Cellphones and other wireless devices could work better on BART trains and stations if the transit agency’s Board of Directors approves a “BART Digital Railway” proposal at its meeting Thursday.
The four-stage plan will bring new Wi-Fi and Bluetooth infrastructure and improved cellphone coverage to the BART and San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency systems within five years, according to BART officials.
The proposal calls for BART and the SFMTA to partner with Mobilitie, the country’s largest private wireless infrastructure company, to add underground cell coverage to three Muni tunnels — Sunset, Twin Peaks and
the Central Subway — within three years of the project’s start.
The next phase would require Mobilitie to build new wireless systems in all BART stations within four years.
The third phase of the proposal would extend wireless services from the stations to BART’s new “Fleet of the Future” train cars. The final phase involves installing new commercial fiber optic cables along some BART and Muni rights of way.
All four projects are expected to bring in more than $243 million over 20 years, with all capital and operating expenses being borne by Mobilitie, according to BART officials.
“We must bring our technology up to date and expand broadband coverage to better compete in the transportation market and provide convenient, easy to use transit,” BART General Manager Bob Powers said.
I think a better idea would be to make Bart run longer at night people will go out to the city more if you guys would run it till about three in the morning and make sure you hire some proper security for night runs. Most major metropolitan areas have a transit system running 24 seven like New York. IYeah I know I’m dreaming they won’t do it lol. I think there’s more of a chance of Clint Eastwood making the last dirty Harry film in San Francisco and using the homeless crisis as a narrative in the film as he fights crime hopefully in the movie he ends up arresting Gavin for corruption.
Bart is trying to improve their service and trains. I see this and I’m thankful. I did ride Bart this past weekend with an out of town relative. He was nervous about seeing a few transients who were talking to themselves, but me as a resident, I was not bothered by the transients.
So glad there is a new GM, Mr. Powers! A great solution would be to have a permanent police officer at every station. I don’t see enough police presence and wonder where they are stationed on a daily basis.
And hope the Bart fairs don’t go higher and become outrageous!
Personally I would think there are better things BART could invest in.
To a lot of peoples surprise the BART police is held back by the Board of directors and they aren’t allowed to have confrontation and anything that could cause a lawsuit. The Board Board could care less about the riders safety or the employees. There’s 2 officers “Stationed” at Baypoint and you never see them because they hide and aren’t supervised or made to do their jobs from the Board. Station Agents call the police all the time asking for help and it takes them forever to respond because they are out in their patrol car hiding somewhere. What BART doesn’t get is if you have officers out in the open 95% of the crime won’t happen.
With good wifi I’ll be too busy staring at my phone to see the guy two rows up wearing underwear on his head.
By the time these phases are completed, the wi-fi will be outdated.
They’re probably going to put in 4G… SMH
Great. So we will have better wi-fi and phone service,on Bart, but they can’t- or won’t stop phone theft, pan handling, fare jumpers, people eating on Bart, homeless riding all day. Why don’t they solve the worse problems first? Because they are the worse.?
Better WiFi and better phone service – so MORE passengers will have their phones out and won’t be paying attention.
Wanna bet the crimes will go up?
Great idea, but as so many folks have their phones stolen on BART while using them it seems pointless. The big issues are safety safety and safety. It’s the big elephant in the room while BART leadership improves wi-if.
If I have a choice between Wifi and not being stabbed to death, I would choose the latter.
Passenger safety is their most important challenge. These other things are simply asthetics. They list their priorities and start with the least important. Time for a management change.
I’m sure the vagrants who live on BART appreciate the upgrade. Now what else can we give them??!