Not enjoying the continuing decline of my neighborhood and the surrounding area. People are so used to it that there’s a certain “Oh, well. . .that’s just how it is now” attitude. The neighbors who don’t feel that way are enjoyable, though. The package/mail/vehicle problems depicted on Ring every single day are a pretty good barometer. I’ve just ordered more security equipment and will be making greater efforts. So, overall, it was a bit disappointing.
Place the security cameras high, out of reach. The other day it was in the news that a thief stole someones security cameras.
December 31, 2019 - 2:00 PM 2:00 PM
Wait… Wut???? It’s over???????
December 31, 2019 - 2:06 PM 2:06 PM
I’ve spent the entire year trying to get out of earshot of liberals complaining about their ruined life.I wasn’t that enjoyable,but Nov 202 will make up for it
Perhaps this will make your year better. I’m mostly liberal, on some issues more conservative (strong supporter of Israel), on some issues more libertarian. In any case I had a fine year, in the same job I had for years, and got transferred from Palo Alto to Concord, since I live here that was a good thing. Got to enjoy my granddaughters 3rd birthday, and in 2020 will welcome a grandson. Met up with a couple of old friends I had not seen in years, the 3 of us knew each other before we had children, now we are all grandmothers, so that memorable, we will now try to meet once a year or so, even though we live in different parts of the Bay Area. Other than that, spending time with good friends when I’m off, enjoying some of what California has to offer, the wine country, Clear Lake, the coast etc. I never let politics ruin my life, although I follow it carefully and am upset about some things going on right now, it does not really affect my life directly, since I’m the one in charge of my life, no politician has any power over my happiness, unless we turn into a dictatorship, or they try to take some of my freedoms away, it does not change my life..
The Wizard
December 31, 2019 - 2:09 PM 2:09 PM
I enjoyed watching our great president work unfold.
December 31, 2019 - 2:30 PM 2:30 PM
Some good spots but the loss of some friends and relatives ruined the year for me. Some of my favorite notables are gone too.
and yes, oniwy, put the cameras as high as can be effective. Point one at your mail box as well as your porch.
December 31, 2019 - 2:31 PM 2:31 PM
The short answer is no.
The long answer is nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
December 31, 2019 - 2:43 PM 2:43 PM
I enjoyed watching democrats flip out about the president, republicans bury their heads and pretend he’s awesome, cranky boomers berate millennials, millenials ruin the country by doing what they want. Gen Z coining OK Boomer and then the boomers blaming the millenials for it while saying they aren’t out of touch. It’s been an exciting year in social folly.
America has been a comedy of errors for a while of course but we keep pushing the envelope.Here’s hoping for some improvements in 2020!
December 31, 2019 - 2:52 PM 2:52 PM
Big bucket list item completed-a month touring Italy.
Total 2019 IRA fund gains = 18.09%, with some funds gaining 28%.
Thank you President Trump.
Also, check out the new Secure Act, which allows part-time workers to participate in 401k’s and allows those turning 70 1/2 in 2020 to wait until 2022 to make their RMD. Best to check with your CPA. This law was signed on Dec 20th by the President so it’s brand new. The government wants to help our kids plan ahead and not come to rely on Social Security.
December 31, 2019 - 4:16 PM 4:16 PM
The year ended great, moved out the “PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF KALIFORNIA” Life is so much nicer in Grants Pass. Rarely hear any sirens , people are friendly and more relaxed. Haven’t met one a%@#&le in the 4 months I’ve been here……………………
December 31, 2019 - 5:05 PM 5:05 PM
The SECURE (Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement) act doesn’t necessarily help anyone plan for retirement nor does it replace Social Security.
It makes some allowances, and also changes some existing rules.
It offers tax credits for a small businesses if they want to offer a 401k plan to their employees and has protections for multi-employer plans, which can be tricky. Incidentally, those without a 401K can setup an IRA.
There’s provisions for part time employees. This could be beneficial to a lot of people who aren’t working full time.
The age where you had to perform a required minimum distribution was changed from 70 1/2 to 72. This does not apply to Roth 401Ks or Roth IRAs, neither of which have requirements for distribution at any age.
You can now withdrawal $5,000 early without penalty for the birth or adoption of a child.
You can withdrawal $10,000 penalty free from a 529 for payment of some student loans.
There’s provisions for annuities. This is another tricky area. Annuities can be costly. This is a grey area. I would advise anyone to do their homework and research before contemplating one.
It changes the rule for inheriting an IRA. You now have to spend the money within 10 years of receipt. This is a major change.
