The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
The World Health Organization has classified video game addiction as a disorder.
QUESTION: Do you think video game addiction is a disorder?
Talk about it….
In my opinion, addiction is a weakness that leads to a mental disorder.
Nope. It’s a lame excuse to play more video games, and just lazy kids. But mostly lazy parents who want to enable and coddle their kids that can never do wrong, and dont want to discipline them and do their parental dutie as parents of said kid. Discipline and family time need to take president, take games away, make them go outside, do things with your kids other than games. DONT BE A LAME AND LAZY PARENT, BE ACTIVE IN YOUR KIDS LIFE. My .02 as a fellow gamer.
Cell phone addiction will be the next item on the WHO’s list.
This games are designed to keep players playing with lots of goals. Younger, undisciplined minds are more susceptible. Mature minds can put down the game to take care of responsibilities.
It’s not a disorder, it’s an affliction.
Video game addiction is easily cured with something called “a girlfriend”.