Home » Congressman DeSaulnier Introduces Bill To Reduce Federal Government’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Congressman DeSaulnier Introduces Bill To Reduce Federal Government’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions


Congressman Mark DeSaulnier (CA-11) introduced legislation that would require vehicles purchased by the federal government to meet low greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) standards.

Specifically, the Clean Federal Fleet Act (H.R. 5554) would ensure the federal government’s compliance with the Obama-era One National Program that, before gutted by the Trump Administration, was estimated to reduce global warming pollution by as much as 570 million metric tons (MMT) in 2030.

“The federal government should be leading the effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase fuel economy,” said Congressman DeSaulnier. “With the Trump Administration’s destructive climate actions, including withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement, we must make it clear to the rest of the world that the American people and our government take the threat of climate change seriously and are willing to do our part.”

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First, I’d like to see a law that reduces the emissions from the mouths of politicians. Oh, and how many taxpayer flights did Mark make in 2019? Anyone know?

Let’s talk about Trump spending 25% of his presidency taking AF 1 to his own resorts – costing Taxpayers so far about $100 million – but then again Republicans never really believed in fiscal responsibility it was always a sham.

In other words…you have nothing. And I notice you didn’t mention the Obamas and Hawaii. Oops, did I say that?

To Rob, this isn’t about President Trump riding on Air Force One. But then again, people like you never really got over Hillary losing and our beloved President lives in your head 24/7.

You’d think at some point these worthless Dems would realize Trump is OUR choice and was voted in because of idiot policies of the left. Alternative Proposal: How about reducing the number of taxpayer-paid-for vehicles and the government parasites driving them?

Can you please do something for your District, this goes no where and it fits your narrative to say F-You Trump, just because he won’t let California dictate Air Policy for the Nation. As I often say, Mark is a Sacramento Swamp Creature and found heaven in DC, Vote for anyone but this Clown,

Says the congressman as he steps out of his gas guzzling, chauffeured SUV and flies off in an air polluting private jet.

How about the hot gas from Marks mouth ?

It’s not going to work,Mark,nobody likes you.

How many flights does he take from California to Washington D.C.?

Mark DeSaulnier needs to be recalled.

Come on lay off Markie, he’s just doing what Nancy told his to do.

Wait…. Is he offering to keep his mouth shut?

The dialogue here is pitiful. Such hateful words. The issues are more important than your disdain for one another don’t ya think? So boring yet so predictable.

Yes, popcorn – your responses are so boring yet so predictable.

For the LAST time….. nobody “hates” him….. he’s just incompetent and got where he is by name recognition only and riding on the coattails of George Miller.

Yes, the issues are more important – but the FACTS are ,ore important than what he claims are the issues. He has NEVER been able to answer a direct question with a direct answer… unless it toes the democrat party line. And that goes back to when he was on the County BOS.

He’s got NO knowledge, experience or background in foreign policy, yet he issues statements that reflect his high opinion of himself.

Take the energy you’re spending on your faux outrage and learn the facts and history before just spouting the DNC party line.

Mr. Popcorn: Why don’t you enlighten us as to why you support Desaulner and defeat the belief that democrats unthinkingly would vote for a glass of water that had a D on it. Start with his congressional website offering his 4 major initiatives on War Powers, environment, tax and head start. The first three are analyzed elsewhere as having zero chance of passage in the Senate and are just “resistance” or “in your face” wastes of time for all involved. I also went to his website a couple of months ago and again it was all anti-Trump except for lots of self-congratulations for passing in congress a statement on the Richmond 50, an event from WWII. What has Desaulnier done that you are fired up about and will cause you to vote for him?

to do list,its a she,no male could possibly think like that.Her posts don’t involve any facts,just”how she feels”Depending on the weather etc,the comments can be all over the place,but fantasy based..(lib delusion of grandure)

What is truly pitiful is that he does absolutely nothing to make the state a better place for the responsible self sufficient citizens that work and pay taxes. You obviously must not be part of that group.

Because people are tired of fake pc politicians like this guy popcorn person . The only reason this guy got elected is because immigration is being Weaponized against us natives here for 60 plus years.

If Mark truly wants to reduce gas emissions, then he will have his mouth sewn shut.

These “big picture” bills are a nice idea. However, their results on a per dollar basis will be difficult to gauge. Perhaps that’s by design.

If I recall correctly, he made some comment YEARS ago about not doing anything substantive, then moving on somewhere else on politics before anyone realized he never did anything substantive.

Must have been when he was on the Concord City Council or BOS.

From wikipedia – The Contra Costa Times editorial board was critical of DeSaulnier’s record as county supervisor. An editorial published in 2009 stated, “Many of the financial problems that afflict Contra Costa County today stem directly from decisions DeSaulnier championed while he was supervisor. Most notably, in 2002, at a time when the county faced a $31.5 million shortfall, was already laying off workers and was already experiencing increased public employee pension costs, DeSaulnier supported unsustainable pension increases that hiked benefits for public safety workers by as much as 50 percent. The plan allowed public safety workers to retire at age 50 with a pension worth 3 percent of their salary for each year served. Such excessive public employee union benefits have strained some local jurisdictions to the brink of bankruptcy.”

Based on his performance/actions since the mid-1990’s, he just another snake in the grass. Wouldn’t trust that worthless POS any farther than I could throw him.

Before he tells everyone else what to do, what sacrifices has he made to save the environment during his lifetime? I’ll bet little to none. Everyone wants to tell everyone else what to do now, but very few practice what they preach if it inconveniences them at all. Just like the people wanting to ban leaf blowers. Some people don’t want to be disturbed late-morning by hard working gardeners at their condo complex, but they’re not willing to do the work themselves and won’t want to hire three times as many guys with hand tools either. This guy strikes me as the same type.

Late morning?They start at 6am,and someone,somewhere is first on the list to be woken up.

It’s not about the noise. Leaf blowers makes airborne everything that falls to the ground since the beginning of time. That includes mold, mildew, dried and desiccated vegetative matter, desiccated animal droppings from rats, mice, birds, dogs, cats, cattle, opossums, raccoons, deer, humans. It hangs in the air in a dusty stew which is then taken in with each breath. Do you really want to be breathing desiccated rat droppings?

I agree. I don’t support over legislating freedom. Understanding the problems of living in the metropolis, withstanding.

Airborne pollutants are a very real threat. My house is covered with all kinds of dirt. Leavings from yardsmen blowing in my direction (literally) several times a week. I would hose it off, only to have it reapplied the next day. I have symptoms of allergies now.

Hey Mark, congratulations on you and your Democrat career whore politicians duping 50% of the electorate into believing climate change is man made. Those are the same knuckleheads who fell for the Y2K bug back in 2000.

One way to reduce harmful gas emissions is for this Congressman to keep his mouth closed.

How many times has Mark flown back and forth to Washington? Fake woke.



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