They think this is communist china or something. The bill of rights is still a thing. Don’t trade your liberty for the promise of security or you’ll lose both.
And if everybody were as responsible as you, these measures wouldn’t be needed. Unfortunately for all the brilliant people in our society there are as many idiots who just don’t get it. So your “I can do what I want” attitude falls flat and sounds so immature right now. If we are going to under educate society we are going to have to babysit them.
The sentiment of your post is exactly why measures like this are needed. “ I’ll take measures to not catch the virus.” Great for you, but you’re not the only person who is susceptible.
Always thought you were a fool. Here’s hoping you’re the first to get cited for violating the provisions (which if you actually read them do allow some latitude on your daily routine).
You can have Happiness until you intrude on my Liberties. You can have Liberties until you intrude on my Life.
If we did nothing, 2.2 million people in the US alone with die. Now, consider you are part of that statistic. How that might impact the people who love, and depend on you. What about it being someone that would impact you terribly hard?
*EVERYONE* Be positive, be caring, look for ways to help, follow the guidelines, and stop whining. It’s hard on everyone, and it’s not about you.
You can have Happiness until you intrude on my Liberties. You can have Liberties until you intrude on my Life.
If we did nothing, 2.2 million people in the US alone with die. Now, consider you are part of that statistic. How that might impact the people who love, and depend on you. What about it being someone that would impact you terribly hard?
*EVERYONE* Be positive, be caring, look for ways to help, follow the guidelines, and stop whining. It’s hard on everyone, and it’s not about you.
So here’s your chance. Your community is in crisis and you have a choice. Reacting with anger, resentment and defiance seems to be a choice for some. Hanging a flag on your house and singing the National Anthem loud and proud is nice. But that’s just a lot of show.
When it’s time to roll up your sleeves and find ways to help your community, that’s when the actual patriots appear. Without fuss or fanfare, they find needs and fill them. So what kind of patriot are you? A flag waving Walmart kinda patriot or a getting sh*t done for your community kinda patriot?
Here’s a small slice of the need, just in your county:
I’d like to know where in that Order it permits people to go out for walks. That link appears to provide misinformation. The Order bans all travel, including on foot, for non-essential purposes.
It’s in Section 10.iii:
iii.To engage in outdoor activity, provided the individuals comply with Social Distancing Requirements as defined in this Section, such as, by way of example and without limitation, walking, hiking, or running.
My buddies and I are introverts, so we only ”hang in”. We only shower once a week and always have the 6 feet social distance from everyone.
Remember this the next time you are standing in line and happen to be downwind, it’s not my hygiene its my self preservation for you and me implying stay away 6 feet.
March 16, 2020 - 6:51 PM 6:51 PM
Actually, is good, we should’ve already been doing this, you don’t want to have a crazy epidemic like Italy who took measures too late. This is a flu after all but the problem is that it spreads much quicker than your regular flu so we must do all we can not to spread it. You can still go out for essentials and take walks so you don’t go stir crazy, think of it as sort of a staycation
Anon, well if your job is part of health and sanitary that’s pretty close. Otherwise you shouldn’t be out of your showing symptoms. Did you sneeze today?
March 16, 2020 - 7:04 PM 7:04 PM
I have a friend in the funeral industry, he is telling me that no services can be performed because of restrictions to occupancy. you can have a cremation or direct burial done or opt to have the body embalmed and wait for several weeks until this blows over. transport recovery and removal drivers are still required to work to recover your deceased because you can’t have bodies lying around at home or the hospitals because of space constraints.
You could just not go and if they fire you, you might have a case to sue. They should not require you to work if you are not part of the ones mentioned mandatory to work
Did you happen to sneeze, cough or feel an acne today.?
March 16, 2020 - 7:22 PM 7:22 PM
FIRST AMENDMENT Definition of right of assembly
: the principle of popular government often constitutionally guaranteed that it is the right of the people peaceably to assemble for any purpose not expressly prohibited by law………………….
@ Cellophane
Um, a constitutional scholar you are not…these orders are 100% lawful under the Constitution. But do go on, I think everyone gets a kick out of know-it-all sea lawyers who are so completely full of ****.
Marrus Luminus
March 16, 2020 - 7:30 PM 7:30 PM
Don’t cuck to these “rules”. This is a test. How much of their rights are they okay with us taking today?
March 16, 2020 - 7:40 PM 7:40 PM
I am exempt.. whoo hoo no traffic.
