Home Ā» San Ramon Resident Arrested For Allegedly Assaulting Disabled Man At Pleasant Hill Target

San Ramon Resident Arrested For Allegedly Assaulting Disabled Man At Pleasant Hill Target


A San Ramon man is behind bars tonight onĀ attempted kidnapping and assault by means likely to produce great bodily injury charges, according to the Pleasant Hill Police Department.

On Jan.11 the police responded to Target on Contra Costa Blvd. to investigate an assault. Upon arrival, officers contacted the victim, who was in a wheelchair, and was being treated by medical personnel for an injury sustained during the assault, police said.

Police say the incident started when the victim confronted a motorist who was unlawfully parked in a parking stall reserved for the disabled.


Near the customer service counter the victim was approached by the suspect, identified by police as Jimmie Tiger.

Police say Tiger demanded the victim go back out to the parking lot and apologize to his wife regarding the parking disagreement. The victim did not want to return to the parking lot and get in a further argument, so police say Tiger attempted to forcibly wheel the victim out of the store against his will, and when the victim resisted, Tiger violently lifted the victimā€™s wheelchair from the side, throwing the victim down onto the floor.

The victim received non life-threatening injuries.

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Handi should have kept his mouth shut.

Don’t park in the handicapped spot IF YOU’RE NOT HANDICAP.

Yes, everyone should keep quiet when crimes are committed. That’s why there are so many P.O.S.’s in the bay area.

Sometimes, @$$holes should be called out, regardless of the consequences. Unless Mr. Tiger or his wife had a legitimate handicap, their car had no business being parked in handicapped parking, thus, “Handi” ,for obvious reasons, had every right to open his mouth. I find it interesting how some people go through life as if their crap doesn’t stink, treating others like crap, and then lose-it when they are called out on their stench. Wtf?

Maybe his wife was disabled, and that’s the reason he was demanding an apology to his wife. Regardless of the circumstances, it’s not worth it. He could have a gun. If it bothers you that much, report it. If you’re going to dish it out, you have to learn to take it. Or keep your mouth shut.

Also – you can’t tell if someone is disabled. He could have a brain injury. Disabilities don’t have to be physical.

This is disgusting, but sometimes you have to learn to mind your own business.

Seriously? A-holes that take handicapped spots should be prosecuted.

Itā€™s EASY to tell if someone in the vehicle
is handicapped by looking at their parking
pass hanging from the rear view mirror.

Yeah sure Schmee. Takes a real man to knock a guy out of his wheelchair. Justice is getting served. This guy is toast.

Rather you keeps yours closed.
This punk in the cap who assaulted this guy was clearly in the wrong and an a-hole for doing so.
I am there, my military training takes over and I take out the assailant in a few moments. Jimmie Tiger needs to be handled.

Tiger needs to be in a cage. Not roaming free anymore.

wow. see that? There ARE certain times when it’s appropriate to let the cops just beat someone with nightsticks for a little while…

Disgusting!! How sick. I am just appalled!!!

I may not be seeing everything going on behind the scenes, but I wish the cashier would have called security over rather than just watching the interaction.

That would’ve been better.

Doubtful. Did you SEE the video? No talking his way out of this one. Tiger will be in a cage for a long time.

I wonder how the other inmate will react when they learn why Tiger is in jail.

Who do people think they are!! How dare he take someoneā€™s safety into his hands. How dare he put his hands on another,

What is a BMA Anon?????

On the face of this it looks bad for the perp. however what did the guy in the chair say to the guys wife that the perp wanted an apology for and what did the wife do to get the remark? It is hard to make a good opinion without all of the facts. Just because you are in a wheelchair it doesn’t give you the right to say anything you want.

@ Ricardoh. Really??? No matter what was said , no one has the right to assault someone over words. They are just words , be an adult and walk away!

Only a small mind will answer words with violence.

The words were said to the perps wife and we don’t know what was said. The guy in the wheelchair could be a total jerk and maybe needed to learn that he is and that he does not have certain rights. The point is we do not know what happened.

@ Ricardoh

EXACTLY what certain rights should the wheelchair guy learn he does not have? Somehow he has lost his 1st Amendment right?

