Home » 5.4% “Inflation-Based” BART Fare Increase Takes Effect January 1, 2020

5.4% “Inflation-Based” BART Fare Increase Takes Effect January 1, 2020


A 5.4% “inflation-based” BART fare increase will take effect on January 1, 2020 as part of a program that has been in place since 2003 to raise fares every other year to keep up with the cost of inflation, according to BART.

View the new fare chart by clicking on the image shown above.

Paper ticket fares will continue to have a 50 cent per trip surcharge, according to BART.



NoMoreFreeRide December 16, 2019 - 10:04 AM - 10:04 AM

BART pushing passengers to cheaper alternatives. Old dirty trains and an unsafe atmosphere and very expensive for what you get. Was just in New York and it’s $2.75 for a one-way try no matter how far.

Bobohead December 16, 2019 - 10:07 AM - 10:07 AM

Wow! 5.4%. Not sure about anyone else, but i’m not getting a 5.4% raise this year…

CalOldBlue December 16, 2019 - 10:38 AM - 10:38 AM

The raise happens every two years, so this averages to a 2.7% annual raise. From the BART press release: “To help fund the BART system’s extensive capital needs, BART has an inflation-based fare increase program adopted by the Board of Directors that raises fares every other year at a rate .5% less than inflation for the previous 2-year period. “

RANDOM TASK December 16, 2019 - 10:24 AM - 10:24 AM


The inflation is for union wages and union head bonuses

Has nothing to do with passengers or security or cleaning

I still can’t believe that a public transportation paid for by us canthen charge us for fares and parking and provide minimal service and yet raise rates at will

You get what you get when you follow a single party power

Itsme December 16, 2019 - 12:46 PM - 12:46 PM

According to the BART webpage from which I assume the Mayor sourced this information:
“ All new revenue from this fare increase goes to BART’s highest priority capital needs including new rail cars, a new train control system to provide more frequent service and an expanded maintenance facility. ”

Capital Expenses are not salaries.

kate December 16, 2019 - 10:31 AM - 10:31 AM

BART forcing people into their cars. Who can afford 15-20 dollars a day for commute. Leavecalifornia.com lol

SmileWC December 16, 2019 - 10:35 AM - 10:35 AM

As a former commuter – 20 years, and watching the decline, I am so happy to say that I did not ride BART in all of 2019.

jtkatec December 16, 2019 - 10:38 AM - 10:38 AM

BART’s way of funding their unfunded liabilities.

hill December 16, 2019 - 11:03 AM - 11:03 AM

The PG&E of transportation.

Paul December 16, 2019 - 11:11 AM - 11:11 AM

Well, Bart has to pass on the cost. I mean if they can’t get any revenue from gate jumpers, then they just offset it by increasing the fare for those who pay. The system need to do something about the free riders become giving them tickets aren’t working because they don’t pay fine; if they don’t have the money to pay small fare then how do you expect them to pay a 200+ fine. If they can’t recover the 23m/year from citing gate jumpers, keeping the fare inspectors on the payroll is really a waste of resources.

America December 16, 2019 - 11:13 AM - 11:13 AM

Interesting how we are only given between 1.5 and 2% for a raise each year and told that they are being generous with us because inflation is not that high and they think we believe it !!! What a joke!!! I don’t think very many people get a 5.4% raise !!! Bart admin is taking all the money in bonuses .

MrDioji December 16, 2019 - 5:13 PM - 5:13 PM

That’s a two-year increase, so average of 2.7% which is less than inflation

RSD December 16, 2019 - 11:23 AM - 11:23 AM

Haven’t rode bart in 10 years and never will again unless the foolish management is kicked out.

Shoulda Coulda December 16, 2019 - 11:55 AM - 11:55 AM

BART has allowed fare evaders to ride for
free since the system began. The last
estimate was they were losing over 22 million
a year because of this. Just think how much
money they’ve let slip through the gates and
the problem is still not totally solved. That
enormous amount of lost money could have
gone a long way towards reducing fares.
What other organization would knowingly
have allowed this to go on for so long while
asking the honest riders to pay more. It’s never
seemed to bother the BART Board of Directors.
The money was coming out of our pockets,
not theirs!

ON DA December 16, 2019 - 12:32 PM - 12:32 PM

No more wolfing down sandwiches on the platforms !! Duh.

The Fearless Spectator December 16, 2019 - 12:51 PM - 12:51 PM

The ten year treasury is at 1.82%. This increase has nothing to do with inflation. Simply put, they think we are really stupid. But we knew that……

Concordejet December 16, 2019 - 1:01 PM - 1:01 PM

Just disgrace BART dose not even care about honest riders like us. fares will never drop until one day BART gonna go bankrupt and sooner or later BART will be shut down permanently. just my .02

Jess December 16, 2019 - 2:10 PM - 2:10 PM

I understand that Bart wants to raise rates every year, but to blame it on inflation is wrong especially when it’s not accurate.

The CPI-U for 2019 is not 5.4%


MrDioji December 16, 2019 - 5:16 PM - 5:16 PM

Your post is not accurate. The increase is for a 2-year period, so of course it wouldn’t match 1 year of inflation

chuckie the troll December 16, 2019 - 2:35 PM - 2:35 PM

BART should be limited to raising rates by the same measure Social Security uses. However, you just know that BART will not stop at this. I’ll bet that within a couple of years they will float yet another measure to raise our taxes. Can anyone tell me what the actual cost is to transport someone from, say, Concord or Pleasant Hill into San Francisco. I’m talking all property taxes, sales taxes, gas taxes and Federal/state grants. I’m guessing $25-30.

Miles December 16, 2019 - 3:52 PM - 3:52 PM

BART is like the PG&E of public transportation.

JustMe December 16, 2019 - 5:13 PM - 5:13 PM

So inflation isn’t increasing anywhere near that percentage, and on top of that, nor is cost of living. I don’t recall the last time I’ve had a raise.

BART lives in a fantasy world.

Dorothy December 16, 2019 - 5:17 PM - 5:17 PM

Automatic increases, just add excuse of the day. They stopped asking for public input on “proposed” increases they already agreed to do. By changing to automatic increases they don’t have to even hear from the public let alone listen to them.

Sam Malone December 17, 2019 - 7:54 AM - 7:54 AM

I will not ride BART as it is a cess pool joke. As the very well versed folks prior to my post have stated I am tired of funding the raises for the Board of Directors of BART, paying for the constant and ever increasing gate jumpers who never get punished and the filth, not just the trains, but the people who are allowed to be on BART, that are filthy, the crimes that are allowed to continue, but why recant the obvious. I rode BART to SF daily for to many years to count. I then got so ill from it that I found work locally. Great thing to say about BART.

Well to our dear governor, and two mayors across the BAY just turn BART into another homeless freebie and those of us with brains will never get on BART again and the homeless can take that over also. That is the direction you are taking California in anyway. STOP THE TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. CAN YOU NOT SEE WE ARE TIRED OF SUBSIDING YOUR JOKE OF GOVERNING CALIFORNIA.

FPN December 17, 2019 - 1:08 PM - 1:08 PM

Took BART to SF last week. Two people round trip cost $26.00 dollars. The train rattled and shook so bad. I thought we were going to fly off the tracks. No more BART for me.

(Sarcasm) December 17, 2019 - 3:39 PM - 3:39 PM

How else do you expect them to keep the trains as clean and safe as they are now? Standards as high as theirs don’t come cheap.

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