The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon!
Today’s question:
The outdoor markets in China, which sell animals such as live snakes, turtles, cicadas, guinea pigs, bamboo rats, badgers, hedgehogs, otters, palm civets, and even wolf cubs, are being blamed for spreading the Coronavirus.
QUESTION: Do you think China should crack down on markets that sell live, exotic animals? Also, would you eat any of the animals listed above?
Talk about it….
We of course they should crack down if that’s what is spreading the virus. I had not heard that. As far as eating them…I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Not my culture or food habits. Just what makes us (US) the be all and end all of what other countries should or should not eat. Or even how to eat or cook/not cook whatever? I don’t want vegans telling me to only eat veggies, I don’t want meat eaters telling me I should have meats 3 times a day. Or any combination of the above. I refuse to eat snails no matter how fixed and I don’t like fish either. Now, somebody ban me or condemn my food choices.
I agree.
It’s their culture and I remain neutral. As to the question if I would eat any of the animals, I may have and didn’t know it. When I served in Vietnam I ate the there and I had no idea what it was, but it was good.
Barbaric people eating what is not considered safe, what did they expect?
Not interested to make a meal of any of those critters, but to each their own.
IF, these animal are spreading the Coronavirus, who is or how is the control of sales going to be? Others may sell them some where else besides the Market Place. They can TRY to crack down, but don’t think it’ll be successful..
It’s going to be a huge task.
Yeah…. good luck with that.
Just because they have a different lifestyle is not a good enough reason to consider them “barbaric”. You need to travel more.
China is not the only country selling animals in their markets. And yes, if that was the only food available to me, I would eat it. It’s about survival, being resourceful, and not being wasteful. Now, given the outbreak, should they temporarily suspend the sale of animals? Probably. Should China be more strict about the conditions of these markets? Sure. But let’s not criticize their (and many other countries’) lifestyle.
Peru loves guinea pigs!
the US needs to stay out of other country’s business, if you don’t like there customs don’t go there for any reason, pretty simple. But don’t come here & want us to start to start eating dog’s cat’s or other critters what we consider pets!
I had a Chinese co-worker who told me that in crowded, protein deficient, Asian countries, if it moves, it’s food.
I read that bats brought into a live meat market in China carried the coronaviris.
The story that I was referring to was from a TV news station that said that live bats were brought into the live meat market in Wuhan China from a cave near the city. When I posted the msg I couldn’t remember the name of the city. I haven’t seen the video you are referring to.
Kirkwood, surely you’re mistaken. After all, Jojo knows exactly what everyone else has seen and heard.
Let them eat cake
Last time I was at the Solano Flea market there were live animals for sale.
True that.
The connection to animals (snakes and bats) is unconfirmed at this point in time.
No, it’s disgusting. This is how the zombie apocalypse started in 28 days.
Bottom line, China is disgusting with their wildlife. They murder them whether it’s for food or “healing” purposes and they steal wildlife babies from there mothers and sell them to make a profit, they basically have no regards for our beautiful wildlife. They clearly didn’t learn from the SARS outbreak so they kinda get what they deserve. And hell no I wouldn’t eat any of those animals listed.
The sizzling weasel on a stick is supposed to be very good. I have had the lemon pledge chicken and it wasn’t very good.
I would not eat any of those animals. Hopefully they will crack down and improve safety/sanitary conditions. I also wish China would get a handle on their coal usage, it’s bad news.
It’s not so much whether or not the animals are eaten, rather it’s how they are prepared for consumption.
By Western standards, it may be considered barbaric or at least “primitive”.
But an objective person would say that they are know exactly where their for comes from and it’s not a sanitized, prepackaged lump from the grocery store.
I as a conservationist oppose the killing of endangered or threatened species for consumption, manufactured products, or consumable resource where there are common and viable alternatives. But I do not oppose or criticize cultures otherwise for what they choose to eat.
Choose to eat? I wonder if their dietary preferences are the result of not having any higher quality foods to consume. Do they eat whatever they can find because that’s what they’ve done to survive over millennia? I am going to do a little web searching to see if someone’s written a book on Chinese dietary habits. (The real people, not the restaurants in Chinatown.)
Gawd, what a disgusting cesspool. Someone build a wall around China!
China built their own wall to keep people out.
I’m not sure what you mean by “crack down on”. There isn’t much I wouldn’t eat if it’s properly prepared.
But you’re in America,you don’t need to do that anymore.Pigs feet can’t be any fun.
Not sure if I’d eat them, but there were a few listed I’d like to have as pets.
I don’t remember much, I believe it was in the 80’s.