Shouldn’t the weak enjoy protection from being moved against his will and protected from being battered?

This is not “mutual combat” where two reasonable equal people are mutually stupid in public. This is an aggravated attack where one person is clearly, be means of a physical disability, unable to protect themselves from a physically superior aggressor.

Please, tell me under what circumstances YOU think this would be okay. What words could the victim have said that would justify this? I wait with bated breath for your justification.

Carnac the Magnificent If you called my wife a couple of four letter words or maybe even some with six letters you are liable to get your face pushed in. You don’t want me to spell them out. I don’t know if that is what happened but neither do you. The perp came into the store and it looked like he wanted an apology to his wife. We don’t even know if the guy in the wheelchair got even more abusive. We don’t know all of the facts.

With a phony made up name like “Tiger,” you have to know the guys a jerk right out of the gate. At the same time, it’s probably better not being confrontational these days. I’d hate to see what “Tiger” would have done to someone able bodied that reprimanded him for his manner of parking. Really petty that people are getting so upset over parking.

@ Ricardoh
I donā€™t care what verbal altercation happened. You donā€™t put up or hands on people. I read you comment, hopefully our paths cross šŸ˜Ž

We may not know what was said in the initial exchange but it doesn’t give the right for someone to assault another person, let alone a disabled person. From your comments you obviously have little understanding or consideration for what disabled people have to go through on a daily basis. Many cannot walk for more than a few feet and need the space in front on the store.
This loser could have just moved his car and realized that him and his wife were morons for parking in a handicapped spot in the first place.

@ Ricardoh

So you would hit a person, who is confined to a wheelchair, and cannot defend himself, because he called your wife bad names?

A person used words. Those words somehow cause you physical hurt or should I say, your ego is so fragile that a total stranger hurt your feelings so badly that you would feel justified in beating up a handicap person. I guess if the person was confined to a wheelchair AND legally blind you would push their face in as well. How about paraplegics, quadriplegics or amputees? How about smart mouth kids or teenagers? Do you have standards or is it just those most likely not to be able to defend themselves that get attacked?

Lashing out over words is what immature children do. Adults (Men and Women) defend themselves and others against actual physical harm. Honorable people do not victimize the weak and helpless. Those who do are called bullies and cowards.

This is not a First Amendment issue. The First Amendment precludes the GOVERNMENT from abridging our speech. Every day people experience the consequences of their speech in one form or another, be it an illegal violent action, termination of employment, etc. In this case hopefully the assailant will be prosecuted, but it will be for assault, battery, and perhaps a couple other things. He won’t, however, be prosecuted for violating the victim’s First Amendment rights.

It was clear this involuntary conversation was a problem. The clerk should have called security immediately. Target needs to train their people. As for the bad guy: hard times ahead.

My husband was assaulted right outside the door at Target by a man he had testified against in court. I couldn’t even get the staff to call the police. (This was many years ago) They definitely need to be trained on how to handle these situations.

Yes I agree the clerk should have called security. Since I work retail I have had incidents where you can no longer handle the situation or just stand by. I had a customer being extremely rude to me once, I had already called a manager, as she had asked me to do. Then I wanted to proceed to take care of the next customer in line she yelled at me “You stay here” then a couple behind me defended me, telling the rude customer chill, she is trying to help, then the rude customer started to yell at the couple, who was telling her she was very rude and unreasonable, I thought the were about getting into a fistfight, and had my hands on the phone when the manager showed up. The rude customer would come into to the store every so often, and every time she did, she was rude, always without provocation, she didn’t know how to be nice. She told me she had a master in psychology, obviously not in human relations.

As for the handicapped spaces, I understand there are different kinds of handicaps, and mental is one of them, but the handicapped spaces are always close to stores, because if people have trouble walking, elderly it is suppose to make easier for them to get from car to store, if you have a mental handicap is there any reason you cannot walk a little further? As someone who has suffered from severe depression at one point in my life, I can only say walking several miles a day was a lifesaver.

We have the freedom of speech. We do not have the freedom to put our hands on others without permission.

Bet he really isnā€™t from San Ramon, mmmhmmm! what a dick and a coward doing that to the disabled man. Target employees were compete jerks for not calling security or police. Itā€™s obvious there was an argument and potential aggression to occur.

