Home » City Of Walnut Creek To Host Community Forum On Homelessness

City Of Walnut Creek To Host Community Forum On Homelessness


The City of Walnut Creek will host a community forum on homelessness on Tuesday Jan.7, 2020.


Walnut Creek Library ~ Oak View Room
1644 North Broadway
Walnut Creek
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.


If you have questions, please contact wchomelessctf@gmail.com

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The homeless who are mentally ill deserve help. All others: not so much. I’m a staunch supporter of people’s right to pursue their own destiny.

And how do you help them?give them money its misspent,give them a place to live,they destroy it.The mentally ill are similar to feral animals,in that,you really can’t help.and this is how they live and you cant change it.

Nice to see they included an agenda with this press release. Oh…. It’s hidden.

Oh the irony.

Let’s talk about homelessness in Walnut Creek at our $40 million dollar library. But please don’t pitch your tents outside the library doors.

When that building opened back in 2010, there was a man who had his tent and electrical needs right outside the library doors. But he was ‘asked’ to leave.

Give them all rolls of quarters and let them set up camp in individual library parking places. Concord had their “Spirit Poles”, Walnut Creek can have “Friendship Tents”.

Good that he was asked to leave. Last thing we need is poop-patrols in Walnut Creek.

If anyone attends they should ask Cindy Silva about this…the library was her pet project, and it was going to get built no matter what. She is an old bat and needs to go!

A public forum on homelessness in the Bay Area? This meeting would be more productive if it was trying to figure out how to time travel. The talk will be dominated by attempts to solve homelessness and making people w home feel guilty. The solutions aren’t pretty folks. But as the situation in SF and Oakland show- people here don’t want effective solutions. They want to talk impossibilities: ideas that create change without asking those conducting the behavior in question to stop or else.

You made a great comment, “making people with homes feel guilty”.

Dear City of Walnut Creek, if you build it, they will come.
But it didn’t work for the library. 🤣😂😂
Can’t tell if it’s working for The DLRCA? But I see more money is being spent improving the facade. Oh, I mean the plaza. How much is that costing the people? And is the city still housing homeless actors on Glenhaven?


hmmm seems a little light on actual action that is needed

perhaps a city wide vote on if the city should allow homeless at all

instead of the city council bending the knee to democrats political crybabies

I wont shop there as others I know

just like the sunvalley mall

the mayor of seattle was asked by a reporter how their system of handling homeless or rather bums was different than other cities

the mayor replied ” I think we know what works ”

the reporter then stated …” well when I came onto the building there were 12 to 15 homeless sleeping on the steps”

the mayor then said ….” well it is a complex problem that needs local and federal attention ….

point is the dems say they know what to do and we should obey

reality is …its all political and the democrats want fed money to solve it …or rather use for their own agendas

so in essence the democrats are using us as fodder for the bums while they collect fed money they have no intention of spending on the bums or us

so the problem is voters …and has nothing to do with housing

as the dem politicians have slated school and tax money to fund illegals

where do those illegals live ?….on the street ….

nope in all the affordable housing all 18 million of them ….

hmm seems we found the answer …..but dems and voters will never admit it ….

so suck it up ….and get ready for hepatitis

You can thank the Trinity Center for destroying Walnut Creek by bringing these homeless people here.

Every City can talk all they want and ask for money from the Gov. or us. They still wont do anything about it. Everyone says they want to help the homeless, but like myself, I don’t want it in my backyard. I believe cities like Oakland, San Fran. etc. just take all that money and disperse it to themselves. If they really cared, it would of been taken care of years ago.

anything to put people in crappy library
WC voters: shame on you for this continuing silva nonsense.

You can’t help those who don’t want help. By throwing money at this you are only making the situation worse. It has become a feral lifestyle. Walnut Creek like many other cities are finding out if you provide resources the feral population will grow. If you build it they will come.

1) The majority are not mentally ill or veterans. However, they will tell you what you want to hear to get what they want.
2) At the concord shelters, they have access to a counselor, food, clothing, shower, laundry and a mailing address.
3) If they really wanted help they could walk right into a Salvation Army. They have beds available since the laws softened on drug offenses. They could stay there up to a year to get their addiction and life back on track. It’s all about choices.

