Two of my favorite idiots! The world is crumbling around us and we’re all going to die of Caronavirus next week because DeSaulnier is allowing patients to be flown into Travis AFB and flights keep coming in, but yes – let’s talk about a statistically tiny issue.
Expect to be lectured about the so-called “merits” of gun control. Gun control isn’t about guns…its about control.
I went to one of these about a year ago and it was very predictable and I ended up walking out.
Unfortunately, it appears like we will be stuck with this guy for another few years as our “educated and informed” electorate is seemingly voting him back for another term.
The people have decided to be ignorant and follow the people they believe to be their leaders.
The best way to control guns is to find a way to take them out of the criminal’s hands, not law-abiding citizens.
Any politician ever mention that?
It’s always punishing the good people and letting the criminals off the hook.
You people don’t need leaders, you need representatives who respond to you.
Bad Nombre
March 5, 2020 - 8:35 AM 8:35 AM
I miss George Miller. At least he would talk directly with you if you went to one of his town hall meetings. With DeSaulnier you had better have your question written out and expect only a monologue.
More than likely 50% gang violence, 40% suicide and 5% accidental discharge, but yes – it’s not random and indiscriminate like they would have you believe.
Someone should ask Mark if shooting oneself intentionally is any different from ‘assisted’ suicide, and if so, how? And how much gun violence is the work of illegal aliens protected by the ‘Sanctuary’ movement? How many are repeat offenders released early from prison? How many Baptist Grandmas are responsible for this?
@themamba it’s hard to believe but nation wide suicide accounts for 85-90% of all gun deaths. I wish they would talk about what really matters. As someone who has had multiple people who seemed happy in our family take their lives with a hand gun, I know the gun is not the killer. The more love people show to each other, and the more resources are put towards mental health instead of taking away the rights of individuals, will lead to a happier society!
Nicely said Concord. Sorry for your losses. The mental health services in this state are completely broken. That’s what they need to concentrate on. Work on the cause, not the end game.
March 5, 2020 - 8:48 AM 8:48 AM
Such a farce. He only allows civilian disarmament advocates (Bloomberg astro-turf groups) to speak and refuses to engage in actual dialogue with firearm owners.
Correction. Last one of these idiot circuses, a Fudd spoke up in support of background checks due to his conflict of interest in that he personally financially benefits from said arrangement.
March 5, 2020 - 8:55 AM 8:55 AM
Future President Joe Biden stated that 150 million Americans have been killed since 2007 by gun violence. Mark believes every word of it and wants to put a stop to it. But high property taxes? Nah, not so much.
So almost half of the existing population in the US has been killed by guns. Pretty amazing it was done in 13 years. He had better recheck his numbers. Idiots
Unfortunately Becton is not far removed from that miscreant City DA for SF, Chesa Boudin(??).
March 5, 2020 - 9:25 AM 9:25 AM
@the mamba
De Saullnier has no say in the matter of which coronavirus patients go to Travis AFB. 100 hundred people a day being killed by guns is not a “tiny issue.”
You obviously don’t know how things work in Washington DC. If DeSaulnier spent any time in DC he’d have made contacts and developed cachet that paves the way when it comes time to ask favors. Miller had it, but he lived in DC when in session, much of the time. He served on committees and represented his constituents, which means when rumor got around that Travis was under consideration, a few well placed phone calls and someone less influential got the problem. DeSaulnier is not a particularly likable person, and his Democratic stance against the President, along with Newsome’s overt hostility toward the President, means California constituents are not being fairly represented. Is it right? Maybe not, but ask yourself this, why should Trump cut Democrats any slack considering how hateful they have behaved toward him and his family? If Democrats made some effort to work with the President, things might be very different. Make a difference that benefits you, vote DeSaulnier out in November.
March 5, 2020 - 9:28 AM 9:28 AM
2/3 of firearms deaths are suicide. Mark will no doubt tell us ( again) about his fathers suicide.
