The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Wal-Mart or Target? If you had to choose one to move into the City of Concord, which would you choose?
Talk about it….
Walmart. The Target stores in Pleasant Hill and Walnut Creek are close enough, and the Martinez Walmart isn’t too far, but driving back to Concord is getting bad with all the construction and early afternoon commute traffic.
Now let’s hear from all of the condescending snobs that enjoy putting Walmart shoppers down.
Great response and I agree with you on all points!
I remember the first time I stepped into a Walmart. I was horrified. But I soon adapted. A year or so later, I found myself deep in the depths of the Martinez Walmart and happened to look down at my shoes. I put them on early in the morning and failed to see I had one brown and the other black. Exactly the same shoes, just a slight change in color. Oh, and one was suede.
I am fully integrated now. However the Concord Walmart can take the atmosphere of the Pleasanton one, rather than that horror in Martinez…Not that I care. Anymore. Haha.
WINCO please.
I agree. WINCO is great value for decent to good quality. I love going to the one in Brentwood.
Winco would be awesome!
Walmart hides their money in illegal offshore accounts.
…..So do most multi-nationals. Nothing new.
…..so what? It’s their money and not your business.
I vote for Walmart.
Target. The quality of Target merchandise is superior to that found at Walmart. I don’t mind paying a little more for something that will last longer.
Neither, make it a homeless shelter!!!!
Oh god please NO!
Is that a joke?
Who needs stores anymore? You’re all online just order online and have the drone deliver it to your door 20 minutes later. 😀
I vote for neither.
I wouldn’t want to give the City Council additional tax dollars to squander senselessly.
Definitely not Walmart.
No Winco as they only accept CASH or a Debit Card….no Visa Card, etc.
I did not know that about Winco, “wave”! Perhaps that is how they keep their costs reasonable by not accepting Visa Cards, etc. I work for a small family owned business and they do remodeling contracts. When I customer uses a Visa Card, etc, the credit card deducts almost 4% from us. I literally want to throw stuff at the TV when those credit cards brag on the commercials about everything “they give you back”. They aren’t giving you anything. They are taking what they steal from us and passing on a small amount back on to you.
Actually I’d like a toy store somewhere. Target and other stores only have a limited selection, and sometimes buying online just doesn’t cut it. Its so much harder to shop for kids when you can’t take them to a decent store ahead of time to get a feel for what they want.
Target! Walmart’s business ethics (nonexistent) are horrible.
Fred Meyer would be far better than either Target or Walmart. If our city government could entice Fred Meyer to enter the Bay Area, I’d be more than impressed.
As for Target versus Walmart, people think that Walmart is cheaper, but it’s often not actually true. Target is often said to have better quality clothing, which in my experience is true.
The Fred Meyer stores in Oregon are well stocked and decent quality but I don’t think they are in California. Have you seen one here?
There are no Fred Meyer locations in California, which is why I would be extremely impressed if our city leaders managed to get them to come here. It’s just a pipe dream, but there’s always a possibility no matter how small.
Concord doesn’t need either. Folks who live in south Concord can get to the Pittsburg Walmart faster than Martinez although it might be more crowded and the clientele is different.
If Kmart couldn’t make it there I don’t know what else would.
Actually KMarts are being shuttered all over the country. Concord’s lasted longer than most.
The issue is tax dollars. People who shop in other communities are spending their tax dollars in other communities. Right now Concord has neither a Walmart or a Target so the tax that is generated on a sale at either of these stores is benefiting the community where the money is spent. Where you make purchases matters!
People are shopping in other communities because Concord has one of the highest sales tax rates around. Over time, you actually save money shopping elsewhere.
gittyup – Depends what you mean by “around”. Concord sales tax is 8.75%, 6% goes to the state,.25% to the county, .5% to the City, and 2% is a “special” tax.
I make all my major purchases elsewhere for exactly that reason.
Target, because people of walmart.
Target! Please no Wal Mart!
In Concord? Neither.
I go with Target I love Target I can maybe get a job there:) I can imagine Target will be at Fry’s Electronic if the store gets shut down. Wal-Mart Nah no way they are cheap, dirt, Yucky
Funny, we moved here in 1949 and the way Concord has changed over the years, I can see Walmart at the Fry’s building, but not Target. I think Target’s best bet would have been the old Kmart, but I don’t see it at the Fry’s location. Something about the clientele.
Winco is worse than Luckys. Go Walmart.
Target, I bought a few things over the years at Walmart, but I find the store just too big. I like the merchandise better at Target. When my daughter lived at home at I entertained and needed more stuff I would also go to Costco. Now I don’t even go to Target very often, I find between CVS and their coupons and the $$ store I can get most of what I need outside of the groceries there.
My daughter who is married and has 2 children shop at Target and Costco, she is very health conscious, and it took her awhile to join Costco, but she is pleased with the quality of products. She and her husband are in their thirties.
Target is better, no matter where the location.
Walmart prides themselves on cheap products with poor customer service.
Fred Meyer would be awesome.
Super Walmart, most everything under one roof!
I’d vote fir Walmart. With the savings on merchandise you might be able to offset Concord’s higher sales tax rate and break even in the end.
Where Fry’s is/was, I would prefer a Walmart. We already have the PH and WC Targets relatively close to where I live…. plus I already love going to the Walnut Creek Target.
I shop more at Walmart than Target! Better prices on cosmetics and personal items.
olive garden
LOL! I was wondering if someone was going to say that. Actually restaurants train their waiters to think of the place as a store and their job as a salesperson to sell you things.
Red lobster
Walmart for sure! There’s already the pleasant hill and Walnut Creek Target. A closer Wal-Mart would be amazing! Especially with the Kmart being closed down
What about just a plain and simple Tarmart or a Walget ?
Where is the proposed location? The now empty K mart store on Clayton Road?
Sorry didn’t read the question correctly, thought the question was which store l prefer. As for either coming to Concord l’m neutral since l no longer shop either store regularly.
No store can exist with #47 letting people steal left and right with no consequences.
Ok, here it goes…
Target is already close enough in Peasant Hill.
Wal-Mart in Martinez is too close to the formerly proposed lit next to Lowe’s along Highway 4.
Ideally, a Walmart Superstore around Ygnacio Valley Rd. and Clayton would be geographically far enough away from their Pittsburg and Martinez store. But we all know that Claytonians would never allow that (even though there is a Dollar Tree and Grocery Outlet near there).
So most likely it will never happen unless it is around highway 242 and Market St. (Maybe Fry’s when they close down?).
If I had to make that binary choice, I’d say Walmart for the sake of diversity.
As others have noted, Winco or Fred Meyer would be intriguing options.
The problem with a Walmart would be that it would be required to be just another Walmart-Lite like all the others around here. That being the case, NO WAY!
Walmart sells inferior products.
Why do we want more of the same? We don’t have to go far to get to either one. Something different would be nice.