Home » DeSaulnier To Host “Impeachment Town Hall” On Thursday Jan.23

DeSaulnier To Host “Impeachment Town Hall” On Thursday Jan.23


Representatives Mark DeSaulnier (CA-11) and Mike Thompson (CA-05) announced that they will host a town hall meeting to discuss the impeachment inquiry into President Trump at Alhambra High School in Martinez on Thursday, Jan.23.

During the town hall, Representatives DeSaulnier and Thompson will be joined by a panel of “constitutional scholars” to answer questions about the ongoing impeachment process.

Impeachment Town Hall:

Thursday, January 23, 2020
6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Alhambra High School
Performing Arts Building
150 E Street – Martinez
Doors open at 6:00 p.m.


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I sure won’t go and be yelled at by the Antifa type nuts. The addition of constitutional scholars to “answer questions” is fun. It takes years of indoctrination in law schools to unlearn common sense and believe what isn’t right. The constitution was written long ago by relatively simple people who spoke rather clearly in most cases. The wording of a cause for impeachment is crimes and no crime was committed. Months of anger, manipulation and dishonesty from the far left does not change the words of the constitution nor am I interested in listening to scholars telling me what I can read myself can’t be understood by me correctly. No Mr. DeSaulnier, you are not entitled to do my thinking for me.

“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role,” Lindsey Graham 1/16/1999

It does NOT need to be a crime

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

United States Constitution, Article II, Section 4

well said “to do list”……

born and raised in california…..

specifically, the bay area…..

all of this is bullsht…..

be considerate, be respectful, use common sense…

if nothing else….use the golden rule….

“do unto others as you would want done to you”

rant over….”hate everyone equally” ✌🏼

I’d attend a town hall that wasn’t completely worthless. Anything coming up about the homeless setting up house on Concord Ave onramp? Saw a whole community there yesterday, complete with campfire.

It is out of his hands. I’d rather hear from the Senators.

Like Schiff and Harris? Oh yes… we can see how they take care of things.

Maybe the same unbiased constitutional scholars who testified at the House impeachment hearings?

This will turn into nothing more than a partisan attack on the President. Mark will blather about how Trump is an existential threat to our democracy, how he colluded with Russia, how he abused power by claiming executive privilege to certain potential witnesses. What Mark won’t say is that Mueller concluded that there was no Russian collusion and that the Dems could have subpoenaed witnesses. He also won’t give a plausible reason why Nancy held onto the articles of impeachment for almost a month.

Mark made up his mind that Trump would be impeached as soon as Nancy told him how to think.

The Dems know that they have the weakest case ever. They fumbled badly in their shoddy investigation. The only reason to keep up the charade is to hopefully tarnish Trump’s legacy in the hopes that he loses the next election. They have no case and they have no agenda other than Orange Man Bad!!!

The Dems know that they have no hope of removing Trump and they are hoping that RINOs like Mitt, Murkasky, and Collins will push for witnesses that the Dems couldn’t make an effort to subpoena. When all of the Dem shenanigans fail, they will then cry out that the Senate is in Trump’s pocket and that the trial was a sham.

All of this crap is the Dems attempt to make Trump look bad for 2020. They are too stupid to realize that the circus that they created is making the “undecided” voter lean Republican. They have been caught in a lie and they are desperately trying to B.S. their way out of the grave that they dug for themselves..

You nailed it.

Pitiful how many supposedly educated people are eating this crap up!

The only skill I see this Congressman has is persitence in useless waste-of-time townhalls.

You are inept and worthless. You have done absolutely nothing to help California be a better place for working class citizens. Please just disappear.

I couldn’t agree more!!!

Strongly agree

Cautiously Informed, Did you know Marky when he was a pompous blowhole at his restaurant or just as the pompous blowhole he is now? In either case the idiot has not changed a bit. Useless as always, Mark! MAGA, KAG, Trump 2020!

More lies from a left that diesn’t really want to discuss the truth but feed the soft boiled leftists with self absorbed BS. Another waste of my tax dollars… that’s just great.

I guess anyone who thinks that DeSaulnier will give us a fair presentation should recall that he refused to go to Trumps Inauguration at the direction of Barbra Lee and the rest of the far left.

And also we recall Mark almost bankrupted the county when he was a supervisor.

Do these scholars know it is now 2020 and not 2019?

I’ll sign on to the effort to impeach Mark.


You lost Democrats 2016 and you’ll lose again in 2020, AND you’ll deserve it too, rightfully so, such a lame party of traitors !!!

