A student was arrested this morning with a loaded handgun at Las Lomas High School in Walnut Creek.
At about 11:13 a.m., the Walnut Creek Police Department received a report of a student on campus with a concealed handgun. The school resource officer, who was on campus, quickly located and safely detained the student.
The student’s backpack was searched and a loaded handgun was located inside. As a precautionary measure, the school was placed on lockdown until the police department determined the campus was safe.
The student’s name will not be released due to his age.
Carrying a gun falls into “Adult Crimes” with me. Just as I see murder by a juvenile as a Adult Crime. Maybe this kid is just that stupid, but there must be some agenda here. I’ll wait to see all the details come out ….
Hey Mayor! Just read about a carload of burglars in a silver Honda stopped at gunpoint by CPD on Kaitlin drive yesterday. Nothing here about that, nor the home burglaries in Walnut Creek on Candleberry and in Calder. The Walnut Creek burglaries involved a Honda too, but it was black, I think, and missing license plates, which goes without saying these days.
If he stole it, the owner should be charged. If his parents bought it for him, they should be charged. I think it’s already illegal for a minor to purchase a handgun so if a gun shop sold it to him, they should be prosecuted. The person responsible for him having the gun should be prosecuted.
Why not charge the state legislators for defective laws? How about charging the teachers and parents for not educating this kid properly?
You have to be 21 to legally purchase a hand gun in CA.
Where in your comment do you say that this kid is and should be held responsible for his actions as he should be?? All I see is you blaming everyone else that is possible for him to have it in the first place, which is the problem with a lot of this generation bracket And if he did steal it why should the person he stole it from be responsible? He more than likely got it off the streets or black market thinking he is Mr. Cool and is finding out that is not the case
Its the kid that did wrong and will be charged.Why are you looking to blame others?He did this to himself,and the school.
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The totality of your comment convinces me you know nothing about existing gun laws.
Did you just call for the victim of the theft to be charged for having his property stolen?
“The person responsible for him having the gun should be prosecuted.”
There is only one person that is responsible for the actions of a person, and that is the person making the actions!
I wonder what this kid was thinking..was he showing off, was he being bullied, did he have problems with someone, did he plan on using it? Regardless of why he had it, he had to know it was wrong and against the law. Not a good start towards adulthood. I hope someone gets to the root of the problem and he gets help. This could have turned tragic.
There goes one more lost gift card.
While I agree a minor has no bussiness carrying a gun especially at school to enough is enough he is responsible for his own actions. Is negligence lead to his access then maybe the owner should be charged but otherwise the kid is old enough to know the laws and rules and should be charged acordingly..
I always wonder about the information withheld from the public when these incidents occur. Was this gang-related? Was the student afraid for his/her life? Maybe pulled a few robberies over night and forgot to store the weapon safely?
Yes! These are the correct questions to ask. Nobody wants to think their precious darling could be gang affiliated, drugs and or robberies. Wake up people. It’s the person’s fault who commutes the crime. Not the person he stole the gun from, not the parents. But the student himself. Try him as an adult,. Play stupid games win stupid prizes!
Are you serious? Do you really think police are stupid enough to publish details about the incident. For one thing they are still gathering information. This happened today, this morning, Jan. 9th. For another there are legalities about how much information they can, or want to, release to the public.
Real life isn’t Google. You can’t put in a word or phrase and immediately get 100’s of hits with the explanation, definition, etc.
@EnoughIsEnouth – It’s bad enough, you seem to want everyone and anyone ELSE to suffer the consequences, except the person who actually committed the wrong (The whole problem with the youth of the day) But to go as far as to say “If he stole it, the owner should be charge”– that’s straight, hogwash right there. Sticking with your line of thinking, this means you should be completely willing to take blame and pay the consequences for say, murder- if someone should steal your car and then go mow someone down?
I’m waiting for the gun nuts to claim his 2nd amendment rights were violated.
Keep waiting.A liberal has put in it’s 1 cent.
@TMB you won’t see any 2A proponents defend this kid. He broke the law, as he was underage and in possession of a firearm he didn’t purchase himself. If this was for pure self defense, staff and police should have been involved prior to him making a decision to bring a firearm to school.
We wish the state of CA would stop taking a dump on our constitutional rights and civil liberties, but we’re not unreasonable and mindless drones. So your statement is invalid and asinine.
Well said Albro, ridiculous sweeping statement that people who believe the in the second amendment are OK with kids bringing guns to school.
TMB’s comment is right in line with the ignorant pearl clutching crowd.
Just picked up the grandboy from Las Lomas. This information from him: suspect is a Junior, had a glock automatic pistol with multiple high capacity magazines, planned to shoot up the health screening event being held in the gym, lots of students there at lunch time, he had apparently talked to his friend in San Ramon who talked to another kid who called the school to warn them, on site officer initialed lockdown supported by other LEOs. Suspect was retaking Chemistry after flunking it last year.