Liberals wake up, you have creating a lifestyle.

People seem to confuse the two. There is the true “homeless” -people that are there because they don’t want to be, and there are the “drug addicted”, that embrace their carefree, lawless lifestyle that they get PAID to live. Call it what it is, “Paid Urban Camping”.

People that want help get it and get off the streets. Drug addicts are happy as clams where they are at.

Make giving beggars cash illegal. Give only food, drink, clothing, etc.

Government doesn’t want to solve the homeless issue. They have allowed this to reach this level for obvious reasons.

I agree. For some reason this issue has not or will never be fixed.

Bla bla bla bla …… more talk, more studies, more committees – and NO improvement. This is ridiculous for people to be allowed to live this way. This situation should be considered a public health and environmental emergency and be dealt with immediately.. They are living in squalor – drawing rats and spreading diseases such as hepatitis and typhus. They are living along rivers and lakes and polluting the environment. In SF, they are causing businesses to close, neighborhoods to decline and residents to move. Why are our stupid government officials allowing this?? I heard one dumbass, that works at the Navigation Center on the Embarcadero, describe the place as a “hotel”. He said, “…these people are our guests and we will treat them that way…”. In other words, they will continue to enable them and will not do anything to solve the problem.
People who are mentally ill and cannot care for themselves should not be out in the streets. California needs to declare them wards of the State and hospitalize them. Cities are spending billion$ now and accomplishing nothing. Drug addicts and criminals should be arrested and held. We don’t need more prisons for them – there’s miles and miles of open land in California. Put up pre-fab “barracks” and keep them there. Give them food, shelter, and counseling. BUT, they cannot leave until they’re drug free. They don’t like it?? Too bad. Too much money has been spent on this mess already and the problem keeps getting worse instead of better. Try a different approach. Don’t indulge them, Walnut Creek. We’ve already seen the results in other cities.

Best post on this issue. Thank you.

Nothing but a pipe dream that couldn’t ever happen and wont ever happen.You are assuming that homeless would respond to logic and just change.Get a clue,kid.The “solutions” for homelessness only make sense to those not homeless.Its not a financially situation,it;s mental illness you cant cure or help,if you could you would be a billionairre for being so smart.

SF oh, yes yes yes.

It creates jobs,solves nothing and wastes money thats burning a hole in their pockets

@SF oh – what do you propose to do that is legal?

Being poor is not illegal.
Being homeless is not illegal.
You can’t force someone to live in a shelter or any similar spot.
If someone has an encampment in a no-trespassing area they they can be cited for a misdemeanor. Usually what happens though is the cop tells them to leave and the person leaves. The person is not cited as they complied with the order and are no longer trespassing.

You don’t have any legal grounds to keep people in pre-fab barracks somewhere. If you discover a pretext to have someone arrested and sentenced then you will discover that barracks are very expensive.. Where exactly will the money for the internment camps come from? Will you raise taxes? If not, then who will you take the money away from?

Keep in mind that we used to have a model similar to what you proposed. There were insane asylums with people getting locked up for the remainder of their lives. You may want to get educated on why the asylums were shut down world wide in the 19th and 20th century. Perhaps you can invent a cure for mental illness as there is none at present.

As drug/alcohol abuse and the resulting problems are a global problem, governments from the entire planet would love to hear of your final solution.

While we are waiting for you to figure out the solution, governments have moved ahead with a model of building a rapport, as much as practical, with transients in an effort to encourage them to decide on their own to take constructive steps to better their lives. Contra Costa County CORE Outreach and the Walnut Creek police departments Homeless Outreach Program (HOP) are part of this. You can dial 211 at any time and are connected with the local homeless outreach program for the area.

If you current have a home but are at risk of loosing it then dial 211. The earlier you get into the system the better.

But these government ‘models’ and ‘rubrics’ etc. are not working.

So the government is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Sound familiar…anybody?

