A 54-year-old Pleasant Hill woman, who’s a former teacher at Acalanes High School in Lafayette, and a current teacher at Miramonte High School in Orinda, has been arrested for alleged inappropriate and unlawful relationships between two students at Acalanes between 1996 – 1998, according to the Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff.
The suspect, identified as Kyle Ann Wood, is being held on $150,000 bail, the Sheriff’s Office said.
The investigation is ongoing. The Lafayette Police Department is asking anyone with additional information regarding this case to contact detectives at (925) 283-3680 or (925) 299-3234 or email Sergeant T. Rossberg at tross@so.cccounty.us.
photo: courtesy of the Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff
Wow. So much for the quality of teachers in Lamorinda. Is that the reason she left Acalanes to teach at Miramonte? 1996-1998 was a long time ago. She got away with it for too long.
Just curious – What makes you think she did what she’s accused of?
She is one tough looking sucker. Twenty one years ago is a long time ago though. I have mixed emotions about charges that old.
Using a position of authority to molest a child should not have a statute of limitations! Do you have reservations to the contrary?
We don’t have statutes of limitations because bad things in the past weren’t bad. At some point the likelihood of being able to put together a credible case deteriorates, and the likelihood of lawsuits becoming nuisance suits or frivolous actions increases, and you reach a point where the lines cross.
There may be a good reason for extending the statute of limitations in cases of sexual abuse, given the specifics of this kind of crime, its seriousness, and how victims feel pressured into silence for years and years. But it is reasonable to be cautious about eliminating statutes of limitations – they exist for a good reason, in general.
There is no limitation when it’s a sex crime involving a child.Only adult sex crime victims have limitations on how long it can be prosecuted
Being sexually assaulted is a life sentence. Why should the perpetrator get off easy?
James – there is a statute of limitations for child sexual abuse. Newsom recently (Jan. 1) increased the age to forty. My guess is these victims are close to forty, and they were too old to come forward under the old CA law.
This is probably the only law where I actually agree with Newsom.
That is too long ago. I know the law allows that due to statute of limitations. Hopefully she gave up her obsessive inappropriate behavior. I feel sorry for her frankly.
” increased the age to 40″
what are you talking about?
Statute of limitation means theres a time limit to prosecute someone on a crime commited.There is a statute of limitations on sex crimes commited against adults.but the is NO statute of limitations on the time between the crime happening and a perp being arrested for commiting a sex crime on a child.What you are saying has nothing to do with a time limit.What was raised to 40??A sex crime against a monor has no time limit for proscecution and the person can be arrest 80 years later if they can prove it.For a sex crime against an adult its 5 or 10 tears,then nothing can be done.EASY to research.If the case is still open,it doesn’t matter how old the victim is.They are arresting people with DNA for crime commited 30-40-50 years agoo against children.Why would their age now matter?it would let people walk free.You are confused.Sounds like a Newsom fantasy because only he would do something so pointless and helpful to a criminal,but victims would never allow this.
James – you have no idea what you’re talking about. Newsom signed into law (effective Jan. 1, 2020) that the age was raised from 26 to 40. The age that the victim can be to file a lawsuit.
You’re wrong James. Look it up!
What is up with all of these sex crazed teachers? I bet she thought she was in the clear since the charges date pre-2000. As luck would not have it, she is charged. You can trust NO ONE anymore and that is pathetic.
When Barbara Simpson had a talk show on KSFO she did several shows on a teacher in Lamorinda about sexual abuse, wonder if this was the same teacher?
Why is she still a teacher. Just like churches.. they just keep quiet and move them somewhere else. As if that is going to stop their sick acts.
Exactly – which shows you that it isn’t about the specifics of one church or institution: this can and does happen whenever people have access, authority, and impunity. Whether it is churches, synagogues, the entertainment industry, or wherever.
And institutions will always tend to prioritize damage control over opening up cans of worms.
Most employers try to ‘limit the fallout’ when one of these ‘incidents’ comes to their attention. It’s the first thing they think of. But today? The HR/Legal department should insist on fully obeying the law and protecting others from being victimized. If the school district knew about her crimes, and simply moved her to another school, they better hand over a blank check to the victims!
That picture doesn’t make her look like a creep/pervert at all.
You just never know.
My support goes out to the brave students who finally made her pay after all these years. Truly awful to hear this.
It’s been 20 years? I wonder if more students will come forward. My heart goes out to the students she targeted.
I am torn about this case.
I hope that they throw the book at her, if she is found guilty. Blue Dots (child abusers for those of you who have never checked out Megan’s Law) are the lowest lifeforms on Earth. Do the crime, do the time.
What I do have issues with is the time that has passed. I believe that there has to be a statute of limitations for all crimes, except murder. 25 yrs. seems to long. Memories fade and distort, evidence is lost or degrades, witnesses die or cannot be found.
Check out the megan’s law website to search for scumbags who might live near your home or near where your kids hang out. I once discovered one of these guys who was the uncle of my kid’s friend. He lived with the friend and her parents (who never let us know about his background). Needless to say, my kids were not allowed back to that house.