Maybe the DA will plagiarize something for the crowd, something she is good at.
I might off myself if I worked hard all my life and had a son who’s campaign runs on changing America from a group who took care of themselves, to relying on the government take care of them.. Mark is someone who promotes American but won’t tell people to get off their butts and work hard. When people rely on help from the government they will vote for Mark..!
March 5, 2020 - 9:30 AM 9:30 AM
The one thing that stops most gun violence is Stop and Frisk. The thing the left will never go for. Funny how even the people whose lives are saved by Stop and Frisk are against it. I guess their attitude is well maybe my son or daughter will be shot but at least the police won’t stop them. Like putting up a communist or a dementia sufferer for president they just can’t think straight.
Geez, popcorn…. it’s obvious you’d suck up to the slacker even if he ate babies on the parade ground at high noon on July 4 with the marching band in attendance.
We ALL know his opinions and he has been unwilling historically to listen to the facts – just like Becton. So the only ones in attendance at his “town hall” will be the slobbering and non-thinking masses that would vote for a glass of water if it had a “D” on it.
You really ought to learn to think for yourself. Go kiss his a$$ some more – it makes you look silly.
As far as his being re-elected; it’s a no-brained given the majority of Democrats in his district and his riding in George Miller’s coattails.
Marky is just another politician whore that does what Nancy tells him to do. Both of you are so predictable.
Yeah popcorn! Mark and all those other soft on crime democrats that run the state are doing soooo good! Then in another stream you’re just dumbfounded at all that terrible crime that’s occurring these days! Well, get a clue……THEY’RE CONNECTED!! Typical head in the sand mentality of the democratic supporters! Your idiotic voting practices have forever tarnished the once golden state.
For the past four years, Mark has done absolutely nothing to help the residents of this state (as is the same for the democratic party on a national basis). He’s been completely overtaken by the push to overthrow (I mean impeach) Trump. Everything Mark has done for four years is directly related to that one goal! What a pathetic waste of time and money!
Or, a bunch of conservatives and gun-rights advocates. What if a huge group of them challenged his propaganda sessions and presented facts and statistics supporting their positions. Not to be disruptive or anything, but just to let him know he’s not representing all of his constituents. If each one of them submitted a question, he couldn’t legitimately ignore them.
March 5, 2020 - 10:10 AM 10:10 AM
Are there any statistics showing the amount/percentage of lawful registered gun owners committing crimes with their firearms? My best guess is it is VERY small. Most guns used in committing crimes are stolen with serial numbers filed off and are discarded after the crime.
I’m quite sure that Becton knows this, and I’m sure DeSaulnier doesn’t.
Per the FBI, around 30% of “Gun Violence” are people committing crime (unless you want to prosecute the other 70% for the crime of suicide).
Of the remaining 9-11k “homicides”, something like 80-90% are committed by known criminal elements (the criminals you speak of).
Desaulnier only knows what pelosi tells him to know.
March 5, 2020 - 10:10 AM 10:10 AM
Don’t look at me. I don’t vote for incumbents! Gun control is an issue that won’t go anywhere anytime soon.
Bill Cutting
March 5, 2020 - 10:29 AM 10:29 AM
Of course he won you can pin point the change in this state back to 1994 prop 187. You’ve all been sold out a long time ago. This state Is taxation without representation if you’re a conservative. I wonder what happened oh my It might be demographics demographics demographics. If you import the Third World you turn into the Third World. the Democrats just want power I haven’t seen a good Democrat since John F Kennedy and they smoked him for trying to make a change and expose the people that are ruining the country. Ever since JFK that party has morphed into Trotskyism and parasitism. They want to disarm you so you can’t stop them from doing sinister stuff plain and simple. Anyone buying what dems say are most likely new comers to the country in the last 60 Years or young and indoctrinated by media subversion. Why do you think they want open borders? So they can continue to import votes duh… news flash to all dems your party acts just like a parasite organism like literally your ideology stops working once the host dies and America will not survive with such a divisive hubris faction producing traitors to the core elements of American values.
