The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Low-income drivers in California might soon get a break if they break the law.
In his state budget proposal, Gov. Gavin Newsom is calling on judicial authorities to create a statewide program that will allow some of California’s poorer drivers to have their traffic citation amounts cut by 50 percent or more, according to the Sacramento Bee.
QUESTION: Do you think this is a good plan, or do you think anyone who breaks the law should have to pay the same amount?
Talk about it….
Nope. If you don’t want a fine then don’t drive like an idiot! Mr. Newsom you’re enabling them. If you don’t want a fine then drive normal like most other people. Take a risk driving poorly and pay your fine. If you can’t afford a fine you probably can’t afford insurance.
Wow, so many of you commenters on this site want a better California – a state where fewer people rely on government help, paid for by our taxes – but you refuse to consider any proposition introduced by these “damn liberal” Democrats.
Please Google IMAGE search “equality vs equity” – you will find a simple drawing of people standing on crates that illustrates what is considered fair across the board. The fine should be percentage-based, relative to income; otherwise, we are only perpetuating the cycle of poor individuals/families remaining poor and relying on social services.
A previous post mentioned low-income discounts for car registration and insurance; I think this is a great idea – let’s help out those who have less, who are willing to comply with the law, by giving them an affordable rate at which to do so.
All should pay the same. Don’t break the law if you can’t’ pay the fine.
Anyone should be able to work fine off with community service.
(Hours according to fine amount)
Shocked, but not surprised by this news. Between this and the new DA in San Francisco, maybe crime does pay (or at least come with a discount).
They go from “discrimination” against the poor…….to PUNISHING those who are doing better than the poor? What’s the financial cut off and who decides that??
Total Garbage.
Another idiotic legislation to pander for future votes!
This state is into the toilet with the past and current “leaders”. Conversely, should higher income people have an increase in their tickets?? After all, where is this equality scope going to land?
Irrespective of the type of law broken where is the responsibility to obey laws going?? With total ignoring of laws, look how the illegal immigrants keep pouring into the US. And the Demos want to impeach Trump for violating the laws!!! Where is the equality there??
Completely unfair. Don’t break the law and you won’t have to worry about paying a fine.
Makes sense – they already get reduced rates on cell phones and cell phone plans, taxes, insurance, education for their kids. The rest of us who made good life decisions will just continue to do pay higher fees to make up the difference.
We sentenced a guy who committed 17 robberies to only 8 years in prison to show that behavior isn’t so bad, I guess this is the next logical step to show a certain class of people they can continue to make bad decisions and get relief from criminal and financial liability the rest of us have would be subject to.
Just when you think CA can’t get worse, wait 15 minutes.
They already get a Discount on their PG&E bill also.
Fines should be the same across the board. Same rule breaking, same fine. Maybe if someone has less money, they should be more careful of the way they are driving, you know… taking responsibility for their own actions.
Since when have liberals ever taken responsibility for their actions? This is just more of the same pandering.
I could see helping folks out for a minor infraction (rolling stop, lane change, red light ticket, etc) but driving while suspended, DUI, hit/run, manslaughter, speed over 100, following too closely, no insurance, etc., those violations and their penalties are made to straighten you up. The traffic citation cost is nothing compared to what the insurance companies will charge you, which can sometimes for seven years, in the case of a DUI (points fall off at 3 years, but it’ll take seven years to regain your “Good Driver Discount.”
But c’mon, if someone has ten tickets on their driving record, they deserve no breaks, and maybe even a six month stint.
Will they charge millionaires and billionaires MORE for their traffic fines? Sorry, i feel for the lower income folks, but give them a discount on registration fees or discounts on insurance. But traffic fines should be standard across the board.
There are countries that charge higher fines for rich people. You can look it up. See: Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Austria, France, and Switzerland. Makes sense to me, otherwise there is no incentive for rich people to obey the law. They already can hire the best lawyers and can get off that way. If they are convicted then I say sock it to ’em!
There are also countries that execute anybody who disparages their supreme leader. That doesn’t mean we should aspire to be like them.
Many of countries execute people for DUI.Potential murderer is tolerated.
