The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon!
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Did you watch the President’s State of the Union speech last night? If so, what did you think?
Talk about it….
Outstanding I must say. He should be our President for the next 20 years if possible. He’s a true American.! He’s made America great again!!!
I totally agree! Our President did a fantastic job last night and every single day since he was elected.
Good to see you fell on your head and woke up.I know it’s not sarcasm,you really do like and admire Trump.You’ll just have to disagree with the guys at NA.
Same President for the next 20 years?? Does not sound much like a democracy with free elections.
Yes. Loved it, except Pelosi and her shenanigans. She, and the Democrats, should be ashamed of themselves.
Yes. A radio talk show host getting a medal seemed a bit strange. Sticking out a hand to her mortal enemy was calculated. She knew he would not shake her hand even if he had seen it extended to him. Tearing up the speech was unprecedented childishness.
Lets not insult the Children 🙂 My Grandchildren don’t even act that way. I had a hard time believing what I was seeing. Simply ridiculous.
Nah. I have never watched a SOTU address. Caught a clip of Pelosi tearing up the speech in the background though. Evidently she could even pretend to be an adult.
meant ‘she could not even’
I guess she planned it from the start. Video circulating of her pre-tearing and testing the pages at the start of the speech.
POTUS’ facts were spot on.
I don’t agree with Limbaugh’s award.
Pelosi’s behavior was unprofessional and exemplifies the Democrats’ rage and intolerance. Pure hypocrisy.
@exit 12
I don’t agree with Limbaugh award either.
Limbaugh received the award because he is a pioneer in the conservative talk radio forum. Can you imagine what it took to host a conservative radio show when no one else was doing it. Free speech was only okay for the left. Rush changed that.
What hypocrisy? It seems like a very honest action, you can disagree with it, but I don’t see it as hypocrisy.
Can’t say I agree with the Limbaugh reward, he has been very divisive and said many hurtful and untrue things. However, I do wish him well in his fight against an awful disease.
The president’s speech was great. He covered most everything in good fashion. The reaction of democrats was juvenile. Pelosi’s tearing up of Trump’s speech was a stupid vindictive move that will follow her to her end.
Today’s vote on impeachment will prove how wrong I was to support Romney.
I agree.
I’m shocked at Romney’s decision. He’s invoking his religious beliefs to explain why he must vote “Guilty,” yet in the process he is siding with the abortionists. It’s very difficult to understand and to rationalize his position.
Here’s Rubios mind blowing reasoning.
“Just because actions meet a standard of impeachment does not mean it is in the best interest of the country to remove a President from office. …
“… I will not vote to remove the President because doing so would inflict extraordinary and potentially irreparable damage to our already divided nation.”
The biggest takeaway was how immature Pelosi is. I’m glad I never voted for her and never will.
I believe Romney voted his conscience, I respect him for that, even though I was not for him when he ran for President, however I think he is for the most part an honest and decent man. The vote for impeachment has nothing to do with abortion, he did not switch parties, he just voted as he thought was the right think to do. I get this uncomfortable feeling that many, if not all, die hard Trump supporters, do not tolerate dissention, disagreement, but want everyone to fall in line, hardly what a democracy is.
It was awesome!!
I hope he enjoyed his last one!
Of the first term, maybe.
God bless president Trump 🙂
Mountainside Jay. Four More Years, Baby! MAGA, KAG, Trump 2020!
Last one – for this year…..
Four more, loser!
TRUMP 2020!!! 🇺🇸
Yep I watched it, but most of all I enjoyed watching the Dems behaving like spoiled brats, and it tickles me silly the way the President shakes them up. The comments made by the Left after the State of the Union was totally predictable. They seem to be in denial and have a problem with reality. They cannot fathom the thought that Trump is doing such a great job, so they call him a liar. They also have a problem differentiating the difference between illegal immigration and legal immigration.
Nah. You see one of the Donald’s campaign rallies, you’ve seen ’em all.
Good for you Silva, it was more of a campaign speech and state of the Union. I thought he did a good job with the speech, at least he refrained from insulting and making fun of others. Too bad he couldn’t stick to the truth on several issues.
Naturally some very important issues and truths would escape mention.
