Home » Concord Police Disable Vehicle Of Suspects In Sunvalley Mall Grab-And-Run Theft

Concord Police Disable Vehicle Of Suspects In Sunvalley Mall Grab-And-Run Theft


A man and woman who fled with merchandise Saturday from the JC Penney store at Sunvalley Mall in Concord were arrested after spike strips disabled their car, Concord police said.

The suspects fled when officers approached, taking off in a getaway car with officers in pursuit.

“One of our sergeants was able to position himself well ahead of the pursuit on (state) Highway 4 and was anxiously awaiting as the suspects approached the Willow Pass Road exit,” police said.


Spike strips were placed that disabled three of the car’s tires and brought the pursuit to a halt in Pittsburg, where the woman driving pulled over.

The 31-year-old woman and 28-year-old man, both from Bay Point, were arrested. Police did not release their names. The woman was charged for multiple theft and driving offenses, along with violation of her probation, police said.

The man was charged with theft and conspiracy.

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And you people want government to run your gas & electric….ha ha ha, good luck with that.

Arrest their parents too for raising such filth.

Parents are probably already in jail. Filth raises filth.

While I’m well aware that these people will be walking free tomorrow morning I think it’s a complete disgrace what the Democrats have done to the people of America taking away our rights and giving all the rights to the criminals

Why is some crooks a Democrat’s fault? You are obviously a republican keep politics to politics and quit blaming the world on Democrat’s. Move to Russia if you don’t like it here.

@ Jr

It’s no secret that California politicians are soft on crime. You don’t need to be a Republican to see that! The penalties for crime in California have all but gone away. If they steal less than $950 it’s a misdemeanor. Misdemeanor = no jail time. A basic cost/benefit analysis tells you that if the risk associated with an action is lower than the benefit, your action is worth the risk. Crime pays in California. Even if they’re caught, they’re not going to spend any real time in jail. California voters love to cry about being victimized when it’s their own faults. Wake up or suck it up buttercup! This is the new norm in CA! You get what you ask for.

Jr – And which political party took it upon themselves to reduce the penalties for many of these crimes? You’re OBVIOUSLY a democrat – who prefers to elect those soft on crime.

And since you’re pushing others to “move if they don’t like it here”, that smacks of censorship.

So if you prefer to censor others for their opinions (which ARE based on fact), I might suggest YOU move to Russia or China – where YOU’LL be happy with censoring someone for their opinions. And btw, you might want to attempt stringing together complete coherent sentences. Check into remedial English for a start.

Great job CPD!

Cops had a solid hunch they would flee toward Antioch? Haha, good police work.

Either there or Martinez/Pacheco! Lol

Great job Concord PD for putting our lives at risk by using spike strips. Majority of the time innocent motorist also get disabled and or the suspect vehicle crashes into another car.

All parties were wearing seatbelts…..so what do you care?
Go back to posting on flat earth & Mandela effect videos.

and u have valid sources for data? Sometimes, I think you’re a dolt, other times u prove u are. like now…

@ Trauma Rx: I call BS on your post. Please post a link to show statistics, or did you just make this up to suit your agenda?

I find your comments misplaced.

You don’t know what youre talking about I I defy you to find one time that a innocent person hit spike strops,its just your usual hatred of the police.and there’s no risk of life hitting a spike strip at normal speed,they figured this out a long time ago.Go tremble in paranoia.

TraumaRx – you are woefully naive and uninformed.

I challenge you to PROVE your allegations.

No? Then might I suggest you stick to talking about seat belts… period.

Your link is about the dangers for the officers who deploy the spike strip, not the public or criminal in the car.

Trauma it took you all day to find one article,and nobody can read it unless they open an account with NYtimes.And a cop is hardly an innocent victim of a spike strip..No citizen going normal speed has been injured,and they don’t allow other cars to hit the spike strips.Youve watched in anger,the program Cops,and seen what happens.Your emotions aren’t facts ,as usual,you think they are.

High-speed chase for just some clothes.? Why put the public in danger Concord PD.? Highway Patrol would have called off the chase or maybe not.

As I have previously posted Trauma just wants attention and says stupid stuff, starting with impersonating a nurse. Don’t feed him

Hwy patrol were also part of this. Saw them at the off ramp. So next comment.

I just heard from a reliable source that one of the perps names is T. Rx, and is already free from prison thanks to j. burris and is posting on Claycord. Also, perp is very upset car was spike stripped and didn’t get the pair of nike air jordans as planned. So sad.

Trauma – until you have gained some personal experience, on-the-job training and professional-level education in law enforcement, I highly recommend that you limit your comments to those subjects in which you might have some knowledge.

A perfect example might be “insert the flat end into the buckle; to release, pull the buckle up or push the button on the buckle.”

That’s called a “seat belt.”

Btw – the CHP enforces traffic laws. Theft of clothing isn’t covered in the California Vehicle Code.

See people? You feed Trauma and he/she keeps spewing their nonsense. Ignore!!

Going out on a limb here, but I’m willing to bet TraumaRx would have been the FIRST person to post a complaint had the police NOT pursued the perps. And criticize how CPD or CHP did nothing to get the bad guys.

Nice jobTRx!
Keep up the good work. These responses are hilarious!

Aunt Barbara clearly has no idea whatsoever what free speech is, but I’m sure Trauma appreciates the support.