They knew it would sound so repeticious to admit he was from Antioch.

It actually sounds like something an entitled person from San Ramon would do.

How do you know he ISN’T from San Ramon?

Do you mean male?

Talk about entitled…parks in a disabled parking spot, gets insulted when a disabled individual calls him on his behavior, and then tries to force the disabled man to come apologize. People like this deserve to be publicly ridiculed and prosecuted for kidnapping.

I wouldn’t say “entitled” person, just a lowlife that believes he’s above the law. Hopefully the state will take away several years of his freedom.

Hope the jerk also gets a parking ticket.

The FBIā€™s annual crime statistics donā€™t lie; black violence is out of control in this country. Black on gay violence, black on Asian violence, black on elderly violence, black on female violence… The numbers are WAY out of proportion. Poor Diane Becton is gonna have a stroke over this one. Which protected group will she protect? Check out Colin Flaherty for the truth about black violence. Itā€™s way worse than you could imagine.

Perhaps whites serve shorter sentences because they are better behaved when incarcerated … just like they are less likely to create a scene when cited for eating a sandwich on BART when it isn’t permitted.

Shame on everyone who just seemed to walk away, and didn’t even bother to help the guy up in the wheelchair.

I appear not to be disabled even though I am. I do have a handicap placard and have been approached more than once by obnoxious individuals who are not handicapped becoming aggressive and confrontational with me.
I now simply advise them I am calling 911 as they are causing me extreme distress and are threatening me.
I know it is an inconvenience to the PD but if someone approaches me and is threatening me you best watch out. I will press charges.

I dosen’t say he was parked in the handcap spot illegally. They may have forgotten the placement card or some other resones. Just because he is handicapped doesn’t mean he wasn’t in the wrong.

Not enough facts to determine what happened in the parking lot….but never an excuse to go physical. Never depend on underpaid security guards…..it takes a pro.


Some disabled people forget to put up their disabled placard but are still disabled.

Whether the guy walking was legally permitted to be parked in the disabled spot or not… he was not legally permitted to put his hands on another person nor was he legally permitted to remove a person from their location & take them to another location.

But I’m sure he was racially profiled, misunderstood, called the N-word, and sitting in jail only because he’s Black. I think that’s how the narrative goes.

Some folks go out of their way to play their own race card. They perpetuate it, not the commentator.

I wonder……….what would Atticus Thraxx have done if he were there?

I am disabled. I donā€™t look like I am until I take my walker out of my car. If I just need to run into a store and donā€™t need to use my walker, you better believe I š˜•š˜Œš˜Œš˜‹ that blue curbed parking spot and you better believe I call out anyone parked there WITHOUT a handicapped placard! ESPECIALLY those with the motor running and a person behind the wheel using the space for their quick in and out.
I always assume in that situation the person left in the running car is there to move IF a handicapped person needs it then they move it.
Who knows what the situation is here but I do know how difficult it is to run in and out of a store when youā€™re made to park out in the middle of a huge parking lot!!
Mr. Tiger, besides all of the trouble youā€™re in….. itā€™s a $250 fine to park where you did! If I see ever see you parked illegally I will call the police and report your license plate with a photo of your car under the ā™æļø Sign.

What a scumbag POS.

It doesn’t matter what the guy in the wheelchair said to him or his wife, or whatever it was that got the guy all riled up. Mean, disgusting, nasty, offensive, etc., etc. words said don’t add up to an assault. No one can go around assaulting anyone else, it doesn’t matter matter how much anger we may feel at the time. I don’t know what all equals an assault, but I do know you can’t spit at or put your hands on somebody’s person, hair, clothing, etc., etc., or their wheelchair. He needs to be served up some serious justice. Good thing he wasn’t packing since he has very serious anger issues. I’m glad the other guy wasn’t hurt badly, he could’ve easily been, being dumped on the floor like that. It is a shame the Target employee didn’t call somebody when it started to look obvious that the situation was escalating, It may not have made any difference in the outcome, but just trying to pretend nothing was happening all that time was the wrong response.