Too bad Mr. Trump had to lie about his position on preexisting conditions. He claims they will be covered while his minions are in court making sure they aren’t. Oh, well, just more typical lies from our President.
You mean like Obama… if you like your doctor you get to keep your doctor… you mean like that lie?
or maybe like the Rs in 2016 said in their response to Obama’s last State of the Union Address delivered by Nikki Haley:
“If we held the White House, taxes would be lower for working families, and we’d put the brakes on runaway spending and debt.
We would encourage American innovation and success instead of demonizing them, so our economy would truly soar and good jobs would be available across our country.
We would reform education so it worked best for students, parents, and teachers, not Washington bureaucrats and union bosses.
We would end a disastrous health care program, and replace it with reforms that lowered costs and actually let you keep your doctor.”
Since 2017 the Republicans held the White House and thus Obamacare has been replaced with Republican reform that actually let you keep your doctor?
I’m concerned with today and tomorrow.
Watched it, loved it!! Thank you for all the great things you’ve done, Mr. President!!
I was hoping she would have been in the background gnawing on a peach
Thought it was great, and covered almost all the points that were needed. Sad to see the lack of support for the special people mentioned. I was wondering if/what Pelosi was/would do,…it was a mild rage,…at least the claws didn’t come out. She can tear it up, but it does not change the message Trump delivered to the American People.
Nope. Can’t stand to hear him talk anymore. He tries to sound like a preacher and has probably been coached to do so. I heard clips of his lies. The coming year is going to be very interesting indeed.
Nope. If you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all. It’s basically an infomercial for the president. The president’s party gives a standing ovation every other word and the other party sits stone-faced and silent. True for whatever party is represented by the pres. Go back and look at Obama’s SOTU’s and you’ll see the same behavior in reverse.
Agreed. It’s a tradition that may have run it’s course.
Ms. Pelosi should be sent to the Principals office or at least put in “Time Out”.
Oh wait, that wasn’t an Elementary Scool class?
Such a fine example to set for our young people.
No because they are always the same. Whichever party has the Presidency, that party claps or stands at everything their guy says. The other party then sits with stone faces. Doesn’t seem to matter which party, they all act the same. No matter which party the President belongs to, the President also say pretty much same things, doing great all the time in all ways.
I can’t vote for him. His economic policies may be good or bad, the future will tell. His attitude sucks. The president is supposed be a leader; an ideal’ we can point our children to and say, that is what you want to grow up to be. Mr. Trump calls people names and keeps secrets. I do not want my kids to grow to be like him. He is just a mean, selfish bully. He has the moral maturity of a spoiled 5 year old. I hate the way the country has become divided: Rep better vote Rep and Dems have to vote Dems. Never about what is actually good for the country
Did you watch the videos of Obama slyly flipping off his opponents including Hillary? Watch the videos on youtube. All the politicians at that level are the same. At least Trump shows his dirty deeds right out in the open.
^So it’s better to have the traditional run of mill politician, who is condescending and who expresses endless platitudes?
So I guess you would rather have your kid idealize the Democratic Party that do the same. Or Hollywood celebrities that act like little kids. Parents are in control of whom their kids are influenced by.
I totally agree with you. My problem with Trump has more to do with his personality than his policies. Thought he might actually have some good policies, but very few of what he promised has come to fruition.
I know the Trumpster;s are going to get on my case, but I can assure you a even if I agreed with all, or most of his policies, I would still have problems with his personality.
I would liked to have seen it but I had to be out last night. It would have been good entertainment, better than anything else on TV last night.
Pelosi’s beyond immature stunt was obviously planned and well rehearsed before hand.
She pulled such nonsense when she and Feinstein were fighting with Berney at Gettysburg,.
I watched it. Perhaps the best speech President Trump has given, largely because it spelled out what he has accomplished and his plan for and love of the country. He is the most consequential President since the great President Reagan. I was touched by Rush and believe his award was well deserved because of what he has done to help shape and inform the political dialogue in this country.
Pelosi is an embarrassment and needs to go away (and she can take Mark and Swalwell with her).
Nasty Nancy showed her true colors, what a hateful person. Time to put a fork in her, she is done.
