The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
Many fast-food restaurants now have self-serve kiosks.
QUESTION(S): Have you ever used a self-serve kiosk, and if so, what was your opinion? Did you like it, or would you rather give your order to a human?
Talk about it.
I don’t eat fast food, but if I did I would order from a human being. I have no desire to touch a dirty touch screen, then use my hands to eat.
A simple no would suffice
Wash your hands before touching your food Dawg…..
@AJR Why use a kiosk if I’m going to walk into a public restroom to wash my hands? A kiosk is suppose to be a time saver, seems foolish to me.
@oldman, The question asked for an opinion.
I’m confused here –
You won’t used a screen because it’s dirty and full of germs but you’ll use cash or a credit card which are also dirty and full of germs?
I wash my hands before I eat anywhere but that’s just me, but the original comment makes no sense at all but what do you expect from a “Dawg” ?
My bet would be that the public restroom you used to wash your hands would be even dirtier than the kiosk.
While reading the question, before clicking on the comments, I tried to guess how many comments it take for someone to virtue signal about not eating fast food. Dawg did not disappoint.
I agree. When we were in Chicago a couple of months ago, a local station tested kiosks at fast food restaurants and 100% tested positive for fecal matter.
I’m surprised they don’t have little sanitary wipes like they have at the grocery store for the carts.
I don’t eat fast food but at the grocery store, I love the self checkout. I’d rather do it myself.
I tried, takes to long and they don’t take cash. I end up going to the counter.
Yep. No waiting and my order is placed correctly.
Who carries cash anymore and your own phone is cleaned less than these kiosks.
Good point on the order being correct!
This may surprise you,….We use cash for most everything.
No cell phone, no credit card, and no debt.
Just a bit old school,…LOL!
The difference is you are the only one using your phone, not a percentage of the restaurant’s customers. I don’t use kiosks because I usually go to the DriveThru, or I don’t eat there. All you have to worry about at the DriveThru is whether the person handling the cash is also the person handling the food. They aren’t supposed to be doing both, by law. Then you hope and pray they observe prescribed hand washing, the place is cleaned regularly, and you didn’t make anyone mad at you. So, mostly I cook at home.
At Panera all the time.
There’s always a long line for people that want to order the old way. I skip the line and get my food before I would have even placed the order.
This is why there’s a long line, they replaced most employees with kiosks. I don’t use them and if the line it long I’m going somewhere else. Companies need to start taking customer service seriously.
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I use the restaurant’s app to order and I just run in and get it.
I don’t do fast food places. If I did I would go to the counter and keep someone employed.
No. My local bank branch converted to kiosk and I tried it once. Never again. I notice that their parking lot is always empty so it seems a lot of people feel the same way.
Home Depot has added kiosks and it’s a train wreck. To buy a can of wood stain you have to hit the help button and eventually a weary employee comes over to check your I’d.
This is not progress.
I don’t like to use any self-serve. Not even self check-out. I feel people are being replaced by machines and losing their jobs
My hearing ain’t what it used to be and trying to communicate with someone with a thick accent at the counter is difficult.
When using the kiosk, I can specify exactly what I want & pay there, too.
Works for me.
I agree.
No never will use one.. have never used an automatic teller at the bank,and at the grocery store I never have to use it, as I am not allowed to buy alcohol from a machine……(yet).
My wife and I will eat at the McDonald’s by her work and they will flat out refuse to take your order and try and force you to use that stupid kiosk but I tell them no they ask why and I said because it will take away your job and it’s so stupid because they have to open the register anyway because I always pay with cash
Touchscreens hate me.
I guess they weren’t raised Catholic.
I have used them at McD’s. I have not had an incorrect order yet. But the kiosks at the McD’s I would go to in SF have lines. It takes just as long now to order as it used to. So hesitant to use them at other places. I do however use self checkouts whenever possible.
I agree with all, it puts people out of work. That’s why I drive a horse and buggy….do you realize all the farriers who have been put of out work since automobiles were invented. 🙂
Welcome to the future Luddites.
Yes! I used one at a McDinalds in China. Which was good because none of us could communicate with each other!