There’s some changes to taxes.
It encourages auto enrollment in 401k plans– which many companies do already, although I imagine they’re trying to get everyone to adopt such a policy.
That’s it.
The problem, as I see it, it still doesn’t encourage people to save, or save enough, or educate people how to choose their investments, explain how management fees work, it doesn’t allow for better or more investments in 401k plans, or increase the contribution allowable for IRAs. It doesn’t explain that there’s risk involved in investing and it’s up to you to plan. There’s a LONG way Congress can go to improve retirement planning.
Lost my father in 2019 but completely dreading 2020. Politics here we come!
I gave blood today for the last time of the decade.
Happy New Year 🎉
January 1, 2020 - 12:19 AM 12:19 AM
Yes 2019 was good to me. Did a lot of new paintings. Need to do more. Had a great time with friends and family. Also learning to ignore the haters and hope for big changes in politics. We sure need prayers no matter what side of the fence you are on. Good grief. So bring it on 2020! Happy New Year!
Jack's Fan
January 1, 2020 - 12:35 AM 12:35 AM
Excellent year for our family. We finally got out of California and couldn’t be happier. Still like to read Claycord but it just reaffirms we made the right decision for ourselves. Hope it continues to work for those of you still living there!
The highlight was definitely 45 getting impeached; whether he’s removed or not, he will now be recorded in history as the worst, Most racist-corrupt-ignorant Prez in the history of the USA.
Hoping for much better in 2020!!
Atticus Thraxx
January 2, 2020 - 4:40 PM 4:40 PM
Mixed bag for me. Sure I lost the 115lbs I resolved to lose in 2018, divorce was final in May 😉 , but I worry about 2020. Looking in the wrong places to put that weight back on, requires course correction on my part. I cannot go through that kind of “diet” again. So I’m going to Europe this year come hell or high water. Maybe start a blog, call it Ansbachcord or something and buy a place in the countryside and free range it until my end of days The future is wide open, but the clock is ticking. Or not. That’s freedom for ya.
January 3, 2020 - 3:40 PM 3:40 PM
It was a great year for us. Wife retired, Traveled to the Caribbean, Partied in Miami. Relaxed in Maui with the Family. The Niners are back on top, Clayton Valley are State Champs in Football. Thanks Coach Murphy. The only issues for a True Californian like me was the Trump tax bill removed most of write offs and we had to pay more taxes. Glad he got impeached.
Not enjoying the continuing decline of my neighborhood and the surrounding area. People are so used to it that there’s a certain “Oh, well. . .that’s just how it is now” attitude. The neighbors who don’t feel that way are enjoyable, though. The package/mail/vehicle problems depicted on Ring every single day are a pretty good barometer. I’ve just ordered more security equipment and will be making greater efforts. So, overall, it was a bit disappointing.
Place the security cameras high, out of reach. The other day it was in the news that a thief stole someones security cameras.
Wait… Wut???? It’s over???????
I’ve spent the entire year trying to get out of earshot of liberals complaining about their ruined life.I wasn’t that enjoyable,but Nov 202 will make up for it
Perhaps this will make your year better. I’m mostly liberal, on some issues more conservative (strong supporter of Israel), on some issues more libertarian. In any case I had a fine year, in the same job I had for years, and got transferred from Palo Alto to Concord, since I live here that was a good thing. Got to enjoy my granddaughters 3rd birthday, and in 2020 will welcome a grandson. Met up with a couple of old friends I had not seen in years, the 3 of us knew each other before we had children, now we are all grandmothers, so that memorable, we will now try to meet once a year or so, even though we live in different parts of the Bay Area. Other than that, spending time with good friends when I’m off, enjoying some of what California has to offer, the wine country, Clear Lake, the coast etc. I never let politics ruin my life, although I follow it carefully and am upset about some things going on right now, it does not really affect my life directly, since I’m the one in charge of my life, no politician has any power over my happiness, unless we turn into a dictatorship, or they try to take some of my freedoms away, it does not change my life..
I enjoyed watching our great president work unfold.
Some good spots but the loss of some friends and relatives ruined the year for me. Some of my favorite notables are gone too.
and yes, oniwy, put the cameras as high as can be effective. Point one at your mail box as well as your porch.
The short answer is no.
The long answer is nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
I enjoyed watching democrats flip out about the president, republicans bury their heads and pretend he’s awesome, cranky boomers berate millennials, millenials ruin the country by doing what they want. Gen Z coining OK Boomer and then the boomers blaming the millenials for it while saying they aren’t out of touch. It’s been an exciting year in social folly.
