The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: What are your plans for the shelter-in-place? Spring cleaning? Board games? Movies? Books, etc.?
Talk about it.
Well, I cannot do much but getting my home organized It a good time to get everything organize except I now have to wait longer for a new floor for my home. I got the wall repairs and new paint. Now I just need to get a new floor.
I will probably find some virtual events and play online game with others.
The whole shelter thing is very much like a house arrest that what It feel like.
Will find out Wednesday if I’ll be off or working in next three weeks. If off will work around house, garden, perhaps ramp up the hydroponics and day trading. Market swings are too good to pass up.
I’m working from home. I’m a consultant and I’m really fortunate that my client has allowed me to do that. (Not all clients have been flexible like that in the past).
As far as off time, since I’m an introvert by nature, I’ll probably do as I always do which is play video games and banter on Twitter.
Help! I prefer Smart Water brand bottled water to water my roses but can’t find any at Clayton Safeway, or the nearby Lucky’s (Safeway on Ygnacio and Whole Foods are also out). If you know who has some please reply below. Thanks!.
Other including house brand alkaline waters which are often less expensive probably work just as well. Most are purified water (reverse osmosis) with magnesium and potassium added.
Yes,…Spring Cleaning.
Finding out today if Hubby is going to be stuck at home from work without pay,… 🙁
I’ll get him to clean-up the garage if it happens,…LOL!
Happy St Patrick’s Day!! Corn Beef tonight,…Yum!
I am one of the lucky ones who can work from home. Feel bad for the folks who are losing business/income because of this. Hope the Feds can help them all get through the financial hard times.
Listening to my vinyl record collection and reading.
I still have to go to work though. But it’s been dead.
Good choices to pass time!
Saving lives 24/7.
Wow thank you!!! Hero!!
I have some sewing projects so that part of the enforced stay-cation. Reading, of course. Garden and housework is a constant anyhow but I think I clean out a few drawers. Depending on how long if this goes on I might start watching more TV.
By the way, If This Goes On is a great story if you’re into Sci Fi.
That vinyl record collection idea is very good! Thank you. I have two days left on a paperwork project, after that I will focus on taxes, clean the house a bit, empty out lots of files on two estates I dealt with, improve my skills at a software called Python, and more. I can think of dozens of projects. The trick is to show the initiative and drive to motivate yourself. Later you may be sorry you did not take advantage of this “down time” cause you will not get this time back.
This is a great time to spend doing hobbies you love but can’t do because of work or social events.
Buying the vinyl player was a great idea. I’ve enjoyed it a lot.
Taking inventory of everything in freezer and pantry, so nothing goes to waste. I suspect when this is all over, as it will be, we may all have a new perspective on what we “need” vrs “want” to make us happy. Right now I’d be happy if I could hug my kids and grandkids, but have to settle for FaceTime chats and phone calls.
Yes, I agree. My daughter and family (husband, granddaughter 3 years and step granddaughter 11) live in Pasadena, and my second grandchild, a boy, is due in 3 weeks, and I’m not sure when it will be safe to drive down to see him.
I played golf today, it was great, only three of us on the entire course. Yes we stayed six feet apart 🙂
Still clocking in, a bit confusing as no one really knows what to expect in the coming week 🙁
Mrs Anonymous and I are over 65. Needed a few groceries ( freezer full of venison and salmon) . Things like milk and fresh veggies running a bit low.
The 18 year old next door saw me in the front yard and asked if he could get anything for us while he shopped at Safeway. Gave him a little list and some money.
You won’t find us badmouthing whatever generation he is. I suspect there are a lot more like him.
Anonymous ~
Oh!,…it warms my heart to read this,…. the kid next door to help. The young new couple in our court, we have taken under our wings,came over yesterday and asked us if we needed anything. We feel blessed of this since our 1, and only, daughter is in Alaska.
I’m not sure yet. I can think of several things I should be doing, but I’m not one to make promises I can’t keep…
I’m predicting a baby boom in nine months.
Thanks, that made me laugh! I bet you are right!
