Home » Concord City Council To Discuss Rental Protection Ordinance

Concord City Council To Discuss Rental Protection Ordinance


Three and a half years into a community-wide dialogue about protections for local housing renters, the Concord City Council on Tuesday is expected to provide guidance to city staff for moving ahead with a revised rental tenant protection ordinance.

Among the suggested provisions are a maximum five percent rent increase each year plus a cost of living adjustment, maximum of 10 percent each year, whichever is less; prohibition of more than two rent increases over any 12-month period; and making that rent cap applicable to existing tenants only.

Rent stabilization and other tenant protections have been a topic of discussion in Concord since June 2016, when the City Council and the city’s Housing and Economic Development Committee held eight meetings on the issue. They attracted a lot of response, including more than 12 hours of public testimony on the need for action.

The City Council approved its Residential Rent Review Program in June 2017.


In January 2019, the Ad Hoc Committee on Rental Housing was set up to discuss and review state and local requirements regarding tenant/landlord responsibilities and developing rental housing objectives and strategies for
consideration by City Council. It met eight times from January until May 2019. The committee released a subsequent report in May.

Tuesday’s council meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall, 1950 Parkside Drive.

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Three and a half years talking about it!! Wow! Talk about kicking the can down the road, but I guess if no one has any idea how to solve a problem, just fake it as long as you can, and hope something, or someone, comes along you can blame it on.

All the tenants in Concord should go on strike: DON’T PAY RENT UNTIL LANDLORDS CHARGE A FAIR PRICE. Rentals are too high already, so increase 5% or 10% doesn’t help.

The cost of housing to buy is outrageous, how do you expect rentals to be less than what the owner is paying? Bottom line is that renting to others is a business, and supply and demand sets the cost. Increase the supply and provide competition and the prices will come down without rent control

Sure. Right. There is someone here already, willing to pay what you’re paying in rent – or more.
But go ahead, step right in to eviction. Have fun.

Build more high rises like you see in other countries or even Vancouver, BC. However I don’t know how safe that is in this earthquake zone. Maybe just pray for the economy to collapse and then landlords will be begging for tenants. 😉

All landlords should go on strike… don’t rent out another unit or make another repair until they are protected from these unfair regulations.

BTW- I want and deserve 1,000 shares or Tesla and Alphabet, but the current price is too high. So, government should force both companies to sell me shares at a lower price.

Correct me where I’m wrong but isn’t the prime mover here scarcity of housing units? The root cause should be addressed. Not sure rent controls will have enough effect to be worth the trouble it causes. And the inevitable lawsuits.

There is no housing shortage,but the left ask this,are told this,and just don’t hear it.There are so many empty units waiting to be rented,but not at low income prices,nice try lefty.

I’m confused… I thought the newly enacted AB1482 law already stipulated all of these things already, and back-dates to March, 2019. Doesn’t it not matter anymore what Concord City Council does; it’s already law…?

That currently does not apply to single family houses

The best thing the city can do… is to do nothing. Impose a bunch of regulations, and you will stop growth or force builders to only construct luxury housing.

Concord and Walnut Creek both have a lot of “Open Space” near existing housing and major thoroughfares. So why don’t they use some of that land to build low-income/affordable housing with the fees they collect for that very purpose?

Overhaul existing multi family properties to expand inventory. The Broadway area behind Park n Shop, and properties near Ellis hold more capacity per sq ft. than most of the two story properties built in town. Help modernize what is already built to keep the growth balanced, boost parking, and add all the bike paths needed to keep the bike coalition happy. Everyone is housed, yay!

BFF Out!

again lest we forget you democrat voters wanted the 16 million illegals

where do you think they live ??? doh

yep all the affordable housing since the democrats with our money is paying their rent which is why the rents are high ….pure economics

simply put millions of illegals coming in the state

with our money the democrat politician’s fast tracks their section 8’s
the owners yes raise rates since the gov is grabbing money so the market affords owners a bonus by raising the rental rates paid for by section 8

so you voted to shoot yourself …lol

now your crying and moaning because some guy who worked for a living and made some money and invested in housing and rentals ….ahhh the American dream …..unless your against that sort of thing ….of course you are

simple the gov is baiting you and you fall for it every time

you even taxed you gas again and tell me what roads have been fixed

3 day week

Vote for it

Edi Birsan finally achieves his life long utopian dream of enacting state run communism here in our little town of Concord.

Good bye sweet America.

There will be less rentals now. Debating to sell or rent next year, will now sell.

Being a landlord is just like any other business. If it becomes less profitable due to rent control laws then the result will be a shortage of rental units.

No,that wont happen,the smart people will sell and leave,and the new arrivals will buy these properties and rent them to more new arrivals,and this is when Concord or any city is finished



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