March 16, 2020 - 8:00 PM 8:00 PM
I love how people are saying “you can’t tell me what to do”; I guess their freedom is more important than people staying alive.
@palermo, you say that as if violating the lockdown would require us to go kicking down people’s doors so we can sneeze in their faces. Anyone can decide if they want to keep to themselves.
Not to mention, for most everyone, there is no mortal peril in getting the coronavirus, it would be more like a bad cold than the vaunted grim reaper. People with special weaknesses to things should be the ones taking special care to protect themselves, without the whole of everyone else being compelled to join them.
And yes, freedom is more important than life. People literally die for it.
I could go all New Hampshire and say “Live free or die”, but that’s one of the great things about freedom, if you want to value your life over your freedom, you can (it’s stupid, but you’re free to do so). Just don’t threaten others with enforcers of the state initiating aggression against us when we decide to exercise our own freedoms.
They are not curtailing your freedom permanently, they are trying to avoid what is happening in Italy. Stop over reacting just because you distrust the government. You can get in your car and drive to a deserted beach or park or to the mountain. Learning to alone with oneself and your thoughts are a good thing. I read a psychology book many years ago, saying you had to be comfortable being alone before you could be in a healthy relationship. Although there certainly was times in my life where I didn’t like to be alone for long (mostly when I was young) I learned being alone growing up. I was an only child of older parents, and grew up in the country in Denmark there were many winter days where biking or even walking to your friends house was impossible. Now I’m very comfortable being alone, although I’m also very social.
Excellent advice for all, including the government.
Curious George
March 16, 2020 - 8:02 PM 8:02 PM
@Bad Nombre…See Section 10/ Item iii… Definitions and Exemptions
“To engage in outdoor activity, provided the individuals comply with social distancing requirements as defined in this section, such as, by way of example and without limitation, walking, hiking or running”
March 16, 2020 - 8:13 PM 8:13 PM
Let me restate I used Webster’s definition in my last post. The first Amendment as written states, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the freedom of speech ,or of the press,or the right of the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Beware of your rights.
Thanks for the reminder Lou. I hope some restaurants and businesses take note. This is getting ridiculous. California vs. Newson the clown act.
Wash hands often, keep distance, be aware, but we should be allowed to live life before we die.
There is a more detailed legall one soneone posted.. this definitely looks like someone just put this for small facts or maybe not facts
March 16, 2020 - 8:32 PM 8:32 PM
Good grief! Just follow the rules! It is critical to save lives.
March 16, 2020 - 8:41 PM 8:41 PM
This whole thing is a compete joke. Good luck trying to enforce it. 6 County “Health Officials” think they can impose Marshal Law is ridiculous and is NOT going to reduce the spread of the virus.
There are so many exceptions to this order: Shelter-in-Place unless: You have to go to work, or go shopping, or go to the hospital, or get gas, or have to hit the hardware store. Need to go the church? No problem you are exempt. Need to catch a plane; you are exempt. Got a funeral to attend? That’s essential you are exempt.
What really is comical is I have 3 friends that work in different industries here in central Contra Costa County. (Legal office, plumber and robotics Mfg). Each employer believes their company is “essential” and is ignoring this mandate by the County this afternoon. They have already informed their employee’s “We are not shutting down and you are expected to report to work each day”
Finally if you are looking for a good restaurant to sit down and have a good dinner? Go to Solano County or Yolo County they not part of this “Shelter-in-Place”
Looks like all Contra Costa County Health Dept is doing is destroying what is left of our small business community in Central County. #CCCHDEpicfail
“Anecdotal information is not scientific evidence.”
That goes for your anecdote as well.
Susan I.
March 16, 2020 - 9:49 PM 9:49 PM
Tell ya what… you want to go out and peacefully assemble… go for it. You get fatally ill it’s all on you.. but you’d blame that on the govt. too. I cannot fathom what imagined hell some of you must think you live in. But hey you do you.. I’m setting in, working from home & have what me & mine need to get by.
And PS… it was Trump at his presser that thought this was a good idea… you would know that if you watched it in full. Politics should be out the window at this point… on both sides.
Bob Wiley
March 16, 2020 - 10:09 PM 10:09 PM
So the last pandemic we had was the swine flu (H1N1). Less people died from that, than people died in car accidents. Or cancer. Or heart disease… the list goes on. If you’re going to panic, then panic about something that actually affects people. Less than 500 people in America have died from the corona.