@ AB

Free speach is exactly what we are exercising right now! Trauma can talk all he/she wants, even when his/her only goal is to incite anger. We, on the otherhand, have the right to tell him/her that they’re idiotic!. So, what part of freedom of speach is confusing you?

Freedom of speech is one thing – but uninformed opinions are another.

It’s called “education.”

Yeah, and you can’t say anything or you’ll be labeled a RACIST. Cue John Sellout Burris and Al NonSharpton.

It’s been going on a lot longer than 10 years. I worked at Sun Valley Mall in the mid 80’s and people would grab tools and run out of Sears then try to return then later in the day or soon after. The difference is the internet. None of us would have known this had even happened without the internet.

Great work Concord PD!

Criminals should not only have to pay all associated court costs, but should also have to pay all costs associated with their chase and capture. If the vehicle is theirs, it should be forfeited and sold at auction. Those collected resources can then be used to bolster law enforcement staff and equipment.

The ACLU has become dangerous and are no longer fighting the good fight.

They never did. Roger Bannister was a card-carrying communist, and his organization is only interested if it advances their agenda.

Great “on the ball” response CPD! Quick thinking w the spike strips.

And @ TraumaRx. Nope! Not even close. So many lives have been spared, and criminals caught using spike strips. You’d rather the perps get away to continue they’re life of crime, further endangering the innocent?

Why not release their names? They are adults and maybe public shame will affect them somehow…but then again, they may not care at all. Thieves should have harsher punishments. Why should the general public have to pay for the sticky fingers of others?

I was told by a box store employee, they cannot stop the people from taking stuff. They just watch them do it. Then they can call the cops. I am surprised the big box stores do not allow their own security to stop them. They know they can get away with taking our stuff and they do it. duh.

popcorn – it’s a liability thing. Stores don’t want to get sued by the thieves (and you know it happens in CA); and the stores don’t want to get sued by the employees if they get hurt trying to catch them….especially when they haven’t been trained. Also, they don’t know if the shoplifters are armed.

They just write it off as the cost of doing business – then raise their prices…


Oh the things we see when we don’t have a gun!

Great job Concord police.

All this excitement just so our George Soros backed DA Diana Becton can decline to charge, allowing these miscreants back on the streets. All part of the progressive’s war on the middle class.

You can blame the far-Left ‘criminal justice’ agenda of the Democrat Party for the increasingly lawless environment. Steal $950…it’s a misdemeanor. Commit a crime…no description or name in the story. Victims? They certainly don’t care about most of us.

Keep a permanent spike strip between Sun Valley and Bay Point.

TraumaRX….so tell me:
1. How were others placed in harms way ? Was there a traffic break to keep others back out of the way ? Oh wait, yes there was. Spike strips are used to disable the vehicles. What other way do you propose we do it ? A Giant net like in ScoobyDoo cartoon ?? This is a very orchestrated response and they take the general public into account. Please learn more aboit how the police do their jobs before you criticize their job.

It’s been going on for more than 10 years we just didn’t have social media and access to the internet like we do today..


Please everyone don’t respond to Trauma mama. The crap stain likes WC PD but not Concord. Only looking for attention. Anyway… great job CPD for getting more crap stains off our streets and keeping us safe.

Damn you Al Gore!

Jackie, it most certainly is NOT so pervasive now. There have been thieves since there have been humans, only now, there’s social media.

I always wonder if a couple of executions for petty crimes would cause a drop in their commission, or if it would make the petty thieves more prone to violence to avoid that punishment. I know we’ll never know here in CA, but still…

$950+ for grand theft now, but I remember when it was over $250. Petty thefts are now so very common. Great that a couple were caught! Regardless, they are probably already out. The criminal faces less penalties now than yrs past. Between the repeat criminals , the homeless, and too many illegals, Ca is no longer the golden state, but is very tarnished.. It is sad, and nothing is being down to stop it. It will get worse. I remember one of our politicians saying Ca welcomes everyone. A Liberal mess.

The shoplifting may have been under the $950 , but the reckless driving and evading automatically makes it a felony, so they’ll be lucky to get out in 2-3 yrs w a $10,000 fine. (VC 2800.2)

Jazzy, you don’t know your law very well, nor its implementation in CA….

And there’s also the violation of probation….

I check in with claycord.com once in a while since I moved to Grants Pass and I gotta say I don’t miss Cali………………………

Trauma – btw #2 …

The CHP was NOT the primary agency; so “stopping the pursuit” would nor even had been considered …,,if it was in the vehicle code.

Concord PD, as the primary responding agency, would have made that call.

Given your posts, I highly doubt that you’ve ever been in the medical field….let alone being a nurse.

L.A. County FPK 11R

No shortage of ignorant comments here as usual, I see. For those of you who want to bring politics into this go to a White House website and blow off your disdain for your elected officials if you cant stay on topic. If you see something happening say so, stop being afraid to get involved or thinking a gun is the solution, and physically put yourself out there. Numbers count, the reason they think they can get away with what they do is because they know your lazy, armchair quarterback asses wont lift a finger to stop them! Look to yourself before blaming anyone that isn’t there but YOU. No politicians, no laws, YOU do SOMETHING

That is why we elect politicians. Politicians are suppose to do our bidding. Your comment made me laugh thank you.

Good job CPD. We need more of this to deter these scumbags from coming to our city. Names & pictures should be published-they had no shame why should we.



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