They should be popping out about Christmas or New Year’s. Maybe a few as early as Thanksgiving.
I had the same thought. 😝
Yes, and I saw a meme that said in 2033, they’ll be called the quaranTEENS.
This morning, despite the shelter in place order, people are at the playground, children on play structures and adults eating on picnic benches. A trio of people sitting outside a cafe having coffee….why is the outdoor furniture still available to customers for take out only? Italy has warned the States to take these directions for social distancing seriously because they didn’t when rules were put into place. Please be mindful of personal behavior and poor decisions that can put citizens in jeopardy. Shelter in place, except for all reasons exempt, and don’t hoard supplies. Check in on elderly people and other people in need. Be safe! An improperly used mask and dirty disposable gloves will not save your life or anyone else. And don’t even think of lying about your identity to visit friends or family in the hospital.
Stay smart and stay well.
The mayor of Concord sent a letter that included closures. Concord playgrounds are closed. The virus sticks to metal, wood, and plastic. We are encouraged to go outside. My friend and I were going to meet for lunch at Heather Farms, put a plastic washable cloth on the table, and sit 6-ft apart; rain stopped us. We are seniors. Socialization is important for our health.
I noticed that gardening / landscape services are continuing with their business as usual. Usually two or three people go from site to site in the cab of a pickup truck meaning they can’t maintain social distance.
They are not a necessary business .We cannot have them blowing germs around and killing our ecosystem then have incessant loud droning noise, when we are held captive in our homes.
should be cited for a misdemeanor of disturbing the peace..
We’re only on the second day of lockdown and Aunt Barbie is losing her marbles. Lol at “blowing germs around” and “killing our ecosystem”. If you don’t like the noise, just say so. Then, suck it up and deal with it. It’s not all about you.
I work in transit maintenance, so I’m still working for better or worse. Lucky to have an income, but I would like some time to catch up on personal affairs.
I’m on day two of self isolation and and already bored. I don’t return to work until April 12. This weather is depressing. I’m bored. Not good!
Invoke Satan. I’m just afraid if I get the chant wrong, Trump or Hillary will appear in my living room. Dressed like BeetleJuice.
Teaching my classes from home; taking my classes at home; working on my dissertation and doing jigsaw puzzles with grandma. Also doing a deep spring cleaning and spending time with my pups and turtles.
Working. I’m blessed/cursed to be working on a “critical infrastructure” project. Social distancing is impossible. Like most construction projects good hygiene is impossible; the only hand washing water is non-potable and cold. Hand sanitizer? I can’t take vodka to work.
I’m not that worried for myself, I’m healthy enough that getting this bug would likely be unpleasant, but at least I’d likely end up with some immunity. Trying to figure out how to protect my 84 year old mom who lives with me though.
Still I’m happy to be working. I’ll figure out the rest.
I develop software apps and work at home doing it so nothing much changes. I will be dragging myself to do some spring cleaning (boring).
See below post.
CNN saying the Americans are making a joke (my word, but their inference) of the shelter in place….
I took on online course in underwater basket weaving , I will spend the next 3 weeks in the bath tub practicing!
Building one of these:

I seem to be busy. I am adaptable and flexible so far. I get up early, shower, get dressed, makeup and hair all done. Do laundry, do general disinfection all over. Wipe countertops, clean leather couch, clean bathroom. Then I prepare breakfast, I do the French press Pete’s coffee! Then call my friends. Go online! Thankful for Xfinity and my devices! I can walk all over the place. Except not the Lafayette Reservoir where I love to be! My neighbor wants to play scrabble with me but we’re not supposed to do that so we can go for a walk and stay 5 feet apart I’m trying to follow the rules because we are dealing with a silent monster. This is something else!
Newsom now saying most school will not reopen before Summer
and many more covering it…
Holy Moly!
Pretty much the same as everyone else, catching up on stuff, organize some things, do some reading, email and call friends, since for the most part we can’t meet. Wash and clean my car when it stops raining. When I want to totally want to do something fairly mindless and unproductive I do jigsaw puzzles on the computer, the sight “Free Jigsaw puzzles” has many different once: Nature, landscapes from around the world, Cities from around the world, flowers etc. anywhere from 20 to 500 pieces. When I do puzzles I usually listen to talk radio, the news or music.
