Home » House Speaker Pelosi Monitoring Missile Attack On U.S. Forces By Iran – DeSaulnier Issues Statement

House Speaker Pelosi Monitoring Missile Attack On U.S. Forces By Iran – DeSaulnier Issues Statement


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, said she is monitoring the situation in which Iran launched several missiles targeting U.S. troops in Iraq, she tweeted late Tuesday afternoon.

“We must ensure the safety of our servicemembers, including ending needless provocations from the Administration and demanding Iran cease its violence,” Pelosi said in the message.

“America & world cannot afford war,” she said.


A statement from the U.S. Department of Defense said that Iran launched more than a dozen ballistic missiles at U.S. and coalition forces in Iraq.

The missiles targeted two Iraqi military bases at Al-Assad and Irbil. Defense department officials said they are working to assess the damage.

Local Congressman Mark DeSaulnier has not yet released a statement.

UPDATE: Congressman Mark DeSaulnier just released the following statement:


“Our hearts are with the loved ones of the U.S. troops in Iraq. The last thing we want or need is a war. To de-escalate and protect our service members, we will act in the U.S. House to put more checks in place before the Administration engages in acts of war.”

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Thank God we have Nancy to keep everything under control because we all know she knows what is best for us.

De-escalate. Yup, let’s just send over another $1.5 BILLION dollars in CASH to Iran to help calm their nerves a little. That ought to do the trick!

Surely you jest? The Administration would be saving the damn world if it weren’t for morons like Pelosi.

Stone cold, self serving politicians at work…

That would be our current Representatives and they all need voted out!

Please, for once, be quiet.

So Mark wants to make sure we can’t defend our troops.
Got it.

Democrats trying to hamstring the president again. They will never learn. Markie sit down and be quiet and try to remember your place.

I hope you warmongers are the first ones to sign up and ship out to Iran to fight the war. You guys love saying how you support the troops, but have no problem sending them to their deaths. Yeah, not a single person hoo hawing about fighting Iran will pick up a gun. They are too chicken or to old to fight their own wars. Every Republican should be the first to volunteer themselves and their children.

Trump 2020! It’s our only prayer!

Obama did 2800 air strikes without Congressional approval.
He has bombed more locations and killed more people with bombs that any POTUS since the end of WW2

great info, please cite your credible sources for this data… credible source does not include media.

So if Obama did it then it is okay if Trump does? Maybe no president should be allowed to instigate a war without a declaration of war from Congress. The US Constitution places the power to declare war with Congress after all.


“ So if Obama did it then it is okay if Trump does? ”

No it just simply points out the hypocrisy of the Democrats. OK if they do it, but criminal if trump does it!

The President has not instigated a single war! My gawd… do any of you liberals think for yourselves, or is everything straight from the lying actors you call news anchors the gospel.

Thank-you. The Dems think the average voter has a memory of 2 maybe 3 weeks.
The Iranians will avoid war at all costs with the US-they prefer terrorism.

Michael Corleone said, “Don’t ever take sides against the family”.

Mr. DeSaulnier’s name in the family is hereby declared as “Fredo”.

Amen to that!

Best comment on this post, love the title “Congressman Fredo”!

Pelosi is monitoring the situation by watching CNN. Mark, by watching Nancy’s Twitter-feed.

You are exactly correct. They try to make it sound like they count. Poor babies.

“Our hearts are with the loved ones of the U.S. troops in Iraq.”

So he puts barriers in place to prevent those same troops from defending themselves to show where his heart is.

With all that’s going on in the world we need a good
nuke war to calm things down.

To de-escalate, we should form a barrier made out of Liberal politicians and us it to protect the people who actually want to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution (our troops).

I think we are all on the same page here about anything Markie or any other apologetic, shaking in their boots (because they are going to lose their middle east free monies aka “Biden Money”) democrats are saying. We don’t care. Salami was a terrorist, responsible for thousands of deaths – his own people, Americans; it’s a very long list.

