Home » Driver Slams Through Furniture Today Building On Market St. In Concord

Driver Slams Through Furniture Today Building On Market St. In Concord


A driver slammed through the Furniture Today building at 1950 Market St. on Monday afternoon.

It appears no life-threatening injuries were reported in the crash, which occurred just before 4 p.m.

The building in located on Market St., behind Paris Beauty College in the Park-N-Shop shopping center.


Thanks to the anonymous Claycordian for the photo.

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Now I know how furniture gets a distressed finish!

Thankfully no one was seriously hurt. I guess instead of ‘Furniture Today’ – they wanted ‘Furniture Right Now’…

All strip malls need those cement poles placed by large windows. This happens way too often. I wish it was the law.

I’m getting older and I can see how one could make this mistake. That is why I want my next car to have automatic brakes to prevent these sort of accidents.

Hey, the sign does say… Park-N-Shop!

I know that older people hate the idea, but there comes a time when people need to give up their license. I have yet to use Uber or Lyft, but can see the day coming when that will be my major mode of transportation.

The article doesn’t say why the driver drove over a curb and into the building.

Barring some sort of medical or mechanical emergency, this is simply irresponsible driving.

But I’ll bet the driver will admit that is wasn’t their fault.

I swerved all over the road trying to avoid that moving storefront?

Hopefully avoiding a fire hydrant. I hear those jump out at ya! 🙂

Overheard the tow driver at dinner last night.

Diabetic seizure.

To all of you that are enjoying posting negative comments or making assumptions this was a medical emergency and this person had a seizure. Had nothing to do with being irresponsible or too old.

Luckily the driver and those in the store were not hurt!

If this was a medical emergency as you indicate, then the DMV should take their license. A complete clearance by the driver’s doctor should be required before they can drive again. This isn’t about being “Lucky”.

BTW- A few years ago we had a guy drive himself home after dialysis. Hit a neighbor’s car so hard that it flew about 20 feet into another vehicle. He was halfway to the hospital, and then demanded to be returned to his vehicle because (most likely) he didn’t want to lose his license. Got back into his vehicle, and almost drove off when he had more problems. So the police had to call for another ambulance.

I hope everything turns out okay with the driver and the store owners. If you need any furniture, go by and help them out. This isn’t some big chain that can just eat the cost. Let’s always support our local businesses.

Probably an impatient soccer mom who couldn’t find parking anywhere else…

@Lynn – A diabetic seizure does not happen without warning. Diabetics know what their body needs are, know what their eating/activity habits are, and know what the symptoms for hypoglycemia are and how to treat them prior to the person’s blood sugar dropping to the point that their brain starts failing.

If it was a diabetic seizure then it was much like drinking and driving. Someone knocks down a “couple” of drinks and hopes they won’t do anything to attract law enforcement attention or worse while driving. Is this okay?

Hopefully this incident will be enough of a wake up call that the person starts paying more attention to the details listed above.



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