We’re living in a pandemic of fear. Mental illnesses are being revealed.
Bob shares the opinion of the majority,those not freaking out and hoarding,and those that already had plenty of supplies because they already knew they live in a country of wackos.I haven’t had to do one thing different,and the only thing I didnt buy enough of was cat litter,I know a guy that has a garage that’s 2 cars deep and the back half is all food.He goes to the store once a week for milk.Everyone should have already had extra food and supplies,but they arer too busy being in debt with all cards maxxed out,esp now.Get ready for the next wave of this mental illness.The economy crash.Its all part of the plasn,but Trump wont lose any support,this again,increases his support.It backfired again,liberals
First they began eroding our rights by destroying the second amendment. now they’ve moved on with this opportunistic grab to create even more of a police state. Remember, all of you left wingers voted for these people. Now you get to reap the consequences of what you chose.
Good grief, do any of you “freedom fighters” ever stop for a second to actually listen to yourselves? North Korea? Oh brother…yeah, perhaps you can direct me to our nearest concentration camp, or tell me the name of the most recent person you know who was summarily executed. Stupidity abounds….
Patrick… thank you for the link. I am teaching a research methods class this semester and this is AWESOME!!! Well written & he makes the statistical projection model accessible. Thanks again!!!
March 16, 2020 - 10:52 PM 10:52 PM
There are so many exceptions to this rule, it should not have been called an Order, it should have been called a Recommendation. It would have caused less confusion and drawn a less negative response from the populace if it was issued as a Health Recommendation or a Health Warning. An Order sounds too authoritarian.
Maybe this will bring us all together like 911 did. I sure hope so after reading these comments. Now is the time to come together and support each other.
I’m betting that most people will be ignoring most of the rules within a few days.
People will see people out and about and then go out themselves.
I’ll bet some businesses will reopen.
Evil Banker
March 17, 2020 - 7:15 AM 7:15 AM
I jealously guard my civil and individual rights including all those guaranteed by the Constitution. But math is math. Exponential spreading of the virus can be arrested by more extreme measures than may seem necessary at the time. We are lucky in that we may benefit from the experience of South Korea (which seems to have done nearly everything right in response) and Italy (which did nearly nothing initially, and is now paying the price).
While they may loathe Big Government and its cradle to grave omnipresence, libertarians are also smart enough to recognize Government has a key role to play in civil society, be it national defense, ensuring elections take place, common infrastructure or public health.
What good are our rights as guaranteed by the Constitution if one is not around to exercise them? These apolitical extreme measures are necessary and temporary for our common welfare.
And at any rate, violations of the public health order are but only misdemeanors…so at least in San Francisco, feel free to knock yourselves out violating the order. Their D.A. refuses to prosecute misdemeanors, remember?
March 17, 2020 - 7:29 AM 7:29 AM
While these extreme measures dictated by our leftist local government may slow the spread, how can it be truly effective if the homeless (who prior to this pandemic) are allowed to remain on the streets and use BART? I’m not aware that any local politician has any measure to isolate the homeless from the general population. One idea is to have the national guard and army corp of engineers build a secure tent encampment in an area such as where Burning Man is held. The homeless should be removed and housed there for and triaged into hopeful and hopeless groups where they can remain or moved to other facilities. Rather, our local politicians continue to enable the homeless. I’m open to other ideas. I have no trust in the motives and competency of these local officials who are implementing control measures like communist China does over its general citizenry.
My employees and I have to stay home and close my small shop for 3 weeks, how can we pay the bills??
Not Dead Yet
March 17, 2020 - 7:35 AM 7:35 AM
That order is filled with grammer errors and typos.
My favorite is in the severance clause (section 14), specifically where it uses “reminder” instead of “remainder”.
@Natalie – It needs to be an order that includes criminal penalties. Otherwise, people would ignore it for the most part. From what I’ve observed, the general public’s attitude changed instantly when the orders were released.
I wish though there had been more of a heads up that the orders would be released. Employees were learning about it via social media. Supervisors, managers, and directors were blindsided all the way up the food chain. Many departments are semi-essential. For example, while grocery stores are deemed “essential” does that also include the thousands of people working in marketing, customer service, information technology? I imagine last night and today will be in meetings trying to draw bright lines through gray areas to define essential vs. non-essential. Consider the food and supply chain for grocery stores. Besides inventory of stuff for sale to the public there’s also supplies and other materials for the back offices that support the stores.