Nancy Pelosi’s press conference last week ended with a call to action about guns. And this week DeSaulnier has an open house about the same issue. No wonder so many call him Pelosi’s lap dog. Woof.
If politicians really wanted to solve the issue, they would address Mental Health. But no, they use Propaganda like tactics to instill fear in the populous.
My disgust (for all of them) grows each and every day.
March 5, 2020 - 12:47 PM 12:47 PM
Nothing on Covid 19? Let’s see how long it takes him to issue his proclamation that the Corona virus is all Trump’s fault. Or, are Democrats changing their strategy now that they’ve found it doesn’t work? Looks like he’s complete ignoring current events. He’s become irrelevant?
chuckie the troll
March 5, 2020 - 1:40 PM 1:40 PM
I can’t wait to hear the same old tired litany of complaints, conspiracy theories and outright lies as heard at every other Desaulnier ‘Town Hall’. Does attending one constitute ‘mortification of the flesh’?
michael 1
March 5, 2020 - 4:19 PM 4:19 PM
This is why we need to elect Trump for 4 more years. He will appoint judges that will uphold our constitution and protect our freedom . This is the liberal democrats worst fear . Our forefathers wrote the constitution to protect us from an oppressive controlling government like the democrats represent . Gun control has nothing to do about saving lives. If they truly wanted to stop gun violence , They would keep the criminals who commit crimes with guns in jail instead of releasing them on parole so they can commit more crimes over and over again .
Popcorn. Get your nose outta Mark’s a$$. One of these days you’ll learn about critical thinking and not just drool over anything that has a “D” next to it.
Seriously, your sucking up to mark like that is kinda creepy…. then you insult those who don’t agree with you.
Justifiable languor
March 6, 2020 - 11:18 AM 11:18 AM
What will Mark do for us? California already has strict gun laws. Clearly it is the criminals who use them that is the problem.
After dealing with DMV and the SS office, I cannot understand how anyone
could think government run institutes are acceptable. A wait line for health care??? How is this good?
March 6, 2020 - 12:57 PM 12:57 PM
Please Note: Users who use multiple names will be deleted. Please choose one name so others can easily chat with you.
sign from above
March 7, 2020 - 6:44 AM 6:44 AM
Now Mark is pushing to take away the rights of law abiding citizens. CRIMINALS DO NOT BUY GUNS!! All this gun control nonsence will only affect the law abiding citizen. Crinminals will still have guns people! I’m all for background checks to ensure that those that shouldn’t have guns don’t get their hands on them. But that will never be enough for people like Mark and his crew. They won’t be happy until guns are completely outlawed!
Criminals also steal guns from law-abiding citizens who DO keep them secure. I’ve seen plenty of gun safes cut open and their contents stolen. And even if my guns are inside my locked home, but not in a safe, how is it MY fault if some miscreant sees fit to kick in my door and steal them? Sadly, though, politicians in California would want me punished instead of the thief.
@Chicken Little
Go figure. California’s legal non-sense, also allows a criminal to potentially sue a homeowner if injured during a burglary. God-forbid, a thief slips in a puddle of dog piss, or trips over a kid’s toy, falls and cracks their head open. In California, it’s the victim’s fault, and “Justice for the Criminal”.
Two of my favorite idiots! The world is crumbling around us and we’re all going to die of Caronavirus next week because DeSaulnier is allowing patients to be flown into Travis AFB and flights keep coming in, but yes – let’s talk about a statistically tiny issue.
Voted for him and glad he won.
Expect to be lectured about the so-called “merits” of gun control. Gun control isn’t about guns…its about control.
I went to one of these about a year ago and it was very predictable and I ended up walking out.
Unfortunately, it appears like we will be stuck with this guy for another few years as our “educated and informed” electorate is seemingly voting him back for another term.
