Home » PG&E Offering More Than 150 College Scholarships Totaling Nearly $500,000

PG&E Offering More Than 150 College Scholarships Totaling Nearly $500,000


Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) announced today that scholarship applications are now being accepted for college-bound high schoolers as well as current college and continuing education students living in Northern and Central California.

More than 150 scholarships totaling nearly $500,000 are being made available through PG&E.

PG&E’s scholarships are available through these groups:


Access Network Employee Resource Group:

This employee group supports the inclusion of individuals with disabilities in the PG&E workforce and supports customers and community members who have disabilities. All majors eligible; encouragement given to medical, psychology or physical therapy emphasis.

Asian Employee Resource Group:

This employee group provides an effective forum for members to enhance skills, knowledge and experience. All majors eligible; encouragement given to engineering, IT, business, environmental or energy-related emphasis.


Black Employee Resource Group:

This employee group is dedicated to cultivating and maintaining an energized network of professionals in support of African American culture focusing on career and professional development, mentoring and community outreach. All majors eligible; encouragement given to STEM, business, environmental or energy-related emphasis.

Latino Employee Resource Group:

This employee group’s mission to inspire Latinos to achieve their full potential at all levels within PG&E and the community, emphasizing leadership development, quality service, youth achievement and appreciation for cultural diversity. All majors eligible; none required.


Legacy Employee Resource Group:

This group strives to share the experience, knowledge and perspective of employees who have tenure or bring tenure to PG&E. All majors eligible; encouragement given to continuing students in certificate programs related to supporting senior communities.

National Society of Black Engineers:

This engineering network group promotes STEM awareness to diverse collegiate and pre-collegiate students in the PG&E service territory. All Majors eligible; encouragement given to Science, Technology, Engineering and Math majors.


NuEnergy Employee Resource Group:

This group is for new PG&E employees and serves to engage, inspire and onboard recent employees through social networking, community volunteering and professional development opportunities. All majors eligible; encouragement given to engineering, IT, business, environmental or energy-related emphasis.

PrideNetwork Employee Resource Group:

The mission of the PrideNetwork Employee Resource Group is to promote a safe and equal environment for PG&E Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Ally employees, while contributing to larger company objectives. All majors eligible; none required.

Pacific Service Employees Association:

Pacific Service Employees Association provides scholarship opportunities reserved solely to the dependents of PG&E employees who promote community involvement in the areas where they live.

Samahan-Filipino Employee Resource Group:

This group promotes social and educational aspects of Filipino-American culture and heritage among its members and to all PG&E employees. All majors eligible; none required.

Society of Professional Hispanic Engineers:

This Engineering network group promotes STEM awareness, access, support and development of professionals and students. All Majors eligible; encouragement given to Science, Technology, Engineering and Math majors.

Veterans Employee Resource Group:

This employee group shares a vision of excellence through leadership focusing on veteran advocacy within PG&E and in our service area communities. All majors eligible; encouragement given to STEM or energy-related emphasis.

Women’s Network Employee Resource Group:

This group promotes, develops and celebrates the community of women working at PG&E. The group is active in many nonprofit organizations devoted to professional development, environmental stewardship and women-focused issues. Eligible majors: non-medical science, technology, engineering, mathematics, business, public policy

Visit the PG&E website for more information.

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No white people scholarships?

Of course not, that would be racist.

I will never forget the sh!tstorm created when one of the leaders of the “BERG” sent out an all employee email inviting every employee to join the protest of “solidarity”……it was after one of the Many Fake hate crimes that the media propaganda machine promoted.
All of the Front line employees (not the ones in HR or some bean counting desk job) disagree with such garbage.
All of these races need to have their own Racially Exclusive groups……..Who are the Racists again!!!????

It always amazes me that every nationality (and now sexual preference) can have their own groups and that’s perfectly acceptable. However, if a “white” group was ever proposed the world would come to an end!!

Oh God !! Deliver me !!

If I recall correctly, this band of thieves took $150 million in rate payer money earmarked for transmission line improvements and spent it on bonuses and dividends. How can I get into this kind of racket? If I cheat on my taxes and then pay 0.003 percent of what I owe, will I get some good press?

Where is the mens group?There ia a womans group.Anyone feel left out 2 x over here?

It’s outrageous since women now greatly outnumber men in college. It’s almost as if feminism was a supremacy movement instead of a rights movement. It’s a good thing I’m not cynical.

Scholarships! Why not give that money back to the people that pay their bills every month? Lower our rates. We are the ones giving our hard earned money to P.G .& E. Give it back to us.

Damn straight ! I have 3 kids in college and my PG&E Bill is ridiculous. Now I know why. PG&E needs to stop the PR campaign and get its house in order.

Immoral and unacceptable to take from us hard working people and give it to someone else while taking credit for it all. Aren’t they broke?WTF?

