The warm weather has arrived, and so have a few rattlesnakes.
A rattlesnake was spotted this afternoon in the yard of a Clayton home on Mountaire Parkway, and a hiker reported seeing one in Lime Ridge Open Space today.

In the event of a rattlesnake bite, call 911 immediately. If alone and unable to make a phone call, walk slowly to the nearest area where someone can help make the call.
Lie down to help stay calm, and avoid elevating the affected limb. Keep it below the heart. Sucking out the venom or using a tourniquet to keep it from circulating in the body is not recommended.
Rattlesnake bites are typically associated with two puncture wounds and intense burning pain. Other snakebites can be treated with soap and water, but patients should still seek medical assistance as soon as possible.
Officials say the snakes play an important ecological role in controlling pest populations and it’s illegal to kill them or take them home with you.
Corn snake people, CORN SNAKE!!!
It must be election season, the snakes are out!
Salty here…
That picture looked like a old grizzled one. Musta been from the Pelosi breed.
Salty OUT!!
Darn!!! I was wanting to put one in my pocket and take it home for a pet.
Dont forget, the head can still bite even if severed.
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