Protect your kids.
Assuming she is guilty (we don’t know yet), this raises the bigger issue. Did the District know about her bad habits, and simply move her to another school (the old Catholic Priest shell game)? If so, the individuals involved in that cover-up, as well as the District face ‘potentially significant litigation’.
According to transparentcalifornia.com:
Kyle Wood
Regular pay: $99,545.45
Overtime pay: $0.00
Other pay: $4,577.08
Total pay: $104,122.53
Benefits: $29,195.11
Total pay & benefits: $133,317.64
What teacher even in lamorinda gets paid that much? Is that accurate info! That’s great pay for teachers . Wish concord teachers were getting paid that much.
Unfortunately it took this individual 20 years to come forward but they did and that is the good thing.
This teacher needs to realize the mental agony she put someone through keeping secrets like these. Best of luck and it’s gonna be a long road for the victim. The justice system has a way of destroying the victim even more
For those who are torn on this issue, how would your feelings/comments change if this was a 54-year-old man who sexually abused two high school girls 25 years ago?
Child molesters, male or female, need to be in prison.
From the looks of this picture I would say she was after the girls.
This just adds to the list of lamorinda teachers accused of this kind of stuff, merrick, pfieffer, now this
Blame it on Van Halen,s Hot for the teacher. maybe she was 25 years ago.
Hello?? Hello?? I got it figured out!!! Wait for it… PAYDAY!!!! My Blonde 30 something teacher took complete advantage of me, I havent had a nights sleep in 22 years!! Im ruined, my life is ruined, suicidal, emotionally crippled… If I remember right 🤔??? Ive seen this scene in every American Pie movie ever made!!! Cha Ching$$$$ Has it really come down to this? Sad day for everyone of my brothers who FOR SURE wanted to doink the hot teacher.
Wow. Convicted without trial. Why doesn’t everyone hold their horses and see if there is any fact to the allegation. Trial will come.
Remember that kid, where the creep was banging a drum in his face. And someone was was condemning the kid for his facial expression.
Haven’t you heard? Due process and the presumption of innocence no longer exist in the court of public opinion.
Figured it out, you are way out of line. Sexual assault or abuse it nothing to joke about, This story does not mention whom or what sex she abused. I mentioned the Barbara Simpson story in an earlier post, it might not be the same teacher, but the one Barbara spoke about was a female teacher taking advantage of a young underage girl, it all sounded horrific, and I’m sure that young lady had years of nightmares because of the abuse. You sound ignorant and callous.
The formal charges stated oral copulation of two persons under the age of 18, and that the victims were female.
According to someone on this thread that is misinformed,if its been 23 years and they were 17 at the time they are 40 now and it cant be prosecuted because they are now 40.Of course this is entirely incorrected,or hundreds of people could now admit what they did and never be prosecuted.There is no statute of limitation on a sex crime against a minor.Victim’s age is irrelevent.
“The law signed Sunday by Gav. Gavin Newsom gives victims of childhood sexual abuse until age 40, or five years from discovery to file civil lawsuits.”
The law went into effect Jan. 1, 2020. whether you want to believe it or not.
People,wake up,if there was a limitation of prosecuction on the is crime, she wouldn’t be under arrest.No mention of any limit in the article,and easy to research there is no limit to child sex crimes.
She was my photography teacher in 2006. We had many interactions inside and outside of the classroom. I have good memories of her. It’s honestly hard for me to picture her in an inappropriate relationship with a student, but I guess we never really know people. She was always a little awkward and had a funny/quirky personality. Her classroom was the place to hang out because her rules were super lax. Most of the kids really liked her and I never got any creepy vibes from her. I really hope she’s guilty because no one will ever unsee that mugshot.
That was many moons ago.
Had to be way back when! I don’t think she’d have any action now!
Who knows if she did anything wrong. It’s unfortunate that her picture and name have been pasted all over the news before she’s had a trial and been convicted. There have been instances of people being accused of child molestation recently and the charges were dropped. There was no follow up on the news clearing the person. Their lives have already been ruined.
Wait until they’ve been convicted before ruining their lives! Innocent until proven guilty!
I agree with you. As a society people are crazy. First they we give permission to allow disgusting sexual behaviors in the movies and on social media. People love that stuff. Now everyone is getting very uptight about this teacher who may have or not committed these acts. I am sick of people being so hypocritical. I don’t think people who have not been to trial should be treated in this manner. She will have her day in court. This is being handled so badly I think.
Smile ! your on Claycord.
If you’re going to hide pictures & protect the names of victims of sex crimes, then you need to hide pictures & protect the names of those accused of sex crimes in case they are found “not guilty.”
I feel bad for those two girls. One of them has since passed away.
She is a Lesbian PE teacher. Back then the two teenage girls were curious about their sexuality. Kyle had oral sex with them. Years later one of the victims died. The other girl came forward after the death.