I find those suffering from Trump derangement syndrome, amusing.
Trump will be re-elected and there’s nothing they can do about it.

You have to be either really bored or deranged to attend this fiasco. No thanks…

As if we don’t know enough about this boring subject. What can Markie add to this farce. Me good Trump bad.

What a pimp.

Trump has evidence to prove he’s done nothing wrong……he just won’t let anyone see it.

That’s not how it works. The Democrats have not proven that Trump has committed Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

ROTFL! Trump’s got nothing except more and more lies.

This isn’t Britain ozzie,they have to prove you guilty,you don’t need to prove innocence.Its not a witch hunt(yes,it is)

If lying was illegal,the Dems would be mute.

Maybe he’ll present it at his trial like any other criminal in court

Two things, Ozzie. Due process and presumption of innocence. The accuser has the burden of proving guilt, not the other way around. If that bothers you, find another country to call your own.

TRUMP 2020!!!🇺🇸

Cowllian. If they proved it we wouldn’t need a trial.

It is clear that you understand neither the US Constitution nor the impeachment process.

@ Ozzie

What part of innocent until proven guilty do you not understand? It’s not Trump’s job to prove he’s innocent. The burden of proof falls on his accuser, who have failed miserabily! That’s how our country works in case you’ve forgotten! The tilte of President does not mean he looses those rights! So far, the Democrats have not produced a single piece of VERIFIABLE evidence that he’s guilty. Everything they’ve put up has been shot down. Quit whinning and move on.

Who are these so-called ” constitutional scholars” Larry, Moe, and Curley


I’m happy to hear about these Town Halls.
They keep reminding me NOT to vote for Mark next time.
Mark is in charge of the 11th Congressional District. This covers most if not all of Contra Costa County.
Why is he discussing Trump? I wish this evening he would discuss the homeless, or traffic conditions or housing or even crime and grime (and that’s not all). Maybe he doesn’t see those local problems or is he really “directed” to discuss from higher ups like some state? It appear that way.
This meeting is like to a plumber discussing electrical problems. He can’t fix them and he could certainly spend the time much more constructively on a real local problem.
Does he charge for these meetings? He sure does. You pay big time for his entertainment. I’m sure the school is rented. It all cost us, the taxpayer. His time (and his staff time) is expensive too (but doesn’t seem to be too valuable). He gets paid (big time) whether he’s efficient or not. Guess he will be running for Senate soon. What a racket.
I guess it’s “Keep the voters riled up” and they won’t really see what is NOT being accomplished.
Between these two representatives and their attending scholars this sure seems to be a lot of productive hours gone to waste.

Damn well said!
He is certainly NOT representing the majority of his constituents, nor is he worth the golden payroll he’s on.

He needs to be reminded that he is NOT “leader” in Washington DC, nor is he “in charge” of the 11th District. He is SUPPOSED to be working for ALL residents of the 11th district – NOT the party, or just those who voted for him.

It is all for show and political theatre with Democrats these days. These Town Halls accomplish nothing, but it makes it look like De Saulnier is involved with his constituents… has his fingers on the pulse of the community. Miller was so busy serving on committees and actually working for the people in his District that we just heard from him once or twice a year in a newsletter. But, Miller was front and center in Washington DC working to see that his District was fully represented and got its share of federal funds. I really doubt that De Saulnier spends much time at all in Washington DC and that is where federal dollars for programs that would benefit his District are allocated. He has too many of these Town Halls locally to get anything done in DC. He is simply conducting these things to make it look like he is working when in reality he obviously isn’t.

Like Sen John S. Kennedy just said: “Common sense is illegal in Washington DC.” Poor Mark. Wake up!

Hey Cowellian. Haven’t chatted with you in a while. How the old Carolina breeze treating you? ~anonamom~

Is DeSoilnier getting impeached? He should be.

Will he be handing out ceremonial pens? I want one!

Marky is completely clueless.

Can’t say anything without Nancy’s approval.

Please do something locally for those you serve in this district. A paper drive, a shredding party, plastic straw recycling, feed the homeless, anything to provide some sort of local benefit.

Did you get that: LOCAL BENEFIT.