We elected Trump because we are tired of “Letter Writers”. Get er done son.

Mark wants a cracker, Mark wants a cracker.

SALTY HERE.. 1st off. God Bless OUR TROOPS and hopefully no casualties.

Pelosi is a Halloween character. She isnt doing a DAMN thing monitoring. She is politically motivated for her LIBERAL ARSE party. I’m not condoning the bs that was done that puts the military in danger. But it was the PREVIOUS administration that left us with this bull$hit as well as allowing North Korea to build nukes.

So let’s be REAL people. OBAMA left the country vulnerable with his policies. The Democrats FAILED the country for 8 DAMN years.. Bush wasn’t much better but at least the military was RESPECTED. When you heard “The MARINES” were coming it would put FEAR in everyone. We need that back again.

God Bless the American Forces in harm’s way.

SALTY respecting our Military is safe.. OUT!!

Rightttttt. Trump and America are literal laughing stocks of the world. The only reason there is any fear is because of how incompetent and unpredictable Trump is. At this point, even our allies don’t trust him.

Remember, it was under Obama’s watch that Bin laden was killed. Trump seems to be doing his damnedest trying to start a war. Remember when he warned us all that Obama would do it to win an election. Just like everything else, when a Republican cries about the Democrats doing something you know it’s just projection.

Salty here..
1. What administration released billions to Iran and cut the really great nuke deal that included Iran self policing themselves? OBAMA!!!

2. What administration we in place that allowed NORTH KOREA to continue testing and attain nuclear weapons? OBAMA!!

While I dont always agree with the current administration and the stupid things that have come out from his social media. At least he didn’t give 2 TERRORIST counties NUCLEAR capability.


Pelosi is at a fundraiser in a Washington DC restaurant Mark. I enjoy how seriously she’s taking this event.

What should she do, stare at the walls and chew off all her nails? Life goes on. If we’re lucky.

I would like to borrow/steal and paraphrase a line from Saturday Night Live, back when it was funny of course, “Mark, you ignorant slut”. I have included the word slut, because that really helps with knowing where the quote comes from when clearly Mark is a whore who will sell anything to crawl further up Nancy’s butt. Mark, please stop wasting our air.

Don’t expect anything from trump. He’s full of it.

Hours before the Tuesday night attacks, Trump told reporters at the White House that “if Iran does anything that they shouldn’t be doing, they’re going to be suffering the consequences and very strongly.”

Is giving yourself advice working out at all for you?

He’s in so far over his head. All we can hope for is that he doesn’t do anything else this stupid.

TRUMP 2020!!!

Silva is right about Ozzie being in over his head. Everything he says and does is stupid.

Silva,if one bomb form Iran had killed one American,we would have killed 1000 of theres.It’s the only way to make them see the light(at the end of the tunnel)

The people that still support Trump truly have zero credibility. I was for him when he started, that was lost a long time ago.

Sounds l;onely.

First-we require Trumps family to enlist and be sent to the front lines

Second–we deploy ALL that voted for Trump to the front lines

Last-deploy ALL electoral college voters we voted Trump into office

And who gave faith in a reality TV personality to work on foreign and worldly affairs?

Xennial, Permission from Congress? You find this group intelligent and well informed? Personally I find our present Congress to be the biggest fools that have ever made up our Congress. There is not an intelligent one in the bunch. I would rather our Congress be left out of any important decisions. I dont think our Constitution is aware of the fools that are in Congress at this time. May our service men and women know we are praying for their safety.

I’m glad not all are on the same page. I for one think killing the General was a big mistake, and no I do not think he was a nice man, and I don’t mourn his death. I just think it opened up a can of worms, first of all because he is death does not mean that someone else will not carry out his policies. Iran is going to respond as they already have done, and now we are waiting for Trump’s next move. My problem is I don’t trust Trump, he lies, he is not a student of history (as Kennedy was) he does not seem to consult others (Kennedy consulted with Eisenhower during the Cuban Missile Crisis) he is not diplomatic as Reagan was, I would dare say he does not have the insight and intelligence that both Kennedy and Reagan possessed. I was a fan of Kennedy, not really of Reagan, but after reading about Reagan can still acknowledge he did have a good concept of world leaders and knew how to treat them and also consult with them.