Do tell – what’s a Glock automatic pistol?
Not many people thought it would happen at their church, store, school, concert, etc., etc., till it does.
Bravo to the people, including someone’s kid, who may be heroes tonight.
Sorry JoJo…. your grandboy is spreading misinformation. And you are perpetuating it.
My niece was helping to run that health care event in the cafeteria she also said the same thing except for that he was a senior. I have to say it is so scary and hits home so close and to hear the comments from some people…so frustrating. Clearly he will be held responsible and I am sure if the gun was found to be accessible from adults they will likely also be charged but the bigger problem here is making sure we reach out and listen to our youth and check in with them so we can help prevent these actions in the future.
By saying it’s a Glock, the kid had good taste in expensive weapons is all they are really saying,but they are trying to make the gun sound far more sinister than any .25 cal. Saturday night special.It only takes one bullet to run someones day,the gun is not important,The holders ability is
Jojo Potato – Your grandson is INCORRECT. It is irresponsible to post information for all to read if you don’t know the facts. That is how rumors and gossip get started.
Jojo has a long history of making stuff up to suit his agenda.
well Shannon, What are the facts? Do tell….
jojo- so how do you know it was a Glock 18?
Or did you pull those random “facts” outta your a$$? I’m sure the WCPD would LOVE to talk to you.
I never said the number 18. I was simply repeating what my grandson told me which is what the kids were talking about at school. I knew that you gun lovers would get on my case pretty quickly about my using incorrect terminology and somehow that will make it OK to bring a gun to school with the intention of killing students. Too bad you can’t understand what’s important instead of typical rightist diversionary tactics. Think about how close this came to being dead kids in the gym.
“…somehow that will make it OK to bring a gun to school with the intention of killing students.”
Nobody wrote that either. Do try to keep up, and stop with the diversionary tactics.
The only “automatic Glock” is a Glock 18.
Try to do some critical thinking instead of mindlessly spouting what you hear from a teenager.
Obviously neither of you know anything about firearms. The DNC taught you well.
Not usually a fan of JJP, but if he was just saying what his grandkid was saying; who cares? Flintlock, Single-Action, Double-Action, Semi-Auto, Auto; and/or what ever else there is…. Fact is the dude arrested brought a “GUN” to school; that is the issue… That’s a No-No…
I’ve never understood why supporting our Constitution and especially the 2nd Amendment needs to be such divisive argument and not a civil discussion.
Jojo, I get where your coming from. Your grandson just experienced a very traumatic situation that happens to fit all of the political narratives of the day and you shared them with us, thank you. Having said that, accusing 2nd Amendment supporters of also condoning these acts of violence is abhorrent.
I see no need in attempting educating non-supporters of our rights, most are set in their ways. Perhaps the desire to insult or demean the “opposition” is just intoxicating.
Automatic, Semi-automatic, high capacity. We all know the difference by now and we know why these terms are at the forefront of the debate. Never give up the fight for what you believe.
As a teacher in a high school, I want to point out the presence of the Police Officer in this event. I feel that this is a HUGE step towards school safety. I personally feel safer on campus with a trained Police Officer with a gun than myself or my coworkers with a gun. As for the student, he needs help not adult sentencing.
Let’s give him some counseling and then put him in your class.
Children learn lessons when shown the consequences. I’m afraid your hands off approach is why we have these situations staring us in the face.
I couldn’t agree more with you about the campus officer, though. I think you should be able to protect yourself as well.
Remember, that Police Officer is your “next door neighbor” with a desire to keep his/her community safe and a serious amount of firearms and situational awareness training. Why can’t your coworkers have these same desires and training?
As for the student, he needs to be held accountable for his actions (punishment?), and some serious psychiatric help. Hopefully, his actions will result in a felony conviction and he will be barred from legally purchasing or possessing a firearm for life.
So scary! Thank goodness no one was injured.
Why do we protect the rights of criminals? Did he/she commit a crime? YES
As a community do we deserve to know who this kid is? Maybe some public shaming might help change the course of his/her life…
In one post, you say we have no idea what was going on in his head and then in the next one, you say he obviously brought the gun because he intended to use it (because it was a Glock?). Please make up your mind.
Like it or not, kids bring guns to school all the time. Most never get caught and never fire a shot. The fact that this kid brought a gun to school is not, in itself, evidence that he was planning to shoot anybody. I took a pen and notebook to all my high school classes, but I certainly never intended to take any notes, lol.
Calling b.s.on that one. And you know there was no intent, how? I carry multiple items with me everywhere I go and I don’t carry anything that I don’t intend to use if needed. Granted this dummy may have been posturing, trying to impress, attempting to instill fear in a bullying classmate, or crying out for help, this must be taken seriously.
