The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
California may soon switch to shorter probation terms for convicted criminals (see video below).
QUESTION: Do you think probation terms should have a limit of two years, or do you think the current max of five years for most crimes (not counting murder, rape, child molestation) is good?
Talk about it….
I personally believe California is WAY too soft on crime as it is. I do support getting prisoners out that have silly Cannabis convictions. Lets make room for real criminals. Little Johnnie serving 5 years for a ounce of pot is simply ridiculous. It would make over 3K beds available.
Yep,…Agree with You.
@ simonpure & Roz
No ones gone to jail for weed in decades.
@ Simonpure
Pure BS.
No one went to prison for simple possession of an ounce of marijuana. It was a misdemeanor treated as an infraction. You could not be taken into physical custody, you signed a traffic ticket and it went to traffic court. If I recall correctly the maximum fine was $50.
The only way someone when to state prison in California was if they were slinging kilos of it.
You don’t get 5 years for an ounce.I know a guy that got stopped with a pound in his car,about 10 years ago when they were really tough on it,and he got 12 months in the county farm= 8 months of real time.
Oh my…ever heard of “figure of speech”
Simon – ever hear of facts?
Tossing around “figures of speech” leads to all kinds of misunderstandings…..
It’s one thing to have an opinion- but another thing entirely to throw around numbers that have no basis in reality.
Sure, just as soon as they allow residents to protect themselves through CCW.
This is F@$& Garbage.
100% in agreement on this.
California is a joke, but unfortunately it’s not funny.
If you can’t get a CCW in California – its either because you were too lazy to take the class, you massively failed the class, or for some reason, the Police (you know the good guys) determined you are not fit to carry a gun.
As a gun owner, all three reasons sound ok to me.
How about you have a conversation with some of those good guys, Rob? They’ll tell you the CC Sheriff and EVERY local city Chief of Police deny applications by default without cause.
@Rob-What County do you live in and how long have you had a CCW license? You can be squeaky clean and not qualify for a CCW in CoCo County. It is virtually a non-issue county. Numbers say 15% get one. I would hazard a guess that it would be higher but most people don’t even apply.
I was turned down a short time ago. I’ve had 4 background checks in the past two years in addition to passing the required background check when I’ve purchased many firearms. I’ve attended several classes including an NRA class and a 4 day defensive handgun class.
CoCo County only grants a CCW if you can prove you are the exception and can show exceptional good cause.
CoCo County has a population of over 1.14 million. Active CCW permits of 360.
Rob,to get a CCW permit you must get personally approved by the cieif of police in a city or sheriff in an unincorporated area.There is no class to take and you’re not a gun owner.
You have to show need to have it and even jewelry store owners are refused a permit.
Why do you bother?
Sure. Why not? We already barely incarcerate for felonies less than murder now (and some convicted of that offense are also getting out early). I have to admit I’m leaning the other way. There are so many useless humans on the planet, I’m ready to vote that the death penalty should be imposed for any and all convicted of ANY felony. Forget rehabilitation – we have too many bodies sucking in resources and altering the environment beyond survivability. Why not cull from the herd the bad apples?
Looks worst than the prop 47
Here we go again-weaken law enforcement at a time when property crime is on the rise. Brilliant.
Spend some of the $22 Billion “surplus” on prisons and officers/deputies, or
keep lying about crime numbers.
Next up: continue to make prisoners and parolees victims. Let them vote.
This won’t end well.
System is already broken. Why not just write a ticket, even for murder?
Maybe they’ll show up, maybe not. Newspm doesn’t care either way.
I think we should abolish it all together. Diane says they can all be rehabilitated!
Voted into power by the snowflakes and liberal populace of California, Newsom is once again submitting to the liberal agenda and continues to misuse important funds to coddle miscreants! The erosion of the criminal justice system in California continues at a break neck pace. I say extend the probation period and stiffen the penalties for all criminals, especially those that are repeat offenders and continue to violate probation. Last but not least, recall all politicians that are members of that hive of incompetence in Sacramento starting with Newsom.
I would expect nothing less from California.
OR release without bail, decriminalization, and now when you actually get convicted the state will lessen the possible sentence.
Welcome to the new wild west.
More soft on crime BS. Unbelievable. The current max should be longer than five years, not shortened.
How about work camp for two years. If they can handle freedom, then they will be work ready with good habits already established. They can also use their earnings for a start in life. In other words, they can take the place of illegal workers. Spend the money on Americans.
If I understand correctly, many homeless druggers will respond favorably to this treatment too. Call it an experiment in socialism. Many democrats expect this to work. Let’s try it.
Letting them fend for themselves with no guidelines has not been successful.
I believe that the way people are leaning politically and voting that the criminal justice system should simply be dismantled.
With the justice system so bent on protecting the criminal, every crime is forgivable, don’t even bother to arrest anyone anymore.
Close the police departments, fire all of the attorney’s, retire all the judges.
Might as well close the local governments too.
Without laws, there will be right or wrong.