He’s an idiot.
Well, I’m sure that who ever gets a ticket will say that they’re low income. In reality, because of Newsoms stupid mind, every CA resident will become low income. Recall Newsom
Its not April 1 yet Mayor. This is has to be a Joke. Please tell me your kidding
If you are that poor you are not responsible enough to drive. Take public transportation and please stop asking the rest of us to pay for people’s lack of personal responsibilities. Sick of this.
be careful popcorn…karma has a way of biting big time
They should pay the same. Its Its something they have control over and if they get a ticket its its their fault, easily available.
Super idea! While we’re at it, why not reduce sentencing by 50% for low income violators for all crimes including murder and rape. Pathetic! Just when I think Newsom and the other clowns in Sacramento can’t sink any lower they do. Every one of these ridiculous pieces of legislation being spewed forth by the Democratic super majority in California is intended to buy votes from the less fortunate. Nothing more and nothing less. Give free stuff, get voted back into power, take away from those who have it and repeat. Sad.
And they shouldn’t have to pay their probation or parole costs either. That way we can ensure they get back on our streets sooner to commit more crime!!
How can any intelligent person watch the things Newsom is doing and not cringe at their decision to vote him in. As I’ve said many times before, you asked for this California! Suck it up buttercup. Crime is the new norm. And yes, sooner or later YOU OR YOUR FAMILY will become one of its victims!
Why am I punished for working hard and not being a bum? Fines should be equal across the board. They already get so much free stuff from the taxpayers. Can’t wait to move to Texas.
Absolutely not. Fines are to discourage bad behavior. If you lower them you’re only encouraging.
When someone makes a traffic infraction that puts your health at risk their income level is irrelevent. The risk is this same. Offering a fee discount based on income level is really discounting the value of the life of the person endangered.
The way this guys thinks is really messed up. Recall Newsom.
Just reduce the fines and add on fee, because they don’t reduce bad behavior.
Only in California! This is just nuts, but expected with Newsom. What’s next?
I’m already paying their court costs with my taxes.
Can’t wait till the next election.
Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. No.
Nope don’t agree, but would be okay if they had a choice to do community service instead. Give them 1 year to complete x amount of hours so it doesn’t impact their ability to work.
Community service is already an option in most cases.
If anything, a break could be give to low usage owners of vehicles. Better yet, reduce the perks, pensions and salaries of upper echelon government managers. Give socialism a trial run using this privileged group, first.
What a great idea! There should be shorter jail terms for lower income people too.
Start at 0$ income to $30,000 there would be no fines or jail time, 30K to 75K no more than 1 year or a $100 fine and so on
Interesting question. I think it should depend on the violation. Going 100 miles in a 30-40 mile zone, is total reckless, going 5 to 8 miles over the speed limit, especially if you are following the flow of traffic, is not the same.
When the economy crashed in 2008 I was hit hard, because I was working on commission only, and my business disappeared. When thinks was the worst and I was trying to just hang on, paying for a roof over my head, car insurance, phone etc. I got stopped for a no seatbelt, I was just down the road on a quiet residential area, going slow, I begged the officer to not ticket me, saying I usually wear my seatbelt all the time, and that I was in dire economic distress, he said the ticket is only $25.00 I’m sure you can afford that, when I got the ticket, with fees and everything it was $110.00 I manage to pay it, but this kind of thing can put somebody living on the edge over the edge, because if you don’t have the money, then it just snowballs and eventually your car can be impounded, which has many ramifications.
I think Finland has a law that the traffic fines are a percentage of your income, I think that makes sense, especially for lesser violations, however there should be a limit, if Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos got stopped even one percent of their net worth would not make sense. However, a percentage on someone who makes $30.000 to 60.000 vs someone who $200.000-300.000 would make sense.
No,…if you break the law(s), pay the fine(s) and if you don’t want the fines then don’t break the laws,…simple as that.
Straight and to the point Mrs. Roz
So logical it’s genius!
Oh, dear. I mean I do get the point, fines penalize some wrongdoers more than others, but no. You can’t fine one group of people differently than others. It wouldn’t/shouldn’t fly.
