Home » The Mall Security Tower – Should Sunvalley Mall in Concord Get One?

The Mall Security Tower – Should Sunvalley Mall in Concord Get One?


These security towers are located at the Great Mall in Milpitas (top) and the Stoneridge Mall in Pleasanton (bottom).

QUESTION: Should Sunvalley Mall in Concord get one or two of these?

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Yes they definitely need one plus for them to just be more active rather than just sit around getting mad when you ask for help

Yes, one on Freeway side of mall, and two on Contra Costa Blvd side of mall (one at south end, one at north end). Also, Veranda needs at least one, with so much theft in that area.

Only if they are armed with long-range high power paintball rifles.

That way they can mark the miscreants for later identification.

Outfitted with a turret mounted 50 caliber belt fed machine gun. Yes.

It won’t make a difference because your typical “justice involved persons” intent of committing crimes at the mall don’t respect authority. They know security is present at all malls. Doesn’t deter them, does it?

Didn’t they do this at BART a few years ago, and then found out no one was even inside them?

Do the guards carry shotguns and shoot anyone who goes for the fence?

Dear Sun Valley Mall,

I haven’t shopped there for at least 2 decades. My car is snug in my garage and I just ordered what I want from Amazon. No one will steal it off my porch because I had it sent to the UPS Store. Not to mention I don’t have to drive all the way over there, park, shop, worry if my car is being broken into or stolen and then, if it’s still there, drive back home. I have a 5-minute drive vs. a 30-minute drive. Not to mention I’m saving money on gas and not polluting as much.

Been shopping there for over 20 yrs. NEVER had a run in with crime, had car broken into, or anything. As Will Smith said in Men in Black, “don’t start nothin, won’t be nothin”. Act confident, and you’ll be ok.

Good point. I’ve never had any problems at Sun Valley. Doesn’t matter where you go or what you do, you always run the risk of having your car broken into. If you leave stuff in plan sight, that is an open invitation.

A better vantage point for watching people that you can’t stop

Great place to sit and play on your phone for $15 per hour.

Quit going to that mall …. when the security was told to watch and observe only.

I can hear it now: “Sun Valley Mall Security Tower seen traveling 90 MPH headed east on Highway 4.”

@The Fearless Spectator ~
Made Me Laugh Out Loud,…that was great!

No, because Security Theater can be worse than no security at all.
That said, I think I could fabricate a much more intimidating fake guard shack and plop it on a scissor lift for a fraction of what they’re paying.

Bottom line: The day Sun Valley even pretends that they need prison guard towers is the day they admit that they have completely lost their ground game. Police powers ebb and flow. If the car burglary situation is really that bad, and it probably is, this is probably a good time to give the police some more leash.

Given that security can’t do anything legally, what’s the point? The people this is meant to deter are smarter than crows, they won’t get scared by a useless structure.

Really?!? After all the crime that goes on at Sun Valley, this would stop them? The DA doesn’t even prosecute thefts under $950 and I guess they don’t count breaking your windshield in the total. I haven’t shopped there in 20 years and won’t ever go back. I found a safer place in Broadway Plaza and if that goes down it won’t be in my lifetime.

Security towers Sun Valley?

Welcome to 2020!
Those are stationary towers. Use the drones and cover more territory as well as obtain camera recordings of any crimes or violations ‘in progress’
The Mall has multiple sides and parking garages.
You might want to combine towers with drones .

Also cops should be out on Segways in the parking garages.

Waste of money. The fact is, professional thieves and criminals know that they aren’t going to be prosecuted for misdemeanors. The towers are for show and are rarely manned.

Frankly there’s little point in wasting money on police and private security if the judicial/legislative systems are going to continue to be weak on crime. Or even fail to address the causes of property crime in the first place.

Indeed. Security towers are only for the general public to feel safer while patronizing the mall. False sense of security. They could be sued if a crime happens and no security comes to the rescue from the tower.

People actually go to the mall still?
What would they even buy?

Seems like way too little, way too late.

The best way to handle the crime at Sunvalley Mall is to stay away! That poor place is really depressing. The second solution is to bulldoze the entire shopping mall. Do not rebuild retail businesses but put in high tech jobs and great new businesses to help the economy. I think this mall is dying anyway.
It is sad too. It was such a nice place to shop and the restaurants and food courts were so much nicer. It is a negative for our community for sure. If they put that security tower it will make the mall even more dangerous looking. Like a prison guard house. If you need that thing then the Mall is not safe.

Stalag 13 without the fences. The only thing left is who is figuring out who going to play Colonel Klink

too slow for police to get down the stairs and capture a suspect. i, too, miss the old sun valley. that contraption looks so last century. BART has one.

Mall security is observe and report they are not going to get involved what do you think this tower is going to do? When you have trained armed guards on-site crime stops. They can be there 24 hours a day when the police can’t. Stop trying to save a few dollars on do nothing security it is costing you customers. We no longer go to ScumVally Mall.

No, the Justice Involved Persons just will steal the tower, and sell the metal and the recycle place.

No, SunValley needs next level security, they need a squadron of drones covering the parking area, preferably armed with hellfire missiles in case another riot breaks out.

Just build some staging, a lot cheaper

Afterthought..Give the guards stilts to walk on…

I like this idea, the kids will love it and its cost effective!

Blame the city council, the board of supervisors and the DA.


There would have to be one visible at all areas, including the covered garages. Thieves will just drive to where there aren’t any towers. This will push them to neighboring properties. We need stiffer penalties to deter the temptation. Mandatory 3 days jail time for first offense will give them a first hand look at what faces them in the long term if they continue that chosen lifestyle.


this should explain why demorats of demifornia want to get rid of criminal court debts

what a disgrace that this state is to the rest of America and its law abiding citizens

Either level the whole place, or convert it to outdoor shops like Florin Mall in Sacramento.

ABSOLUTELY NOT!! The Great Mall and the few BART stations that have these are being used for are flat and have no obstructions to block their view. Sunvalley has 2 underground parking lots and a separate multi-story parking structure. This tower would only see 1/6-1/8 of the total parking areas.

Having a security tower won’t do any justice .. I think having securities inside inside by the entrance doors would be a greater idea.



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