Thinking about leaving this place and going some place normal … this is ridiculous. Now our governor is saying schools shut till summer! COME ON! Get a clue on reality people. We are doing all of this for how many sick people in this county and state?
We, as a country, will go BANKRUPT! Renters not wanting to pay rent cause they dont have money, well does the landlord have the money to pay the mortgage? Yes the landscapers/gardner is still outside working, who is going to do it? You want the homeowners locked in the house, you don’t want the gardner outside, so we should let our houses fall apart during this media-blown-out-proportion event?
H1N1 was way more infectious and had a higher mortality rate.
The annual flu way more infectious and has a significant mortality rate in respiratory challenged individuals.
Why do we not ‘shelter in place’ for those events? Why, cause the social media and fake-news-media did not have the strangle hold on the public it does today.
Me, I am going outside. So is my family. We will not be shut in because some people are afraid.
Are you a scientist do you know more than the experts. I take this seriously, although I’m not panicking, as for H1N1 I don’t remember the quarantine, or businesses closing, all of SunValley Mall is closed yesterday (I work there). If you want to go outside fine, but stay far away from me, although in good health and have never had the flu, but I’m over 70. I don’t care what you and your family is doing, but don’t put others at risk just because you don’t take the experts seriously.
I agree 100% with Hanne Jeppesen. I am 68…and never had the flu. I am staying in my house except to go get what I need from the grocery. I am also doing sinus rinses and inhaling steam.
Since you are so cavalier about other people’s lives I will let you know the reason this is so scary compared to any of the other outbreaks.
The incubation period of covid19 is ok average 5.5 days but anywhere from 2 days to 24 days
That means you could have it right now and be infecting everyone outside without knowing.
The other could be detected almost immediately.
Your attitude is dangerous and people like you are responsible for the spread.
Do you think authorities haven’t already thought of all that? If left unchecked, the mortality rate of 3.4% is worse than the Spanish flu in 1918 that killed MILLIONS.
Stay inside, sacrifice your ego and stop spreading your ignorance
That’s at least the second time Yogurt has brought up the mortality of the Spanish Flu. I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure medical science has made some pretty significant advances in the meantime.
By the way, life expectancy in the US in 1918 was 36 years for men and 42 years for women. Now it’s 76 and 81 respectively. I don’t think the difference can be attributed to genetics alone.
@ Hanne: Actually I spent 10+ years working for FEMA as WMD/CBRNE team manager. So yes, I do know the experts and consider myself well informed and educated on this subject matter.
I am taking this seriously, but also in perspective which many many people seem to lack because of our media outlets.
@ Yogurt: Cavalier about others peoples lives? Let’s be straight here, I have met with my immediate family members only. Some live under my roof, and my elderly mother who lives in another county that I want to make sure is safe. As for being outside, I have approached no one, except when I had to do ‘essential’ shopping as allowed by the shelter in place order.
The news has told us the incubation period is between x and y and both of those variables keep changing. Today there is an article (sfgate or cnn) that says 24 hours on cardboard!
I like how you say people like me are responsible for the spread of the disease. Please prove it. There is zero, no, nada evidence to support your statement, just like much of the fake news we see on twitter, facebook and the mainstream agencies.
Lets talk history, all from the CDC website. 12,649 deaths in the United States alone as a result of the 2009 H1N1 virus. With an estimated 60.8 million people infected in the US alone, that is a 0.0002% mortality rate. Though 60 million people infected was ~25% of the US population infected.
Of course, world wide, there as 500,000 people who died from H1N1 in 2009, and 90% of those were patients 65 and older. In 1968, the pandemic killed 0.03% of the worlds population and in 1918, they estimate 1-3% of the world’s population.
Of course SARS had a mortality rate of 15%.
Ebola was 50%.