Educated and informed.
These people voted for Bernie.
The people have decided to be ignorant and follow the people they believe to be their leaders.
The best way to control guns is to find a way to take them out of the criminal’s hands, not law-abiding citizens.
Any politician ever mention that?
It’s always punishing the good people and letting the criminals off the hook.
You people don’t need leaders, you need representatives who respond to you.
I miss George Miller. At least he would talk directly with you if you went to one of his town hall meetings. With DeSaulnier you had better have your question written out and expect only a monologue.
I miss Miller, too.
100 people killed everyday…. 95% suicide. Sense when is shooting yourself gun violence? these people…..
More than likely 50% gang violence, 40% suicide and 5% accidental discharge, but yes – it’s not random and indiscriminate like they would have you believe.
Someone should ask Mark if shooting oneself intentionally is any different from ‘assisted’ suicide, and if so, how? And how much gun violence is the work of illegal aliens protected by the ‘Sanctuary’ movement? How many are repeat offenders released early from prison? How many Baptist Grandmas are responsible for this?
@themamba it’s hard to believe but nation wide suicide accounts for 85-90% of all gun deaths. I wish they would talk about what really matters. As someone who has had multiple people who seemed happy in our family take their lives with a hand gun, I know the gun is not the killer. The more love people show to each other, and the more resources are put towards mental health instead of taking away the rights of individuals, will lead to a happier society!
Nicely said Concord. Sorry for your losses. The mental health services in this state are completely broken. That’s what they need to concentrate on. Work on the cause, not the end game.
Such a farce. He only allows civilian disarmament advocates (Bloomberg astro-turf groups) to speak and refuses to engage in actual dialogue with firearm owners.
Correction. Last one of these idiot circuses, a Fudd spoke up in support of background checks due to his conflict of interest in that he personally financially benefits from said arrangement.
Future President Joe Biden stated that 150 million Americans have been killed since 2007 by gun violence. Mark believes every word of it and wants to put a stop to it. But high property taxes? Nah, not so much.
Your vote counts. Make a change this November.
So almost half of the existing population in the US has been killed by guns. Pretty amazing it was done in 13 years. He had better recheck his numbers. Idiots
And Gore invented the Internet!
My Lord!!! What a waste of taxpayers’ funding!!
Unfortunately Becton is not far removed from that miscreant City DA for SF, Chesa Boudin(??).
@the mamba
De Saullnier has no say in the matter of which coronavirus patients go to Travis AFB. 100 hundred people a day being killed by guns is not a “tiny issue.”
There are 3,287 car accident deaths a day and 1,660 deaths from cancer for comparison.
You obviously don’t know how things work in Washington DC. If DeSaulnier spent any time in DC he’d have made contacts and developed cachet that paves the way when it comes time to ask favors. Miller had it, but he lived in DC when in session, much of the time. He served on committees and represented his constituents, which means when rumor got around that Travis was under consideration, a few well placed phone calls and someone less influential got the problem. DeSaulnier is not a particularly likable person, and his Democratic stance against the President, along with Newsome’s overt hostility toward the President, means California constituents are not being fairly represented. Is it right? Maybe not, but ask yourself this, why should Trump cut Democrats any slack considering how hateful they have behaved toward him and his family? If Democrats made some effort to work with the President, things might be very different. Make a difference that benefits you, vote DeSaulnier out in November.
2/3 of firearms deaths are suicide. Mark will no doubt tell us ( again) about his fathers suicide.
Maybe the DA will plagiarize something for the crowd, something she is good at.
I might off myself if I worked hard all my life and had a son who’s campaign runs on changing America from a group who took care of themselves, to relying on the government take care of them.. Mark is someone who promotes American but won’t tell people to get off their butts and work hard. When people rely on help from the government they will vote for Mark..!
