Home » The Water Cooler – Do You Think Schools Should Remain Closed Until The Fall?

The Water Cooler – Do You Think Schools Should Remain Closed Until The Fall?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Do you think school districts should go to online curriculum for the rest of the year and send kids back in the fall, or do you think they should try to get them back into the classrooms this year, even if the coronavirus isn’t completely eradicated?

Talk about it.

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I feel it is too early to make that decision. Although it is a possibility; the way Newscum announced it was irresponsible.

Listening to Newscum talk now. Sounds like he’s pulling back on his irresponsible announcement.

Schools jumped the gun on this one. Yes they would eventually have been closed but they took action ahead of the local government. They should do whatever the local government decides they should do and not until or after.

Schools must open back up immediately! We cannot let the Kaliforniaication indoctrination or our youth stop!

Not all schools were set up for on line classrooms. Not all kids have computers at home. May be a good idea for school districts to include this in their safety/emergency plans. What do school staff do when there are no students?

MDUSD is in the middle of personnel cuts and contract negotiations. Our superintendent has his hands full.

Home school if you can. We need better educated kids, not indoctrinated leftist subjects.

sadly, most parents of today’s school aged children were themselves victims of public education. They are not capable of teaching… Heck… We complain actual teachers (also the age of today’s parents) can’t teach…

S, good point, I hadn’t thought about that…Oh well, trophies for everyone!

Oh Boy. Do you consider education Fake news? Kids, don’t be like this moron.

I was humbled myself trying to help with my kids homework. But I sure can balance a mean checkbook to the penny and read a tape measure.

They could start back up in July and catch up.

I’m fine with a temporary shut down for the next few weeks, but then the kids need to go back to school. We both still have to work so my son is with his non-tech savvy grandparents who are doing the best they can to cover the 4 to 5 hrs of work per day that he’s been sent home with. As this thing gets longer, more and more people will have to go back to work so the kids will need to be educated somewhere. How is shuffling around kids to different daycares and baby sitters better than just sending them to school? Because that’s what’s going to happen.

Seems like government doesn’t want to get sued maybe

I think they could have waited until after spring to assess.

Assess what? That we have a pandemic?

Let us see where we are in 3 weeks and then make a decision.
Is it still spreading? What is the status of testing kits? Are hand and surface sanitizers available yet? Are people respecting the rules and behaving more rationally?


For kids yeah, but adult Ed classes should be at your own risk if you’d like to continue. Could use Zoom or another meeting software to protect the instructors.


Stop the movement of people spreading the disease otherwise the hospitals will be overwhelmed

“California preparing for worst case scenarios

By Adam Beam and Don Thompson”


It would be nice to be able to regroup in April and see how things are going before making that decision

We are only on Day 2 of Shelter In…my daughter is out of school until April 13th. I think it’s all about the number of new cases…if “the curve” flattens out…otherwwise…we’re screwed.

I think I need to take a break from watching the news. (stirring the pot now).

All 9 Bay Area Counties are now Shelter in Place. A local media station has a lawyer on answering question about exceptions. If your dog needs to go potty you can go outside; if you need some fresh air you can go outside; if you need a mental health break from your family you can go outside; if you need anything that is essential; huge subjectivity here, you can go outside; if… if… if… essential… essential… essential….

Isn’t education essential????????????? Let the banter begin: Be nice now!

Grow up. Everyone sees through your purposefully ignorance.

If you can’t figure out why you shouldn’t have rooms full of kids during this time, then you need help my friend

Not only were you trolled, you were warned you were being trolled and still bit.




Not sure how long they should be closed. But kids are a significant factor in the spread of this type of virus.

According to today’s news, Italy is now having to triage which patients are treated. We really don’t want to be in that position, so slowing the spread to lighten the load on medical resources will help.



Things are getting “better” in China, but they are still on lockdown and have been since Chinese New Years around late January. Following that model, we just started lockdown and that would put us into May, so through the end of the school year is about right.

@ Mega

Very educated opinion there! NOT! I’m a “red-blooded true blue Americans and Trump supporter” and I know the value of education!

Absolutely not. Gavin Newsom is an idiot. Online studies do not replace one-on-one teaching. Students have studied for months for the cancelled SAT test. Senior students are stressed about colleges not accepting them. MDUSD is not equipped to switch to online studies for all students.

The schools need to reopen on April 13th as planned. The students should be released June 6th as planned. The district needs to reduce the number of teaching days accordingly. Let them go back to class!

So if the infection rate has not been slowed, you want classrooms full of kids?

Doh said it best. “ Let us see where we are in 3 weeks and then make a decision. Is it still spreading? What is the status of testing kits? Are hand and surface sanitizers available yet? Are people respecting the rules and behaving more rationally?“
Thanks Doh!

As a teacher I understand why we closed. Schools are petri dish of germs and ‘social distancing’ is impossible. However, I teach Special Ed students at a school where 100% of the students qualify for free meals. The parents do not have computers or wifi. Also, to put the added stress on these parents to go to work AND educate their special needs children is unrealistic. I want my students back.

The other side of this issue is, can parents afford to stay home from their jobs to watch the kids until this fall? We should definitely consider reopening the schools as soon as safely possible

They should get them back in the classroom as soon as people.



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