Bud E
March 17, 2020 - 7:58 AM 7:58 AM
It is incredible how many hypocrites are reacting to the shelter in place announcement. The same people on here are screaming that they will not obey the law/request, yet these same people yelled and screamed about boarder crossings. A law is a law YOU do not get to choose IF you follow it.
Apple’s and coconuts. Although I agree about the whining. However, vocalizing serves a purpose. Great ideas come out of freeform expression.I
I believe there is something else going on. Something the frightened masses will have trouble prossessing. But what the heck, I could pen a sci-fi novel complete with dialog. I bet you could too.
My son will be unemployed for at least 3 weeks, yet his expenses are not being put on hold. Of course he will obey the law, even though it puts him and his family in a tough position.
I do find it ironic that the State of California in general, and these six counties in particular, have a very long history of picking and choosing which laws they will obey, and which laws they will ignore.
March 17, 2020 - 9:04 AM 9:04 AM
It is not so much that YOU might catch it but that you might carry it and pass it along to the vulnerable elderly and people with health conditions that make them more susceptible. I fit into both categories. I had to go to 2 stores over the last 2 days to get only some of what I normally need. No hand sanitizers or TP have been available for over a week.
To all who feel this is an unreasonable impingement onto your freedom and especially to all of the hoarders, THANK YOU VERY LITTLE.
March 17, 2020 - 10:10 AM 10:10 AM
here’s something fun; take the word PANDEMIC. Drop 3 letters, DEM, and you have the word …. PANIC. Fun right?
Obedience Training 101 for Human Pets of the State.
Btw ‘Stranger of Inconsequence’, speaking up when we are deprived of our liberty unduly is not *whining* but our civic duty. If this epidemic had a far greater mortality rate than these drastic measures would be appropriate — it is not. So stay the cheerful servile pleb if you wish and watch as your already diminshed liberty is further eroded.
little wing
March 17, 2020 - 10:45 AM 10:45 AM
As of this morning the official mortality rate is 0.7.
And you burn the global economy to the ground.
Great idea.
March 17, 2020 - 10:56 AM 10:56 AM
The flu kills approximately 50,000 in the USA yearly. Just saying….
Jojo Potato
March 17, 2020 - 11:41 AM 11:41 AM
I was wondering about swimming pool maintenance so I called the company. They are working on the basis that it is illegal to allow a pool to turn green and breed mosquitos. West nile don’t you know. So us millionaires are all taken care of. Whoo hoo!
Pool maintenance is considered essential health – safety.
What’s a bummer is country club will be closed for three weeks.
Captain Bebops
March 17, 2020 - 12:11 PM 12:11 PM
I discussed this with a friend who is a retired professor of psychology on Friday. We both feel that things are overblown because lawyers are telling the officials to err on the side of caution because no one wants to get sued because they didn’t warn enough.
March 17, 2020 - 6:17 PM 6:17 PM
Newsom now saying most school will not reopen before Summer
Wait, so schools will open just in time for summer break when schools close to give kids a break for the summer?
March 18, 2020 - 7:59 AM 7:59 AM
Who is actually policing this shelter in place. Clayton businesses were ‘business as usual’ last night in the restaurants? When are people going to not have the attitude that ‘this won’t happen to me” we haven’t even seen the top of the bell curve here in the US.
Kauai Mike
March 18, 2020 - 8:33 AM 8:33 AM
rebuilding what’s already been destroyed will take years. not to mention what’s coming …
March 19, 2020 - 5:28 AM 5:28 AM
I got three words for you. ECONOMICS. TRUMP. ELECTION.
What Are You Not Allowed To Do?
There is no one in the local government that I’ll allow to tell me what I will and will not do.
I’ll take prudent measures not to catch this virus.
The government is overstepping its bounds.
Those people are out of control.
I have the same attitude.
They think this is communist china or something. The bill of rights is still a thing. Don’t trade your liberty for the promise of security or you’ll lose both.
And if everybody were as responsible as you, these measures wouldn’t be needed. Unfortunately for all the brilliant people in our society there are as many idiots who just don’t get it. So your “I can do what I want” attitude falls flat and sounds so immature right now. If we are going to under educate society we are going to have to babysit them.
The sentiment of your post is exactly why measures like this are needed. “ I’ll take measures to not catch the virus.” Great for you, but you’re not the only person who is susceptible.
