Home » RESULTS: Two Arrested During Concord Police DUI Saturation Patrol

RESULTS: Two Arrested During Concord Police DUI Saturation Patrol


Concord Police arrested two people on suspicion of DUI while conducting a DUI Saturation Patrol on Friday night.

In addition, officers made 57 vehicle enforcement stops and cited 16 drivers for various vehicle code violations.

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2 again…. is 2 the limit???

Keep up the good work CPD!!!

Would be nice if we could get back to having enough officers in the street so we didn’t require grants for “saturation patrols”. Would love to see this level attention paid to routine patrols and traffic enforcement every day. Good job CPD, keep it up!

It would be nice, but you have to consider that the police force constitutes a little more than half of the city budget. Income for the budget is primarily property tax and sales tax.

you would either need an increase of one, the other or both, or you would need to re-allocate funds within the budget for the city (more for police and less for other things), or re-allocate resources within the police force itself.

Per the city budget, there are already something like 70 patrol officers, who have to cover over 200 miles of streets, and you have to patrol 24X7… so at any given time there are at best 20 officers available for patrol duty.

Not a simple thing to do. Nobody wants to pay more taxes, and there are constituencies for each of the services (police or otherwise) you would need to cut to increase patrol presence.

Facts backing up the assertions above can be found here: https://cityofconcord.org/DocumentCenter/View/3167/Adopted-Biennial-Operating-Budget-Fiscal-Years-2019-21-PDF

Hey, Cal!
When you go to restaurant and have a crappy meal that costs you $30, do you just figure “well, they only have one cook and cook for 200 people a night and it’s a big kitchen, so if course it’s a crappy meal.” ??
Just because something is difficult doesn’t make it ok to not do the job correctly.

Why don’t those people turn when they saw the checkpoint? Drink and driving not a good idea but at least be smart about it. Let’s be smarter in 2020 ok!

Because there wasn’t a checkpoint.

You said “Drink and driving not a good idea but at least be smart about it”

SERIOUSLY? You have posted a prior comment like this – which is concerning and shows your ignorance… I hope you are not on the road when myself or my family are – and God help you if you hurt them! Shame on you!

Well, at least two people were saturated!

Thank you for doing such a good job.

If you have lived in other cities in this county you would understand just how great Concord PD’s response time is and how many officers we have on the street. Two more DUI’s off the street is great news. Thank you CPD

Why don’t the authorities just park outside a bar, follow them getting into their cars and pull them over? If you did that in Walnut Creek you would be amazed how many of these people are saturated with alcohol. I think they have a deal where it would be bad for the restaurant industry, and the cops do not do that. I hope not but common sense tells me that.

legal; yes. your last statement is correct.



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