Just survival of the fittest.
Salty here…
Remember movie “Escape From New York”.
That’s what they are turning this state into. A BIG PRISON!!! HOPEFULLY Snake is still alive
Salty OUT!
I guess the sequel will be Escape From California!
Neighbors will just form their own coalition and deal with these criminals on the spot and nobody will talk and no “registered” surveillance footage will be available to protect the Criminal.
So Ridiculous.
Talk about the ‘death of a thousand cuts’!!! Why bother to prosecute criminals anymore? Why bother to even have felonies on the books?
Let’s face it, as far as the Democrat Party and Liberal Media Complex are concerned, law-abiding citizens are the problem, and criminals are the solution.
Just look at New York, where people caught committing hate crimes and robbing banks are released without posting bail and immediately commit the same crime again. This is insane.
Chuckie knows a thing or two—plus a whole lot more.
For some crimes you should be on probation for life. For others not so much. It is not one size fits all.
Which crimes? The story on Claycord last week of two career criminals living in Clayton…..the one had been arrested 20+ times.
The best way to shorten their paroles is to lengthen their jail sentence.
Do the crime, do the time (including probation).
So you all like to pay higher taxes to keep criminals in jail and provide higher profits for the prison industrial complex? Can’t have it both ways and they’ll soon figure out something to lock you away for. 😉
The same “Fiscal Conservatives” are very often the same people who have no problem playing a LOT of money for a Private Prison System in some false belief that it makes any difference…
But then they have watched Trump and the Republican Party spend like drunken socialists and have done more to blow up the debt than an prior administration and congress – and they have no care in the world.
Wonder if you read the news? We have murders, car jackers, shoplifting bunches, bank robbers, computer grabbers, identity thieves, rampant car thieves, house break ins, porch pirates,vandalists, and muggers. All of them belong in the prison industrial complex. All of them degrading our society. I will gladly pay the taxes to keep them in prison and for longer probations. But hang on there is more. IT IS GOING TO GET WORSE WITH NO BAIL. MUCH WORSE. Yes I was yelling.
@ Cpt Bebops
The problem with your argument is this.
I am paying high taxes. If the State released every prisoner in State prison my tax burden wouldn’t change one bit. The State would simply spend the money on some social program instead of lowering my taxes or giving me a rebate. SO if I have to pay taxes, let it got for public good like keeping me safe.
Oh I agree, California Democrats are very anti-freedom. They love banning and making thing illegal…. except illegal entry into the US. That they are perfectly okay with.
Let’s do away with cable TV in prisons, provide nothing more than caloric needs to feed prisoners, and limit medical care to only what is necessary to save lives (no more taxpayer funded sex changes) and see where we are fiscally.
“Escape from New York” – great!!! Will Adrienne Barbeau be available??
I want her to be my squeeze!
Nothing is for free.
If after the data is reviewed, if in fact, longer probation time has no real impact on recidivism rates, then why spend the extra money for the extra 3 years…
Spend what money?
You have probation officers who are working already. They get paid whether they watch 50 probationers or only 10. So exactly where Rob is the saving?
Oh need I say the obvious? I’m sure you can provide the study that says probation has no real impact on recidivism rates.
Then using your logic – we should just eliminate probation…. period. Instead of releasing them to their probation officers, just cut them loose and don’t follow up with them – period.
Salty here…
“SNAKE .. we thought your were DEAD”.. LOL
Salty out!!
A law abiding citizen could be on probation for life and likely not get into trouble.
If a documented criminal has learned their lesson, government expenses aside, why would the length of their probation matter?
Should this proposal be adopted, the only positive aspect is that more people with join the Newsom recall effort.
Aww da po criminals be costin da county too much?Who cares how much it costs the public to let them off probation early.
Yes, Mi casa is su casa. Stop calling Us (police) when someone wants to “borrow” your car.
This is totally in line with the California liberal Demorat governments unceasing efforts to support, protect and encourage criminals.
Back to the gun issue. Being how tough they make it to carry a legal gun why bother. Do what everyone else is doing carry your gun illegally. There are so many illegal gun owners because of the strict laws. No one is worried about getting in trouble cause we are in a Dem state. So carry your gun and protect yourself. The life you save may be your own.
Yes. Also, with the catch and release of so many criminals the ” castle doctrine” must be upheld. I have the right to protect myself from bodily harm.
I think California is way too liberal when it comes to holding criminals responsible for their crimes. We don’t even rehab them! Just let them go!
No incarceration, now shorter probation? Pathetic. Then now with the homeless they want laws to force California to find housing for them. Since when is it ok not to be accountable for your own actions? I guess I sound sort of cold and self righteous but honestly I can’t believe how people think everyone is entitled to a lifestyle they don’t make for themselves!
Popcorn – Agree 100%!!!!!
Apparently politicians or their families haven’t been direct affected by violent criminals.
It’s like we’re in a nightmare! The politicians keep unleashing crime and criminals upon us. This is not acceptable and I’m changing parties.