The Walnut Creek Police Department is reminding the community of their partnership with Project Lifesaver.
The Project Lifesaver program is offered to Walnut Creek residents who are caring for loved ones with Alzheimer’s, dementia, autism, or other cognitive conditions where they are known to wander away from family and/or caregivers. 95% of Project Lifesaver participants who go missing are located in less than 30 minutes.
Citizens in the Walnut Creek Community who meet eligibility requirements can be fitted with a band that would allow police to track them should they become missing. The department is equipped with locating devices that utilize radio frequency waves to locate the transmitters.
To participate in WCPD’s Project Lifesaver program, the person must:
- Live within incorporated Walnut Creek
- Be diagnosed by a certified physician as having Alzheimer’s, dementia, autism, Down’s Syndrome, or a cognitive disorder where the victim has a tendency to wander or is a known wanderer
- Have a full time caretaker (or parent/guardian)
- Not have access to a vehicle and/or a valid Driver’s LicenseThe cost to participate this program is $300.00 a year, and $25.00 each subsequent year. There is a limited number of partial to full sponsorships available on an as needed basis if financial hardship exists.
Call 925-256-3583 or email Program Manager Lauren Gehring at Gehring@walnutcreekpd.com for more information.
It should not cost to participate, Medical bills are too high as it is to care for loved ones with these conditions.. Insurance should cover if not.
I care about my loved ones at least $300 worth! This is money well spent. It’s hard to imagine someone with these disabilities in Walnut Creek who does not have a loved one who can afford to sponsor this. Heck, that’s less than two months of Comcast!
I agree with Aunt Barbara.
Why isn’t this program free to those that need it and their families? The minorities and illegals get everything for free on the backs of those of us who are over taxed for years!
Those of us who have or have had family with this issue, pay through the nose for their care because we are the honest foolish part of society and don’t try to manipulate the system. It is already a drain emotionally. This should be a free service to those who are not using the system illegally already.
We need to step up and protect and vice our displeasure to the media just like the rest of the entitlement groups, illegals and welfare sucker uppers who don’t want to work or don’t feel compelled to contribute to society because they can get everything for free.
In California you are a minority.