Exactly. PG&E has no business giving any money to anyone until they have taken care of all the people devastated by these wildfires. Can’t believe they get away with this after declaring bankruptcy. This money is probably earmarked for kids who have investor parents in PG&E. Criminal organization – someone needs to do jail time for the Murders they are responsible for.

As a young person – who got no breaks – and worked 2 jobs to get through college – I guess Elizabeth Warren feels she really was Native American – I could be 1/2456 percent bi-sexual – sure!!

Correction: PGE isn’t offering those scholarships, their ratepayers are offering those scholarships. So why isn’t there one for the White Employees Association? That’s discrimination and it is illegal.

These scholarships are not being offered BY PGE but by various employee groups THROUGH PGE. Most large corporations and schools facilitate and do the same thing, but don’t worry, if you can find a group of nasty, mean-spirited, ignorant, naysayers to offer a scholarship, I’m sure many of you will qualify for that one. Good luck!

PG&E is supporting and facilitating scholarships directed by race and gender and sexual orientation. This is racist, discriminatory and divisive no matter who is funding it. I don’t give a damn where the money comes from. Separating everyone by skin color and gender is wrong.

Scholarships are great for people who have earned them regardless of anything else.

Anything short of that is social engineering which is very dangerous. It’s obviously pissed a lot of people off to the point where we have Mr. T in the White House.

Elizabeth Warren said that she would fill her cabinet with women and non-binary people. If you’re a Democrat you have got to be asking some serious questions about your party.

And yes it’s relevant because the new Democrats of today are pushing this crap. Unbelievable

You have been drinking the racist Kool-Aid too long. Do you really think PGE would accept scholarships targeted at white, straight males in support of white culture? No, they would not. But all of those keywords are there for support of non-male, non-white, non-straight and specifically supporting African American ‘culture.’

At Patriot,
There’s a YT video entitled: PG&E the woke utility.
It talks about how they keep a meticulous record of the racial / gender make up or there workers.
At one point you could predict who was next to be hired into the dept, “I think we’ll be getting an Asian female next”…you would appear to be a fortune teller, but really it’s just being observant.
Then they throw out a bogus feel good statement that ‘We are One PG&E’…..all the while their intranet homepage is social engineering and covers nothing about what the actual field / front line employees are really about.

I’m actually surprised nothing for white people. I feel left out!

There is something for White people if you are a transsexual.

I’m not surprised at all. They have decided that white genocide is ok.

Politics of racial division alive and well at PG&E. If going down that road, where is the scholarship for white people? How about males? And hey…you can create one for every religious denomination under the sun and also include nonreligious denominations too. Then you can create ones coupling gender, race, and religion combinations too..it never ends.

If you have money to hand out, pay the people affected by your wildfires what they are out, instead of pennies on the dollar. PG&E is a joke and we continue to let them play their games.

This is nice in all but I reather see them work on getting power lines updated and repaired. So them clam bankrupt, have trouble paying for fire damage. Yet they are doing scholar ships?

I think it’s time I “identify” myself as a transgender Native American/African decendent because, well, because…smh at this looney toon stuff

I guess my white, male son is not eligible.

I feel sorry for white males today. Sorry guys. Then again why would you want to pay for a company that refuses to have you? We switched to MCE because it was cheaper overall. I suggest you do the same.

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Your blatant racism and support of racially-based discrimination are duly noted.

@No Thanks My father was career Army. The pay sucked. My mother was a stay-at-home wife and mother. I was the first on either side of the family to graduate from college. There were no scholarships available to me. I worked and borrowed with student loans to get through college while living at home most of the four years. I paid back every last dime of the loans I took out. There was nothing “privileged” about my college degree, and I know I was not the only one with those circumstances. I resent your assumption that some people who you choose to identify as “advantaged” have it better than others. You really don’t know, and, sadly, you don’t know that you really don’t know.

It would only be fair and equitable if every group was extended the courtesy of a scholarship rather than creating exclusive and favored groups to receive this much needed help. It skews the “playing field” unnecessarily, and it is discriminatory. It’s time we stopped with the favoritism and recognized it for what it is, “racism,” “sexism,” etc., whatever applies. The only one’s who deserve this kind of favored treatment are Veterans because none of us will ever experience what they have experienced, especially in wartime, or been called upon to make the sacrifices for their country they have made. Everyone else is simply taking advantage of a perceived and constantly hyped “special” status which most of can see doesn’t really exist for them. Ratepayers should demand that PGE not extend scholarships in the discriminatory way described in this article.

Something is not right with this whole way of thinking. When everybody else does it, it’s called “leveling the playing field.” But, when white males do it, it’s call “white supremacy” … or worse.

If you go to Scholarshops.com, there are scholarships for Caucasians. There are less than other races, but they exist. It’s no big deal. It’s not like anyone here is competing for the PG&E scholarships. I couldn’t care less who they offer them to. Get a life.



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