I think you knew the answer before the question was asked.
He’s an idiot.
Well, I’m sure that who ever gets a ticket will say that they’re low income. In reality, because of Newsoms stupid mind, every CA resident will become low income because those who work, will be dishing out more money
If we believe that a fine should be to discourage bad behavior – then you have to calculate the fine based on income.
Someone who makes $300,000 will care far, far less about the same dollar amount as someone who makes $35,000.
If you want equal concern – a millionaire faced with a $250 fine will laugh and pay for it with pocket change – no lesson will be learned.
Well stated Rob. Look at the benefits of owning a hybrid, not a cheap vehicle, but who gets the toll break in the Lexus lanes? Those that can afford them. How about we actually have enforcement of traffic laws while we’re at it? Across the board. Police and Highway Patrol should be looking for violators, especially on Highway 4. The worst section is going in and out of Brentwood… just awful. Yet I never see LEO’s in that area.
Susan,don’t encourage the peanut factory.
Governor Newsom is treating Californians as if handicapping horses at the race track. Throw some additional weight on the backs of the faster horses because they won’t vote for him anyway.
Just when you think these politicians couldn’t get any dummer, one of them has to stand up and say hold my beer and then come up with this crap.
Vote out all democrats from office. Maybe why might be able some sort of state
What??? Do you mean dumber? Hold my beer? Put yours down before posting please.
I am on S.S., sure it would be nice to have a reduced fine, but a bad idea. would only encourage speeding down the freeway knowing the fine would be half price. Even though the diamond lane is curtained to the richer people. that’s a bad idea also.
My god! All that the California demorat government ever does is endlessly work on ways to support, defend and coddle criminals, illegal aliens and welfare lifers.
“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”
Sound familiar?
A saying popularized by Karl Marx to justify the principals of communism whereby individuals are not treated equally.
I signed the Recall Newsom petition………..did you??
And just when you thought California couldn’t get any more stupid.
I was stopped at a red light just today, and right in front of me was a vehicle 2 years out of compliance with vehicle registration. So what break would you give him/her?
This is no different than the revolving door we have with jail/prison, where people are released and break the law (again) the very next day. Some people need to be kept behind bars. And if low-income individuals have moving violations, they should be required to pay… or else they will keep on breaking the law. This is only Rocket Science to Liberals.
In his famous Gettysburg Address of 1864, Abraham Lincoln began by saying, “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”
And, he ended it by saying, “that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
“… dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” If men are created equal, it stands to reason that they are treated equally under the law. I’m afraid the government Lincoln spoke of has perished from the nation with absurd suggestions like tailoring the fine based on income. Breaking the law is supposed to hurt.
Extra credit for bringing a Civil War era speech into a discussion of traffic fines. But if Jeff Bezos should pay the same fine as myself for a speeding ticket, I think they are around $500 all in these days, then how is that fair? 500 out of 111 billion is so small I can’t even calculate it. $500 to me is a significant amount. If speeding fines are supposed to be incentives to not speed then it needs to be an incentive for Mr. Bezos too. So how does this $500 hurt Bezos? That was your criteria.
Fair does not mean equal.
All the worst human emotions follow from not being treated equally in our society, jealousy, hatred, anger, resentment, etc. But, ok, so wealthy should pay more in fines and penalties because they can. If the lower income pay less in penalties and fines, then they should pay less for the same across the board, at restaurants, at the super market, at the gas station, for the same house Bezos owns, for that car, in property taxes for that house Bezos owns. That was your criteria!. I believe fair does mean equal.
I like this approach: https://lawreview.uchicago.edu/publication/constitutionality-income-based-fines
I would love to see less enforcement on speeding and more on unsafe driving: not having your lights on when it’s raining – too slow in the passing lane – staring at your phone an weaving in and out of your lane – not using your directional indicator – unsafe speeding…
How could you see less enforcement of the speed laws when there currently is no enforcement of speed laws? Also, you say ‘unsafe speeding ‘; Is there such a thing as safe speeding?