“Like it or not, kids bring guns to school all the time. Most never get caught and never fire a shot”. And then someone does. Guns aren’t usually lumped in the same category as pens and notebooks…
I guarantee you if they check the students at Olympic high school or Mount they will definitely find at least 3 to 4 at each campus
why do u single out mt diablo on olympic ???
I know for a fact that both Olympic and Mt Diablo high had students with guns.
Maybe the student was just showing everyone how easy it is for anyone to bring a gun on campus. There is no safety at any of our schools.
A true teachable moment.
That’s it little mister; this is very serious, you are going to have a “time out”.
And a “time out” for the person who gave him access to the gun also.
I knew a student that was caught two different times with a gun at school in the MDUSD. He just got transferred to another school each time.
Is that acceptable to you? What do you think the consequences should have been?
Having a gun on school grounds is a felony… start there.
Putting out a huge thank you to the kid who had enough courage to call his parents so that they could contact the school/police. That kid is a hero and who knows how many lives he saved. Kudos to his parents who have raised him well.
I bought my son a hand gun on his 16th birthday. He has been hunting since he was 6 years old. He knows more about gun safety than I do. It’s all about how you raise your child. Stop blaming everyone else for mistakes people make. Take responsibility for your own actions for once.
Like it’s a gun safety issue. Hilarious.
@Yeah Ok, no sounds like he’s raising a responsible kid who understands gun safety and may someday save your life if/when it’s in danger. Stop demonizing John and his son from practicing their constitutionally afforded rights.
@Yeah OK:
“Raising your kid to shoot and kill innocent harmless animals for sport…. ”
John wrote nothing of the kind. Very typical comment from a hand wringer. Enjoy your cage raised chicken and beef of unknown origin. Or tofu. Whatever floats your boat at the supermarket.
If you like your gun-free zone you can keep your gun-free zone. Seems to be working as designed…only the criminals have guns. And that makes me feel safe*
Glad that this did not turn out to be a shooting. My office is 200 yards from Las Lomas…..I might have decided to get involved.
@Jeff – great, just what the police would have wanted….
No one on this thread has mentioned the child’s heart.
No matter where you live on the spectrum of constitutional rights or public education or parent involvement etc etc etc—
At the root of this epidemic is the human heart.
Address the hearts of children–families–relationships–time–
No law will fix the heart.
No one here has mentioned the heart.
No single law will stop issues overflowing from a human heart.
We could wax on and debate this ad nauseum.
This is a human being in pain. And it could be any of us, anyone’s child neighbor or grandson.
No matter where one rests on the spectrum of ideology and world view–no one wants to talk about the human heart.
America, address the hearts of the children. Reclaim your time. Reclaim inspiration from history past and those generations and individuals who have survived war and poverty.
Address the heart. Day in and day out. And consider having a little grace for the student and family. It could be any of us, at any time.
A kid carrying a gun is a “human in pain”?
I think I smell a liberal.
It could have been such a worse news article if the kid had a bad day.
Use your head please.
Yes you have to be 21 to buy a gun in Cali. And tobacco…but only 18 to go to war n get killed…liberals lol…
You can buy rifles and shotguns at 18. Handguns are the only ones restricted to 21+.
gov moonbeam changed that before he left office. unless u have a hunting license, the age is 21 for rifles and shotguns . Soulution: get a hunting license….
I went to LL a while ago.
I remember the mexican kid who wore all red would have a glock in his backpack most days.
Stop bullying the kid & kids won’t bring guns to school to kill you.
They just want the bullying to stop so they can walk down the hallways without fear of being thrashed around & without being humiliated by verbal trash-talking in front of others.
You are confused.Now a days,it’s the bullies that bring guns to school.Things have changed.The bullies are weak and can’t do anything without people with them.or a weapon.Stand up to the unarmed bully one time,and they are no longer a bully,so now they carry weapons.
All you really need to do is plant your foot flattly and squarley in the center of their chest and they topple like a satute on liberal day.The bigger they are the harder they fall.
For the student, family, and our community…”Good Grace”:
Come together
Strange as neighbors
Our blood is one
Of generations
Of every nation
Of kingdom come
Don’t let your heart be troubled
Hold your head up high
Don’t fear no evil
Fix your eyes on this one truth
God is madly in love with you
Take courage
Hold on
Be strong
Remember where your help comes from…
I’ve never fired or even seen a Glock 18 but years ago I got to fire a Czech Skorpian a few times and they are crazy hard to control even with both hands. More of a danger then an advantage unless you’re some kinda special operator with time to practice and unlimited ammunition. And even then they probably aren’t all that useful.