And COVID-19 is 3.4% globally but ~0.4% in the United States. So if EVERYONE in the US got it, we would have ~13 million deaths. of course, not everyone will. So the death rate will be much lower. MUCH lower. Then of course, look at the numbers that over 50% of the folks who contracted COVID-19 have already been cured, but some people (you?) only look at the total numbers. The stats of those that have passed show that almost every single one of them had an underlying health issue.
Just some things to think about.
I’ll spend my time watching The View
Yogurt You are right. What is more scary is all the comments here on Claycord that don’t take it seriously, and are mad at Newsom and the government for spreading bad news, and that is just the people posting here, think about all the people who read Claycord and don’t post, and then all the people who don’t read Claycord, and are in denial, scary..
I have lived through several periods a illnesses and disaster, the polio scare in the fifties, in my native Denmark, was too young to be really scared, but my parents were worried. I lived back East through the upheaval of the late sixties, I was here during the 89 earthquake, and we have had storms, fires, draught and other viruses, I took it all in stride, and didn’t worry too much about me or my family, but this virus is scary, and let me repeat the number of people who don’t take it seriously and refuse to listen to expert is scary.
Parent I don’t know why you are so down on the media from I can tell you can just listen to the experts, either directly or via media. However, none of the experts I listen to are in favor of what you are proposing.
Searching everywhere for toilet paper, water and food items
Thanks hoarders!
The problem is not just the hoarders; the problem is also the businesses that are allowing people to do so. Stores should be implementing limits on food items and bathroom products. Stores should not be allowing people to grab a year supply’s of toilet paper and canned goods in one shopping trip. But I guess store managements are just so happy they saw record profits over the weekend and Monday, they don’t care how they got the money.
I am going to “bang on the drums all day”, and everyday, since there’s no work for the next 3 weeks. I guess life could be worse.
Todd Rundgren
I don’t want to work
I want to bang on the drum all day
I don’t want to play
I just want to bang on the drum all day
Ever since I was a tiny boy
I don’t want no candy
I don’t need toy
I took a stick and an old coffee can
I bang on that thing ’til I got
Blisters on my hand
When I get older they think I’m a fool
The teacher told me I should stay after school
She caught me pounding on the desk with my hands
But my licks were so hot
I made the teacher want to dance
And that’s why
Listen to this
Every day when I get home from work
I feel so frustrated
the boss is a jerk
And I get my sticks and go out to the shed
And i pound on that drum like it was the boss’s head
I can bang on that drum
Hey you want to a bang at it?
I can do this all day
Monterey Bay aquarium is broadcasting their webcams live, which might be a soothing diversion.
U Tube has tons of animal videos that will lighten your mood, and forget about your predicament, some are hilarious, such as Max the cockatoo and the vet visit, in fact his reaction is probably close to how most of us feel right now, he is just very vocal about it.
Other favorites, I Panda, Koala bears, and the walrus Patak and Mitak, and super fluffy bouncy bois, they are Alaskan malamute puppies and they cutest ever. Also the “Panda cub and nanny Mei’s war, is also hilarious as the panda is determined to keep their nanny from raking leaves. Check out some of them of you are so inclined and I promise you will for awhile forget about your predicament.
Been sheltering in place since Obama took office, so it’s nothing new to me. Obama made me so poor, haven’t really been able to afford anything but “essential services” for a number of years now. Had just started to see some daylight. Quite experienced at keeping myself entertained. Lots of naps.
Presidents don’t make you rich or poor. That is such loser talk. You are in charge of your own destiny and finances. If that was too much for you too handle, maybe you should have had a chaperone so the boogeyman liberals couldn’t take your life savings. The stuff you people type here is unbelievable.
Gittyup, you’ve shared here before how when the market went down under Obama, you sold everything and then stayed out while it went back up. Is that Obama’s fault? Was he supposed to time the market swings for your benefit. I think you just blew it and are always looking for someone else to blame. Rule number 1 of investing in the stock market: “it also goes down”.