I want to reiterate what I’ve already read here. I don’t need Mark and his team of scholars to tell me what I can determine on my own. Do the dems think we as a people are too inept to decide for ourselves. Oh yes, that’s right, they do. How about a town hall in things that impact us directly and right now? How about Prop 47 unleashing a tidal wave of crime whose statistics are vastly understated due to people and businesses not even reporting due to a lack of response. I’m blown away when thieves walk out of Rite -Aid with their stolen goods bc it’s under $950 and the business knows nothing will happen so they don’t report it. I witnessed this. Homeless encampments with filth and waste, drug use which brings crime throughout. Prop 47’s chief beneficiary are junkies who rob stores and our homes without any ramifications! Now Newsom wants to reduce jail time by 60 percent and unleash even more criminals upon us. We the middle class have no protections save our own and we are governed by people who have no concept of what it’s like to live in a lawless state and then taxed for the privilege! How about a town hall in that?!?

While everything you said is true, This would be a State & not Federal issue.

You should follow up with Steve Glazer & Tim Grayson. Granted, they won’t do a damn thing, but they are the ones to go to.

Mark, good work. Now show us proof that the President did something wrong. Anyone can make up charges against someone, just provide the facts to back it up.
What a total loser!!!

I can not imagine who the heck voted for Mark. What an idiot!

Right. Like anything De Saulnier has to say wouldn’t be tainted with Demo psychosis related to all things Trump. But, that’s OK. Let them continue to delude themselves just like they did when they were convinced Hillary would get elected. It’s so entertaining watching their meltdown when they don’t get their way.

Reading all these comments should encourage most of us that the sleeping giant of California is awaking. It sure encourages me. Its time to turn the tables.

I now know that there are a whole lot of people that are of the sleeping giant and they are waking up. very encouraging. I was beginningto wonder if I was the only one with these opinions. Vote

I really thought we had more educated people on this site, how can you still support Trump? His literally said on live TV that he committed crimes. He’s morally bankrupt and truly a repugnant individual.

Finally! A leftist with the answers we’ve been seeking. Do tell – specifically what crimes did he confess to on live TV, and how did the salivating Dems in the house miss the opportunity?

By the way, while I may or may not agree with you to some extent on “morally bankrupt” and/or “repugnant individual”, those are subjective judgments, and neither rises to the level of offense necessary to impeach any duly elected POTUS. So, do you have anything material to add, or did you just want to continue whining?

Why is anyone still supporting the major parties? The party that is bringing Trump’s impeachment helped get him elected because they ran their own “morally bankrupt” and “repugnant individual” against him AND voters have bought into the notion that there are only two “real” choices. Both major parties have strayed and their candidates work against the people. DeSaulnier talks about the Constitution but is all for undermining the 2nd Amendment, for example.

@ ConcordDad, It’s funny they have their blinders on tight and refuse to accept that trump is not fit to be president. Ala, Les Parnas last night, now what will trump, Pence, Pompeo, Barr, Nunes, Mulvaney say? This house of card should fall and maybe then all these right-wingers will see what fools they’ve been for the orange buffoon.

@ConcordDad, Nancy Pelosi’s radical left impeachment travesty is helping President Trump’s ratings. You need to get a clue.

It’s much better than supporting the Democrats. Look at what’s happen to California. We have numerous gas taxes. The last gas tax was a fix the roads, where is the money going that was already allocated for the roads? They passed prop 47, 57, and ab109 which are great for criminals. There is very little law and order. We have a catch and release system. San Francisco is the number one city to crap in the streets. Homeless and illegals have more rights than citizens.
Why would anyone support the left???? Liberalism is a mental disease. I could keep going, but my white privilege alarm went off and I have to go to work to pay taxes to support the millions who have made welfare a career.


TRUMP 2020!!! 🇺🇸

Grandma – if you’re gonna continue with the personal insults against Trump (ie, namecalling), then you’re perfectly ok with other insults about cankles and the mulatto buffoon.

Deal with it…. or display your hypocrisy.

In any case, you had your blinders on for the 8 years before Trump.

You mean like leaving the G7 conference early because, well we don’t know why. His feelings were hurt because he was snubbed by the cool kids? Mr. Trump is just an over grown teenager with money.

“morally bankrupt and truly a repugnant individual.” Yeah, well, you left off — EXCELLENT PRESIDENT.

ConcordDad. Trump admitted on TV that he committed crimes? I think you are confusing our current President with the former Vice President Quid Pro Joe, who admitted he used foreign aid to pressure Ukraine to fire a prosecutor that was investigating his son for corruption.

Last time I checked being “morally bankrupt and truly repugnant” are not crimes. That statement wraps up the Dem case in a nut shell. This has nothing to with high crimes or misdemeanors. The Dems will never accept the election results of 2016.