In my opinion most if not all traffic violations are a DECISION made by the vehicle operator to violate the law. Driving Inexperience may play into some number of “Accidental” violations. I would be in favor of a “discount” for “inexperienced” drivers with low income (less than two tears experience) and require additional training if they got the discount. The rest, regardless of income should be treated equally.
The answer is hell no. If a low income driver is stupid enough to break the law then he or she should pay the fine. I’m getting sick and tired of low income people getting all the handouts. Free welfare, Free daycare, Free food baskets, Free holiday dinners, Free medical, Free food stamps, I know people who make more money on welfare than people who are disabled and getting ssdi. I know people working at union grocery stores and getting food stamps welfare and possibly close to nothing on rent.
Absurd. How to you prove you’re low income, aside from lying about it?
There’s really nothing anyone can add to this thread. Most insanity from the Big Bad Government!! Idiotic!!
So instead of bettering oneself, blame, blame, blame….it’s somebody else’s fault why you are driving like an unsafe reckless fool and your taillights are not working.
Got it! The majority now has to bow down and accommodate the bottom feeders which will never give them any incentives to better themselves.
I usually disagree with 90% of the posts on this page but I’m a Democrat and most are Republicans. But this one is just freakin stupid. What’s the old saying?
Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time!
I was young and relatively poor once and it hurt big time to pay a $46 speeding ticket. I had to eat a lot of rice (no Top Ramen then) to pay that bill. I can afford a ticket now but knock on wood, haven’t gotten any in a long time because I want my good driver discount. Maybe let all of us off with a 50% discount for our first ticket and 100% for all of us after that.
One problem of reducing fines first requires knowledge of where fines are allocated. Most moving violations have a base fine of $20 which goes to the state with some returned to the county/city. The rest of the fines are “assessments” some of which are devoted to special projects. It’s been a lot of years since I learned how to calculate fines but I can say that it is not just a lump that goes to the state.
What is his last name again? Oh.
Our traffic fines are out of control and need to be lowered regardless of income. But if they lower fines for low income then you know they will raise the fines for everyone else.
Traffic fines may be expensive but I don’t see many getting cited. I see on average about 10 citable offences per day on my commute and little or no enforcement. Depending on where and when you offend, it’s already free.
Tax the rich and let the poor do as they may!
How about if you can’t afford a fine associated with a citation, you drive accordingly?
Driving illegally in the carpool lane carries a $491 fine. A low income houseworker makes a simple mistake of driving in the wrong lane at the wrong time and pays a weeks worth of wages as penalty. A businessman driving home to Danville, who just wants to avoid traffic, receives the same fine; it’s no problem for him. Does that sound fair?
If we want to perpetuate the cycle of immigrants and low-income families living off our tax-funded social welfare, then I guess everyone should just “drive accordingly”.
We’ll build statues at every port of entry…dedicated to their plight. plaques will read: “Send CALIFORNIA your poor, addicted, diseased, huddled masses seeking to live FREE off of others labors….”
Don’t do the crime if you can’t pay the fine. This will allow those who are continued to be not held accountable ruin it for us accountable and law abiding over taxed citizens.
I am as well as others sick and tired of those who ignore our laws and make life unsafe. Go to the media to get attention while breaking every law imagineable and then get rewarded.
Get lawmakers back in control and reverse this liberal, nanny and entitlement state and government.
Because letting them steal less than $950 with only a slap on the wrist has worked so well for the rest of us? This is what happens when people allow Liberals to establish single-party rule in a state.
1.5 billion in fines, uncollected, 50% of something is better than 100%
of nothing.
…because we know they really, Really, REALLY wanted to pay the original fine…and just couldn’t manage it…. But now, they will get right on that! IKR? 🙂
Let them get a JOB.
This legislation is in light of the fact that most for whom it applies cannot pay the fine anyway, which leads to additional fines and eventually jail. So would we rather get a small amount from offenders and keep them out of the system or PAY for their incarceration. Math people
With the overwhelming anti- Newsom/Democratic comments on Claycord, how did they ever take over California politics? We need a change in state government and a return to sanity. Time for the pendulum to swing back to normalcy.