The one thing that stops most gun violence is Stop and Frisk. The thing the left will never go for. Funny how even the people whose lives are saved by Stop and Frisk are against it. I guess their attitude is well maybe my son or daughter will be shot but at least the police won’t stop them. Like putting up a communist or a dementia sufferer for president they just can’t think straight.
Exactly! When you put fear and security above liberty and the Bill of Rights, why is one form of infringement allowed but another is off limits.
Go Mark! He is awesome. Soooo happy he won! Sorry ya’ll are blind to his great efforts.
Geez, popcorn…. it’s obvious you’d suck up to the slacker even if he ate babies on the parade ground at high noon on July 4 with the marching band in attendance.
We ALL know his opinions and he has been unwilling historically to listen to the facts – just like Becton. So the only ones in attendance at his “town hall” will be the slobbering and non-thinking masses that would vote for a glass of water if it had a “D” on it.
You really ought to learn to think for yourself. Go kiss his a$$ some more – it makes you look silly.
As far as his being re-elected; it’s a no-brained given the majority of Democrats in his district and his riding in George Miller’s coattails.
Marky is just another politician whore that does what Nancy tells him to do. Both of you are so predictable.
Yeah popcorn! Mark and all those other soft on crime democrats that run the state are doing soooo good! Then in another stream you’re just dumbfounded at all that terrible crime that’s occurring these days! Well, get a clue……THEY’RE CONNECTED!! Typical head in the sand mentality of the democratic supporters! Your idiotic voting practices have forever tarnished the once golden state.
For the past four years, Mark has done absolutely nothing to help the residents of this state (as is the same for the democratic party on a national basis). He’s been completely overtaken by the push to overthrow (I mean impeach) Trump. Everything Mark has done for four years is directly related to that one goal! What a pathetic waste of time and money!
Yeah – markys so “awesome” that he does his childish sit-in in Congress with the rest of the loony left.
And that is about the extent of his accomplishments and abilities.
He is the poster child for the Peter Principle.
Now watch the libs scratch their heads over THAT!
What would happen if he held a ‘town hall’ and no one came?
Or, a bunch of conservatives and gun-rights advocates. What if a huge group of them challenged his propaganda sessions and presented facts and statistics supporting their positions. Not to be disruptive or anything, but just to let him know he’s not representing all of his constituents. If each one of them submitted a question, he couldn’t legitimately ignore them.
Are there any statistics showing the amount/percentage of lawful registered gun owners committing crimes with their firearms? My best guess is it is VERY small. Most guns used in committing crimes are stolen with serial numbers filed off and are discarded after the crime.
I’m quite sure that Becton knows this, and I’m sure DeSaulnier doesn’t.
Per the FBI, around 30% of “Gun Violence” are people committing crime (unless you want to prosecute the other 70% for the crime of suicide).
Of the remaining 9-11k “homicides”, something like 80-90% are committed by known criminal elements (the criminals you speak of).
Desaulnier only knows what pelosi tells him to know.
Don’t look at me. I don’t vote for incumbents! Gun control is an issue that won’t go anywhere anytime soon.
Of course he won you can pin point the change in this state back to 1994 prop 187. You’ve all been sold out a long time ago. This state Is taxation without representation if you’re a conservative. I wonder what happened oh my It might be demographics demographics demographics. If you import the Third World you turn into the Third World. the Democrats just want power I haven’t seen a good Democrat since John F Kennedy and they smoked him for trying to make a change and expose the people that are ruining the country. Ever since JFK that party has morphed into Trotskyism and parasitism. They want to disarm you so you can’t stop them from doing sinister stuff plain and simple. Anyone buying what dems say are most likely new comers to the country in the last 60 Years or young and indoctrinated by media subversion. Why do you think they want open borders? So they can continue to import votes duh… news flash to all dems your party acts just like a parasite organism like literally your ideology stops working once the host dies and America will not survive with such a divisive hubris faction producing traitors to the core elements of American values.
You nailed it Bill
Nancy Pelosi’s press conference last week ended with a call to action about guns. And this week DeSaulnier has an open house about the same issue. No wonder so many call him Pelosi’s lap dog. Woof.