I missed bit but hope to watch next year. Looking forward to another four years with an incredible President.
Very true.
Excellent point!
Hard to imagine anyone disagreeing with the President’s exposure of the sanctuary city criminality…then again
Nope. I have no intentions of listening to anything 45 says if I can help it.
In 2019, Trump’s big address to the nation drew an estimated 46.79 million viewers, while this year’s garnered a mere 15.23 million. Now, I don’t know how good you are at quick math, but I do know that 15 goes into 46 three times, so Trump was down by two-thirds of last year’s audience, a number that should make him shut up about his popularity for at least a day or two (but won’t).
Trumps approval rating is 75-90% with Republicans whereas Obama had an 80-90% approval rating with Democrats. Trump has a 49% approval rating overall which isn’t bad. That means half of the country likes him. The reason people don’t tune into his speeches anymore is because they lost their shock value. He’s not actually a terrible president like everyone expected so people don’t tune in to be stunned by what the president says.
It may speak more about American’s fatigue with the political childishness we have seen from all parties. Just like the stock market, the people had already “priced” the impeachment outcome. No news here so why bother to watch the address.
It’s so annoying seeing people hating on Trump for things the Obama administration did and then spinning it into “well he’s just a bad guy, Obama wasn’t” when you mention it. I think had Barack been white and named Barry, he wouldn’t have been as popular as he was.. Wouldn’t you know, Trump has deported less illegal immigrants per year than Obama did? Trump banning people from coming from Muslim countries outraged millions but those millions stayed silent when Obama banned people from coming from Iraq because Obama was just fighting the good war on Terrorism. I mean he’s the man that led our team to Bin Laden.
Trumps speech was great and if you had a problem with it then you clearly just have a problem with him and not his policies. If that’s the case, get over it. All politicians are shady and scandalous.
Yes. I can’t stand the man. Arrogant and conceited. However, it was a very good speech that made you proud to be an American. I watched the commentary of NBC afterwards and they were so Anti-Trump that they couldn’t even cover the speech fairly. Made them look foolish.
Crazy Nancy’s tantrum disgraced her office and was disrespectful to the honorees – (Kayla Mueller, Tuskegee Airman, etc). She also embodied the exact stereotype that working women have fought against…… she can not control her emotions. She initiated the impeachment fiasco based on her hatred of Trump. She held the Articles back from the Senate based on her power-mad ego. She appeared unhinged during the SOTU and ripped up the speech because she’s angry that she lost. Women in the workforce have been trying to break thru that stereotype for years. They have been working hard to demonstrate that women are capable of remaining calm and makIng logical decisions based on facts – not emotions. However, in a very public display, Crazy Nancy erased many of the gains women have made by basing her antics on hate, vengeance, and catty, childish behavior. BTW, she also reinforced the stereotype that everyone from San Francisco is a lunatic. Home Run, Nancy! Now, please do us all a favor, and get the hell out of government.
Uh …. I never mentioned Trump in my post but, sure, go ahead and ramble.
Was waiting for Nancy’s dentures to slip out of her mouth considering how much jaw grinding she was doing while signaling to her minions on what to do during Trump’s speech. She is a career politician, as so many others are-why can’t people see that?
Can’t wait for her “tribe” of extreme liberals the new generation of Democrats to go piranha on her. Her time is limited but who replaces her will most likely be worse.
I was raised to respect the office of POTUS and God knows we have had prior losers in office but we never treated them with the sad disrespect we do Trump. I do not like his personality or his delivery at times but he is a workhorse and anyone who taken the daily beatings he has is one tough son of a gun.
Trump in 2020.
Work horse, he has taken more vacation’s playing golf than Obama and it has cost the taxpayer more money. Not a peep from Hannity or Rush, but they certainly was on Obama’s case for same, such hypocrites.
Yeah, Pelosi looked like she was conducting an orchestra of heathens. She was, of course, trying in the desperate way she does to upstage the President, but as we’ve discovered, Democrats can’t do anything right. Trump certainly has put in the hours and it shows. While Democrats fiddled about, he just kept moving ahead, making strides towards a better America for all.
