The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
The NBA has sent a memo to all teams telling them they should be prepared to play games without fans in attendance due to fears over the Coronavirus.
QUESTION: Do you agree with this move by the NBA, or do you think it’s going too far?
Talk about it.
The show must go on
The fans should be able to make their own decision whether or not they want to attend. There are enough paranoid people who will stop going everywhere. I’m not one of them. The voluntary absence of more than a few people should be enough. I prefer to see the game in person because it’s more fun.
Unfortunately if one fan attends who is contagious the potential to spread the virus could be catastrophic. That is bad for all of society. I think this thing is going to be way worse than what we are hearing in the media currently.
It depends on your mindset. SF is cancelling their St. Patrick’s Day Parade, and San Diego isn’t. San Diego is larger than SF, and I’ve attended the parade in both cities. San Diego draws a larger crowd. It’s not like coronavirus isn’t a threat in Southern CA.
I read San Diego news (daily) having lived there as a kid and an adult, and the media isn’t hysterical about it like it is in the Bay Area.
The potential to spread ANY disease is something we deal with daily, and most of us don’t panic. The place I’m around more people than anywhere I go is work. And my employer isn’t cancelling our jobs.
Wash your hands well, avoid sick people and stay home if your sick. Life goes on…
Kentucky Derby. Dublin, Ireland announced today that their parade and festival are canceled. 500,000 people usually attend that one.
it’s ok…..
Go about your day and worry about getting the flu if you didn’t get a flu shot. If you are old and decrepit stay home. Wash your hands more than a couple of times a day if you are out and about.
You do realize that COVID-19 isn’t part of the “flu shot”. There isn’t a vaccine for it at this time. The very reason for the “panic” is that this corona strain is very highly contagious. We just have to deal with it – but telling people that they are safe from COVID-19 if they had the flu shot is wrong – they aren’t protected from this strain.
Go about your day and worry about getting the flu if you didn’t get a flu shot. You have a better chance of getting the flu. than the virus.
We all are dupes… Do Democrat voters really care with all the unbathed homeless people, unchecked foreigners in our sanctuary cities, Influenza deaths that kill 150 Americans everyday? This whole thing is more about how the news creates panic among all the dupes.
LOL, Now it’s the Democrats fault for the virus! That is hilarious. Last I checked it was under Trump that funding to the CDC was cut and disbanding the GHS team that was in charge of trying to prevent pandemic outbreaks.
Here’s why the Corona is a great cause of concern. Influenza has been studied for decades and Corona has not. Influenza kills 0.1% of the population. Right now we have no clue what the mortality rate is as testing has been poor, especially in the USA. The WHO director is reporting at 3.4%. However, if we look at South Korea, who has done an excellent job on testing (Over 1,000 tests a day) the mortality rate is at 0.5%.
So, while people may be over panicking, we shouldn’t be taking this lightly at all. If the Corona spreads as far as Influenza has we are going to be in trouble. Influenza infects about 45 Million people in the US last year, that is 45K deaths. Apply that to Corona and you are looking at 225K deaths. That is basically the entire population of Concord, Walnut Creek, and Martinez wiped out.
So yeah, don’t panic, but also don’t be so blasé thinking this is just another virus.
” Last I checked it was under Trump that funding to the CDC was cut …”
Check again. The President’s proposal was rejected with bipartisan support, and CDC funding was actually increased.
Was it supposed to be a REAL cut or a smaller increase than requested? I’d suspect it was the latter therefore not a cut at all.
No, I think it is called “CYA”!
As litigious as this Nation has become starting in CA and NY state, the NBA is proactive to prevent/avoid potential knee-jerk lawsuits that they caused a fan/fans to contract COVID-19 during one of their games.
I think the people, fans, can decide for themselves.
And get a couple of infected fans there? Try and track that down.
In the long run it may not get so bad, but erring on the side of caution is better than a pandemic!
Everybody should just stay home and stay in their rooms, unless given permission to come out.
Please let the political rallies from both parties continue..
More people every yet get and die from the flu AMD events aren’t canceled
More people get sick from the flu every year and events aren’t canceled
I went to Costco today for my monthly visit. There was no one passing out free food. That was a downer since I was getting a little hungry. The shelfs were fully stocked and they had everything I needed. I had to go to the back of the store for sparkling water. I don’t drink the stuff my wife does. Anyway I saw that the usual full aisle of paper stocks was totally empty. Fortunately I didn’t have that on my list. It however prompted the following for all of you toilet paper hoarders I have just put a lifetime curse on you. When has Costco not had toilet paper? So you hoarders come to Costco with all of your family members in tow so you can each buy two huge packages of toilet paper. I figure you are dumb enough for a curse not for just a week or so but for life. If I had needed toilet paper there would have been none because you hoarders have *&^%$ for brains.
To keep the fans as safe as possible, viewers will be required to wear a mask if they watch the games at home on TV.
Going to far
Let the team’s play each other. Will the players be that upset if there are no fans in the stands, and that’s a temporary thing.This is no big deal
If someone gets sick during a known health emergency I suspect that the NBA and the teams involved could face legal action.
Here’s the quick and skinny from the AMA. It’s my go to site for such things since I never did get around to getting a medical degree.
Our usual seasonal flu comes in one of two flavors . A Type-A and a Type-B. Some percentage (can’t pin down what %) of us, worldwide has some level of immunity based on past exposure to one or both these types and/or their variants. An over simplification, but it’s what I got from it. Flu vaccines are part of this “exposure” paradigm. It gets really complicated from there and I can’t follow it. Maybe someone in the field can explain it.
But these “novel” viruses are new. NO ONE has any immunity at all. Probably explains the enormous concern on the part of actual health care professionals. And why comparisons at this point aren’t worth consideration. But hey, you be you.
Yes, that’s the point: since nobody has immunity, the numbers of infected people could get extremely large. Then even if only a modest % of them need hospitalization, it could overwhelm the capacity. That’s why countries are trying to slow down the spread – the health care system can’t take care of everybody at once. Really, there is only hospital capacity for a small percentage of the population at a given time. A new serious virus can challenge that arrangement.
For all you doubters, do you think Italy is condemning their country to a recession just because they listen to the mainstream media or something? Or do you think China doesn’t want its economy to do well? They have taken extreme lockdown type measures because they don’t want the numbers to outrun the capacity of the health care system to take care of that small percentage who will get seriously ill.
So yeah, for sure: cancel the crowds at NBA games if the epidemiologists think it is a significant risk to accelerate the spread. Life will go on without a few hundred thousand fans having their in-person basketball experience. I’m pretty sure we can deal with that.
Yeah, and LeBron’s comment showed a real lack of maturity, and common sense. Go ahead, don’t play!
Colleges are shut down but my first grader isn’t considered high risk and has to go to school. What sense does that make?
Good idea!
The Big Question is will the Warriors/Sharks/Kings Game Let Broadcast Crews to Televise Games? I think they will. To Much Money for the Gambling community not to see for Vegas. Plus all games have to be documented for historical purposes.