He’s got a way to go to catch up to her big dog Adam Schiff, but he’s doing what he’s told.Good Boy.
Gun control and controlling the Corona Virus are the same thing in Pelosi’s mind.
I have an idea. Let’s pack a whole bunch of people in a room right next to each other for a couple of hours. What could go wrong ?
Almost 70% of “Gun Violence” are Suicides.
If politicians really wanted to solve the issue, they would address Mental Health. But no, they use Propaganda like tactics to instill fear in the populous.
My disgust (for all of them) grows each and every day.
Nothing on Covid 19? Let’s see how long it takes him to issue his proclamation that the Corona virus is all Trump’s fault. Or, are Democrats changing their strategy now that they’ve found it doesn’t work? Looks like he’s complete ignoring current events. He’s become irrelevant?
I can’t wait to hear the same old tired litany of complaints, conspiracy theories and outright lies as heard at every other Desaulnier ‘Town Hall’. Does attending one constitute ‘mortification of the flesh’?
This is why we need to elect Trump for 4 more years. He will appoint judges that will uphold our constitution and protect our freedom . This is the liberal democrats worst fear . Our forefathers wrote the constitution to protect us from an oppressive controlling government like the democrats represent . Gun control has nothing to do about saving lives. If they truly wanted to stop gun violence , They would keep the criminals who commit crimes with guns in jail instead of releasing them on parole so they can commit more crimes over and over again .
Our taxpayer dollars wasted again and again…
Maybe he should hold this at the gun range and get a great turnout.
J ust ask Mark if he wants Biden or Sanders.
R eally don’t expect he’ll say anything nice about our current President.
T rust me I know.
More people are killed by obesity ever year than gun violence.
And IMO, a stand alone suicide is not an act of gun violence.
Must be tough for you guys to see Mark rising above your pig sty. The virtual on this thread would make anyone’s cortisol go sky high. Geesh.
Popcorn. Get your nose outta Mark’s a$$. One of these days you’ll learn about critical thinking and not just drool over anything that has a “D” next to it.
Seriously, your sucking up to mark like that is kinda creepy…. then you insult those who don’t agree with you.
What will Mark do for us? California already has strict gun laws. Clearly it is the criminals who use them that is the problem.
After dealing with DMV and the SS office, I cannot understand how anyone
could think government run institutes are acceptable. A wait line for health care??? How is this good?
Please Note: Users who use multiple names will be deleted. Please choose one name so others can easily chat with you.
Now Mark is pushing to take away the rights of law abiding citizens. CRIMINALS DO NOT BUY GUNS!! All this gun control nonsence will only affect the law abiding citizen. Crinminals will still have guns people! I’m all for background checks to ensure that those that shouldn’t have guns don’t get their hands on them. But that will never be enough for people like Mark and his crew. They won’t be happy until guns are completely outlawed!
Criminals steal guns from law abiding citizens who can’t keep their guns secure.
Criminals also steal guns from law-abiding citizens who DO keep them secure. I’ve seen plenty of gun safes cut open and their contents stolen. And even if my guns are inside my locked home, but not in a safe, how is it MY fault if some miscreant sees fit to kick in my door and steal them? Sadly, though, politicians in California would want me punished instead of the thief.
Ozzie is right. All of the gun-grabbers are criminals who should be locked up!
@Chicken Little
Go figure. California’s legal non-sense, also allows a criminal to potentially sue a homeowner if injured during a burglary. God-forbid, a thief slips in a puddle of dog piss, or trips over a kid’s toy, falls and cracks their head open. In California, it’s the victim’s fault, and “Justice for the Criminal”.
And Ozzie would know that – how?
Presumably he has first hand knowledge? Or is this his expertise talking as defined by the Brady Campaign????
Tell us, oh hoplophobe.
Now watch – he’s gonna have to run to a dictionary….