I would not waste what time I have left on this earth to attend anything sponsored by Marky. I would probably end up dead on the floor from laughing so much.

What a joke that our representative is such a brown nosing individual who cannot think for himself.

Voters take note. Why can we not begin impeachment proceedings for those liberals and followers in office just as they are doing to the President and that includes Newsom.

And Republicans continue to show that they put party over country first. Republicans already say he’s innocent without even hearing a shred of evidence. It doesn’t bother anyone that Trump is abusing his power to smear a potential candidate? Parnas just directly accused Trump of knowing exactly what was going on. So much for the party of Rule and Law.

Let’s get Trump on the stand and let him explain himself. That way he can directly lie and perjure himself. Then you guys will be all on board with impeaching him right? Just like how you were all on board with Clinton being impeached. Yeah, I thought so.


As opposed to Democrats who put party over country first? When they first threw tantrums the day after Trump’s election and started making noises about impeachment three years ago.

Give me a break, Sonny. You’re just another useful tool for the Party. You’ve got 4 more years of crying left, loser.

Lev Parnas? You mean the individual under indictment for multiple felonies, who also lied about Devin Nunes meeting with Shokin in Vienna?
Maybe you should see what Michael Avenatti has on Trump. Of course, he’ll have to tell you over an intercom from the other side of a thick plexiglas partition.

Salty here.

Well I guess your statement has eclipsed mine as the STUPIDEST comment on Claycord.

Congratulations… Probably a CHEESEHEAD supporter..


Salty OUT!

“Republicans already say he’s innocent without even hearing a shred of evidence.”

Not true! We’ve watch attempt after attemt by the democratic party to nail Trump since the day he was elected. Regardless of how many darts have been thrown, nothing has stuck. And, when the Senate throws out the impeachment garbage, I’m sure the democrats will not only find a problem with that, but search for other angles.

As someone who used to be independant, I am now clearly a Republican. Why? After watching the Democratic party do nothing except this over that last few years, I refuse to vote for any of them. They have done NOTHING to benefit this nation. Trump was voted in as the President. Get over it and move on! Stop the whinning and foot stomping. You don’t have to like him. But to waste time like they have is totally unacceptable!

“Republicans already say he’s innocent without even hearing a shred of evidence.”

Please explain how that is different from Democrat senators saying he’s guilty without hearing any evidence.

“part over country”what does that mean?its the latest catch phrase meant as an insult they taught you to say??
it isn’t working
party IS country
Is everyone suddenly supposed to become a liberal?
This is what your people try to imply everytime.
it would mean the entire country would have to become mentally ill,and you have to be according to doctors,mentally ill to be a liberal that actually believes what liberals are saying,not just a poser trying to fit in with the kiddie crowd..

Oh, and a person is presumed innocent automatically by law,until proven guilty,so your statement is moot.You are not educated about the court system,and it shows.Everyone has to say he is innocent,because without proof that doesn’t even exist he is and always will be innocent and so is anyone accused of anything and it’s slander to say otherwise..They are all innocent unless proven otherwise.It’s called America.

Stop wasting time on this. Do what your’re paid to do, write some legislation that will actually benefit the people of California!

@Concorddad – Here’s your 15min of fame on Claycord, and your chance to educate all the fools here with your solid, irrefutable proof and facts you’ve been dying to show the world. Ready….. Set….. GO!

Do it, show all these fools!

Please Note: Users who use multiple names will be deleted. Please choose one name so others can easily chat with you.

“A political environment where you’re pressured to choose between some ridiculous binary of “we must remove Trump at all costs” or go gung-ho MAGA, is a rhinoceros generating machine. The only thing that happens when you channel your inner rhinoceros to defeat rhinoceroses, is you get more rhinoceroses. And that’s exactly what’s happening.”


More tax dollars wasted? SWEET!


DeSaulneir, like most career whore politicians put (political) party over country after two terms in elected office. We the people must fight for term limits from City Hall to the US Senate.

This guys a political hack. He used to be conservative but realized there was no place in Ca politics unless you’re liberal. Doesn’t even stand up for anything he really believes in. Perfect Dim.

The only reason DeSaulnier is her is to escape his father’s disgrace in Mass. The DeSaulnier name is tainted there and he realized he would get nowhere politically in Mass using the DeSaulnier name.

So he brought his New England leftism to California just like Pelosi.

Thanks a lot.



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