By the way I’m a strong supporter of Israel, having lived on a kibbutz for several months, and anything that threatens their security is upsetting to me.

Your hero Kennedy got us into Vietnam.


I’ve never been a huge fan of Trump. However, he’s our President and I accept that; something the Democratic party refuses to do. That being said, you can’t just sit back and continue to throw money at terrorist. If we’re going to have out troops and diplomats overseas we need to protect them. It was the belief that he was going to initiate a large scale attack on American assets and he’s done it in the past. We can’t let that happen.

The current Democratic Congress would have sat back and continued down the “diplomatic” trail. This guy didn’t care about diplomacy and very well could have attacked while we sit around and do nothing. We’ve done that in the past and we’ve seen where that got us.

The Ayatollah is Mystified That He Is the Only Dictator Trump Dislikes

By Andy Borowitz

To no fan of JFK, Somewhat, I didn’t say he was perfect. Johnson got the US in deeper, and JFK’s brother wanted us to get us out, unfortunately RFK was assassinated just like his brother.

JFK was one of the worst presidents ever. Bobby would have been much better.

DeSaulnier, Pelosi, all elected officials need to take notice; The citizens of this country will not soon forget that you put Politics and Party between yourself and the people who put you into office. Like it or not…TODAY, RIGHT NOW, Donald Trump is the elected President of the United States of America.

Since Trump doesn’t trust US intelligence communities do you think he got his hot tip from Putin?

Every comment you make obsesses over Russia?Get help,.

Nancy Pelosi and Mark,

Enough with the dog and pony show….
Nancy you are not the president, so go ahead and monitor all you want, as the rest of the world will do the same.

Mark just stop talking……

California is a mess because of the lack of leadership skills and poor decision making. I myself will also be moving out of california at the first chance I get. There are other places that are just as nice with less SH*T.

Soleimani was Hitler incarnate, Good riddance.

Unfortunately as citizens we only get a small part of the overall picture. Was it the right thing President Trump did, who knows. Unless you, me or anyone else out there commenting on his decision know the whole complete reason for it the comments really mean nothing. Sad to see people out there without the ability to understand that you only know what your fed through the media and that is only a fraction of what you need to know.

I know not many will agree with my sarcastic comment to follow but . . .
Since all of the liberals and foolish Californian politicians who keep giving away freebies to the entitlement crowd to garner votes here is my suggestion. Why doesn’t Pelosi and her gang of idiot followers go over to the war zone and bring all of the lazy, unwilling to work folks and fight for the country. Instead of requiring honest and young people to be included in a draft, require the repeat offenders to defend our country, including the illegals who keep over running our borders. They already appear to want to kill and shoot people repeatedly. Allow them to earn their keep for a change. Plus if they come back then they will be allowed true benefits they earned.

On a much more serious note-God Bless our Country, the Troops and the office of the President of the United States.


Trump just bragged about rebuilding the military at a cost of two trillion dollars. I thought that was something that his followers voted for him NOT to do (you’re all against big government and were for bringing troops home). 19 years of military spending in the trillions and what has it brought us? You, your children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, great great grandchildren in hock for the tab for this.

That’s the main point that you took from his briefing? Really?

We all knew Iran would respond. They notified us what they would attack and they purposely missed. This allows them to show their people that they can stand up to “The Great Satan”. By missing, they allow Trump to back off a bit.

Trump’s briefing was strong and decisive, without any further military threats. Yes, he got in his usual self-congratulations but that was not the main point here. You need to let go of the TDS to actually understand that things have calmed to a simmer because Trump was smart enough to settle down.

