Home » The Water Cooler – Do You Think We Should Have More Holidays?

The Water Cooler – Do You Think We Should Have More Holidays?



The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Is there a day, such as a person’s birthday, or another day you wish was a holiday? If so, tell us which one.

Talk about it….

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February 12 and 22, Lincoln and Washington’s birthday used to be separate holiday’s until they were combined into Presidents Day. Their birthday’s should be kept separate. Lincoln may have been a good president, but George Washington was a far greater American patriot and he should be held to a higher honor.

My job still gives us both holidays. Feb 12 and 3rd Monday in Feb. I like it.


The Monday after the Super Bowl should be a holiday.

No, they just need to move the SB to Saturday!!

I don’t think there should be any National Holiday.

People should be allowed to celebrate whatever they want and not be forced into celebrating or even observing by not working, other people’s holidays.

Companies can easily allow vacation days for people who want time off to celebrate while others can be productive on days when others are not working.

Free to be free.

When I was in the working world it was nice to get a free day off, especially in months like February and November where holidays can be combined with vacation time, resulting in long weekends. Now, it doesn’t matter.

Every other Monday. Make up whatever reason you want. 3 day weekends are very refreshing.

Ask your employer if you can work four tens – or four and a half nines, or a day off every other week.



No way. Make students, study hard

If the 9ers win the Super bowl, Feb 3 is going to be a holiday for me.

Every day is a holiday when you are retired.

Better plan on going to work Feb 3, then.

I just wish we got the ones the rest of the US gets.
We do not get:
Veteran’s Day
Columbus Day
and only one day for both Prez BDays

I personally think the US should move the Columbus Day holiday to VOTER ELECTION DAY as a National Holiday so that everyone has the opportunity to vote.

No to more holidays but we should have more vacation time. We are very subpar to our European counterparts.

Consider using your vacation days on Fridays, and you’ll have plenty of three day weekends. I used 15 vacation days by taking Friday off for about 3 months. Loved it.



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