Contra Costa County is reporting 5 new cases of coronavirus today, which means the number of confirmed cases in the county is now 39.
There is one additional case being treated in the county from another jurisdiction, according to officials.
Nobody has died from the coronavirus in Contra Costa County, according to the health department.
County numbers are almost worthless…per nurse friends they are treating over 300 Covid 19 cases at just Walnut Creek Kaiser alone.
*suspected cases
I guarantee you there are NOT 300 confirmed cases there…
Are those numbers confirmed? You are talking about almost 10X the official number of confirmed cases in Contra Costa County.
Kaiser Walnut Creek is only a 233 bed hospital and only has 52 beds in the ER. I promise you not every single bed there is filled much less with a Covid-19 patient.
Guess we do need big bad evil Big Pharma after all.
Yes, if opioids killed the virus.
I’m pretty sure Kaiser Walnut Creek doesn’t even have 300 beds…Go away with your worthless numbers.
What a surprise. The Fake News just keeps rolling along.
Estimated current population of CoCo County 1.2 million people. Officials, most unelected bureaucrats, are erring on side of caution. Estimated monetary impact to Bay Area economy or ripple effects to areas outside Bay Area are probably unknown.
But guess we’re gonna find out.
Still waiting to hear from those in authority, what is going to be done for those with no savings, barely making it because of high cost of living in Bay Area, living paycheck to paycheck.
Let us hope added frustration and mental stress caused by this extended shelter in place doesn’t lead to violent acts and loss of life.
Psychologists and economists will have the ability to study a unique set of parameters and effects, in months and years to come.
Well the feds are working on it.
I’m not sure why they didn’t have a plan ready a month ago or even mass testing available.
Regardless here we are.
“I’m not sure why they didn’t have a plan ready a month ago or even mass testing available.“
Hmmm, let me think: What could those responsible for approval of, say, emergency funding fo such things have been obsessed with a month ago?
So why in the f”*# would this county let someone from another jurisdiction with the virus come here to be treated and contaminate our county???? Does that make any sense? Wtf!
Because counties provide mutual aid to one another and share resources in these kinds of situations. Makes total sense to me that we would take patients here if the hospitals in a nearby county are overwhelmed. It’s the golden rule.
It doesn’t matter how the first KNOWEN person with covid-19 came to CCC. It would have gotten here eventually no matter what. Allowing a patient from Travis to come to CCC just forced the healthcare systems in CCC to be ready sooner!
I would like to know if those confirmed, how many are good up outside of the hospital and how many are admitted. I would also like to know approximate dates of first sign of illness and if they are improving, staying steady, or getting worse. Lastly is someone keeping tabs on those not in the hospital.
If the CCC health department was playing proper they would tell us where the cases came from and where they are being treated. I bet many are holed up at home.
Just spoke with a buddy who just flew Spirt Airlines out of L.A. to Minnesota. they did not check anybody’s temp before boarding. anyway he said the plane was packed. he got a ticket 2 days ago for 40 bucks one way. so much for screening and containment. the show must go on.
I’d like to speak with a Manager!
Only 2 at JMH Walnut Creek Campus on Ignacio. No way that there is that number at Kaiser.
And 5000 people with the regular flu that can kill you if Covid -19 can kill you if you’re in that poor of shape.
We get plenty of patients that meet criteria and get tested and put on isolation. Then tests come back negative. It creates a lot of work and fear for the staff for those 24hrs, especially when the patient has already been at the facility for hours or days when the decision to isolate and test is made.
As if this morning, none of the patients tested at my hospital have been positive.
I don’t understand why why the people doing the testing have to change their protective gear for sticking a long Q-tip through car windows into somebody’s nose. Couldn’t they just spray the personnel with a disinfectant mist?
HELP! I was just at CREAM in downtown Walnut Creek the other day, can someone confirm whether or not there is an alleged case from there? Apparently my friend heard it on the news… not too sure if i believe her
I don’t think it really matters. If you were in downtown WC, you were probably exposed to someone with CORONA-19.
Don’t panic, just stay home as much as possible 😉
Is it normal for the naval base to have convoys coming in? What happens to the homeless? Where do I find these answers.
I wasn’t worried at all now I am a bit concerned
Right now most schools and lock downs are going thru April 7 or so… aone are speculating school closures for rest of school year. Why would we say that rather than wait till beginning of April and see how things are progressing at that time?
Right now schools are closed and lockdown thru April 7. Some are saying school may be closed for rest of school year. why aren’t they waiting till first week of April to reevaluate situation?
Bay Area hospitals have 1 airborne isolation room w/ anti-room (negative pressure) per wing and per floor. I would assume Bay Area hospitals have ICU room patients suffering from non-COVID-19 illnesses. Therefore, the priority will be older adults (65+), patients with underlying health conditions and compromised immune system. No COVID-19 patients will touch floors with LDRs and Nurseries. The 200 – 300 beds are not for COVID-19 patients since the virus is an airborne infectious disease. Since most everyone will survive the intent is for your to enjoy your sickness at home and not wipe out the seniors and immune compromised citizens. What Pandemic on Netflix. It is a great documentary that may inform you of steps taken up to this point to produce a vaccine for this type of virus. Good luck, stay safe, wash frequently and if you get it you will survive if you don’t fall into the other categories mentioned above.
The numbers of infected people will skyrocket in the next two weeks… if everyone chills out for those two weeks to stop new infections and we find out that most people who were infected survived and are now fine; the story dies. . If the mortality rate stays the same (3.7%) as where it stands now, this is a messed up cold that I want nothing to do with.
These numbers dont mean anything. Kaiser wont test me and I have all of the symptoms. my friend has been sick as well and his insurance doctor wont test him either.
these numbers dont mean anything. I have all of the symptoms and Kaiser wont test me. My friend has also been sick and his doctor wont test him either.
I just found out that the incubation is 24 days without any symptoms! Knowing this my personal behaviors will change not allowing me to mix it up at the stores and my peeps.