Now it’s time for additional sanctions until Iran realizes that exporting terrorism doesn’t pay.

We won this round with the killing of Solemanei.

This Mark guy is such a joke he does nor deserve comment.

Oh dear…hate-filled Nancy and her ventriloquist’s dummy Mark, have failed again. Iran backed down. Don’t these two ever get tired of looking like fools?

Kinda like the stain in your shorts.

This is what diplomacy looks like, genius. Iran takes its shot. We take our shot. We both back off. Would you have preferred a nuke?

Hey….interesting comment Ozzie. Just curious over here & wondering how you got to that conclusion. Not sayin’ you’re wrong or anything but could you please explain.

I’m old enough to remember when Obama droned a wedding in Wech Baghtu, Afghanistan (3 Nov 2008) to take out some low level insurgents (26 Taliban), while in the process killing 23 children, 10 women, and 4 men (37 civilians), not a damn word from Congress…

Interesting because the 2008 Presidential Election took place on November 4th. Plus Obama didn’t take office until early 2009. So how could he drone a wedding in Afghanistan? (:

Kuddos to you Captain.

Am glad someone is paying attention. What I posted is some BS that people keep sharing on social media.

Rock on dude

I can see why the Jackass is the Democratic symbol.

President Trump clarified his policy towards Iran this morning. He chose not to take questions from the press. Perhaps because CNN and other media outlets reached a new low by casting Solemani as some sort of a cultural hero.

Trump noted that the U.S. is now the largest producer of oil and natural gas in the world. Middle eastern bad actors can no longer attempt to intimidate the U.S. with the threat of oil cutbacks.

In contrast, Obama weakened our energy posture, while creating a soft target for our enemies. Obama’s apology tour resulted in millions of people in the Middle East fleeing to Europe or dying at the hands of terrorists. France, Great Briton and Germany are still reeling from the impact of Obama’s failed appeasement policies.

Nancy Pelosi is corrupt and dumb.

Not one casualty. Only a dead terrorist.

Obviously the War mongers are trying very hard for a war on Iran. Yes the man assassinated was a war criminal from long ago, but we did assassinate him. That means they are retaliating, which we should expect. If we go to war over it, we started it because we wanted to. End of discussion. The Republicans have been trying to start a war with Iran for almost as long as I can remember. Nice move….

Our Embassies are US Sovereign Territories. Attacking one of our Embassies is an act of war.
It was an act of war when Iran attacked our Embassy in 1979, but Carter did nothing about it.
It was an act of war when terrorists attacked our Embassy in 2012, so Obama sent cash to Iran to support more terrorism.
It was an act of war when Iran attacked our Embassy in Iraq, but Trump killed the architect of the attack, and Democrats bewailed their loss.

Salty here.

Mayday Malone.. like ur style..

Salty OUT!

Marky is just a skid mark in Nancy’s underwear…

Nothing more, nothing less….

Being at war with them wouldn’t be very risky.They can send several missles and not hurt anyone.Its all liberal posturing,just like in America,when they pretend to be doing something for their people.,”look,we tried”
If they had hurt one person,we would have killed 1000 of theres.It the only thing they understand.

Not an ounce of love for the Americans, sacrificing and serving in our Embassies…makes me sad that this statement is from an elected official of the United States.

Yee Haw! Let’s celebrate the under educated in America.

VOTE PEOPLE! Idiots like Nancy P. and Governor Newsome are killing our state!


Salty here.. Looks like the City of Brentwood has already started a petition to recall one of the most Liberal pos’s.. This Saturday. See below. Why stop at Newsom. Get Pelosi AOC, and the squad…
See below..

If you are upset with Gov. Gavin Newsom and the laws he’s recently signed, gas tax money he’s diverted from road and bridge repair, and direction he’s taking California, sign the RECALL NEWSOM petition. Sign now, deadline to submit signatures is soon. Can’t sign that day? Find your closest convenient place to sign here, many are businesses open 5-6 days a week:

Salty OUT!!!!



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