I sold my minuscule investments when they started loosing money because I’m not a gambler. The day Obama took office I lost $230 a month in income directly because of his policies. During Obama’s reign of terror, Social Security retirees went an unprecedented three years without cost of living adjustments while virtually every utility, service, groceries, gasoline, medical costs, etc., etc., etc. continued to go up. This was not just a blow the year it occurred. It had consequences in diminished income for the long term . Obama’s asinine economic policies were disastrous for many on fixed incomes, but I wouldn’t expect you to get that. I don’t need your lecture Thraxx. It’s BS.
We’ve been through this before, Gittyup, but the reason you get pushback every time you relate these tales of economic woe is that you are just flat out wrong. The stock market hit its peak in September 2007 before its precipitous drop. Barak Obama would not be president for almost another year and a half. The market then rose at a much higher pace under Obama than either his predecessor or his successor. As for the role of cost of living increases you fundamentally misunderstand the purpose of a COLA adjustment. As for losing $230/month the day he took office because of his policies, I simply do not believe you. If you want to enlighten us with greater detail on how he managed to do that, I’m all ears, but given your prior history it’s easy to see why credibility is currently lacking here.
Thank you Gittyup. I will add this: he changed policy in my lifelong work field. His changes along with capital venturists and other greedy types have destroy a once respectable and lucrative line of work. He also reintroduced racism as acceptable. His Go card allowed insurance companies to trod all over health care choices. The social engineering in schools and hiring practices have all but destroyed hope and honor in many avenues of society. Our borders were always porous but he actually seeded the U.S. With dependant, ignorant cultures that will not assimilate as citizens.
@mtzman Lots of people must lack credibility to one living in the intellectual vacuum you inhabit.
@Justifiable languor I agree. His policies were divisive and harmful to Americans from day one. I think we all have experienced the disaster that his tampering with healthcare brought about. He also allowed the FBI to obtain illegal FISA warrants to spy on ordinary citizens, and I’m sure that is only the tip of the iceberg with regard to his abuses while in office.
Yolo and Sacramento county’s now have shelter in place and I was sent home as non-essential. That hurt. 😠
I guess I’ll work on my German homework even though classes are now cancelled. Bathroom could use a cleaning. Plus I think I’m gonna do 50 push-ups every hour for eight hours tomorrow. Maybe organize my socks too. Friday head over to Cold Canyon and do the Ridge trail loop.
This is gonna suck.
Atticus traxx I agree with you, President for the most part don’t make us
rich or poor. So although I care who is President I don’t really feel the president affect my life that much, unless he gets us into a nuclear war or some similar disaster.
When the economy was at it’s worst 2008, I had to give up my career selling Long Term Care Insurance and annuities, and get a job with a steady income. The only one I could find was a part time job at Macy’s, fortunately even if you are part time you can pick up extra hours when available, which often they were. Later I was offered full time by a manager that liked me, and again later I was offered to become specialist in evening gowns, by another manager. Full time of course gave me more guaranteed hours and benefits, such as medical and dental, and I also go a raise and the specialist designation came with a nice raise as well, all this happened under Obama, last but not least I could have, and still could, if I so desire go back into to sell insurance and make even more money.
Like Henry Ford said, if you think you can’t or you think you can, either way you are right.
1. E-books and movies through Kanopy: ccclib.org
2. Free online museum coloring pages: http://www.openculture.com/2019/02/download-free-coloring-books-from-113-museums.html?fbclid=IwAR2sHI0QascC6LHrJLJiRbIrZHVNMNzM7XZY03q2GoH
3. Did you know you can stream broadway shows through Amazon, iTunes, YouTube and other streaming services? You can also check out BroadwayHD, a special streaming service that brings you the greatest from the Great White Way. It’s $8.99 a month, but there’s a one-month free trial.
4. Metropolitan Opera is running free opera 3.16-22, one a day for 20 hours through their website. http://www.metopera.org
5. Free Seattle Symphony: seattlesymphony.org › live
6. Free online museum tours:
Flosswww.mentalfloss.com › article › 12-world-class-museums-you-can-vi…
Memorize Psalm 37 and Psalm 25