Home » Contra Costa Health Department Provides Update On Coronavirus

Contra Costa Health Department Provides Update On Coronavirus


The Contra Costa County Health Department has provided an update on the Coronavirus.

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“Stock up on the essentials in case of shortages”…I wonder if Costco has any toilet paper or pet food left….

Schools should have been closed a week ago and we should have been preparing, training first responders, and testing for this 2 months ago.

u must be a school employee looking for some extra paid time off.

And why wasn’t avoiding Chinese restaurants on the list?

Because they don’t serve Corona there.

That was a funny, right? I sure hope so…

Hey 2 months of your prescriptions? No can do. The ACA limited it to one month supply only max.

I doubt doctors are going to risk their script license to double your prescription so you can have two months worth.

Remember if you have to go to the doc every month, it drives up the costs, including yours, so it’s harder to afford so you will get into the “we want single payer health care because I can’t afford it”…
Getting played…

Are you getting your drugs on the street? My prescriptions are all for 90 days.

I’d watch out for all the food made in China. All of TJ’s frozen mess are made there. Yuck !

Edit!!! TJ’s frozen Asian meals …

@Puffandstuff I bet at least 90% of the items in your household have an origin of China. Check out where your computer or phone parts were made.

Im going to eat at Hunans right now.

What will the disease be next month?

NY had a total of 32 test kits yesterday. Korea is doing 10,000 tests a day, and even has drive through testing in which you get the results in 10-minutes…

It’s been spreading on the Left Coast for weeks, the next few months will be interesting!

Now that hand sanitizer is completely sold out, (even on Amazon) you can make your own. Simple……Aloe Vera gel and Rubbing Alchohol. (Vodka also works) Or mix some Tea Tree oil in your soap. Tea Tree kills everything.

Washing your hands with Vodka will work, too.

I love this idea! I always have a little trouble trusting whether or not hand sanitizer I buy in a store is still (or ever was) potent. You don’t know how long it has been sitting around and whether it was stored in conditions that would negatively affect its quality.

Neil Diamond: Hands
CDC: Yes, wash them for at least 20 seconds
Neil Diamond: Touching hands
CDC: No, please don’t touch hands
Neil Diamond: Reaching out
CDC: Avoid that too
Neil Diamond: Touching me
CDC: Oh hell
Neil Diamond: TOUCHING YOU
CDC: We’re doomed

🙂 🙂 🙂 so good so good!



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