The Walnut Creek Police Department is in the process of revamping their existing Neighborhood Watch Program, and they’re looking for energetic community members who would like to serve as a Neighborhood Watch captains.
For those interested in becoming more involved, please contact Lieutenant James Laughter at laughter@walnutcreekpd.com.
I would, but I have taken over incidents from WCPD….I’m to much for them to handle.
Be there to help and offer advice and experience if asked….
Sure, I’ll volunteer as soon as the CoCo County Sheriff starts issuing CCW permits.
I’m hearing George is out of work 🙂
That can’t be his real name, Lt. Laughter? Neighborhood Watch must be a real crackup in Walnut Creek.
Nice one gittyup
will we get one of those spiffy badges in the picture to get out of parking tickets?