Free hugs will be available New Year’s Eve on the Golden Gate Bridge as part of an effort to lessen loneliness, according to the movement HugTrain, which is organizing the event.
A HugMaster and others will be gathering at 11:30 p.m. at Vista Point on the southeast corner of the bridge before setting out to watch fireworks and maybe make someone feel a little better.
The HugTrain has crisscrossed the U.S. and Canada each year for the past 11 years during the holidays offering hugs to anyone who asks for one.
Organizers said that studies show that loneliness is causing premature deaths, while hugs have been shown to positively impact health.
@ IKrissy – sounds like you have never known anyone personally who has taken their own life…. maybe you should think before you post. The holidays are especially difficult for many people and suicides increase this time of year… most people know the GG bridge has been a famous spot for suicide since it was constructed. Try to have some compassion in this new year – people like you are part of our problem in society today.
Sure… Why not?
Oh brother!
Does anyone know how tight the hugs are going to be ?
I dont want my sensitive feelings hurt after this event…..
Hug all the way down?
Was Joe Biden there ?
A Hugmaster? Wow! They brought out the big guns… good idea, compassion is a strength, not a weakness.
Whatever floats your boat, but this is just bizarre. Even for San Francisco.
It would be lovely if hugs stopped suicide, but they dont. Medication is the best deterrent.
it takes a hug to get one to the medication
No matter what,the liberals will still be miserable,You could announce that everything is free for a year and still they would complain.And doing this on the GG bridge is way too suggestive and probably caused a few to Peter Pan.
I didnt realize only liberals killed themselves
Ignorance is bliss.
Embarrassingly ABSURD, but not surprising.