We live in a free country, not a lawless country, not a country without consequence.
@Me: Ditto.
They have to step in because common sense is no longer common. Seen Toilet Paper sales? Bunch of idiots.
Always thought you were a fool. Here’s hoping you’re the first to get cited for violating the provisions (which if you actually read them do allow some latitude on your daily routine).
you wont hear of one person getting cited for anything anywhere during this episode of mental illness.
Dead right!
You can have Happiness until you intrude on my Liberties. You can have Liberties until you intrude on my Life.
If we did nothing, 2.2 million people in the US alone with die. Now, consider you are part of that statistic. How that might impact the people who love, and depend on you. What about it being someone that would impact you terribly hard?
*EVERYONE* Be positive, be caring, look for ways to help, follow the guidelines, and stop whining. It’s hard on everyone, and it’s not about you.
You can have Happiness until you intrude on my Liberties. You can have Liberties until you intrude on my Life.
If we did nothing, 2.2 million people in the US alone with die. Now, consider you are part of that statistic. How that might impact the people who love, and depend on you. What about it being someone that would impact you terribly hard?
*EVERYONE* Be positive, be caring, look for ways to help, follow the guidelines, and stop whining. It’s hard on everyone, and it’s not about you.
Did you really think that was worth posting twice?
Temper tantrum. Remember what your mom’s told you, its for your own good. That applies right now.
So here’s your chance. Your community is in crisis and you have a choice. Reacting with anger, resentment and defiance seems to be a choice for some. Hanging a flag on your house and singing the National Anthem loud and proud is nice. But that’s just a lot of show.
When it’s time to roll up your sleeves and find ways to help your community, that’s when the actual patriots appear. Without fuss or fanfare, they find needs and fill them. So what kind of patriot are you? A flag waving Walmart kinda patriot or a getting sh*t done for your community kinda patriot?
Here’s a small slice of the need, just in your county:
I’d like to know where in that Order it permits people to go out for walks. That link appears to provide misinformation. The Order bans all travel, including on foot, for non-essential purposes.
It’s in Section 10.iii:
iii.To engage in outdoor activity, provided the individuals comply with Social Distancing Requirements as defined in this Section, such as, by way of example and without limitation, walking, hiking, or running.
Under WHAT TO DO it says
It is OK to go outside for walks if you are not in a group.
Section 10(a)(iii) – outdoor activity (including walks and hikes) is defined as an essential activity
What happens if someone doesn’t follow all their rules?
It’s a misdemeanor
Who will enforce it? Leafblowers?
p.s Why are they still blowing the Corona around town? ” Non essential” business and harmful to the environment.
Can I leave town?
Only if it’s to cheat on your spouse since it’s “essential” to keep them quiet & you know how mistresses act up when you don’t see them.
My favorite part is “ You cannot invite your friends over to your house to hang out“
My buddies and I are introverts, so we only ”hang in”. We only shower once a week and always have the 6 feet social distance from everyone.
Remember this the next time you are standing in line and happen to be downwind, it’s not my hygiene its my self preservation for you and me implying stay away 6 feet.
Actually, is good, we should’ve already been doing this, you don’t want to have a crazy epidemic like Italy who took measures too late. This is a flu after all but the problem is that it spreads much quicker than your regular flu so we must do all we can not to spread it. You can still go out for essentials and take walks so you don’t go stir crazy, think of it as sort of a staycation
It’s not a staycation for those of us that work in “essential” jobs and still have to go to work.
Yes, it’s BS that I’m not a First Responder or health care worker…..and I still have to go into peoples homes.
Isn’t it wonderful when the CPUC mandates things.
True, and I thank you all in advance for that, I wasn’t referring to the ones that have to work
Anon. Do you deliver pizza?
Anon, well if your job is part of health and sanitary that’s pretty close. Otherwise you shouldn’t be out of your showing symptoms. Did you sneeze today?
I have a friend in the funeral industry, he is telling me that no services can be performed because of restrictions to occupancy. you can have a cremation or direct burial done or opt to have the body embalmed and wait for several weeks until this blows over. transport recovery and removal drivers are still required to work to recover your deceased because you can’t have bodies lying around at home or the hospitals because of space constraints.
I would hope. I was thinking they would legislate that nobody is allowed to die for the next few weeks
@RT Obviously an oversight on their part
So what do you do if your employer is not honoring the shelter in place? Not looking forward to taking Bart to the city.
