BART officials said the police are trying to remove a person from the tracks near Concord Wednesday evening, a problem causing a service outage between Concord and Pleasant Hill.
As of 6:30 p.m., personnel are trying to help the person. Antioch-bound trains are turning back at Pleasant Hill toward San Francisco International Airport.
BART officials said the power is shut off on both tracks at Concord.
UPDATE, 8:22 p.m.: SERVICE ALERT: There is a major delay on the Antioch Line in the Antioch and SFO directions due to a person on the track near Concord station.
Service has stopped between Pleasant Hill and Concord stations. A bus bridge has been established between Pleasant Hill and Concord stations. BART Police is negotiating with an unstable individual.
UPDATE, 10:30 p.m.: SERVICE ALERT: The person is still on the tracks.
UPDATE, 5 a.m.: SERVICE ALERT: The person was removed earlier this morning, around 3 a.m.. Train service is back to normal.
Any update?
Were they able to help them?
I was on the train that was stopped right before Concord yard and we had just left PH station. We ended up returning to PH and had to exit the train. No one knew anything and we were directed to take a non existent bus to Concord. A bus showed up and all these people pushed to get on.
I want to say something to the young men: SHAME ON YOU ALL pushing women out of the way to get on the one bus! Shame on your parents too, for they should be to blame for how you conducted yourselves.
BART directors will need to be held responsible for allowing a person to gain access to the trackway. It was a major inconvenience and not handled well by anyone at BART. Except for our train operator – She was exceptional and professional. She kept us informed with as much information as she had to tell us.
Once packed onto a bus bound for Concord, you waited for another bus to North Concord. Chaos again.
All because some unstable person walked onto the electrified tracks.
Bluebird: Shame on you young men for not letting me on the bus first!
Young men: We thought women want to be empowered and treated like equals?
Take Uber like any other civilized person.
How is this the BART Board of Directors fault? Answer: it’s not.
There are all kinds of locked gates and fences with barbed wire. Do you think that will stop an unstable individual like that from gaining access? I don’t think so! You’re right in that people can be extremely rude when it comes to pushing their way onto the trains and buses.
He didn’t walk onto the electrified third rail because if he had before they found out he was there, he would’ve died instantly. It was only after they found out he was there that they cut power to the electric third rail. He was trespassing on the right of way and was standing on the trackway. I wonder who saw him first and reported it?
I hope they get the help they need.
I was also on the train that was turned around at the concord yard. The operator was very apologetic about the situation, but for the rest of the BART personnel, this was a complete and total failure, BART is a flawed system that NEEDS TO BE FIXED!!! Totally unacceptable for a civilian to be able to get on the tracks and cause such a catastrophic meltdown of a major commuting vein to the Far East Bay residents. You guys have overlooked many glaring deficiencies in your product for some time, all while increasing rates and not improving your infrastructure. You should be embarrassed for allowing this to not only happen in the first place but for allowing it to prolong well into the night. Be ashamed BART, once again. I mean is the person chained to the track?!? For gods sake, kill the electric rail, remove the “unstable person” and keep it moving, that should have been a 20 minute delay from start to finish tops!!
I’m sure you know everything that was going on with the person that was trespassing on the tracks. Did he have a weapon? Did he keep running down the tracks away from the police that were trying to catch him? I’m sure you know every single detail of what occurred and why it took so long! please fill the rest of us in with every single detail that occurred because you’re the expert! There was no total failure as far as the man gaining access to the trackway. Since winded fences with Barbwire keep someone from trespassing! If you don’t like Bart why don’t you take the bus or drive your car to work? Bart has done tons of work over the years to keep the trains running. Do you think it’s cheap and easy to run a major system like that? You have no clue. No it’s not! I’m sure if you start taking your car or you’ll enjoy the added expense of paying for gas and parking and wear and tear on your vehicle!
Umm yeah I do know the details jackass, like I said I was on the train and made it back in enough time to see the weapon less a** hole on the train tracks just standing there above a parking lot that my car was parked in the whole damn night because he was threatening to jump. And as far as the fences go, there is not one section of just barb wire fence to just sneak by on the whole damn track!! But I digress, let me ask you a question, how many people have you seen hop the gate gate and wreak havoc on the train? How many transients have you seen defecate/urinate on the train? How many mentally unstable people have you seen masterbate on the train? How many deviants have you witnessed “hot box” a train car with weed smoke in the middle of the day? If you can’t answer several to each of these questions, then have you even rode BART?!? And if you don’t think it’s a huge problem that needs to be properly addressed ASAP, then you’ve officially lost touch with reality Robert.
Concernicus <3
Please don’t take out your personal issues on thousands of your neighbors that have a routine that involve their children, finances, livelihoods, loved ones and medical conditions.
Does anyone know if they’re letting cars out of that lot?
They are still trying to negotiate and it’s now 1:31am
Such a sad situation, with an ever sadder response/reaction from people.
A person is hurting and wants to end their life and people are angry for the inconvenience . I wish I could say that the lack of compassion is surprising but unfortunately our society has become more and more self centered .
Have you ever been in a situation of having to arrange emergency child care at a drop of a hat? Emergency care for your sick and/or elderly family members? All because you can’t make it home on time, and, what’s worse, despite your best efforts, you don’t even know when you’re going to make it home?
Somehow I don’t think so. Because anyone who’s ever been in this situation knows that this goes well beyond mere inconvenience.
Perhaps a suicide attempt, but definitely an attention grab. If this person was hurting so badly that they just wanted to end their life, they could jump in front of a freight train.
In total agreement about the comment that lets one person disrupt 1,000’s of others. Turn off the power and get him off of the tracks fast. Stop pandering to the liberals. Get that person off the tracks and into a facility that will help them, if they want the help.
What in the world took so long to resolve this? Bart really needs to improve their crisis resolution! I was on the first train affected by this. We has about a 10 minute delay- moving very slowly and stopping regularly from PH to Concord. I sure lucked out given what happened afterwards.
I wish people wouldn’t make everything into a left, right issue, or if you will democrat, republican. I understand the annoyance of the people inconvenienced, however I would venture to say anyone who lays down or straps themselves into railroad tracks, do most likely not have the capacity to think of the consequences. They are most likely at the end of their rope, and politics have little to do with it. I have compassion for anyone inconvenienced and the poor soul that was on the railroad tracks.
Maybe there is something wrong with me but I would have bean bagged him of the track. Fortunately I have no need for BART but for those that do this is just another obstacle to living a normal life. The idiot on the track knew what he was doing he deserves nothing. He is not worth the trouble he caused.
How was this allowed to go on for hours? You’ve got to be kidding me.
This was a cry for attention. Bart handled the situation poorly. In our society manners are still nice. Last time I was on Bart I was amazed how many young people were sitting while seniors were left standing. Woman and elderly should still be given seats , Its called manners and respect.
At 5:20pm I was on the train that was stopped right outside of the Concord station…just so happened to look out my window at the “guy on the tracks” who was staring right up at me….and who was stumbling on the tracks directly in front of a train exiting the Concord station. He wobbled about for a bit then exited to the other side of a chain-link fence that obviously wasn’t secure. I didn’t see any BART personnel securing the possible entry point….and, by the responses here…he came back later.