America has been a comedy of errors for a while of course but we keep pushing the envelope.Here’s hoping for some improvements in 2020!
Big bucket list item completed-a month touring Italy.
Total 2019 IRA fund gains = 18.09%, with some funds gaining 28%.
Thank you President Trump.
Also, check out the new Secure Act, which allows part-time workers to participate in 401k’s and allows those turning 70 1/2 in 2020 to wait until 2022 to make their RMD. Best to check with your CPA. This law was signed on Dec 20th by the President so it’s brand new. The government wants to help our kids plan ahead and not come to rely on Social Security.
The year ended great, moved out the “PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF KALIFORNIA” Life is so much nicer in Grants Pass. Rarely hear any sirens , people are friendly and more relaxed. Haven’t met one a%@#&le in the 4 months I’ve been here……………………
The SECURE (Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement) act doesn’t necessarily help anyone plan for retirement nor does it replace Social Security.
It makes some allowances, and also changes some existing rules.
It offers tax credits for a small businesses if they want to offer a 401k plan to their employees and has protections for multi-employer plans, which can be tricky. Incidentally, those without a 401K can setup an IRA.
There’s provisions for part time employees. This could be beneficial to a lot of people who aren’t working full time.
The age where you had to perform a required minimum distribution was changed from 70 1/2 to 72. This does not apply to Roth 401Ks or Roth IRAs, neither of which have requirements for distribution at any age.
You can now withdrawal $5,000 early without penalty for the birth or adoption of a child.
You can withdrawal $10,000 penalty free from a 529 for payment of some student loans.
There’s provisions for annuities. This is another tricky area. Annuities can be costly. This is a grey area. I would advise anyone to do their homework and research before contemplating one.
It changes the rule for inheriting an IRA. You now have to spend the money within 10 years of receipt. This is a major change.
There’s some changes to taxes.
It encourages auto enrollment in 401k plans– which many companies do already, although I imagine they’re trying to get everyone to adopt such a policy.
That’s it.
The problem, as I see it, it still doesn’t encourage people to save, or save enough, or educate people how to choose their investments, explain how management fees work, it doesn’t allow for better or more investments in 401k plans, or increase the contribution allowable for IRAs. It doesn’t explain that there’s risk involved in investing and it’s up to you to plan. There’s a LONG way Congress can go to improve retirement planning.
Not a CPA I can tell.
Here’s the preamble to the Act: “To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to encourage retirement savings, and for other purposes.”
You can only take your RMD in 2022 if you weren’t 70 1/2 by 12-31-19.
It’s not Congress that should educate you. You educate yourself.
You can start right here:
Happy New Year.
Lost my father in 2019 but completely dreading 2020. Politics here we come!
I gave blood today for the last time of the decade.
Happy New Year 🎉
Yes 2019 was good to me. Did a lot of new paintings. Need to do more. Had a great time with friends and family. Also learning to ignore the haters and hope for big changes in politics. We sure need prayers no matter what side of the fence you are on. Good grief. So bring it on 2020! Happy New Year!
Excellent year for our family. We finally got out of California and couldn’t be happier. Still like to read Claycord but it just reaffirms we made the right decision for ourselves. Hope it continues to work for those of you still living there!
I totally agree!!!! I moved to Grants Pass Oregon in September, best thing I’ve done in years………………
I caught my last fish of the year yesterday so, yeah – good year.
Details Rollo, Details. 🙂
The highlight was definitely 45 getting impeached; whether he’s removed or not, he will now be recorded in history as the worst, Most racist-corrupt-ignorant Prez in the history of the USA.
Hoping for much better in 2020!!
Mixed bag for me. Sure I lost the 115lbs I resolved to lose in 2018, divorce was final in May 😉 , but I worry about 2020. Looking in the wrong places to put that weight back on, requires course correction on my part. I cannot go through that kind of “diet” again. So I’m going to Europe this year come hell or high water. Maybe start a blog, call it Ansbachcord or something and buy a place in the countryside and free range it until my end of days The future is wide open, but the clock is ticking. Or not. That’s freedom for ya.
It was a great year for us. Wife retired, Traveled to the Caribbean, Partied in Miami. Relaxed in Maui with the Family. The Niners are back on top, Clayton Valley are State Champs in Football. Thanks Coach Murphy. The only issues for a True Californian like me was the Trump tax bill removed most of write offs and we had to pay more taxes. Glad he got impeached.