You could just not go and if they fire you, you might have a case to sue. They should not require you to work if you are not part of the ones mentioned mandatory to work
Unfortunately I work for a Bank.
Did you happen to sneeze, cough or feel an acne today.?
FIRST AMENDMENT Definition of right of assembly
: the principle of popular government often constitutionally guaranteed that it is the right of the people peaceably to assemble for any purpose not expressly prohibited by law………………….
These extreme mandates are mostly unconstitutional but allowed under a declared health emergency.
Once freedom, any freedom is curtailed and then removed by the government they never return to the people.
Ya’ll are getting what ya’ll voted for.
No on to blame but yourselves.
This is a declared national emergency, all that is out the window.
And so is reasonableness apparently.
@ Cellophane
Um, a constitutional scholar you are not…these orders are 100% lawful under the Constitution. But do go on, I think everyone gets a kick out of know-it-all sea lawyers who are so completely full of ****.
Don’t cuck to these “rules”. This is a test. How much of their rights are they okay with us taking today?
I am exempt.. whoo hoo no traffic.
I love how people are saying “you can’t tell me what to do”; I guess their freedom is more important than people staying alive.
Exactly right. Freedom is neither safe nor negotiable. Stop believing the government is your protector – it is not.
@palermo, you say that as if violating the lockdown would require us to go kicking down people’s doors so we can sneeze in their faces. Anyone can decide if they want to keep to themselves.
Not to mention, for most everyone, there is no mortal peril in getting the coronavirus, it would be more like a bad cold than the vaunted grim reaper. People with special weaknesses to things should be the ones taking special care to protect themselves, without the whole of everyone else being compelled to join them.
And yes, freedom is more important than life. People literally die for it.
I could go all New Hampshire and say “Live free or die”, but that’s one of the great things about freedom, if you want to value your life over your freedom, you can (it’s stupid, but you’re free to do so). Just don’t threaten others with enforcers of the state initiating aggression against us when we decide to exercise our own freedoms.
They are not curtailing your freedom permanently, they are trying to avoid what is happening in Italy. Stop over reacting just because you distrust the government. You can get in your car and drive to a deserted beach or park or to the mountain. Learning to alone with oneself and your thoughts are a good thing. I read a psychology book many years ago, saying you had to be comfortable being alone before you could be in a healthy relationship. Although there certainly was times in my life where I didn’t like to be alone for long (mostly when I was young) I learned being alone growing up. I was an only child of older parents, and grew up in the country in Denmark there were many winter days where biking or even walking to your friends house was impossible. Now I’m very comfortable being alone, although I’m also very social.
“Stop over reacting…”
Excellent advice for all, including the government.
@Bad Nombre…See Section 10/ Item iii… Definitions and Exemptions
“To engage in outdoor activity, provided the individuals comply with social distancing requirements as defined in this section, such as, by way of example and without limitation, walking, hiking or running”
Let me restate I used Webster’s definition in my last post. The first Amendment as written states, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the freedom of speech ,or of the press,or the right of the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Beware of your rights.
Thanks for the reminder Lou. I hope some restaurants and businesses take note. This is getting ridiculous. California vs. Newson the clown act.
Wash hands often, keep distance, be aware, but we should be allowed to live life before we die.
Congress didn’t make a law. It was the Health Department.
There is a more detailed legall one soneone posted.. this definitely looks like someone just put this for small facts or maybe not facts
Good grief! Just follow the rules! It is critical to save lives.
This whole thing is a compete joke. Good luck trying to enforce it. 6 County “Health Officials” think they can impose Marshal Law is ridiculous and is NOT going to reduce the spread of the virus.
There are so many exceptions to this order: Shelter-in-Place unless: You have to go to work, or go shopping, or go to the hospital, or get gas, or have to hit the hardware store. Need to go the church? No problem you are exempt. Need to catch a plane; you are exempt. Got a funeral to attend? That’s essential you are exempt.
What really is comical is I have 3 friends that work in different industries here in central Contra Costa County. (Legal office, plumber and robotics Mfg). Each employer believes their company is “essential” and is ignoring this mandate by the County this afternoon. They have already informed their employee’s “We are not shutting down and you are expected to report to work each day”
Finally if you are looking for a good restaurant to sit down and have a good dinner? Go to Solano County or Yolo County they not part of this “Shelter-in-Place”
Looks like all Contra Costa County Health Dept is doing is destroying what is left of our small business community in Central County. #CCCHDEpicfail
Does olive garden have take out?