I agree that for the most part the government ‘models’ and ‘rubrics’ etc. are not working. (I’d like to throw “stakeholder” into the list of buzzwords but can’t think of a neat way to do that off hand).

What do you propose that is legal?
And, specify how you intend to pay for your proposal.

@WC Resident: True – being poor and/or homeless is not illegal. However, theft, illegal drug use, public intoxication, assault and battery, public urination, defacing public property, etc… are illegal. These are associated with (not limited to) homeless encampments. Also, arson…. I live near a park and the homeless are trying to get a foothold in there. We had several “suspicious” fires last summer. Should we try to “build a rapport” while our neighborhood burns down? Or should we wait until an innocent person walking the park is attacked? I’ve also witnessed- (to my disgust)- a homeless guy performing a sex act on himself in a different park. Obviously, I am not advocating going back to mistreating mentally ill patients. For God’s sake, they’re being mistreated now by leaving them on the streets. The homeless shelters are a revolving door – they aren’t permanent. California spends billions of dollars on this problem each year and it is getting worse. Isn’t there a saying about doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome……..

I am puzzled by the use of an anonymous e-mail address for this meeting.

It’s for the Walnut Creek Homeless Community Task Force. Unfortunately, it’s not clear who runs this. It’s not an official part of the city of Walnut Creek. It seems they have public meetings a few times a year that are attended by Trinity Center, CC County CORE Outreach, WCPD Homeless Outreach (HOP), etc.

One of the press releases for the upcoming January 7, 2020 meeting says the task force was established in 2015 but does not say who did this.

I suspect the task force is not interested in the some of the “lock-em-up” styled proposals found on this Claycord thread. Their rules for submissions include that proposals must be “respectful and compassionate solutions.”

While several people mentioned Cindy Silva here I don’t see her name in the press release. Officer Gary Silva from Walnut Creek Police department’s Homeless Outreach Program (HOP) will be attending but I don’t know if he’s related to Cindy Silva.

Sounds like you don’t know who Cindy Silva is. Welcome to Walnut Creek. I believe she has been Mayor three times.

I don’t have any idea to fix the homeless problem. Maybe contact relatives when they are found setting up camp in parks and streets?

“Smoke dope”?

1974 called.

Trinity House was moved from the old KFC to Boulevard Way in an old retirement home. Trinity house allows homeless people to shower, they get meals Mon-Fri and can get clean clothes and other necessities. There is a homeless shelter near the park. With those places available….there is still a huge issue with the homeless setting up camps. Our company cleans up the camps. I know I’ve mentioned it here before. Unless you have actually waded through one of these encampments, you have no idea of the filth, bio hazards and drug paraphernalia that is piled up. We have NEVER cleaned up a camp that did not have needles, empty alcohol bottles, pallets of propane tanks, not to mention buckets used as toilets. We have found dead deer that had been killed and eaten. Cans of gasoline. I could go on but I’m sure most of you are getting the picture. Several of these camps are along the creek. The waste that enters the creek has created a pollution that no one seems to be too concerned about. 6 months ago we cleaned up a huge encampment at the creek across from Trader Joes. They had walkways from stolen bricks, furniture, even wood flooring. Nice set up..except for the needles and waste entering the creek. We removed 6 TONS of garbage!! It was a $20,000 clean up…and guess what? They just moved down a hundred yards or so after we were gone. These people are homeless by choice. Most of the people we meet at these encampments are there by choice. Do you realize, they have to have a 72 hour notice before anyone can remove the garbage? Even then, they usually don’t move. We have to have police stand by to make sure we are safe. I’m sorry if what I am saying offends some people. However, I have seen first hand how these people treat our streets, creeks, and areas where they set up house. The mentally ill need to be hospitalized and off the streets. Same with the drug addicts. Ever drive down Monument? Seen the woman who flashes everyone driving by? How about the homeless who knock on your windows while waiting at a red light or walk in the middle of traffic? It’s time to actually do something. San Francisco is an embarrassment and a disgrace. I don’t want to see our towns turn into the same.

I believe it was Einstein who said something about doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I believe he was speaking of insanity.

Yep!! That’s the saying ….



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