Walnut Creek Police are investigating a shooting in the area of N. Main St. and Parkside Dr. in Walnut Creek.
The shooting occurred just after 6 p.m.
An employee at a local business near the crime scene said he heard there were two shooting victims in the nearby condos on Rivera Ave. He heard a total of three shots.
No further information was available.
photo credit: Craig Cannon
In 2020 W.C is no longer the “Friendly Community” as posted on the sign of the previous post.
This is what some people do! Carry guns and shoot their guns in public. No matter when or where. I hope they get charged and caught soon.
Im pretty sure that gun was shot in private,not in public,people are usually discrete about shooting someone and trying to get away.
It’s generally the gang bangers and criminals that fire their guns unlawfully.
A domestic violence incident?
Police used a battering ram to enter an apartment early this morning.
Yves Harlowe, I’m a career criminal with multiple firearms(the 2nd amendment says my right shall not be infringed) and I have never carelessly or unlawfully fired my guns. I only fire my weapons at the gun range or the few occasions where I felt my life was in danger and I acted in self defense. Criminals are victimized way more than civilians. Reason being: solid criminals dont call 911 or cooperate with law enforcement…
@ That one Criminal
“Criminals are victimized way more than civilians” Love the use of the term “Civilian.” Like you’re in law enforcement, the military, or some other form of work that instills pride and actually benefits society. No dude, as a proud “career criminal”, you are a parasite on society! That being said, if your “victimized”, then you now know what your targets feel like. They are the true victims. You are the cause of their pain.
” I’m a career criminal with multiple firearms(the 2nd amendment says my right shall not be infringed).” Wrong! If you’re a career criminal, I would assume you’re also a felon. Felons are restricted by law from owning firearms. You have not right to gun ownership, as law abiding citizens do. But far be it for me to tell you about the law when you couldn’t give a rat’s a&* about it anyway!
Also love the term “solid criminals” like it’s something to be proud of. What union is it that covers you?
I’m surprised no one has challenged the law that fellons can’t own guns since it’s not addressed in the second amendment. It seems like they should be able to. And if we restrict them where does it stop. The door is open.
@ Sign from Above
I’m pretty sure That one guy was being sarcastic with a dose of Mr. Obvious thrown in but YMMV…..
@ Carnac
Hope so, but doesn’t sound like it! I’m sure there are many criminals that feel that way, albeit they don’t post to Claycord!
@ Ozzie
Hate to break it to you but no right granted under the Bill of Rights is absolute.
For example: You may not yell fire in a crowded movie theater. You may not sander or libel someone with impunity. The governments may place “reasonable time, place, and manner” restrictions on your freedom of speech and peaceable assembly. – 1 st Amendment limitation.
You may not own, possess or use a firearm if you are a convicted felon or if you have been convicted of battery. You may not possess a firearm if there is a court order prohibiting it. You may not possess a firearm if you are mentally ill – 2nd Amendment limitation.
If you are in prison, on parole or probation your person and property under your control maybe searched without a warrant and with or with probable cause. Your vehicle maybe searched without a search warrant if probable cause exists – Mobility Exception – 4th Amendment limitation.
So to speak, your right to swing your fist ends at my nose.
Great thought, Ozzie! Why don’t you start the petition to change the law to allow felons to carry.
“The door is open.” Frickin’ moron.
Interesting. So we can by law exclude certain groups from owning guns.
Yes Ozzie for over 52 years now by statue certain individuals have been prohibited from having firearms.
Ever since LBJ signed the Gun Control Act of 1968 it has been a violation of Federal Law for a felon to have a firearm. 18 United States Code 922(g).
California state law also prohibits convicted felons, specific misdemeanors, narcotic drug addicts and the mental ill from own, possess, purchase, or receive firearms. PC 29800 – California’s “felon with a firearm” law, PC 29805 — California’s 10-year firearms ban. CA. W&I. Code § 8100 and Code § 8103 Mental ill with a firearms.
California also prohibits a felon from possessing ammunition. PC 29800.
This is what the lawyers and cops call “settled law” – Laws that have withstood Constitutional reviews.
@ Ozzie
It’s people like you that give fire and ammunition (no pun intended) to the pro gun control group (of which I am not). Yes, I believe that guns should be kept away from hardened criminals and people with psychotic disorders. It’s not a breach of the 2nd amendment, it’s just common sense!
Ozzie only posts that kind on nonsense because he’s jealous of all the attention the trauma-troll gets. You may scroll right by it if it upsets you, or engage the trolls if you’re up to it. But don’t expect reasonable conversation on any topic.
Salty here..
To Mr Career Criminal..
Not sure why you are so proud that your a THIEF and leach to society. Normally people like you would be embarrassed to make the comments u made.
Salty out!!
What is with the WC now? This was suppose to be the up and coming modern city of the east bay. Appealing to the middle class who want to spend most of their money in downtown shopping centers.
Now it is a haven for criminals from other less desirable pockets of the east bay. Need money? Come and steal in the WC. Sad.
Walnut Creek is no longer a town, it’s a shopping and dining destination. This brings the criminals in with easy BART and 680/24 freeway access. Think of it an upscale “hood” without the rap music. These guys don’t come over here to check out the new library……
At one time marijuana use was a felony. So our career criminal may have just been a pot head.