And, about the vacations, more work is done on the golf course than in the boardroom for those of you unfamiliar with the upper echelons of business. Maybe that’s why he’s got so much more done than Obama. Likely a better golfer, also. What’s it they say … practice makes perfect? .And, Trump isn’t dumping tons of carbon and burned jet fuel exhaust into the atmosphere on transcontinental flights to Hawaii for vacation and golf the way his predecessor did. It’s a short flight to Florida. Eat your hearts out liberals.
For those of you missed President Trump’s speech, here is a recap: tax cuts, deregulation, strong trade policies, a strong American economy and strong employment numbers.
Many of the Democrats in the audience looked sullen and angry.
The next State of the Union Speech will be after the 2020 election. Imagine if Bernie Sanders were to become the next President? His first State of the Union Speech in 2021 would be about socialism and open borders.
Nancy Pelosi would be a happy camper.
Rush Limbaugh is nothing more than a drug addict, hypocrite DJ form Rio Linda and of course the most uneducated ,criminal President in our nations history would give the Medal of Freedom because he doesn’t know better.
He thinks it one his own game show awards.
I can’t wait for him to make us all billionaires! Duh
Well, you’re certainly entitled to your opinion – but I do have to say a couple of things….
1. He obviously a knowledge of the English language that far exceeds yours.
2. He IS YOUR president.
As to your claim of “most uneducated” – let’s see your proof.
As to your claim of “criminal” president – let’s see your proof.
AS to your claim of “thinking it’s a game show award” – let’s see your proof.
Guess you’re just another sore loser.
@ Freddie now that’s priceless
you attacking somebody’s knowledge of the English language by saying:
“He obviously a knowledge of the English language that far exceeds yours”
But don’t worry for a Trump supporter you’re doing just fine 😉
@Yo Mama. Rush Limbaugh is a great humorist.
He uses irony and wit to expose the flaws, hypocrisy, arrogance, and corruption of the left. Luckily we still have a first amendment. (The left is doing all they can to suppress free speech).
You can read some of Rush’s latest remarks on his website at RushLimbaugh.com.
It was a wonderful move on President Trump’s part to award Rush the Metal of Freedom. No one deserves it more.
Yo Mama,
What did you mean by, “most uneducated ,criminal President in our nations history”? Trump did, in fact, attend Fordham University and later, Wharton School of Business, at the University of Pennsylvania, earning a B.S. in Economics in 1968. As far as “criminal” Presidency is concerned, I would be willing to go out on a limb and assume, at least, one of the previous 44 Presidents (a 200-plus-year timeline) has done far worse for our country, than Trump could ever dream of doing.
Yomama and jwb will be lashing out for the next 5-50 years.Let them vent.They don’t seem to realize the source of their anger is they were lied to again by their own people and Trump is still their president and will be for what seems like a very long time to them,not long enough for most.Nothing equals the torture of waiting out the last presidency.knowing full well the American people won’t be fooled again.
It was worth the wait.
JWB and YoMama are directing their anger and disappointment at their incompetent Democratic party honchos to Trump supporters on Claycord … because … welll, because Democrats never attack each other … it’s in their code … and therein lies the problem. If one has a crazy idea, like Adam Schiff, they all jump on board. If one has a plan, like AOC, it’s Green New Deal for everybody. They are like lemmings in the hysteria of mass migration rushing headlong off a cliff. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
I liked the speech. He is a good speaker, the information was inspiring and useful in setting the pace for future initiatives. I also agree with SF oh above. Instead of just having the Constitutionally required report of the president to the congress, we were subjected against our will to a temper tantrum from Pelosi and other members of congress, dressed in white as some sort of protest, and including a chant to disrupt the president. While the following is probably more appropriate for the Politics forum, I will say here that I think the democrats have really gone in the wrong direction. Instead of focus on issues, for the past couple of years they have focused on trying to turn this into a personality contest to attack Trump. But when their own people are so negative and angry and juvenile, they will not win in a personality contest. It is said that many just vote for whoever they most would like to be with at a backyard BBQ (and you can see that shallowness on display in these comments above), but I do not think Pelosi, AOC or Bernie are up to that measure.
Yup…watched it. TRUMP 2020!
Most people will be dust before the half century,but it must be nice to be in your 20’s…