How about dog groomers?
I’ve seen some of you people’s atrociously grotesque purse dogs and stinky matted `service’ dogs….
This is most definitely an essential serivce!!
Its certainly strange they say the virus is spreading rapidly. I don’t know a single person that has coronavirus.
I do.
I do too. Anecdotal information is not scientific evidence.
“Anecdotal information is not scientific evidence.”
That goes for your anecdote as well.
Tell ya what… you want to go out and peacefully assemble… go for it. You get fatally ill it’s all on you.. but you’d blame that on the govt. too. I cannot fathom what imagined hell some of you must think you live in. But hey you do you.. I’m setting in, working from home & have what me & mine need to get by.
And PS… it was Trump at his presser that thought this was a good idea… you would know that if you watched it in full. Politics should be out the window at this point… on both sides.
So the last pandemic we had was the swine flu (H1N1). Less people died from that, than people died in car accidents. Or cancer. Or heart disease… the list goes on. If you’re going to panic, then panic about something that actually affects people. Less than 500 people in America have died from the corona.
We’re living in a pandemic of fear. Mental illnesses are being revealed.
Stop with the crazy and wash your hands.
Bob doesn’t understand math. Don’t be like Bob.
Bob shares the opinion of the majority,those not freaking out and hoarding,and those that already had plenty of supplies because they already knew they live in a country of wackos.I haven’t had to do one thing different,and the only thing I didnt buy enough of was cat litter,I know a guy that has a garage that’s 2 cars deep and the back half is all food.He goes to the store once a week for milk.Everyone should have already had extra food and supplies,but they arer too busy being in debt with all cards maxxed out,esp now.Get ready for the next wave of this mental illness.The economy crash.Its all part of the plasn,but Trump wont lose any support,this again,increases his support.It backfired again,liberals
First they began eroding our rights by destroying the second amendment. now they’ve moved on with this opportunistic grab to create even more of a police state. Remember, all of you left wingers voted for these people. Now you get to reap the consequences of what you chose.
Pretty soon this will be like North Korea.
Good grief, do any of you “freedom fighters” ever stop for a second to actually listen to yourselves? North Korea? Oh brother…yeah, perhaps you can direct me to our nearest concentration camp, or tell me the name of the most recent person you know who was summarily executed. Stupidity abounds….
“yeah, perhaps you can direct me to our nearest concentration camp,”
According to the venerable AOC, they stretch all across our border with Mexico
For those that want to understand why this is being taken so seriously. Exponential growth is not a joke. Linking this URL here (not sure if this is allowed)
Patrick… thank you for the link. I am teaching a research methods class this semester and this is AWESOME!!! Well written & he makes the statistical projection model accessible. Thanks again!!!
There are so many exceptions to this rule, it should not have been called an Order, it should have been called a Recommendation. It would have caused less confusion and drawn a less negative response from the populace if it was issued as a Health Recommendation or a Health Warning. An Order sounds too authoritarian.
It being an order is definitely too authoritarian.
I am confused. They are still supposed to go to work?
Are daily gardeners with leaf blowers allowed to work? Can they work with a broom or rake?
Maybe this will bring us all together like 911 did. I sure hope so after reading these comments. Now is the time to come together and support each other.
I’m betting that most people will be ignoring most of the rules within a few days.
People will see people out and about and then go out themselves.
I’ll bet some businesses will reopen.
I jealously guard my civil and individual rights including all those guaranteed by the Constitution. But math is math. Exponential spreading of the virus can be arrested by more extreme measures than may seem necessary at the time. We are lucky in that we may benefit from the experience of South Korea (which seems to have done nearly everything right in response) and Italy (which did nearly nothing initially, and is now paying the price).
While they may loathe Big Government and its cradle to grave omnipresence, libertarians are also smart enough to recognize Government has a key role to play in civil society, be it national defense, ensuring elections take place, common infrastructure or public health.
What good are our rights as guaranteed by the Constitution if one is not around to exercise them? These apolitical extreme measures are necessary and temporary for our common welfare.
Well said Evil Banker.
And at any rate, violations of the public health order are but only misdemeanors…so at least in San Francisco, feel free to knock yourselves out violating the order. Their D.A. refuses to prosecute misdemeanors, remember?