What a tough guy. Physically assaults a handicapped person. With such a fragile little ego heā€™s bound for prison anyway. Thatā€™s where heā€™ll get what he deserves.

Hopefully this lowlife will be doing time.

I would have knocked Jimmie “Tiger” on his little behind and wouldn’t have thought twice about it. You don’t pick fights with handicapped people. I have some friends who are also wheelchair bounds. Takes a real weak person to do this. You did that to one of my boys, you are going down.

Tigers “queen” felt disrespected, he had to repesent.
He’ll get Any charges dropped by claiming the wheelchair guy called him the “N” word.

Jimmie Tiger is from Hayward,and recently moved back to moms in San Ramon.He’s having problems right now.

I donā€™t need a man to go get an apology for me!

I agree with posters above. Maybe Tigers wife is handicapped herself. Or, the guy in the chair was being a total jerk and was rude in the parking lot. We donā€™t know what was said. Still no excuse to put the dude on the floor.

It does not matter what was said to his wife. That man committed a multitude of offenses and felonies by being a total bully. That behavior will be noticed and everyone will be very upset with this little coward. I really hope he will go to jail and his record will follow him forever.

I don’t think the judge will be thrilled when evidence is presented.

Seriously anybody defending dumping a man out of his wheelchair because he called the assailant the N word or called his “queen” a Cee U Next Thursday or whatever was said…You are wrong and so is the acussed. Hope this sack o crap gets his. Assaulting a wheelchair bound individual…REALLY!?!

So you would defend a rude obnoxious SOB just because he was in a wheelchair? Really?

You’ve already admitted that we don’t what happened in the parking lot, but you sure seem to be putting a lot of effort into defending the guy who assaulted a man in a wheelchair. That’s not a good look, no matter how indignant he was.

@Ricardoh – anytime anyplace Ricardoh, sounds like you need anger management…

I have zero anger issues. Well close to zero. My point was everyone commenting was attacking the perp without knowing the facts. I can see where the guy in the wheelchair may have gotten off easy. The perp looked ticked off enough to swing at him. He held back and in frustration knocked the wheelchair over.

Can we add attempted kidnapping to the charges since he tried to remove the man from the store?

Sad thing is the da won’t prosecute she will probably try to have them talk out there differences dude won’t serve any real time

Keeping in mind that he’s in a wheelchair, he should be even more cautious as to what he says to others – because he can’t defend himself. As disgusting as it is, you can’t play self-appointed guardian of parking spaces without consequences. If he was that bothered by it, he should’ve reported it, and went on with his day.

Would anyone be defending him if he wasn’t in a wheelchair? Or would it be two men getting into it? It was the suspects girlfriend driving the car. So the victim gets a pass for treating her however he wants?

@ Kentucky Derby – but he is in a wheelchair and that is what we are talking about…really don’t care about your assumptions or hypotheticals and yes the queen sitting in the car not moving out of a handicapped gets no pass

Your point is valid KD, I just have no interest in helping you defend it. šŸ˜‚šŸ‘Š

I blame the wheelchair. It emboldened them both it sounds like.

Missing the point there. He was in a wheelchair and felt the need to speak up, realizing that too many people like himself get taken advantage of, and these two losers had no right to park in a handicapped spot.
We don’t know the whole story, but I am sure that there was a little more to the assailant’s anger. Maybe the handicapped man was crossing the parking lot, when the loser and his hood rat queen didn’t let him cross.
He may have become upset and told them to watch it, or gave them the middle finger….this probably escalated the situation to what we saw in the store.
But none of this really matters. Because it was no excuse for attacking a defenseless person, a woman or even a smaller individual because you cant keep your emotions in check.

Even Newsweek has picked this one up. With national coverage, they will make an example of Jimmie.

Target will be writing a large check also.

Jimmie had no right to respond physically unless he saw an immediate threat to him. Approaching a paraplegic in a wheelchair? No threat. Words, no matter how ugly, Ricardoh, donā€™t give Jimmie the right to tip someone out of their chair. Doesnā€™t matter what was said or wasnā€™t said – Jimmie could be all pissed off, gotten in the car and driven away. No buts, no what-ifs.

Jimmie is going to be serving the state of California behind bars. Rightfully.



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