice and respectful to your fellow human being, no matter their political persuasion. I too get hung up on the political stuff, but there is more to life than politics.
I am so sick and tired of all the political comments.
Can we just for once, stop blaming each other and concentrate on getting over this pandemic??
I woke up this morning with the thought that Trump delayed taking action entirely for political reasons. He knew it would be a death sentence at the upcoming election should he have done measures such as first enforcing nightly closure of all businesses from 10pm to 6am for deep cleaning. A couple of weeks later, starting at 10pm Pacific time, do a nationwide shutdown of all businesses (which were already closed for deep cleaning), a nationwide roll-out of ration cards, and a nationwide shutdown much like what’s happening in California.
That would have prevented the spike in numbers we are seeing today. Unfortunately, a crisis prevented is does not sell a lot of news and it would have provided political opponents with ammunition.
Thus, it seems next to impossible to keep politics out of this.
A larger puzzle is that in January and February other countries were ramping up their manufacturing of COVID-19 tests and building systems to handle hundreds of thousands of tests per day. We still don’t have this capacity in the USA today and it’s nearing the end of March. Why? I haven’t seen a political justification for this.
Based on reports that have come out this week, the administration knew in January that things were going to get much worse. Rather than preparing the USA and public for this it seems they took care of themselves.
Yes WC Resident. If we look into the past performances and histories of the majority of the individual members of this administration we can easily determine for ourselves that that is what they have always very consistently done. It’s not a difficult leap to infer that they would be currently taking every personal short term advantage as they are historically well known to do. It isn’t fake news as they would say. Drain the swamp, indeed.
sideline You are so right. All you are asking is that we behave like mature reasonable adults. Obviously that is too much for some.
You don’t have to care for Newsom, it is certainly okay to be critical of ANY politician, that is what free speech is for. I just don’t find the name calling constructive and I point that out. Some of you are in agreement with me, some are not, so what.
For the low information voters out there, google “Proclamation 9984” that was enacted Jan. 31st. Then, with your best crayon, write a thank you letter addressed to:
My Favorite President – Mr. Donald Trump
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500
Change the first 2 words to Most incompetent.
The real problem is we have a market driven health care system. That makes it “reactive” rather than “proactive”. Thus it was unprepared for this crisis.
@ Commonsenenor
Wow yes that was really a very effective move, probably his incredible smart MIT uncle explained to him that viruses can only enter the US with certain aliens and that all the persons exempt from the restriction no way can bring any virus back.
Just imagine if your favorite President would not have done this we probably would have by now in the US over 16 K confirmed infections and 219 deaths and rising. The stock markets would have possibly lost 30% of their values, California would be in a mandatory shelter in place and on and on.
But regarding the thank you letter I will do as most other American will do I will wait until November and send the thank you and goodbye message through the ballot box.
Does anyone know if this is essential personnel also? Kinda crazy if that’s the case
Listen to your President! Listen to your leaders. They are protecting us. Wake up! The entire world is going on lockdown. THIS IS BEYOND Politics. I am listening to Trump and I am not by any means a Republican. This is not a hoax. Our governor is making the best decisions. We are making progress if we keep isolated. We are a very populated state. We have to shrink the crowds. Put on your listening ears and open up your eyes.
Newsom is under federal investigation as are current and all former mayors for pay to play schemes that go on daily at City Hall.
There is also a cure, from 3 different international studies. An old malaria drug plus one other drug cures 100% in 6 days.
Democrats hate this news.
Nice distraction.
Trump announced that the FDA had approved the drug and then the head of the FDA said that wasn’t true and more testing needed to be done. I’m not sure if the contraindications are enough to be kept off the shelves. Every drug including aspirin has contraindications.
There’s a reason it’s an “old” malaria drug. It wasn’t that effective and there were serious side effects. I know because I took it in 1974-76 while living in West Africa. For Mr. Trump to jump in by saying “Malaria was a problem” again demonstrates how clueless he is. Malaria still kills millions every year. So, I’ll make you a deal, you agree to take a free course of Chloriquin (sp) under the condition you will get no treatment for side effects. How about it?
There is NO CURE.
Do Not day that. That is gross misinformation
This is not political so stop it.
We are in a crisis and need to work together
“Do Not day that” ?
I think Yogurt might actually be Buckwheat.
Since we are home we have been watching TV a lot. We have watched the press conferences from Trump and Newsome. Streaming services make it possible for us to watch press conferences from other parts of the country also. We have found, over and over again, that hearing the info first hand in a live telecast, then hearing it “reported” on the news are usually two completely different stories. Instead of direct quotes, news readers will paraphrase and change one or two words which completely change the meaning of the sentence. We are constantly talking to the tv (like crazies) and saying, “that’s not what was said… we heard it live and that’s not what was said!” The media hates Trump. So they spin and attack every word. If Trump announced that he had a cure for this thing, they still would never agree or give him any credit. Their biggest fear is that he’ll handle this well and be re-elected. I’ve never liked Newsome but I listened to his address last night and I thought he was pretty good. I honestly think they’re all trying. These are crazy times and we’re all frustrated and scared. Trump has said he’s working with the Dems. Newsome has said he’s working with Trump. Isn’t that what we’ve always asked for? During this crisis we need to put political pettiness aside and try to get our lives back together. I recommend to everyone: don’t listen to the TV news, radio news, or social media. Take the time to listen to the addresses and press conferences instead. Then you’ll get a more accurate story. Not “news” that has been filtered thru bias and opinion.
Agreed – nothing like hearing it firsthand without all of the spin, comments and opinions thrown in as “fact.”
Believe this or don’t, but people really do overestimate the competence of our Government, as wealth at the Health/Medical field.
Here are 2 stories:
My mother is in her 80s with severe Arthritis & receives monthly infusions (Dr. Offices across from John Muir.) She was there the 3rd week of February (surrounded by 6-8 other people in the same boat) when the nurse who was administering the IVs told her that her 20 something son who lives with her just got back from traveling in China. He was home sick with the flu. My mother (retired nurse) then asked, was he tested for Covid?The nurse gave my mother a blank stare for several seconds and then turned white, followed by saying “its just the flu” & left the room.
Needless to say, my mother is changing doctors.
Next, a story from my friend’s wife:
Her brother is a respiratory therapist in Mountain View and around it (flu/Covid) every day. His wife had a fever of 100 but they refused to test her. She’s a pharmacist so back to work……