While these extreme measures dictated by our leftist local government may slow the spread, how can it be truly effective if the homeless (who prior to this pandemic) are allowed to remain on the streets and use BART? I’m not aware that any local politician has any measure to isolate the homeless from the general population. One idea is to have the national guard and army corp of engineers build a secure tent encampment in an area such as where Burning Man is held. The homeless should be removed and housed there for and triaged into hopeful and hopeless groups where they can remain or moved to other facilities. Rather, our local politicians continue to enable the homeless. I’m open to other ideas. I have no trust in the motives and competency of these local officials who are implementing control measures like communist China does over its general citizenry.
You mean like internment camps?
My employees and I have to stay home and close my small shop for 3 weeks, how can we pay the bills??
That order is filled with grammer errors and typos.
My favorite is in the severance clause (section 14), specifically where it uses “reminder” instead of “remainder”.
Picky, picky, picky.
@Natalie – It needs to be an order that includes criminal penalties. Otherwise, people would ignore it for the most part. From what I’ve observed, the general public’s attitude changed instantly when the orders were released.
I wish though there had been more of a heads up that the orders would be released. Employees were learning about it via social media. Supervisors, managers, and directors were blindsided all the way up the food chain. Many departments are semi-essential. For example, while grocery stores are deemed “essential” does that also include the thousands of people working in marketing, customer service, information technology? I imagine last night and today will be in meetings trying to draw bright lines through gray areas to define essential vs. non-essential. Consider the food and supply chain for grocery stores. Besides inventory of stuff for sale to the public there’s also supplies and other materials for the back offices that support the stores.
It is incredible how many hypocrites are reacting to the shelter in place announcement. The same people on here are screaming that they will not obey the law/request, yet these same people yelled and screamed about boarder crossings. A law is a law YOU do not get to choose IF you follow it.
Apple’s and coconuts. Although I agree about the whining. However, vocalizing serves a purpose. Great ideas come out of freeform expression.I
I believe there is something else going on. Something the frightened masses will have trouble prossessing. But what the heck, I could pen a sci-fi novel complete with dialog. I bet you could too.
My son will be unemployed for at least 3 weeks, yet his expenses are not being put on hold. Of course he will obey the law, even though it puts him and his family in a tough position.
I do find it ironic that the State of California in general, and these six counties in particular, have a very long history of picking and choosing which laws they will obey, and which laws they will ignore.
It is not so much that YOU might catch it but that you might carry it and pass it along to the vulnerable elderly and people with health conditions that make them more susceptible. I fit into both categories. I had to go to 2 stores over the last 2 days to get only some of what I normally need. No hand sanitizers or TP have been available for over a week.
To all who feel this is an unreasonable impingement onto your freedom and especially to all of the hoarders, THANK YOU VERY LITTLE.
here’s something fun; take the word PANDEMIC. Drop 3 letters, DEM, and you have the word …. PANIC. Fun right?
Obedience Training 101 for Human Pets of the State.
Btw ‘Stranger of Inconsequence’, speaking up when we are deprived of our liberty unduly is not *whining* but our civic duty. If this epidemic had a far greater mortality rate than these drastic measures would be appropriate — it is not. So stay the cheerful servile pleb if you wish and watch as your already diminshed liberty is further eroded.
As of this morning the official mortality rate is 0.7.
And you burn the global economy to the ground.
Great idea.
The flu kills approximately 50,000 in the USA yearly. Just saying….
I was wondering about swimming pool maintenance so I called the company. They are working on the basis that it is illegal to allow a pool to turn green and breed mosquitos. West nile don’t you know. So us millionaires are all taken care of. Whoo hoo!
Pool maintenance is considered essential health – safety.
What’s a bummer is country club will be closed for three weeks.
I discussed this with a friend who is a retired professor of psychology on Friday. We both feel that things are overblown because lawyers are telling the officials to err on the side of caution because no one wants to get sued because they didn’t warn enough.
Newsom now saying most school will not reopen before Summer
and many more covering it…
Wait, so schools will open just in time for summer break when schools close to give kids a break for the summer?
Who is actually policing this shelter in place. Clayton businesses were ‘business as usual’ last night in the restaurants? When are people going to not have the attitude that ‘this won’t happen to me” we haven’t even seen the top of the bell curve here in the US.
rebuilding what’s already been destroyed will take years. not to mention what’s coming …
I got three words for you. ECONOMICS. TRUMP. ELECTION.