Home » California Gas Prices Decline, Still Second Most Expensive In The United States

California Gas Prices Decline, Still Second Most Expensive In The United States


Like the rest of the country, gas prices in the West Coast region have declined and are poised to continue their descent this week, as crude prices remain low, according to AAA.

When compared to a week ago, California (-10 cents) saw the largest decline. Hawaii ($3.52) and California ($3.34) remain the most expensive markets in the country. Washington ($3.02), Oregon ($2.92), Alaska ($2.86), Nevada ($2.82) and Arizona ($2.67) follow, AAA said.

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And what else would you expect with our greedy politicians in control-enough is never enough for them-keep lining their pockets with our hard earned money which leaves nothing for ourselves or families. They love to support the entitlement crowd who resemble leeches.

One hope is that this virus scare will shake things up where those of us who have been shoved into the corner and our opinions silenced will be heard and step up and get things back in order. Lawlessness and apparently stealing is on the rise at grocery stores. My nextdoor stated people were simply loading up their carts at the Safeway on Bancroft in Walnut Creek and just pushing their carts out the door without paying. When paying customers told the clerks the clerks said they can do nothing. Great work voters and legislators recall prop 47 and a lot of this nonsense will stop. Discontinue voting in loser politicans.

Good eventually overcomes evil-I pray.

Are you sure those people didn’t pay for that cart full of groceries? Or, did they pay and just refuse to have it bagged?. You can do that, you know, and then bag it yourself in your own bags when you get to your car. It might look like you’re rolling a cart full of groceries out of the store without paying, but you’re really not.

$2.99 on Clayton road as of 6:00am 3/18/20

although far from CA; a niece in Indiana texted me… $1.89 a Gal

Buddy in N. Carolina just sent me a photo of his gas station selling regular at $1.69

We’re paying under $2 per gallon in Nashville, but it is a little disconcerting. There is a global price war going on, with Saudi Arabia forcing the price of oil below a point where it is economically unfeasible to produce oil in the US. Then, when all the fracking companies go bankrupt, we can revisit 1973.

Concord Costco is selling regular gas for $2.89/gal.

Yesterday light crude oil was just over $26 a barrel. Since I have to stay home and no place to go, I don’t need gas just now. But I might see about a fill up in a few days anyhow – maybe.

in these crazy times, keep your tank full…

Supposedly, California requires a special gasoline formulation that is more expensive to produce and at the present time is only produced in the state, so there is no competition with out-of-state producers. No competition equates to higher prices. California residents get the shaft again.

Special blend and highest taxes. And every year some liberal politician opens an investigation on the high price of gas in cali. When they find out the truth, investigation is over and facts swept under the rug.


I just filled up at the original price & have nowhere to go so I’m gonna miss out on this Saudi Arabian sale

Unpaid and just stormed out of the door. Just like they have done at other places for years since the new #47 was passed. Plus they went to a better part of town knowing there would be little if any confrontation from the law abiding folks. The clerks and manager at Safeway confirmed unpaid. I would not have noted this otherwise.



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